Does God Exist?

Where did your understanding of God come from if not the scriptures of a religion?
It comes from boiling scriptures down to God's commandments, concentrating on the fact the first few are about loving God and the rest are about loving one's fellowman. Then, it comes from studying my own commentary on how God has worked in my life and comparing it to how God works (and has worked in ancient times) in the lives of others.

Many literalists today insist that God caused the trouble. I came to see it as mankind running into trouble and God trying to guide us through it, teaching lessons along the way.
How about the 10 Commandments or the seven deadly sins?
Personally, I do much better following the Ten Commandments and avoiding the seven deadly sins.

How do you feel about the Commandments and the seven deadly sins?
It comes from boiling scriptures down to God's commandments, concentrating on the fact the first few are about loving God and the rest are about loving one's fellowman. Then, it comes from studying my own commentary on how God has worked in my life and comparing it to how God works (and has worked in ancient times) in the lives of others.

Many literalists today insist that God caused the trouble. I came to see it as mankind running into trouble and God trying to guide us through it, teaching lessons along the way.
Seems like a case of do as I say not as I do. The residents of Canaan or the victims of Noah's flood might question the whole "loving one's fellowman" thing.
What you know of GOD should come from an understanding of HIS Word and not from what others tell you (man made religion).
Where did your understanding of God come from if not the scriptures of a religion? Has God talked to you or does your understanding come from what other men have written?
The Bible is a book of History, Poetry, Prophecy. There are many religions who share either the entire Bible or substantial portions of it. In reading the Word of GOD, one must be willing to regard ALL that it records and not selected portions as do some religions. One must be willing to study to discern why certain books were accepted and others rejected. In this I believe GOD has spoken to me and revealed that for example the FLOOD of Noah's time was a fact and had/has a great influence on what men are discovering. I was told by school teachers that there was no way the FLOOD happened. Yet, I now see years later that there is much more evidence available than most secular geologists are willing to share. This has been an encouragement to me and one I firmly believe GOD provided to me. 60, 70 years ago, there was little or no scientific understanding for the FLOOD. All it took was one to ponder the possibilities, and that I feel GOD instigated.
What you know of GOD should come from an understanding of HIS Word and not from what others tell you (man made religion).
Where did your understanding of God come from if not the scriptures of a religion? Has God talked to you or does your understanding come from what other men have written?
The Bible is a book of History, Poetry, Prophecy. There are many religions who share either the entire Bible or substantial portions of it. In reading the Word of GOD, one must be willing to regard ALL that it records and not selected portions as do some religions. One must be willing to study to discern why certain books were accepted and others rejected. In this I believe GOD has spoken to me and revealed that for example the FLOOD of Noah's time was a fact and had/has a great influence on what men are discovering. I was told by school teachers that there was no way the FLOOD happened. Yet, I now see years later that there is much more evidence available than most secular geologists are willing to share. This has been an encouragement to me and one I firmly believe GOD provided to me. 60, 70 years ago, there was little or no scientific understanding for the FLOOD. All it took was one to ponder the possibilities, and that I feel GOD instigated.
Did the Church get it right in which books were accepted and which were rejected?

God spoke to you? I'm jealous since I don't think he has done the same for me. Any details you'd care to share?
If the messiah is God and you can't 'order' yourself to do something, he didn't "obey" any order, he made a choice to become a human sacrifice to himself. Is that true?

No, it's not true.

As a word play using logic propositions your conclusion sounds "the cow is black, the cow is a mammal, (then) mammals are black".

That is not the scenario in reference to God -the Father- and the messiah -the son-.

They are two different entities.
There is no evidence to discount it either. We do know that there have been codified laws in existence prior to the bible that dealt with murder, theft etc

If you don't have evidence that the writers of the bible are copyists of writings from other cultures, then why you waste your life living with such argument in your mind? What are you trying to proof to yourself?

You said yourself that the bible is not the literal word of your god but rather a mere interpretation by men so how can you with any certainty say what is or is not the actual word of your god?

I didn't say that.

Look, if you don't have arguments to debate against my words, you really don't need to continue, but it is unacceptable when you say I wrote things I never did.

The bible, as I said before, is a compendium of laws, history, prophecy, songs, proverbs, etc.

As it is with any book you read from shelves, it is for you to study it and you to find the interpretation.
If the messiah is God and you can't 'order' yourself to do something, he didn't "obey" any order, he made a choice to become a human sacrifice to himself. Is that true?

No, it's not true.

As a word play using logic propositions your conclusion sounds "the cow is black, the cow is a mammal, (then) mammals are black".

That is not the scenario in reference to God -the Father- and the messiah -the son-.

They are two different entities.
I guess I've never quite understood the whole trinity thing and who is who.
The human race as a whole.

Look it up

I just asked to my neighbor and he has not a single clue about that 5% knowledge of the universe.

I still thinking you are just exaggerating. You better check if there are statistics records about it.
Seems like a case of do as I say not as I do. The residents of Canaan or the victims of Noah's flood might question the whole "loving one's fellowman" thing.
Noah is an interesting case. He knew a flood was coming, and he was building a big boat. Why didn't he send word to his neighbors? Or did he? We don't know. Another thought: When Abraham learned Sodom was going to be destroyed, he asked God not to do it if there were some good men. On the other hand, he did not go and warn the city.

On the other hand, we know from history that people choose to live near volcanoes, on earthquake faults, and places known to be prone to floods. They are warned of the dangers--and shrug them off. Was it the same in Biblical times, where people knew they were in some danger, but simply shrugged it off?

Noah and Lot are both examples of people who took warnings to heart. They survived. And upon surviving, both immediately got drunk. Survivor's guilt? Wondering if they could have done more? Couldn't face the prospect of starting over from scratch?
Why do you believe God promised you that? Do you believe God owes you something?

Very good input.

To expand a little, promises are made as "gifts" as well. Like when you promise to donate money to a charity organization.
Seems like a case of do as I say not as I do. The residents of Canaan
When I studied the accounts Canaan and the Amalekites I notice (at least) two groups of men who seem to be arguing different courses of action much as political parties do today. My thought is that Saul and David belonged to two different political parties.
or what some mere mortal interpreted as your god's promises
Let's return about what I said about the Bible being mostly about how to guide and assist us through our present life on earth. Have applying the Commandments and the Beatitudes, has loving God and loving my fellowman, worked? Yes, it has.
The history of Christianity suggests that "loving God and loving my fellow man" has largely been ignored. The wars waged by Christians are a less than subtle reminder of that.
Mr @james bond knows my fate. You're awake but are you woke?

I said God knows your fate before you were born; it's predestination.

What I said was, "... I think you will go to hell. However, God knows where you will go before you were born. It's predestination. This isn't chaos theory. Mine is better than 50/50 chance or random thinking."

It was an opinion based on your thinking and attitude towards God. Unless you repent, then you won't be able to know God exists. I don't think you asked for evidence that God exists, and if you did, then you are not accepting the evidence that I've given you.

Since I am not a believer, it sounds like I'll be judged. What will that judgement be based on and will I have a shot at heaven?

We will all have final judgement after we are dead.

You can watch the following if you want an answer to your question:

Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.

Yes, God knows what will happen to you before you were born. No, it's not unreasonable. As for your last comment, according to the Bible we don't know when rapture occurs. Rapture is what you described as "a shoe in for the Good Place." We do not know whether it will be pre-Tribulation, mid-Tribulation, or end-Tribulation. Tribulation is said to take 7 years, but it is prophecy so it will take hundreds of years. We think Rapture takes place pre-Tribulation. Others and some believers will probably experience tribulation. They may have to get through it to be saved. That's just my opinion as I don't claim to understand the Tribulation.

Thanks for the correction, let me rephrase:
Mr james bond thinks he knows my fate.

You said God knows my fate before I was born; it's predestination. Here's a question that has always bugged me: Did God create me or am I just a random assemblage that God had no input into? He may know my outcome but he didn't actually assemble me.

It's not exactly random as you inherited your traits from your parents. This part of sexual reproduction and DNA was designed by God. The other part has to do with Satan since he took control of the domain of the world through Adam's sin. God had to allow him to do it due to his giving free will to his angels first. So, why did God banish Lucifer and his followers from heaven and immediately send him to Earth in a lightning bolt?

I think it's because of Adam's sin that God's in infinite wisdom told Adam and Eve that they would die if they disobeyed. Can you imagine Satan taking control of heaven where the inhabitants live forever? So I think that God knew and that's why he told Adam and Eve that their punishment would be death. To give you a contrasting example, he gave the punishment to gays of more homosexuality as punishment for their sin. IOW, they cannot help but cheat against one another unless they repent.

It also helps explain why we have Adam's sin in what we inherited from him. I think death happens because we have non-permanent flesh and blood. Jesus said no flesh and blood will ever enter heaven. Thus, those people who have sin when they die will remain flesh and blood when they are reunited with their after life bodies.
God spoke to you? I'm jealous since I don't think he has done the same for me. Any details you'd care to share?
Yes. Very brief, very specific. The only three things I can personally testify to is that God is pure love, He cares, and we have freedom of choice. It was also about something personal, no big worldly cause.

No words on how the world was created, that Jesus is indeed his son, where the Ark of the Covenant is located and so on and so forth. Nothing at all about a plan which would cause anyone--let alone everyone--to believe.
The holy trinity mumbo jumbo is not biblical. You must discuss about it with Catholics.
The Bible speaks of God's Spirit, God's Word, God as Creator/Father. Trinity is beyond our comprehension. The best I can do is think of these things we say as humans:

I exist.
I'll send word.
I'll be with you in spirit.

With God His existence, His Word, His Spirit are all dimensions of Himself--but in a way that is so powerful His Word and His Spirit also have their own existence even though all are One.
The history of Christianity suggests that "loving God and loving my fellow man" has largely been ignored. The wars waged by Christians are a less than subtle reminder of that.
Are you suggesting there were no wars before the advent of Christianity? The first war occurred at the dawn of humanity over the very same reasons war occurs today. No war has anything to do with religion. All war has to do with power, wealth, and territorial expansion. Cain wanted territory for his farming; Abel wanted territory for his sheep to roam. One wanted wealth from his crops; the other wanted wealth from his animals.

At the time of your so-called Christian wars, Church and State were inseparable. It was the State that declared war, and instead telling the masses it was about personal wealth, power, and territory for its leaders, they said it was about God. People will fight for God. Not so enthusiastic about fighting to gain more wealth, power, and territory for their leaders.
Nope. Early Christian texts were required to be apostolic if they were to be taken seriously. The result, hardly surprising, is that anyone who had a theology they wanted other Christians to read and follow, would write in the name of an apostle. Hence a forgery. At least some of these forgeries made it into the Christian canon. Also, there are some chapters added to the original Gospels to reinforce a theology.
Interesting take, but it is not correct. What you are describing may be some of the Gnostic writings which were warned against and not adopted as Canon as they were not the teachings of the Apostles. John (and the community responsible for the Gospel of John) did have an eye witness. Mark was not only a eye witness (part of the time) most of what he wrote he heard from Peter. And so on.

By the way, there are some today that feel that the Church was unfair by not including the Gnostic gospels!

I didn't know that how Gnostic writings could have started.

According to Paul (in Romans) because you are not a believer, you will be judged by your own heart.

In Romans 2:12-16? Isn't he talking to the Jews then? Ofc, what Paul states applies to Gentiles alike but then we will be judged by our own sins and we are all sinners.

He didn't. Blood does not pay off a debt. Blood establishes a Covenant. In this case, repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The good news of the Lord...


God had established the blood sacrificial system in the Old Testament. It is a difficult story to follow, but The Passion of the Christ shows us how Jesus shed his blood. Physically, he took bloody beatings and bled out on the cross as the soldier pierced him with a spear to make sure he was dead. Jesus had died already, but that made sure he bled out. The Jewish elders did not want him still hanging into their Sabbath. What's interesting is no bones of his were broken like the other two criminals, thus, fulfilling that prophecy.

"For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life." Leviticus 17:11

"He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken." Psalm 34:20
Do you believe God knows my fate? Would it be unreasonable to expect that if I follow the rules of my faith I'll get the reward that is promised me? If you took a poll and believers answered honestly, not 'humbly', I'd be a majority think they're a shoe in for the Good Place.
BTW, yes it would be unreasonable because you are conflating religion with God.
Everything I know about God comes to me from one religion or another. Where do you get your info?
Many places. Primarily the study of our surroundings which includes the study of ourselves. Using our experiences as creators who know and create as a proxy. Using reason and logic to see the forest instead of the trees. It’s pretty obvious to see how begets work in nature. It’s pretty easy to see how everything is connected and works together for good. It’s pretty easy to see our inclination to good. It’s pretty easy to see how subjectivity clouds the picture and objectivity leads to seeing reality.
If there were no people you'd be right.

With people we have air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, accelerated species extinctions, millions of tons of plastic in the oceans, etc etc

We really do fit the definition of a plague on the earth

You have to look at the full picture. If you want to criticize man for the bad shouldn’t he also be credited for the good?

The bad outweighs the good
Just for you.


Prove me wrong
Sure. The overwhelming vast majority of people who have walked this planet did not choose to kill themselves and actually did everything in their power to continue living.

So they must see something worth living for. Hence the good vastly outweighs the bad.
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