Does God Exist?

The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

Judging others isn’t very helpful or useful to anyone.

I got from scriptures too, alang1216 and BreezeWood.

How did our universe begin? I've no clue so there may have been an intelligent creator behind it. That makes me an agnostic.

Is there a supernatural being that judges us as in the Bible? Not a chance. That makes me an atheist too.

You really need for me to post how the universe began again? You have never read my posts on that?

I believe you will judge yourself in one of two ways. Maybe both. How you judged others you didn’t like or the more painful way, you will judge your life stripped of pride to see how you really were.

....NO ONE knows for sure how the universe began..if you think you do, you have been doing too many drugs

We do know it began, Einstein. Which means it was created from nothing.

We do know it began, Einstein. Which means it was created from nothing.
better, what began the cyclical event, singularity and that answer would have multiple facets working together.

There was no cyclical event. That’s your fantasy.
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

Judging others isn’t very helpful or useful to anyone.

I got from scriptures too, alang1216 and BreezeWood.

How did our universe begin? I've no clue so there may have been an intelligent creator behind it. That makes me an agnostic.

Is there a supernatural being that judges us as in the Bible? Not a chance. That makes me an atheist too.

You really need for me to post how the universe began again? You have never read my posts on that?

I believe you will judge yourself in one of two ways. Maybe both. How you judged others you didn’t like or the more painful way, you will judge your life stripped of pride to see how you really were.

....NO ONE knows for sure how the universe began..if you think you do, you have been doing too many drugs

We do know it began, Einstein. Which means it was created from nothing.

We do know it began, Einstein. Which means it was created from nothing.
better, what began the cyclical event, singularity and that answer would have multiple facets working together.

There was no cyclical event. That’s your fantasy.

There was no cyclical event. That’s your fantasy.
you are a very troubled person, bing - hope that helps ...
The better question is: What benefit is in a belief in God?

The benefit is believing in Jesus as our Savior means you're not an atheist. That means you'll receive not only short-term happiness, but long-term joy. Otherwise, you end up as an unhappy negative person like our OP.
..the only one unhappy is god because of your LIES remind me of Reverend Willie Williams in the movie O GOD are a SNAKE in disguise as a religious person

god is UNHAPPY

Judging others isn’t very helpful or useful to anyone.

I got from scriptures too, alang1216 and BreezeWood.

How did our universe begin? I've no clue so there may have been an intelligent creator behind it. That makes me an agnostic.

Is there a supernatural being that judges us as in the Bible? Not a chance. That makes me an atheist too.

You really need for me to post how the universe began again? You have never read my posts on that?

I believe you will judge yourself in one of two ways. Maybe both. How you judged others you didn’t like or the more painful way, you will judge your life stripped of pride to see how you really were.

....NO ONE knows for sure how the universe began..if you think you do, you have been doing too many drugs

We do know it began, Einstein. Which means it was created from nothing.

We do know it began, Einstein. Which means it was created from nothing.
better, what began the cyclical event, singularity and that answer would have multiple facets working together.

There was no cyclical event. That’s your fantasy.

There was no cyclical event. That’s your fantasy.
you are a very troubled person, bing - hope that helps ...

You have no idea how comforting that is coming from you.
Soon enough, you'll stand before Him, to be judged with what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him, to His face, that He doesn't exist. I wonder if He'll find it amusing.

Not me.

I have asked him already to take my name out from the book of life because I really don't want to deal with him.

But, if he insists in keeping my name in his book (even if it is his black book) and he calls me for judgement, ha! he will have to heard my mouth... yes sir... hmm... I know how to defend myself... hmm...
Soon enough, you'll stand before Him, to be judged with what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him, to His face, that He doesn't exist. I wonder if He'll find it amusing.

Not me.

I have asked him already to take my name out from the book of life because I really don't want to deal with him.

But, if he insists in keeping my name in his book (even if it is his black book) and he calls me for judgement, ha! he will have to heard my mouth... yes sir... hmm... I know how to defend myself... hmm...
O wow, sounds like you'll have hell to pay.
Einstein was not a god and was fundamentally wrong about how the universe worked. God does play dice.
What do you have to back up your opinion? I trust Einstein much more because basically you are an atheist/agnostic.
It's not my opinion, it is accepted fact in the, dare I say it, scientific community:

Google "God does not play dice" if you want to know more.
Now if I was a Christian, I'd be terrified
If you were Christian perhaps you would have a clearer understanding and be at peace.
Maybe so. However, I've never met a Christian who didn't think others would be going to hell but not them.
Let me be your first. No one knows their fate or the fate of others.

So now you can’t say that anymore.
So you're what? Hopeful, scared, or resigned?
Soon enough, you'll stand before Him, to be judged with what you've done with your life. You'll have the chance to tell Him, to His face, that He doesn't exist. I wonder if He'll find it amusing.

Not me.

I have asked him already to take my name out from the book of life because I really don't want to deal with him.

But, if he insists in keeping my name in his book (even if it is his black book) and he calls me for judgement, ha! he will have to heard my mouth... yes sir... hmm... I know how to defend myself... hmm...
But, if he insists in keeping my name in his book (even if it is his black book)
only the very special that triumph will ever be bothered - one way or the other. otherwise, happy recycling.
Maybe so. However, I've never met a Christian who didn't think others would be going to hell but not them.
One of the first things Christians learn is, Sins are forgiven. That was the good news Christ said he was commanded by the Father to proclaim. He told his disciples to go and proclaim this good news to all the earth.

You haven't heard any of this before now?
I've heard many conflicting messages. For example:
From Matthew 25:31–46: "But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.​
I believe God DOES actually exist. Maybe not in a physical sense, but in the heart and mind of one who believes in that existence. I have a strong belief in God, I pray several times a day. Each time I do this, I feel more at ease of mind, and better about the world around me. It gives me strength and hope for a better future.
The same can be achieved with meditation with no presumptive belief in a god
The short answer: No. We're born, we live, we die. That's it. There is no intelligence controlling the universe.

Wrong answer. Atheist are usually wrong.


Anyway, you can take it up with Jesus on Judgement Day.

If comics are proof of the existence of G-d, would they likewise be proof of the existence of other things?

View attachment 327220

Haha. The comic is an easy way to get the existence of God and Christianity across to non-believers. It isn't completely accurate, but it gets the general idea across. With atheists, I've found that they have to repent their atheism first. I think it's hard for them to have faith in God because their atheism gets in the way. Thus, even if they pray, God does not come. They're not being open minded and sincere in their prayer.

I have never prayed to any god and I don't plan on starting any time soon.
Maybe so. However, I've never met a Christian who didn't think others would be going to hell but not them.
One of the first things Christians learn is, Sins are forgiven. That was the good news Christ said he was commanded by the Father to proclaim. He told his disciples to go and proclaim this good news to all the earth.

You haven't heard any of this before now?
I've heard many conflicting messages. For example:
From Matthew 25:31–46: "But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.​
and we all know you god wants people to be sheep
I've heard many conflicting messages. For example:
From Matthew 25:31–46: "But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
Yes...the wheat from the tares. But that has to do with a person's behavior not their faith (or lack of it). Revelation has another interesting passage, which is not literal, but some symbolic. At one time the people of God were divided into twelve tribes. Twelve became a number of completeness, and twelve squared emphasized this, and with thousands added became not only completeness but a totality.

Jesus was a Jew, and Jews held certain beliefs about the afterlife. Some, due to their behavior towards others in this life did not immediate join their kin (Abraham and the children of Abraham), but had to go through a period of suffering as a consequence for the suffering they caused on earth. Then, on the anniversary of their death, they were permitted entry. The truly evil are never allowed in. We see a continuation of this belief in the Catholic faith. Heaven for those at the idea; purgatory for a time (might be much longer than a year, or shorter) to purify oneself; hell for the truly evil. (Again, notice that it is behavior not religious faith that decides our fate.) In fact, Paul in Romans, addressed the judgement of non-believers. Those of faith could trust in God's merciful judgement. Atheists would be judged by their own hears. (The underlying premise being that we are often harder on ourselves.)
and we all know you god wants people to be sheep
The analogy is that a shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep. We (people not sheep ;) ) also have a Shepherd who watches over and cares for us. We are not alone.
and we all know you god wants people to be sheep
The analogy is that a shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep. We (people not sheep ;) ) also have a Shepherd who watches over and cares for us. We are not alone.

No there are 7 billion other people on the planet so you're right we are not alone.

The shepherd also slaughters his sheep so he can sell the meat make money off of those sheep so forgive me if I don't want to be cared for by a shepherd
The shepherd also slaughters his sheep
An example of why analogies, when taken too far, always fail. Biblical shepherd analogy centers around the shepherd caring for his sheep. That is the shepherd's role.

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