Does He Stand A Chance?

uhhh...Clinton? :)
Clinton wasn't bad.
His major mistake was Al Gore as BP who ran on a "Bill Clinton failed" platform when he should have run on a "I will continue Bill Clinton's work".
The only problem was that most people saw Bill Clinton's work as rape.
Clinton also quadrupled the number of mentally deficient business visas which led to massive US citizen unemployment under GW.

Do you really think that poopy Joe has it in him?

If Trump runs again, he will not have friendly Newsmax and Fox News throwing him softball questions

He will have to answer for his actions on Jan 6
He will have to defend his response to COVID
He will have to convince 85 million voters that he is not the tyrant they voted against
He will have to explain to voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia that he has changed

1. That wasn't Trump's fault.
2. I'm not sure what you're talking about here. He got out the vaccines (even though a lot of people are against them) and of course he didn't react strongly to it at first. Number one he didn't want to start a panic and number two, nobody knew it was going to get as bad as it did.
3. You still have to convince me that this loser got eighty million votes when he can't even gather a crowd of people for support.
4. Huh?

You are under the impression that happy inter-generational welfare recipients would vote for someone who wants to create jobs for them.

Trump's the one who did that though. Biden is the reason our economy and supply chain is hurting. He keeps giving away money like it's free candy so of course nobody's going to want to work.

His stolen election lies will not be tolerated

And the only proof you've got is because you heard it on television. If you heard them say that Biden was actually a fairy princess would you believe it?

If so, do you believe VP Kamala Harris now has that power?

Even if she does or did she wouldn't.

so your issue is that we must live with legislators who like to rape america. wow.

That's exactly the same thing that I was thinking. I was shocked too.

Democrats aren't saints.

Neither are Republicans.

I see them as about equal in their 'desire to rape America'.

Each for their own purpose.

I'd like to see someone elected that can get them to work together.

Wow,.. don't take this the wrong way or anything because I actually really like you, but you're out of your mind.

Serious question...Have you been drinking?

Took the thoughts and words right out of my mind and mouth. (Or fingers since I'm typing this lol)
because the odds are, Biden will not run for re-election.

No shit Sherlock.
rightwinger said:
His stolen election lies will not be tolerated

And the only proof you've got is because you heard it on television. If you heard them say that Biden was actually a fairy princess would you believe it?

The only proof I have is that there is zero proof
As all of MAGA flocks to defend him

REAL Americans are not buying it

Btw, I noticed you never did answer my question. Can you show me that Biden's getting the same amount of love and respect that Trump is getting? (Probably not or you wouldn't be avoiding the question.)
Real Americans Honor the oath of office. Thry dint Launder American tax payer dollars. They Dont use Cohersion to oppress the people.

The Money Launder N Chief is what the Founding Fathers Warned us about.
Ummmm….you need to go back and read what you wrote

No, you need to answer my questions. What's so difficult to understand about can you show me proof of the same love and support towards Biden and how you know a hundred percent that there wasn't any election fraud?
Btw, WillHaftawaite, I'm not saying that I don't want democrats and republicans to get along with each other,.. but it typically doesn't happen because that would mean peace on earth and unfortunately that doesn't exist. You can all hold hands around the campfire and sing Kumbaya in your own fantasy, but it's not reality when our country and our border is currently under threat.
Btw, WillHaftawaite, I'm not saying that I don't want democrats and republicans to get along with each other,.. but it typically doesn't happen because that would mean peace on earth and unfortunately that doesn't exist. You can all hold hands around the campfire and sing Kumbaya in your own fantasy, but it's not reality when our country and our border is currently under threat.
I have the feel that another member of his family is doing the posting because he was never this naïve.
I have the feel that another member of his family is doing the posting because he was never this naïve.

I mean yes, I have some democrat friends but they're not the same as the democrats currently in charge of this nation and I agree with you,.. I think his account has been hijacked or something. That's the only logical explanation I can think of.
Do you really think that poopy Joe has it in him?

1. That wasn't Trump's fault.
2. I'm not sure what you're talking about here. He got out the vaccines (even though a lot of people are against them) and of course he didn't react strongly to it at first. Number one he didn't want to start a panic and number two, nobody knew it was going to get as bad as it did.
3. You still have to convince me that this loser got eighty million votes when he can't even gather a crowd of people for support.
4. Huh?

Trump's the one who did that though. Biden is the reason our economy and supply chain is hurting. He keeps giving away money like it's free candy so of course nobody's going to want to work.

And the only proof you've got is because you heard it on television. If you heard them say that Biden was actually a fairy princess would you believe it?

Even if she does or did she wouldn't.

That's exactly the same thing that I was thinking. I was shocked too.

Wow,.. don't take this the wrong way or anything because I actually really like you, but you're out of your mind.

Took the thoughts and words right out of my mind and mouth. (Or fingers since I'm typing this lol)

No shit Sherlock.

Well no shit Sherlock, your whining helps set up us to lose, YOU are a big part of the problem! Being incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial is no damn excuse. You either get it together, or forget about it. YOU ARE NO HELP AT ALL!

TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP? Pathetic. I want to know who you are, because if your incompetence causes us to lose, then you deserve a big THANK YOU!
Well no shit Sherlock, your whining helps set up us to lose, YOU are a big part of the problem! Being incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial is no damn excuse. You either get it together, or forget about it. YOU ARE NO HELP AT ALL!

TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP? Pathetic. I want to know who you are, because if your incompetence causes us to lose, then you deserve a big THANK YOU!
Hmmm a Never Trumper goes I Hate Trump. Is that the proper translation there.

Well no shit Sherlock, your whining helps set up us to lose, YOU are a big part of the problem! Being incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial is no damn excuse. You either get it together, or forget about it. YOU ARE NO HELP AT ALL!

TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP? Pathetic. I want to know who you are, because if your incompetence causes us to lose, then you deserve a big THANK YOU!

Indeependent we got another drunk over here! Also, I found another article,.. I wonder what this means.


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