Does how you dress affect how you're treated?

Rapists don't choose their victims based on the clothes they wear, they choose their victims based on behavior, body language and a perception of vulnerability. It is not at all unusual to find women that have been raped multiple times over a period of many years, by different rapists. They can change their clothes, they can't change themselves or their behavior.

Correct. They choose women who seem unsure of themselves and who look unlikely to fight back. They also look for women with long hair because they can grab the long hair and you have a harder time getting away. When I find myself in places I am most Uncomfortable, I tuck my purse under my arm, hold myself erect and walk in a very confident manner.

I pity any attacker who tries to grab for my wife's waist-length topknot! If he's lucky, he'll find himself looking down the barrel of her pistol. If not, he may find himself castrated with a Buck knife.

And you'll find half the world saying she is George Zimmerman's soul sister. She will be on trial for murder.
Define dressing like a slut.

Once you dpo that, I will take your definition and intperpret your statement above to be this, "If a woman dresses like XXX, she is at fault for her rape."

Please defnie "dressing like a slut."

don't LIE.

It is not my statement.

It is yours and fakeys statement.

I have said something totally different : "One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex

Now, if you are stupid, then, obviously you do not understand the difference between "being prone due to" and "being faulty due to"

So what are you - plain stupid, or plain dishonest, like fakey?

Answer the question. Define "Dressing like a slut."

Only after you answer mine - are you plain stupid or plain dishonest like fakey or NBC which cut and twisted Zummerman's words in 911 call to fit their agenda?
You are judged by how you dress. There is nothing wrong with that either. If you care, others care in response.

Exactly what my daughter's adviser told her in relation to the "no dress code" rule at her school. Said he tells all the kids..."you wear whatever you like, but I recommend you dress for the way in which you want to be perceived. If you want to be seen as a prostitute/thug then by all means dress like one. Just keep in mind that you probably won't be taken seriously."
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don't LIE.

It is not my statement.

It is yours and fakeys statement.

I have said something totally different : "One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex

Now, if you are stupid, then, obviously you do not understand the difference between "being prone due to" and "being faulty due to"

So what are you - plain stupid, or plain dishonest, like fakey?

Answer the question. Define "Dressing like a slut."

Only after you answer mine - are you plain stupid or plain dishonest like fakey or NBC which cut and twisted Zummerman's words in 911 call to fit their agenda?

I asked first. You answer first. Yours are not real questions.

Please define "Dressing like a slut."
Define dressing like a slut.

Once you dpo that, I will take your definition and intperpret your statement above to be this, "If a woman dresses like XXX, she is at fault for her rape."

Answer the question. Define "Dressing like a slut."

Only after you answer mine - are you plain stupid or plain dishonest like fakey or NBC which cut and twisted Zummerman's words in 911 call to fit their agenda?

I asked first. You answer first. Yours are not real questions.

Please define "Dressing like a slut."

I won't until you answer MINE.

I do not trust people who clearly state they are going to interpret the words the way they feel like it - which means twist and turn and lie as they wish.
So until you answer - are you plain stupid or plain dishonest - no answers to your questions.
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I asked first. You answer first. Yours are not real questions.

Please define "Dressing like a slut."

I won't until you answer MINE.

I do not trust people who clearly state they are going to interpret the words the way they feel like it - which means twist and turn and lie as they wish.
So until you answer - are you plain stupid or plain dishonest - no answers to your questions.

Whatever. You're an idiot.

I won't until you answer MINE.

I do not trust people who clearly state they are going to interpret the words the way they feel like it - which means twist and turn and lie as they wish.
So until you answer - are you plain stupid or plain dishonest - no answers to your questions.

Whatever. You're an idiot.

and you are a liar.
or stupid.

or libtard, which combines both

those are your words and this is a clear declaration of lying:

Once you dpo that, I will take your definition and intperpret your statement above to be this, "If a woman dresses like XXX, she is at fault for her rape."

you don't have the right to interpret my words.
My words are what I have said, not what you wish to interpret, like NBC.
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and you are a liar.
or stupid.

or libtard, which combines both

You're the one who inferred that the way a woman dresses is partly to blame for rape. That makes you an idiot.

And calling me a liberal, that makes you twice an idiot.

it is you, who are an idiot. and a liar.

it is your interpretation of my words and you do not have the right to interpret them - I said what I said and I did not ever state that the way the woman dresses is her blame for the rape.

Or you do not understand the difference between being at risk and being blamed?

So are you stupid or a liar?
or are you just plain stupid and do not differentiate between justification and risk assessing?

You are a pitiful person. You said something very, very stupid. You have been getting your ass rhetorically beat every since. Now you are 'risk assessing'? Pitiful you. Take your filthy nonsense down the block.
Correct. They choose women who seem unsure of themselves and who look unlikely to fight back. They also look for women with long hair because they can grab the long hair and you have a harder time getting away. When I find myself in places I am most Uncomfortable, I tuck my purse under my arm, hold myself erect and walk in a very confident manner.

I pity any attacker who tries to grab for my wife's waist-length topknot! If he's lucky, he'll find himself looking down the barrel of her pistol. If not, he may find himself castrated with a Buck knife.

And you'll find half the world saying she is George Zimmerman's soul sister. She will be on trial for murder.

Not if she doesn't report it. People disappear every day.
Sure the way you're dressed affects how you're treated. For example, show up at my place looking for a job wearing a baseball cap over your ears and sideways, your ass hanging our of your pants, etc. and you're wasting your time as well as mine.
I don't know if a male can be raped by a woman, but I was violated when I was in the 5th grade by the health nurse counselor, a female.

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