Does how you dress affect how you're treated?

Just curious. Being an educator, does the style of dress affect your impression of your child's teacher? Are you more inclined to take a teacher more seriously if they are dressed professionally than if they are dressed in jeans and sweatshirts?
Just curious. Being an educator, does the style of dress affect your impression of your child's teacher? Are you more inclined to take a teacher more seriously if they are dressed professionally than if they are dressed in jeans and sweatshirts?

Yes, the thing is, though, that a lot of factors have to be taken into consideration. If the person overdresses, I think that disadvantaged students can feel more disadvantaged than they are. We don't wear uniforms and lab coats in psych, but rather we wear street clothes. I always tried not to overdress for the population I was working with. Most of the patients I've had over the years are more comfortable with you if you dress down a bit..
I spent my time in monkey suits and I hated every minute of it.

Now I do not own a suit. Will not own a suit.

I usually dress in work clothes. Carhartt's mostly.

I don't give a shit what people think of my wardrobe and I don't have to.

Who would even be around to care out there in your bunker, Francis?

You see little sheep I don't gauge my self worth on external validation like you.

I'm sure that's a comforting excuse to tell yourself every time you discover a week-old slice of pepperoni stuck to your forehead. On the plus side, I'm sure your stench and general appearance help keep wild animals away from your bunker. I mean even animals have standards.
Just curious. Being an educator, does the style of dress affect your impression of your child's teacher? Are you more inclined to take a teacher more seriously if they are dressed professionally than if they are dressed in jeans and sweatshirts?

Yes, the thing is, though, that a lot of factors have to be taken into consideration. If the person overdresses, I think that disadvantaged students can feel more disadvantaged than they are. We don't wear uniforms and lab coats in psych, but rather we wear street clothes. I always tried not to overdress for the population I was working with. Most of the patients I've had over the years are more comfortable with you if you dress down a bit..

Being a teacher I always dressed in suits dresses and skirts and blouses. Some of the suits may have been overdressed, for it was the inner city, but the parents soon found out I was more than approachable and friendly and waited outside with the children each day to greet the parents and see the children off . We often met after school for chats and the communication between myself an the parents were often and ongoing. That was even more important than the clothes.
then everyone will move south to 29th northern latitude :D
I have long proclaimed that Original Sin was moving north of the Tropic of Cancer.

When people started living in the God-Forsaken Latitudes, they had to prepare clothing and shelters to keep them warm, they had to prepare and store supplies to sustain them in the winter months, and such supplies led to robbery, violence and war when others wanted to steal them.

I advocate abandoning the Evil Lands and going back to the Tropics, limiting human population to a number who can live by innocently gathering the fruits which a kindly Nature provides for us without the need to work.
So it turns out you're a lazy peckerwood....
I, personally, disapprove of work. I believe firmly in the old saying:

The devil made work for idle hands.

Most work is evil. At least 90% of the work that people do makes the world worse, not better.
I advise people: Don't just do something: stand there!

The famous mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal noted:

Toutes les difficultés de l'homme viennent de son incapacité à s'asseoir tranquillement dans une pièce en sa seule compagnie.
[All the difficulties of Man come from his inability to sit quietly in a room, alone, in his own company.]

Human beings are monkeys. Nothing short of a strait-jacket can prevent them from messing about with the world ---- and even worse, with themselves.

Unfortunately, humans will always do too much "work," not too little. There is something in their fundamental nature which is satanic and always makes them do more work than is necessary.
I have long proclaimed that Original Sin was moving north of the Tropic of Cancer.

When people started living in the God-Forsaken Latitudes, they had to prepare clothing and shelters to keep them warm, they had to prepare and store supplies to sustain them in the winter months, and such supplies led to robbery, violence and war when others wanted to steal them.

I advocate abandoning the Evil Lands and going back to the Tropics, limiting human population to a number who can live by innocently gathering the fruits which a kindly Nature provides for us without the need to work.
So it turns out you're a lazy peckerwood....
I, personally, disapprove of work. I believe firmly in the old saying:

The devil made work for idle hands.

Most work is evil. At least 90% of the work that people do makes the world worse, not better.
I advise people: Don't just do something: stand there!

The famous mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal noted:

Toutes les difficultés de l'homme viennent de son incapacité à s'asseoir tranquillement dans une pièce en sa seule compagnie.
[All the difficulties of Man come from his inability to sit quietly in a room, alone, in his own company.]

Human beings are monkeys. Nothing short of a strait-jacket can prevent them from messing about with the world ---- and even worse, with themselves.

Unfortunately, humans will always do too much "work," not too little. There is something in their fundamental nature which is satanic and always makes them do more work than is necessary.

There 'ya go. Wisdom incarnate.
Vox, you accused of saying things we did not, of inferring things we did not, so we kicked your ass up between your ears, metaphorically, so you can hear us beating on it.

You are making a very, very bad comparison. Quit being so stupid.

oh, the main liar is trying to hide his lies?

Vox, you accused me and others of saying or inferring something I and others did not say or infer.

Now, please, stop your defense of the indefensible. Apologize to AngelsNDemons and all other woman here for your stupid words.

Or provide the proof, liar.
I just read an article by a black, female who was trying to make the point that blacks are judged by how they are dressed. She wrote that she had to wear "church clothes" everyday - and encouraged her children to do the same - because if they don't, they are treated differently. Her non-black friend complained that she took too long to get ready for a casual shopping trip. She replied that if she "threw on jeans and t-shirt" like her friend then sales people would ignore her or worse - follow her around and be too friendly - never giving her a moment to just browse.

She extends this premise to her children and says that depending on how they are dressed, it might save their life one day.

I say that this isn't a race issue. I know I'm treated differently based on the way I'm dressed when I go shopping.

I also say that all teenagers are slightly suspect and no matter how they are dressed, if the attempt to intimidate someone or if they start to be violent, then they can expect people will react accordingly.

Black or white has nothing to do with it. I.E I'm white, walked into a Jewelry store after work dressed in a black leather jacket and crappy jeans and work boots because I worked in a machine shop at the time so I dressed appropriately for the job. I was the only customer in the store, the store employee's were doing nothing but standing there and they wouldn't even wait on me. What they didn't know was I had a wad of cash and wanted work done on my antique engagement ring. I took my money and business elsewhere. I worked there several years and often went shopping after work. It happened every store I went into. I use it to my advantage. If I don't want to be sprayed with purfume or attacked at a boutique by sales personal dress like white trash.

I was dressed up after church walking through the mall with my sister who was in shorts and a T shirt. There was a girl with a clip board searching for people to ask if they wanted a credit card to the store. She by passed my sister and went straight to me. That's how I got my first Credit card. What they girl didn't know was my sister made much more money than I did and would have been a better choice.

It's not a race, thing it's profileing based on clothes. Black or white it's done to everybody. Much like the woman in the story I learned early that appearence is everything and If I don't want to be watched like a hawk and take the chance of being tackled by security I shouldn't dress like a biker chick when I go into a store. If I want to be waited on I have to put on nice clothes. Of course now when I walk in with a teenager, I get waited on because they know I'm Mom and I'm paying for the kid. They never ask my kid if she want's anything they ask me, cause chances are I have a credit card and money talks . lol
Attractive people are treated better than ugly people, too. Even poorly-dressed attractive people get more positive attention than ugly/average people. Many Americans judge people by their looks even if just subconsciously.
So this morning I ended up wearing some light tan Dockers and a dark three button polo. Lookin' dapper for my age.

I declined the job. :D
It was billed as "half time" but involved way more than I could have afforded to give. The extra money would have been nice... but I need to keep looking.
Wow...fucking really?
Someone VERY close to me was raped at 15 wearing a fucking black Metallica concert tee, jeans and black cowboy boots...hardly what a "slut" would wear.
You POS asshole, what do you know about rape? Please...tell us your personal story of either yourself or someone close to you that has been raped, that makes you such a fucking expert knowing WHY a girl/woman gets raped based on the clothes she wore.

Rapists don't choose their victims based on the clothes they wear, they choose their victims based on behavior, body language and a perception of vulnerability. It is not at all unusual to find women that have been raped multiple times over a period of many years, by different rapists. They can change their clothes, they can't change themselves or their behavior.

Correct. They choose women who seem unsure of themselves and who look unlikely to fight back. They also look for women with long hair because they can grab the long hair and you have a harder time getting away. When I find myself in places I am most Uncomfortable, I tuck my purse under my arm, hold myself erect and walk in a very confident manner.

I pity any attacker who tries to grab for my wife's waist-length topknot! If he's lucky, he'll find himself looking down the barrel of her pistol. If not, he may find himself castrated with a Buck knife.
A Rolex tells me somebody has self-esteem issues....the damn things don't keep time all that well and any service starts with a $500 minimum around folks wear good fakes that retail for around $300 and give them to an especially effusive admirer to make their jaw drop. :lol:

Me, I wear a blue-faced Bulova Marine Star.....Rolex-carriers have tried to grab my wrist for a closer look....not something you really want to do.

My uncle's Rolex has kept perfect time for the entire 30+ years he has owned's 70 years old, a WW2 RAF pilot's watch he bought in Europe while in the Army. It's been soaked in gear oil, submerged in coolant, caked in grease (there are still bits that never came out of the band), cleaned with gasoline...and still works perfectly.
Vox, you accused of saying things we did not, of inferring things we did not, so we kicked your ass up between your ears, metaphorically, so you can hear us beating on it.

You are making a very, very bad comparison. Quit being so stupid.

oh, the main liar is trying to hide his lies?
So, fakey, you don't have a proof in quotes of me stating that the woman is responsible and deserves to be raped?

Vox, you accused me and others of saying or inferring something I and others did not say or infer.

Now, please, stop your defense of the indefensible. Apologize to AngelsNDemons and all other woman here for your stupid words.

Or provide the proof, liar.

No, it was YOU, who accused ME on something I have never told and you can't prove it.
So no proof on your LIES? Of course, not, because there could be none - you invent things and twist them and want everybody to believe your LIES.

Fakey, you are known for this. Even here you are cutting half of my quote thinking it is not noticeable :lol:

Just another case to you lying portfolio :lol:
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I would be very slow to say it is ever a girl's fault, actually I would say it is never a girl's fault. Just because men are more visually oriented, does not give them any pass when a girl decides to dress like that.

repeating - whose fault is that is irrelevant.

One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex.

Define dressing like a slut.

Once you dpo that, I will take your definition and intperpret your statement above to be this, "If a woman dresses like XXX, she is at fault for her rape."

Please defnie "dressing like a slut."

don't LIE.

It is not my statement.

It is yours and fakeys statement.

I have said something totally different : "One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex

Now, if you are stupid, then, obviously you do not understand the difference between "being prone due to" and "being faulty due to"

So what are you - plain stupid, or plain dishonest, like fakey?
repeating - whose fault is that is irrelevant.

One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex.

Define dressing like a slut.

Once you dpo that, I will take your definition and intperpret your statement above to be this, "If a woman dresses like XXX, she is at fault for her rape."

Please defnie "dressing like a slut."

don't LIE.

It is not my statement.

It is yours and fakeys statement.

I have said something totally different : "One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex

Now, if you are stupid, then, obviously you do not understand the difference between "being prone due to" and "being faulty due to"

So what are you - plain stupid, or plain dishonest, like fakey?

Answer the question. Define "Dressing like a slut."
Who would even be around to care out there in your bunker, Francis?

You see little sheep I don't gauge my self worth on external validation like you.

I'm sure that's a comforting excuse to tell yourself every time you discover a week-old slice of pepperoni stuck to your forehead. On the plus side, I'm sure your stench and general appearance help keep wild animals away from your bunker. I mean even animals have standards.

Are you on drugs?

oh, the main liar is trying to hide his lies?
So, fakey, you don't have a proof in quotes of me stating that the woman is responsible and deserves to be raped?
Vox, you accused me and others of saying or inferring something I and others did not say or infer. Now, please, stop your defense of the indefensible. Apologize to AngelsNDemons and all other woman here for your stupid words. Or provide the proof, liar.
No, it was YOU, who accused ME on something I have never told and you can't prove it.
You made the charge on something I never told you then you mirrored me.

Provide the proof that I have done something wrong or I have lied.

Nothing that a women wears or doesn't wear ever justifies rape.

Apologize to every woman now.

YOU accused me that I stated that the woman is responsible and that the woman deserves to be raped.

That's a LIE.

You can't prove your LIES because I have never stated that.

You always LIE.

Even NOW you continue to LIE:
Nothing that a women wears or doesn't wear ever justifies rape.

Nobody ever JUSTIFIED the rape by clothing, I WARNED that clothing and behavior are risk factors in rape.

And you are always caught.


or are you just plain stupid and do not differentiate between justification and risk assessing?

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