Does how you dress affect how you're treated?

read the links and you will have the statistics.

or you do not know how to read, moron?

Uh...those are NOT statistics...dumbass.


Using survey responses from a sample of 185 college women enrolled at a large northwestern university, this study identified the various risk factors related to three different forms of verbally and physically coercive sexual victimization. Three logistic regression models were estimated ...

Well, it certainly sounds like statistics.

there are tons of figures in every study.
and the incidence of PTSD in post-rape victims is even known to journalists.
Uh...those are NOT statistics...dumbass.


Using survey responses from a sample of 185 college women enrolled at a large northwestern university, this study identified the various risk factors related to three different forms of verbally and physically coercive sexual victimization. Three logistic regression models were estimated ...

Well, it certainly sounds like statistics.

there are tons of figures in every study.
and the incidence of PTSD in post-rape victims is even known to journalists.

Well, if journalists are aware, then the least informed should know.
Uh...those are NOT statistics...dumbass.

moron, there are statistics inside every study.

and on

you are clearly demonstrating one of the key elements of these statistics, BTW.
If you do not lie about your experience

lol...typical, you call the victim a liar.
This only proves that I am right...YOU clearly are the woman hater here...I have no reason to lie about my experience...I rarely, if ever post in these forums...your post that women who dress a certain way pretty much deserve to get raped is sick and twisted and angered me loathe women so much you are willing to rub it in the face of those who have been raped...that is sick.
That night, I was hanging out with my friends...doing what a typical 15 year old does...I was with a girlfriend who got us a ride home..the dude was a 32 year old marine who happened to be friends with the folks whos house we were at...i was FIFTEEN...I seen the man as an adult that was going to take myself and my girlfriend home safely before curfew...i did NOTHING to entice the motherfucker...all I wanted was to get home before I got into trouble...I was wearing a Metallica tee, jeans and boots...completely covered and not really sexually active at that time...I did NOT see this man as attractive, I didn't care to know anything about him but to get home....he dropped my friend off first.................................go from there.

You are working yourself up into a dither. And for what? To convince someone who has the middle eastern mindset that men are not responsible for their behavior based on how women are dressed. From the first recorded humans, man has blamed his bad behavior on women. It is innate, and it will not change. Every time you let the perp or someone else get you into a state, you allow him to victimize you once again. This has to be resolved in your own mind and reduced to an unfortunate event. In working with victims, I always asked what they learned from the incident. It doesn't matter what happens to us, there are things to be learned. So, a loss of innocence is conversely accompanied by a gain. Maybe that gain is greater understanding of others, maybe it is resolve to be protective of their own, or just to be a better person. Something. The gain is always there.
A Rolex tells me somebody has self-esteem issues....the damn things don't keep time all that well and any service starts with a $500 minimum around folks wear good fakes that retail for around $300 and give them to an especially effusive admirer to make their jaw drop. :lol:

Me, I wear a blue-faced Bulova Marine Star.....Rolex-carriers have tried to grab my wrist for a closer look....not something you really want to do.
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A Rolex tells me somebody has self-esteem issues....the damn things don't keep time all that well and any service starts with a $500 minimum around folks wear good fakes that retail for around $300 and give them to an especially effusive admirer to make their jaw drop. :lol:

Me, I wear a blue-faced Bulova Marine Star.....Rolex-carriers have tried to grab my wrist for a closer look....not something you really want to do.

I no longer wear a watch. My cell phone serves that purpose. All my watches are in my jewelry case with dead batteries.
A Rolex tells me somebody has self-esteem issues....the damn things don't keep time all that well and any service starts with a $500 minimum around folks wear good fakes that retail for around $300 and give them to an especially effusive admirer to make their jaw drop. :lol:

Me, I wear a blue-faced Bulova Marine Star.....Rolex-carriers have tried to grab my wrist for a closer look....not something you really want to do.

I no longer wear a watch. My cell phone serves that purpose. All my watches are in my jewelry case with dead batteries.

:lol: Mine too.....a watch battery only costs me $5 installed and I still let them die. I keep the one in my Bulova replaced because it's case is close to the quartz movement and a dead one can leak into the works.
A Rolex tells me somebody has self-esteem issues....the damn things don't keep time all that well and any service starts with a $500 minimum around folks wear good fakes that retail for around $300 and give them to an especially effusive admirer to make their jaw drop. :lol:

Me, I wear a blue-faced Bulova Marine Star.....Rolex-carriers have tried to grab my wrist for a closer look....not something you really want to do.
There are so many really nice watches available for less than $100 it makes no sense to me to spend a penny more on an expensive one.

About two years ago I bought something from a mail-order clothing vendor who included a free watch with my order. While I had expected that "free gift" to be junk I was surprised to find it was a very nice watch. In order to give it away like that I'm sure it didn't cost the vendor more than a dollar or two. It was so nice in fact I put my old Timex aside and I wore that free watch for over a year 'til the battery died -- and it's laying in my junk drawer now.

I'd put a battery in it and a new band on it, either of which would cost more than the watch probably cost, but I got a new Timex for Christmas so I don't need another watch.

I think wearing a Rolex watch is as pathetically ostentatious as driving a Bentley.
When people discriminate it's not always about race. It's best to be aware that while first impressions may be lasting they can also be deceiving.

I was dining with a friend at a wonderful, and ambient waterfront restaurant. A man with a beard and VERY long, down his back, stringy, grey thining hair with a shirt hanging out over his faded jeans, walked by, bent over, picked something up off the floor and continued walking. I thought he looked as if his home would be under a local bridge. I asked our server what that strange looking man with the butt floss picked up off the floor and she said, "oh! that's the owner, from Portland. He owns 3 of these great restaurants....:eek: :eek: :eek:

That experience taught me a lesson....

That reminds me of something that happened to me back in the mid-80's. The company I worked for did data processing for banks all over the state. I was out making scheduled calls on our customers and showed up at one of the rural banks shortly after it closed......3:00 PM. I saw a guy in boots and jeans sweeping the floor, so I knocked on the glass door to get his attention. I flashed my business card and told him I was there to see the bank president. He unlocked the door and escorted me to the president's office. The office was full of fishing equipment and hunting gear. A few minutes later, the guy in jeans came in, sat behind the desk and asked what he could do for me? You just never know.
I agree....I have a grey-faced Elgin I bought back in 1978 that I wear fishing that's probably my all-around favorite was identical to one an older brother of mine had so I had to have wife at the time was OUTRAGED that I'd spent $35 on a new watch. She then promptly lost a Pentax camera I'd given her worth $150. Anyway, the Elgin is a stem wind-up and the hands glow in the dark....if I'm getting radiation off it so be fingers haven't fallen off. I also got the first digital watch on the market back in the mid-70s....two-handed to wear it, the other to press the button to see what time it was....novel but useless....I have no idea what becaome of it.
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A lot of whites wear clothing that highlights or subdues their coloring.

It's a human behavior, folks.

That is not why Obama has an obsession with Black suits. Bottom line is he isn't the godfather. It's a case of wishful thinking. Nothing more. You'll see in the end how this plays out, Starkey.

- Jeri

You think he wants to be the American godfather, Jeri? You are nuts on this one.
To convince someone who has the middle eastern mindset that men are not responsible for their behavior based on how women are dressed.

please provide my words confirming exactly that.
otherwise you are LYING, like fakey and this angel demon
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and a MORON.

I have nowhere stated that woman is RESPONSIBLE for the rape if she dresses and behaves like a slut. It was fakey who LIED I have said that.
The woman is more PRONE to rape if she dresses and behaves as a slut - and this common sense wisdom from ages ago are confirmed by the studies I've provided.

But the morons with do not know either what statistics are and how to interpret them or are so brainwashed in this mantra - you can dress and do whatever you want- nothing will happen - that nothing rational like reasonable precautions can get to them.

tell me, moron, you are also against teaching children not to talk to strangers and not to get into stranger's cars? Since pedophiles are criminals, everyone knows that, it must be safe to get into the stranger's car, right?
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Terrible discrimination occurs everyday based on clothing.

That is why nudism should be mandatory.

Most particularly, all people running for office or in office should be required to be nude at all public appearances.
then everyone will move south to 29th northern latitude :D
I have long proclaimed that Original Sin was moving north of the Tropic of Cancer.

When people started living in the God-Forsaken Latitudes, they had to prepare clothing and shelters to keep them warm, they had to prepare and store supplies to sustain them in the winter months, and such supplies led to robbery, violence and war when others wanted to steal them.

I advocate abandoning the Evil Lands and going back to the Tropics, limiting human population to a number who can live by innocently gathering the fruits which a kindly Nature provides for us without the need to work.

lol...typical, you call the victim a liar.
This only proves that I am right...YOU clearly are the woman hater here...I have no reason to lie about my experience...I rarely, if ever post in these forums...your post that women who dress a certain way pretty much deserve to get raped is sick and twisted and angered me loathe women so much you are willing to rub it in the face of those who have been raped...that is sick.
That night, I was hanging out with my friends...doing what a typical 15 year old does...I was with a girlfriend who got us a ride home..the dude was a 32 year old marine who happened to be friends with the folks whos house we were at...i was FIFTEEN...I seen the man as an adult that was going to take myself and my girlfriend home safely before curfew...i did NOTHING to entice the motherfucker...all I wanted was to get home before I got into trouble...I was wearing a Metallica tee, jeans and boots...completely covered and not really sexually active at that time...I did NOT see this man as attractive, I didn't care to know anything about him but to get home....he dropped my friend off first.................................go from there.

You are working yourself up into a dither. And for what? To convince someone who has the middle eastern mindset that men are not responsible for their behavior based on how women are dressed. From the first recorded humans, man has blamed his bad behavior on women. It is innate, and it will not change. Every time you let the perp or someone else get you into a state, you allow him to victimize you once again. This has to be resolved in your own mind and reduced to an unfortunate event. In working with victims, I always asked what they learned from the incident. It doesn't matter what happens to us, there are things to be learned. So, a loss of innocence is conversely accompanied by a gain. Maybe that gain is greater understanding of others, maybe it is resolve to be protective of their own, or just to be a better person. Something. The gain is always there.

please provide my words confirming exactly that.
otherwise you are LYING, like fakey and this angel demon

Vox, you accused of saying things we did not, of inferring things we did not, so we kicked your ass up between your ears, metaphorically, so you can hear us beating on it.

You are making a very, very bad comparison. Quit being so stupid.
Vox, you accused of saying things we did not, of inferring things we did not, so we kicked your ass up between your ears, metaphorically, so you can hear us beating on it.

You are making a very, very bad comparison. Quit being so stupid.

oh, the main liar is trying to hide his lies?

Please provide my words, where I state, that the woman is RESOPNSIBLE or DESERVES rape if she dresses or behaves as a slut - as you have been implicating the whole thread, cutting off the words in my quotes where I directly stated exactly the OPPOSITE.
Provide the proof, LIAR.
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Terrible discrimination occurs everyday based on clothing.

That is why nudism should be mandatory.

Most particularly, all people running for office or in office should be required to be nude at all public appearances.
then everyone will move south to 29th northern latitude :D
I have long proclaimed that Original Sin was moving north of the Tropic of Cancer.

When people started living in the God-Forsaken Latitudes, they had to prepare clothing and shelters to keep them warm, they had to prepare and store supplies to sustain them in the winter months, and such supplies led to robbery, violence and war when others wanted to steal them.

I advocate abandoning the Evil Lands and going back to the Tropics, limiting human population to a number who can live by innocently gathering the fruits which a kindly Nature provides for us without the need to work.


So it turns out you're a lazy peckerwood...figures you'd hate oil and America.

BTW, there's no rattlers (other than the little massasauga) or killer bees up in those latitudes....and plenty of wood to keep warm and no fire ants or monkeys....god I hate monkeys.
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So, fakey, you don't have a proof in quotes of me stating that the woman is responsible and deserves to be raped?

You are LYING as usual, aren't you?
you would be surprised how many actually genuinely do not realize that IS a problem.

Probably the same percentage as stupid girls who dress like whores, act like whores and after being raped can't understand WHY.
The common sense and rules of appropriate conduct haven't been taught to at least 2 generations now.

I would be very slow to say it is ever a girl's fault, actually I would say it is never a girl's fault. Just because men are more visually oriented, does not give them any pass when a girl decides to dress like that.

repeating - whose fault is that is irrelevant.

One wants to decrease the chances of being harmed in any way.

Not dressing like a slut and not acting like one increases the chances of being viewed as NOT a potential aim for an easy sex.

Define dressing like a slut.

Once you dpo that, I will take your definition and intperpret your statement above to be this, "If a woman dresses like XXX, she is at fault for her rape."

Please defnie "dressing like a slut."

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