Does how you dress affect how you're treated?

In America, for a black person, I believe they often have to make more of an effort to be accepted on the same level as a white person just because they are black. I think if a lot of white people would just walk in the shoes of a black person for a few days, they'd 'get' it.

EVERYONE is judged by how they's just one aspect of appearance.

Given the cultural obsession with looking thin, having perfect teeth, perfect hair, it's not at all surprising that clothing is part of the equation.

I certainly notice that I am treated differently when wearing an expensive suit as compared to jeans and a t-shirt.

If you have long hair, tattoos and piercings, you will be treated like a criminal. Dress in a suit and everyone falls over themselves to help you out.

Thing is, its the people who look like criminals who are actually the nicest folk to be around.

[ame=]Dave Chappelle - Women Send Confusing Messages To Men - YouTube[/ame]
Pegged pants were a popular style back in the '50s. A conservative pair of slacks with slightly pegged cuffs were subtle and attracted no attention, but slacks with a tighter peg and a high rise (extension above the belt line) were common with street-corner (thug) types and probably were the fifties White-boy equivalent of today's "hoodie" which is very popular with adolescent Black gang-bangers.


I recall my brother secretly buying himself a pair of tan pegged pants when he started dating a girl he'd met. Our mother found them and cut them in half. She called them "hoodlum pants" and I do recall that being the general impression of most adults back then.

I'd like to see more posters write about things like this instead of contributing nothing but snarky remarks to those of us who do. My mom stayed up one night until almost 3 in the morning pegging several pairs of my pants....she had to work the next morning too. That and giving me the last porkchop off her plate one night when she saw I was still hungry are how I remember her, and miss her kindness. You'll never have a better friend than your mom.
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EVERYONE is judged by how they's just one aspect of appearance.

Given the cultural obsession with looking thin, having perfect teeth, perfect hair, it's not at all surprising that clothing is part of the equation.

I certainly notice that I am treated differently when wearing an expensive suit as compared to jeans and a t-shirt.

If you have long hair, tattoos and piercings, you will be treated like a criminal. Dress in a suit and everyone falls over themselves to help you out.

Thing is, its the people who look like criminals who are actually the nicest folk to be around.

That is not always true.
I just read an article by a black, female who was trying to make the point that blacks are judged by how they are dressed. She wrote that she had to wear "church clothes" everyday - and encouraged her children to do the same - because if they don't, they are treated differently. Her non-black friend complained that she took too long to get ready for a casual shopping trip. She replied that if she "threw on jeans and t-shirt" like her friend then sales people would ignore her or worse - follow her around and be too friendly - never giving her a moment to just browse.

She extends this premise to her children and says that depending on how they are dressed, it might save their life one day.

I say that this isn't a race issue. I know I'm treated differently based on the way I'm dressed when I go shopping.

I also say that all teenagers are slightly suspect and no matter how they are dressed, if the attempt to intimidate someone or if they start to be violent, then they can expect people will react accordingly.

Of course how you are dressed affects how you are treated. That is universal. In this area of KY, it is expected that women will be dressed to the 9s for everything. Casual clothing is OK, but it has to look good and not be your typical grunge wear. To go to town here, even just to the Dollar Store, you put on your makeup and jewelry. It is a cultural thing here and has been since long before I was born.

This thread isn't about rape, and I don't want to make it so. But if you dress like a slut, you are going to be treated like a slut. When I went to Egypt, I dressed modestly, did not wear shorts, and kept my arms covered. I wore a hat to keep the sun off me, and in the mosques, I covered my head with a scarf.

I just get so fricking tired of people like the person in the OP who thinks they can buck every cultural more` in this country and be accepted. In reality, nobody cares if she and her children are slobs, but if they want to be accepted they will have to adopt the values of the group they want to be part of regarding presentation of yourself in public. We all have to do that. If I go to the DAR and they are having a 'hat' meeting, I would definitely wear a hat.
If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.
If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.

Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40
Not many gang bangers have piercings. They have tats because that's their advertising. Piercings are done by wannabes who think that piercings make them look tough. In reality, a piercing is deadly in a battle as they are grabbed by an opponent and ripped right out. Druggies and alkies don't spend money on piercings when that money could be used to support the habit.
It should be mentioned here that the place you want to represent is at a job interview. Would YOU hire you? is the question I've always asked myself before leaving to meet my future employer. I would tell you a couple things old sales guys told me that I've always believed and found to be true. When you know you look good, that's a concern you don't have, so you're more able to focus on what you're there for. TIP: Don't wear brown shoes with blue pants, eh? And don't wear a striped-tie with a striped shirt eh? And any guy who wears a pink shirt to an interview with me, I instantly look for a wedding ring on his left hand. Homos need not apply.

Another is the car or truck you arrived in. I've been followed out into a parking lot a couple times by an owner or recruiter who feigned a continuing conversation to see what the hell my ride looked like, inside and out. As a business owner I can remember 3 individuals who were impressive enough to hire until I saw their car, particularly inside their car. YIKES! Burger wrappers, empty beer cans, a roach in the ashtray...c'mon, if that's how you treat your own property why should I believe you'd treat mine any better ya slovenly bum?
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It has always been this way - and everywhere.

And it will always be.

Race has nothing to do with it, a s race per se, as a distinguishing matter - of course, if you are a one white dude/dudette in Namibia, you are going to be treated differently.

Clothes and appearance have always been and will always be a part of belonging to a caste. Some defy it but that is also a statement ( like the bum in the lobby to be a client etc).

Some appearances are culturally connected - you will have plenty of older women in South Florida ( and generally in the US) with long uneven strings of grey hair on their shoulders still thinking they are sirens from the 60s, but it is almost impossible to meet their peers with such an unruly hair in France or Germany - women there know and remember that as woman ages long grey hair flowing around as it used to when they were 17 does not make them look pretty and just underline their age.

Same is with makeup. Latin girls and women use makeup in a way Russian ones do :D
French do it differently than Germans and Italians in a different manner than Americans in NYC.

men differ in their styles as well. Young straight Italian might be considered gay in NYC or South Beach :D
This reminds me - I've got an interview on Monday.
Haven't been interviewed in 35 years LOL.

I'm thinking of wearing slacks, long-sleeved shirt, and a tie. No jacket.
I wanna look nice, but casual.

Good choice. Sure you do well.

This reminds me - I've got an interview on Monday.
Haven't been interviewed in 35 years LOL.

I'm thinking of wearing slacks, long-sleeved shirt, and a tie. No jacket.
I wanna look nice, but casual.

Make sure and let us know how it goes. Your choice of clothes sounds good. Remember to be yourself! : )

Thanks, you two. I'm rep-depleted LOL.

I'm just looking to supplement my income. The kid has 5 years of school ahead of her and Mrs. H. is out of work. I don't doubt that I could run this entire concern, but I have to start somewhere. It's half-time, and Admin assist is fine by me. I was flattered they even gave me a call back. Who wants to hire a 58 year old male these days? :lol:

Dress for success. That's only half of the equation. The other half is attitude. How you comport yourself. Self-confidence, but not cockiness. Throw in some respect and humility... it's a winning formula. One that works no matter what your race.

Throw in just a pinch of humor and winner, winner chicken dinner.

Good luck on your interview, Mr. H!
It has always been this way - and everywhere.

And it will always be.

Race has nothing to do with it, a s race per se, as a distinguishing matter - of course, if you are a one white dude/dudette in Namibia, you are going to be treated differently.

Clothes and appearance have always been and will always be a part of belonging to a caste. Some defy it but that is also a statement ( like the bum in the lobby to be a client etc).

Some appearances are culturally connected - you will have plenty of older women in South Florida ( and generally in the US) with long uneven strings of grey hair on their shoulders still thinking they are sirens from the 60s, but it is almost impossible to meet their peers with such an unruly hair in France or Germany - women there know and remember that as woman ages long grey hair flowing around as it used to when they were 17 does not make them look pretty and just underline their age.

Same is with makeup. Latin girls and women use makeup in a way Russian ones do :D
French do it differently than Germans and Italians in a different manner than Americans in NYC.

men differ in their styles as well. Young straight Italian might be considered gay in NYC or South Beach :D

A young, straight Italian would be pinching too many asses in NYC or South Beach to be thought of as gay.
If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.

I had to tell a patient once that his chances of finding a job would be greatly enhanced if he would change his hair color from green to a color that actually grows out of the human head.
If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.

Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40

Someone asked me before I retired what I would do different in health care now, if I could do it all over. My answer: Tattoo removal
It has always been this way - and everywhere.

And it will always be.

Race has nothing to do with it, a s race per se, as a distinguishing matter - of course, if you are a one white dude/dudette in Namibia, you are going to be treated differently.

Clothes and appearance have always been and will always be a part of belonging to a caste. Some defy it but that is also a statement ( like the bum in the lobby to be a client etc).

Some appearances are culturally connected - you will have plenty of older women in South Florida ( and generally in the US) with long uneven strings of grey hair on their shoulders still thinking they are sirens from the 60s, but it is almost impossible to meet their peers with such an unruly hair in France or Germany - women there know and remember that as woman ages long grey hair flowing around as it used to when they were 17 does not make them look pretty and just underline their age.

Same is with makeup. Latin girls and women use makeup in a way Russian ones do :D
French do it differently than Germans and Italians in a different manner than Americans in NYC.

men differ in their styles as well. Young straight Italian might be considered gay in NYC or South Beach :D

I think it is significant that someone THINKS race has something to do with it. The person wants to dictate what the standard is for acceptance in a particular group and she wants it lower. Tuff shit. I go out once a month with my high school friends. We always get gussied up. There will be pictures, but we would put on the dog anyway even if there weren't any pics because that is the way it is here. And when I come to your home, I do you the honor of dressing well for the occasion. I may be casual, but it will be nice casual.

See, what slays me about the OP is the person wants to be accepted but does not want to pay the same dues for acceptance that everyone else has to pay. If she wants to look like a slob, she can eat with the slobs. She won't be eating with me. But of course, that's all about race to her.
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If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.

Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40

Someone asked me before I retired what I would do different in health care now, if I could do it all over. My answer: Tattoo removal

Particularly the NECK tattoo...what are they thinking? :cuckoo:
Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40

Someone asked me before I retired what I would do different in health care now, if I could do it all over. My answer: Tattoo removal

Particularly the NECK tattoo...what are they thinking? :cuckoo:

neck tattoo removal is painful.

May require more than just a plastic surgeon.

Sunshine, you want to venture on the topic? ;)
Someone asked me before I retired what I would do different in health care now, if I could do it all over. My answer: Tattoo removal

Particularly the NECK tattoo...what are they thinking? :cuckoo:

neck tattoo removal is painful.

May require more than just a plastic surgeon.

Sunshine, you want to venture on the topic? ;)

Fads come and fads go. Some of those fads entail things that many people regret. I know when I was a girl, ALL the guys who went away to war had tats. Not so much anyone else. You couldn't pay me to get a tat, but I know a lot of women who have them. I think some have already regretted theirs, and others soon will. There is money to be made in tat removal.

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