Does how you dress affect how you're treated?

“I am a black male who grew up in the inner city of Atlanta and no one ever followed me in a mall. I don’t recall any doors clicking when I crossed the street. And I never had anyone clutching their handbag when I got on an elevator. I guess having two awesome parents who taught me to be a respectful young man paid dividends.” – Allen West
You manner of dress will dictate how your are received, perceived and respected in accordance with the ceremony, circumstance and setting for which your are dressed. A top hat and tails will not do well when the the reason for your presence is good old fashioned hard work nor will overalls do at a wedding unless the invitation dictates that is appropriate. It ain't about color, religion or politics; it is about style and self respect.

(as my avatar clearly demonstrates)

We had a drug rep who dressed pretty much in top hat and tails every call and he was top salesman in his company. :D

I like clothes, fashion and dressing well. Fedoras for cooler weather and panama hats for warmer weather. I just enjoy it and it translated well for business.

I love it when a man wears a proper hat well.
I just read an article by a black, female who was trying to make the point that blacks are judged by how they are dressed. She wrote that she had to wear "church clothes" everyday - and encouraged her children to do the same - because if they don't, they are treated differently. Her non-black friend complained that she took too long to get ready for a casual shopping trip. She replied that if she "threw on jeans and t-shirt" like her friend then sales people would ignore her or worse - follow her around and be too friendly - never giving her a moment to just browse.

She extends this premise to her children and says that depending on how they are dressed, it might save their life one day.

I say that this isn't a race issue. I know I'm treated differently based on the way I'm dressed when I go shopping.

I also say that all teenagers are slightly suspect and no matter how they are dressed, if the attempt to intimidate someone or if they start to be violent, then they can expect people will react accordingly.

When I dress in a ratty T-shirt and cargo pants and carry a backpack I get followed every time I walk into a store. I even get hassled by cops. When I wear a suit I can go anywhere and no one looks at me twice. She should get over herself, dress makes a difference no matter what color your skin is.
Cloths make the man

Dress for success

Jacket and tie required

anyone that thinks everyone is judged by how they dress is a liar.

I know women that can walk into a store dressed in a sweatshirt and have the sales staff fall all over themselves. I always thought that had more to do with the fact that they make the average supermodel look like Nancy Pelosi had more to do with that than their clothes, but I could be wrong.
When I was in grad school, I worked for a few months in an art gallery.

The sales reps told a story about a dirty bum with a brown paper bag they had kicked out of the gallery a few months before I started. He ended up going to a gallery down the street and spending $100,000 on some art; he was carrying his cash in the paper bag.

One can use one's outfits as a disguise...quite useful at times.
When I go in on weekends to get some work done, I dress similar to what the street bums wear. They think I am one and do not solicit.

I do prejudge the punks with their belt lines below their butt that they have to spread their legs apart while walking to keep their pants from falling. I don't understand why someone would want to copy a fad that started in prison...unless it's a signal that they're ready to be humped.
There is some kind of absurdity in this woman complaining that her children are treated just like everyone else. It has to be racism. Otherwise their skin color would tell the world that they should never be treated like ordinary white mortals. Sort of like Papa Doc obama.

Right about now there are quite a few of those mortals are getting bored with the endless and absurd petulence.
“I am a black male who grew up in the inner city of Atlanta and no one ever followed me in a mall. I don’t recall any doors clicking when I crossed the street. And I never had anyone clutching their handbag when I got on an elevator. I guess having two awesome parents who taught me to be a respectful young man paid dividends.” – Allen West

"You must spread some rep....."

catch you later...:eusa_angel:
When I was in grad school, I worked for a few months in an art gallery.

The sales reps told a story about a dirty bum with a brown paper bag they had kicked out of the gallery a few months before I started. He ended up going to a gallery down the street and spending $100,000 on some art; he was carrying his cash in the paper bag.

One can use one's outfits as a disguise...quite useful at times.

About 30 years ago, a guy walked into a Ford dealership. He wore beat-up jeans, combat boots, and a ragged flannel shirt, and had a bushy beard and tattoos on both arms. Nobody would even talk to him. So, he went to a different dealership, talked to the youngest salesman there...and that day, he bought a new tow truck for about $45,000. (He still has the canceled check for it.) Since then, he has bought one used wrecker, one new wrecker, a new Excursion, & a Grand Marquis from the same dealer...his son also bought a Mustang GT and an F-150 from them. The kid he dealt with that first day is now the sales manager.

That guy is my wife's boss...he owns a towing company.
If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.

Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40

My wife's best friend is just short of 40...she is covered neck to ankles in tattoos, she has a dozen earrings, 14 other piercings, and no regrets yet.
No girl is responsible for her own rape.

However, putting self in danger from others who don't know that is stupid.

don't skew it your leftist way. the question of responsibility is irrelevant.

If a girl does not want to be raped she would act and dress appropriately.
Being raped is harmful. One wants to avoid that. Mothers ( and fathers) used to teach their daughters how to prevent being viewed as a potential aim.

Liz was taught how by her father: aim at center mass and keep shooting until he face-plants!
We had a drug rep who dressed pretty much in top hat and tails every call and he was top salesman in his company. :D

I like clothes, fashion and dressing well. Fedoras for cooler weather and panama hats for warmer weather. I just enjoy it and it translated well for business.

I love it when a man wears a proper hat well.

I wear a beat-up bush hat when I work in the summer...does that count? :)
don't skew it your leftist way. the question of responsibility is irrelevant.
If a girl does not want to be raped she would act and dress appropriately.
Being raped is harmful. One wants to avoid that. Mothers ( and fathers) used to teach their daughters how to prevent being viewed as a potential aim.

Don't ever think we will let your reactionary socon traditionalist or others' leftist values govern, Vox, ever. The only cultural slut here is you.

Girls should be smart, but they are not ever responsible for rape.

the thread is "how does the way you dress affect how you are being treated". if you want your daughter to be raped go ahead and recommend her to dress like a whore and act like one and guarantee her .

You are a stupid fool, don't you know. No girl ever deserves to be raped, no matter whatever your flatulent-mouthed belchings may be.
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If one abuses drugs or alcohol or is a criminal, one will be surrounded by those who abuse drugs or alcohol or criminals. One will become sick and poor. People will steal from you. This is how it is.

Tats and piercings will not make one a druggie or an alkie or a criminal, but they are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and crime.

Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40

My wife's best friend is just short of 40...she is covered neck to ankles in tattoos, she has a dozen earrings, 14 other piercings, and no regrets yet.

She has adjusted her life to accommodate her style. That's what separates the grocery clerks at whole foods from the clerks at nordstroms. And the pay too.
Don't ever think we will let your reactionary socon traditionalist or others' leftist values govern, Vox, ever. The only cultural slut here is you.

Girls should be smart, but they are not ever responsible for rape.

the thread is "how does the way you dress affect how you are being treated". if you want your daughter to be raped go ahead and recommend her to dress like a whore and act like one and guarantee her .

You are a stupid fool, don't you know. No girl ever deserves to be raped, no matter whatever your flatulent-mouthed belchings may be.

if nobody ever deserves to be raped ( as if anybody was ever talking about "deserving") then stop advertising to girls the moronic notion of yours that she can dress and act anyway she wants and she would never ever be harmed.

But you are hypocritical bastard, so you will - because you WANT them to be raped or harmed in the other way even if you know that the way you dress or act IS going to affect the way people treat you.
Because you simply hate women and have a war on them.
Otherwise you wont push girls to dress and act like sluts.
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Liz was taught how by her father: aim at center mass and keep shooting until he face-plants!

good advice, but somehow I am also pretty sure Liz also knows how to dress and behave that nobody ever could envision her as an easy hook-up ;)
Tats and piercings are two of the Top 10 Things From Your 20s You'll Regret...

Top 10 Things From Your 20?s That You?ll Regret When You?re 40

My wife's best friend is just short of 40...she is covered neck to ankles in tattoos, she has a dozen earrings, 14 other piercings, and no regrets yet.

She has adjusted her life to accommodate her style. That's what separates the grocery clerks at whole foods from the clerks at nordstroms. And the pay too.

Wow, did THAT make me laugh. Excuse me, time to launch the hanging curveball: she's an AP-RN, an ER trauma nurse! She got her first tattoo the day she was able to add "RN" after her name...and the little caduceus on her arm is still her favorite.
the thread is "how does the way you dress affect how you are being treated". if you want your daughter to be raped go ahead and recommend her to dress like a whore and act like one and guarantee her .

You are a stupid fool, don't you know. No girl ever deserves to be raped, no matter whatever your flatulent-mouthed belchings may be.

stop advertising to girls the moronic notion of yours that she can dress and act anyway she wants.

You are the moron, for sure. Show me where I said "she can dress and act anyway she wants". Oh, you butthole, it was you who said it. :lol:

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