Does it bother me

Preventing innocent children from being murdered is more important than being right.
How does one do that? In what war has that been possible especially since one side puts children, 18 and under, in harms way?

That is not how the world works, that is not how any war works, take a look at what Russia has done in Ukraine, targeting civilian buildings, kidnapping children, murdering so many civilians, children included, all on purpose.

Ukraine is like Israel. Targets only Military positions and the leaders of the Russian military.
With one difference. Ukraine has hardly bombed or gone into Russia, it has spent most of its efforts into repelling the Russian Military out of Ukraine.
Preventing innocent children from being murdered is more important than being right.

Why Hamas cowards hide in underground bunkers,
instead of sheltering Gazans in them?

Not to mention...this filth strapped
children in suicide vests, and sent
to minefields in Iraq-Iran war.
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Originally posted by Sixties Fan
It so happens that the Jews are Indigenous First Nation to Ancient Canaan, amongst other indigenous Nations.

Originally posted by Sixties Fan
The indigenous people are the Jews/Israelis.
The invaders are the Arabs/Muslims.


The only reason she thinks that bunch of Russians, Ukrainians and Poles full of freckles, pink skin, blond hair, blue eyes are the native people of Palestine is because she can't put down the crack pipe to save her family from a fire.

Why are you asking me?

Because the answer reveals the harsh truth of eradicating such evil,
and responsibility for the very future of innocent children,
in a world without Hamas.

For Hamas children are but a commodity for propaganda.
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Hamas leader Yahiya Sinwar in 2021, after weeks underground,
appears first time in public, never without someone's child...

And you can extrapolate that to when IDF take control
of the Shifa hospital underground bunker.

A soldier is not a judge to decide who's
innocent or not when its his life at stake.
Why should a soldier's life be less valuable,
than that of hostages and enemy population?

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Whatever it takes to stop the killing on both sides.
What world do you live in exactly?

The Europeans came into this Continent, took, murdered, massacred endless numbers of First Nation people. For land, for wealth.

The only reason First Nations stopped fighting is because they not only did not have the numbers to fight the Europeans, but they did not know the power necessary to repel them.

I will keep this as short as possible:

1). Jews are the only recognizable indigenous people of that area.

2) Jews were always present on the land, even after the destruction of the 2nd Temple, invader, after invader, after invader

3)Christianity kept the Jews as second citizens and Christians did not allow Jews to return to their Capital, Jerusalem....closed by the Romans.

4) It was the invading Muslim Arabs (Kurds were the first Muslims to invade the area) who opened Jerusalem again to the Jews, knowing the meaning of the Jerusalem to them.

5) Renaissance came and Jews hoped that Christian views of Jews would change and allow them the equality they deserved. It did not.
Which is why so many Jews returned to the Land of Israel from the early 1800s on. Jews always returned to their homeland, but never this many at one time.

6) So, after endless massacres and expulsions all the way to the 19th century, some Jews in Europe saw that the only way to regain respect was to return to the land and rebuild the Jewish Nation on its ancient land.
The same had been happening around the Land of Israel, as with the Damascus massacre, by Muslims.

7). Zionism =
a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

Jews moved back to their homeland, created schools, jobs. Jobs which attracted hundreds of Muslims from Egypt, Arabia, etc who were looking for jobs. There were no clashes, no issues with Muslims working with or for Jews then.

8) A few Muslim clans were all for the Jews to reestablish their Nation on their ancient homeland. But one clan did not. The AL Husseini Clan, which had become wealthy during the Ottoman Empire. This clan defeated the other clans in the 1920's and the leader started riots against Jews in 1920.

And again in 1921.

In 1929 this leader started riots against the Jews of Hebron (oldest, longest lived in Jewish city in the area, over 3000 years) and massacred many Jews.
The British, already it was the Mandate for Palestine, decided, as with Gaza, to simply expel all the Jews from that city. It was not until after 1967 that Jews were allowed to return and only to a very small part of it. They continue to buy property from Muslim owners as secretly as possible, because the Muslim leaders consider the selling of property to Jews against a new law which prohibits selling to Jews.

This leader, Al Husseini kept a war against the Jews to keep them from rebuilding Israel. And his efforts forced the British to again betray the Jews by not allowing as many Jewish immigrants into the land as per the Mandate, sending many back to Europe, which had entered WWI, into Nazi concentration camps where they died.

9) In June 1941, after being kicked out of the Mandate, Al Husseini went to Iraq, turned the government and many Iraqis against the Jews there and the 2 day riots killed over 200 Jews, injuring many more.

Why? They did not live in the Mandate? They were not thinking of moving to the Mandate.

Nothing to do with the Mandate or Palestinians.
All who lived in the Mandate while it existed WERE Palestinians.

10)Arab leaders were offered Statehood twice.
1937 and 1947. And both times they rejected it.
They did not want a Jewish State.

11) Day after Israel declared Independence in May 1948, Seven......Arab, Muslim countries invaded Israel with the intention of destroying it.
Gratefully they failed.

Jordan succeeded in taking all of Judea and Samaria and the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem and changed the whole area's name to West Bank and tried to annex it to Jordan.

Nothing to do with Palestinians. No Arab living in the Mandate complained about it. The same with Egypt conquering Gaza during that war.

12) Finally, as I posted above, the PLO was formed to liberate Israel from the hands of the Jews in 1964. Notice the year.

It was before the Arabs invaded again in 1967 and Jordan and Egypt lost what they had conquered in 1948, but never handed over to the non Jews of the Mandate.

It is only after 1967 and the 1973 loss that the accusations of Israel "occupying Palestinian land" began. And the media and social media and UN becoming more and more taken over by anti Israel governments........

Which is how we got to today.

They have tried everything and continue to try everything, from war against Israel, attacks on Jews around the world, delegitimizing Jews as being indigenous, delegitimizing Jewish History on the land........

That is what we Jews have been dealing with since 1920 when ONE clan, and one man, declared war on Jews being allowed to be sovereign on their ancient homeland, with everyone gaining from it, as other clans knew everyone would.

It all stems from Islamic teachings against Jews, which come from Christian teachings learned by the Mohammad himself when he founded Islam.

How does one stop that teaching, in order for ONE DAY......exist the possibility of any peace with those Israel wants to live in peace with, as so many do inside Israel?
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That Palestinian civilians have to suffer because of Hamas? Yes. If it didn’t I would be worried about what sort of person I am
The Palestinian children are the responsibility of the mass murderers.

Where was your empathy when the Palestinians invaded Israel.

The only reason she thinks that bunch of Russians, Ukrainians and Poles full of freckles, pink skin, blond hair, blue eyes are the native people of Palestine is because she can't put down the crack pipe to save her family from a fire.

More racism from Josey

Jews are light skin/white because Sara was a white woman. The "European Jews" belong there.
Originally posted by CarlinAnnArbor
The Palestinian children are the responsibility of the mass murderers.

Where was your empathy when the Palestinians invaded Israel.


She's blaming Hamas for all the casualties in Gaza.

The chick is an israeli software developer more zionist than Herzl and Gurion themselves.
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Originally posted by CarlinAnnArbor
More racism from Josey

Jews are light skin/white because Sara was a white woman. The "European Jews" belong there.

They belong, alrighty...

They belong in the Pale of Settlement between Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Lithuania.
Now seriously...

Eastern Europe was the homeland of european Jews, Israel's founders, 80, 100 years ago...

Now they are as natives of Palestine as the arab people but being the heirs of the supremacist state founded by their parents and grandparents they have a moral obligation to dismantle it peacefully just like it was done in America 70 years ago.

Why are you posting this to me? Do you think I don't know that they are an evil terrorist group? Do you actually think I have ever argued otherwise?? Could you be any more insulting? You're not "educating" me, you're only making yourself look foolish for misreading the OP, and because of that misunderstanding my reply to it. Maybe it's those "everyone who doesn't 100% agree with the MSM view is a Jew hater" goggles you have on that's causing you to see what you want to see. Maybe try taking those goggles off and showing some good will toward people? Like the OP.
The Palestinian children are the responsibility of the mass murderers.

Where was your empathy when the Palestinians invaded Israel.
My empathy? I have been depressed ever since it happened. Being depressed every day is not fun for me

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