Does it bother me

Here's the equivalency the Hamas supporters are arguing.

A home invader breakers into a home at 6:30 in the morning.

He murders the family except for the eldest daughter whom he rapes them carries her away as a hostage to his rough neighborhood.

The police threaten to go in and attempt a rescue. But the hostage into custodytaker has kittle children of his own.

The criminal lovers here at USMB argue the police CANT do anything because his children might get hurt in the process. And if they do manage to rescue the innocent girl, and take the thug , they can't send him to jail because that would leave the kids without a father! That's what the Hamas' apologists here are saying
That Palestinian civilians have to suffer because of Hamas? Yes. If it didn’t I would be worried about what sort of person I am
Were people bothered when Nazi cities in Germany were bombed to smithereens? Many “civilians“ died there too. Or when USA bombed Hiroshima or carpet bombed the shit out of ISIS held cities in Syria. Sometimes it’s as simple as us vs them. Pick a side.
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The only reason First Nations stopped fighting is because they not only did not have the numbers to fight the Europeans, but they did not know the power necessary to repel them.
Wrong. We are still fighting.

Jews are the only recognizable indigenous people of that area.
Yet you claim you didn't advocate for forcing the Palestinian people from their land.
Wrong. We are still fighting.

Yet you claim you didn't advocate for forcing the Palestinian people from their land.
The First Nations stopped with the attacks, which is different from fighting for your lands, and rights, which all First Nations must continue to do.
The First Nations stopped with the attacks, which is different from fighting for your lands, and rights, which all First Nations must continue to do.
I never said we are still attacking.
Not everything is about death.
We are still practicing our culture/language.
We are many nations within a nation.
We are still fighting for our right to survive.

Tell you what we are not doing is killing 1 child every 15 minutes.
Wrong. We are still fighting.

Yet you claim you didn't advocate for forcing the Palestinian people from their land.
Congratulations !!!!

You have graduated to being a non caring, totally dismissive human who, maybe because you or your tribe has converted to Christianity, or have had Christian Missionaries preaching how bad Israel is since you young.....or because your brain simply accepts only what it clearly only accepting.....

You have mastered the art of non response, being dismissive, and alleging that Israel is about brutalizing its enemies and expelling them. Which is what every anti source loves to tell people who will believe them.

When does not know the history, who is who and what is what, as you do is best to not say anything.

I have been very clear in all my posts, all of which you did not give a darn to read and much less understand what they said.

And what you have the audacity to post?

Yet you claim you didn't advocate for forcing the Palestinian people from their land."

You stay in your ignorant world, because sincerely Jews, like all other indigenous people , (Something Palestinians are not) have better things to do.

Cheer the Europeans next time, and do not dare to call any one of them colonizers. According to your way of thinking, anyone who now lives in the Americas and Australia and NZ is indigenous to those lands.
I never said we are still attacking.
Not everything is about death.
We are still practicing our culture/language.
We are many nations within a nation.
We are still fighting for our right to survive.

Tell you what we are not doing is killing 1 child every 15 minutes.
Hamas is the Andrew Jackson and George Custer of the Muslim people and you are taking THEIR word for how many people are being killed?

Are you a Christian?
Because only Christians, extremists, think and say the things you are posting and being dismissive of any facts provided to them.
Congratulations !!!!

You have graduated to being a non caring, totally dismissive human who, maybe because you or your tribe has converted to Christianity, or have had Christian Missionaries preaching how bad Israel is since you young.....or because your brain simply accepts only what it clearly only accepting.....

You have mastered the art of non response, being dismissive, and alleging that Israel is about brutalizing its enemies and expelling them. Which is what every anti source loves to tell people who will believe them.

When does not know the history, who is who and what is what, as you do is best to not say anything.

I have been very clear in all my posts, all of which you did not give a darn to read and much less understand what they said.

And what you have the audacity to post?


You stay in your ignorant world, because sincerely Jews, like all other indigenous people , (Something Palestinians are not) have better things to do.

Cheer the Europeans next time, and do not dare to call any one of them colonizers. According to your way of thinking, anyone who now lives in the Americas and Australia and NZ is indigenous to those lands.
You should teach a class in gaslighting. You're good at it.
And there you go again.
You do not understand one word which is said.

I am good at giving facts.
You are good at deflecting any facts.
You have graduated to being a non caring, totally dismissive human who, maybe because you or your tribe has converted to Christianity, or have had Christian Missionaries preaching how bad Israel is since you young.....or because your brain simply accepts only what it clearly only accepting.....
Textbook gaslighting.
I believe what I see. What I've seen is the Israeli military laying waste to thousands of innocent children.

No. We tradish Natives know Creator.
You see what you want the whole Muslim world for you to see. You reject facts.

Israel has not been killing "thousands" of innocent children. Hamas lies about the number of deaths and uses human shields, do you know what that is?, as a way to make civilian numbers grow.

Israel follows International law of combat. It signed the Geneva convention. It has precise hits on the Hamas leaders and fighters, which is not at all what Hamas and Hezbollah have, and they target anyone and anything in Israel .

Stop listening to the Andrew Jacksons of the world.
But you cannot. You have a zero tolerance to death, allegedly, and only on one side.

Each First Nation has the right to their Creator. But Christians and Muslims will not allow the Jews to their Creator and punish the Jews for 1700 years for not accepting and following either one, Jesus, or the other, Allah.
Textbook gaslighting.
“You can kill my body. You can damn my soul. For not believing in your god and some world down below.”
-Robbie Robertson, Ghost Dance

This is exactly what Islam and Christianity have been doing for the past 1700 years to the Jewish people. Killing any, at any time they wanted. History is replete with examples of it.

We refuse to die because others want us dead.

No different from any other minority.
You provide no facts, only opinions.
You want me to believe Israel is innocent of murder.
Israel is guilty of war crimes.

How many children have to die??
I am going to leave you here, because you are more than a disturbed person who wants to believe that the most moral Military in the world is doing to others what has been done to them.

How many children have to die in Gaza???
As many as HAMAS and all other Muslims see fit ....for their cause of destroying Israel.

Am Israel Chai !
The People of Israel live !

May your people live a long and peaceful life, and continue to win over the European attempt to steal and destroy your culture, your lives, your gods, your people.
“You can kill my body. You can damn my soul. For not believing in your god and some world down below.”
-Robbie Robertson, Ghost Dance

This is exactly what Islam and Christianity have been doing for the past 1700 years to the Jewish people. Killing any, at any time they wanted. History is replete with examples of it.

We refuse to die because others want us dead.

No different from any other minority.
My sig is in reference to a song about the brutal massacre of women and children because the government was afraid of us doing a dance. A fucking dance. Never in the history of my people have we ever carpet bombed another country killing thousands of children.
That is on you.
I am going to leave you here, because you are more than a disturbed person who wants to believe that the most moral Military in the world is doing to others what has been done to them.

How many children have to die in Gaza???
As many as HAMAS and all other Muslims see fit ....for their cause of destroying Israel.

Am Israel Chai !
The People of Israel live !

May your people live a long and peaceful life, and continue to win over the European attempt to steal and destroy your culture, your lives, your gods, your people.
One day you will stand before your god and explain why you found it necessary to murder children. Innocent children.
One day you will stand before your god and explain why you found it necessary to murder children. Innocent children.
YOU are disturbed.

Jews have respect for lives. Always have.

The Palestinians respect death and welcome it. Which is why they love all who die because they invented that they become Martyrs for their cause.

It is a sick society, all bent on killing Jews and destroying Israel.

You have no unfortunate problem with all the babies and other children Hamas butchered, and all the other adults they also butchered and burnt when they invaded on 10/7

Shame on you.

Ask your gods and spirits to guide you well in what you see and what you think about what you see.
Jews have respect for lives. Always have.

People with respect for life don’t do things like this.

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