Does it bother me

When it comes to killing innocent children, both Israel and Hamas are to blame.
Not so. Israel is fighting a war to end all the violence, but Hamas has made the cost of ending violence to be paid with the lives of its civilians.
Does it bother me that there are still buildings left standing in Gaza, after what the subhuman animals did to innocent women and children two weeks ago?

Fuck yeah.
Show me where I support Hamas.
Since you’re too lazy, let me tell you.
I do not support anyone that kills children. That includes Hamas.
Let me make something very clear to you.

You posted a photo of a baby, allegedly being a Palestinian baby.

I told you that Hamas terrorists beheaded babies and cut down or burnt bodies of children, women and elderly in Israel with their invasion and you went SHOW ME.

You may not take the side of Hamas, but you are clearly taking (you understand what you are writing or not) one side.

And it doe not matter how many times you return and say " I hate killing of children on both sides", your own words betray that.

Your sad lack of empathy to all the people who were butchered in Israel, the babies who were beheaded, riddled with bullets, children who were killed and burnt.....we have to SHOW YOU.

Stop crying buckets about yourself. We can all see where the bucket of tears come from and for whom they are meant.

Not one of us, on the Israeli side, wants to see ANY innocent person die.

It is not the case with many, not all, Palestinians and other Muslims, who are only too happy to die for the cause of destroying Israel.

Israel is going to do away with Hamas. Hopefully after that those who are left, and the International Community, will be able to build a Mexico, a Canada, a Monaco, etc which will live in peace with Israel and bring tourists and progress and a good life to all who are peaceful and want to live in peace.

But if any one of them in Gaza decided and succeeds again in turning that place into a hell for its people and attack Israel again, they will pay the price with their lives, as they are doing now.

The people of Gaza who are not pro Hamas and are pro peace have fled South. Many more are being kept from going South by Hamas. Which is why you are seeing the alleged killings Hamas, and no one else has verified about.

When the war is over, the truth of how many terrorists were killed will come out. How many human shields were killed because of them.

Male or Female, it does not matter, you are not interested in the truth but only to cry for Palestinian children's lives. Your posts have been very clear about it.

You post about what you know nothing about. Not one thing you post is factual. They are nothing but cries for children, but seriously, for only one side.

Hamas is responsible not only for the deaths in Israel, but the deaths in Gaza. They started this war, Israel is going to end it.

That is how the world works.
Let me make something very clear to you.

You posted a photo of a baby, allegedly being a Palestinian baby.

I told you that Hamas terrorists beheaded babies and cut down or burnt bodies of children, women and elderly in Israel with their invasion and you went SHOW ME.

You may not take the side of Hamas, but you are clearly taking (you understand what you are writing or not) one side.

And it doe not matter how many times you return and say " I hate killing of children on both sides", your own words betray that.

Your sad lack of empathy to all the people who were butchered in Israel, the babies who were beheaded, riddled with bullets, children who were killed and burnt.....we have to SHOW YOU.

Stop crying buckets about yourself. We can all see where the bucket of tears come from and for whom they are meant.

Not one of us, on the Israeli side, wants to see ANY innocent person die.

It is not the case with many, not all, Palestinians and other Muslims, who are only too happy to die for the cause of destroying Israel.

Israel is going to do away with Hamas. Hopefully after that those who are left, and the International Community, will be able to build a Mexico, a Canada, a Monaco, etc which will live in peace with Israel and bring tourists and progress and a good life to all who are peaceful and want to live in peace.

But if any one of them in Gaza decided and succeeds again in turning that place into a hell for its people and attack Israel again, they will pay the price with their lives, as they are doing now.

The people of Gaza who are not pro Hamas and are pro peace have fled South. Many more are being kept from going South by Hamas. Which is why you are seeing the alleged killings Hamas, and no one else has verified about.

When the war is over, the truth of how many terrorists were killed will come out. How many human shields were killed because of them.

Male or Female, it does not matter, you are not interested in the truth but only to cry for Palestinian children's lives. Your posts have been very clear about it.

You post about what you know nothing about. Not one thing you post is factual. They are nothing but cries for children, but seriously, for only one side.

Hamas is responsible not only for the deaths in Israel, but the deaths in Gaza. They started this war, Israel is going to end it.

That is how the world works.
You are nothing more than a jew playing the victim.
No sympathy.
You fuckers are never satisfied unless innocent people die. Fuckin pathetic.
Your Hamas heroes murdered and raped 1400 women and children in one day. Babies were shot point blank, some were even burned. This is evil incarnate you are justifying and defending. But that’s who you Leftist morally depraved scumbags are.

So no, I’m not bothered if Israel does to Gaza what the US did to Dresden or Hiroshima During WWII.

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