Does it bother you that America tax payers bailed out GM and now GM is bailing out on Americans?

Businesses should stand or fall on their own..............If they go under someone will step up and take their place.........

How it should be.............

The problem is it’s an unfair market. Foreign countries and the EU impose huge tariffs on US cars, while we allow them to flood our market. If President Trump is successful in getting those tariffs removed, US auto makers will do very well.
Like Germany's tarriffs. I agree. Not a level playing field with them. That tarrif should be equal or Zero from each.
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
It does bother me but it is typical. GM gets tax breaks and gets bailed out, but screws US workers. Billions of corporate welfare still doesn’t protect American jobs. All thanks to the corrupt government and political parties.

GM has profits in the billions, but greed requires them to find cheap labor.

This should tell all Americans that the Ruling Class doesn’t give a shit about the American people, but it won’t.

Corporate greed at it’s worst.

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