Does It Matter Who The Left Runs In 2020?....Voting Booths Are Private

Does someone calling your common sense "bigotry" offend you in private?

  • Yes, it does.

  • No, people should be called bigots for rejecting left social agendas.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Hillary, this is the real reason you lost
So Clinton believes she lost Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the presidency because of the bigotry of middle America......One problem with her analysis: Millions of those white people who voted for Donald Trump also proudly voted for Barack Obama. There are nearly 700 counties in the United States that voted twice for Barack Obama, one-third of which flipped to Trump in 2016. According to Nate Cohn of The New York Times, "almost one in four of President Obama's 2012 white working-class supporters defected from the Democrats in 2016, either supporting Mr. Trump or voting for a third-party candidate." Are all those Trump-Obama voters bigots? Millions of once reliably Democratic voters pulled the lever for the first black president, yet they were suddenly whipped up into a racist furor by Trump's "racial and ethnic and sexist appeals"? Give me a break.

Hillary should have won 2016. It was the left's platform attached to their candidate that sunk her. She was correct though in that it is and always will be the "bigotry" of middle America that will sink the dems. That is, if you consider reasonable objection to child abuse, deranged men in women's showers, fatherless/motherless "marriage"/adoption or violent illegal aliens snuggled in your town "bigotry". I think it's offensive to label common sense "bigotry". Hillary was wrong in that she mislabeled the English language.

Face it: if you're promoting chopping off boys dicks...: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

...or fatherless/motherless "marriage" : Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

...or deranged men in women's/girls' showers/restrooms etc.... Man twice enters girls locker room; Gets naked in front of 6 to 18 yr old girls; Cites tranny law.

...or amnesty for violent illegals... Over 80% of Americans Oppose Sanctuary Cities

...what the heck does the GOP have to worry about? Blow just one of these dog whistles at any election and watch the middle dems take a GIANT step to the right. It's the reason Trump is president. Will blue collar pragmatists EVER accept any of those ^^ platforms???

See, the left has itself in a bind. It wants so badly for its deranged ideals to permeate the rest of society. But because these ideals are signs of mental illness, so starkly and profoundly obvious, even people who normally run to soft liberal ideals are all like ...."WTF???!!".

So now that they've sunk a clear, deep, oozing and painfully infected giant brand on the flank of the democrat party, all that has to be done is call up their starkly insane ideals and win election after election after election.

The GOP's job at running candidates now is sort of an autopilot, chaise lounge, put your feet up and sip lemonade type of affair. As the left becomes more and more bizarre, all the GOP has to do is run stories on the insane antics, child abuse and criminality of the left and voila! Win after win after win. The GOP just needs to feed the public with a steady diet of "here's how what they're doing is insane". Nobody, for instance, will get on board with child abuse.

They can run Oprah, Hillary, Ghandi, or any of their rock stars but the result will always be the same. Loss. And not from any flaw in their candidate necessarily, but from the burden that candidate has to drag with them into the voting booths. Nice, quiet, private voting booths where people stand there without pressure, following their common sense without influence, and voting their conscience under no duress or social pressure at all.

I am one of these middle democrats. I voted for Hillary out of shock at the prospect of Trump becoming president. And because I knew a red Congress would keep her in check. The rest of the down-ballot tickets I voted 100% conservative/GOP. And I wasn't alone...

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Does someone calling your common sense "bigotry" offend you in private?

No. I know myself better than they do and I know nature and extent of my understanding of bigotry better than do others. After all, "step one" of being a mature adult, bigoted or not, is taking the time to continually evaluate oneself to maintain and objectively know and own one's strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, values and principles. Consequently, when someone says such things, one knows whether one is a bigot or not, and whichever one be, presumably one has willfully chosen to be so. Indeed, even if one is or isn't a bigot and strives to be the other, one must nonetheless own the fact that one is not that which one had rather be.

Skunks are not ashamed of stinking, and peacocks are not chagrined by their ostentation.
-- Xelor
My "no" answer reflects also the fact that what I think about others' depictions of my character varies by who makes any given remark.
  • Most people --> I entirely disregard all sweeping remarks strangers, acquaintances, and others who don't know me well say about my character; they have no portfolio for forming such conclusions.
  • Friends who are my peers or betters --> On the other hand, when friends, folks who've known me well for half or more of my life, and close family members (except those having age-addled minds) utter broad conclusions about my character that I construe as being something I'd rather be not so, I take no umbrage, but rather consider their assertion as constructive criticism. My friends and loved ones are people who actually care about me and want nothing but the best for me, so they won't make such broad claims intending to disparage me. Obviously, insofar as character traits as ingrained as bigotry do not appear as does a new shirt or car and my friends have not in 25 or more years seen fit to sever our relationship, their mentioning such a thing portends not their desire to terminate or pare our friendship but their belief that it or I can be improved.
As goes the common sense component of the poll question, well, common sense isn't exactly the thing to which perspicacious, prudent or well educated people first turn for decision making because common sense is neither common nor sense.
Common sense is fine for arriving at answers to very simple questions about simple situations and occurrences. For example, common sense guides one to thoroughly research a matter before remarking upon it. Similarly it informs one to move to higher ground in advance of an impending flood. For whom to vote, however, though it has a simple answer -- some candidate -- evaluating the merits and demerits of the candidates for whom one may vote is not at all a simple matter because there are copious amounts of objective situational information to weigh with regard to each topic on which candidates articulate their position(s) (assuming they state coherent positions on every major matter).

Might, then, one's vote be indicative/reflective of one's bigotry? It may, but it also may not. Bigotry is a complex emotion and mindset that cannot be credibly confirmed or refuted by a single action or statement. It takes a collection of acts and words that preponderantly militate for concluding that a person is bigoted. People who know that seen no dudgeon in others' labeling them thus.
Why did you, OP-er, ask a binary poll question that doesn't offer mutually exclusive answer options? The question you posed isn't unreasonable; however, the answers you provide destroy any chance of your getting remotely useful responses in the poll itself. Does it truly not occur to you that people should be called bigots for exhibiting bigoted behavior, uttering bigoted declarations and embracing bigoted notions, not for accepting or rejecting left wing or right wing political or social agendas?

FWIW, the valid answer choices for the question you asked are:
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe/I don't know
Hillary, this is the real reason you lost
So Clinton believes she lost Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the presidency because of the bigotry of middle America......One problem with her analysis: Millions of those white people who voted for Donald Trump also proudly voted for Barack Obama. There are nearly 700 counties in the United States that voted twice for Barack Obama, one-third of which flipped to Trump in 2016. According to Nate Cohn of The New York Times, "almost one in four of President Obama's 2012 white working-class supporters defected from the Democrats in 2016, either supporting Mr. Trump or voting for a third-party candidate." Are all those Trump-Obama voters bigots? Millions of once reliably Democratic voters pulled the lever for the first black president, yet they were suddenly whipped up into a racist furor by Trump's "racial and ethnic and sexist appeals"? Give me a break.

Hillary should have won 2016. It was the left's platform attached to their candidate that sunk her. She was correct though in that it is and always will be the "bigotry" of middle America that will sink the dems. That is, if you consider reasonable objection to child abuse, deranged men in women's showers, fatherless/motherless "marriage"/adoption or violent illegal aliens snuggled in your town "bigotry". I think it's offensive to label common sense "bigotry". Hillary was wrong in that she mislabeled the English language.

Face it: if you're promoting chopping off boys dicks...: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

...or fatherless/motherless "marriage" : Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

...or deranged men in women's/girls' showers/restrooms etc.... Man twice enters girls locker room; Gets naked in front of 6 to 18 yr old girls; Cites tranny law.

...or amnesty for violent illegals... Over 80% of Americans Oppose Sanctuary Cities

...what the heck does the GOP have to worry about? Blow just one of these dog whistles at any election and watch the middle dems take a GIANT step to the right. It's the reason Trump is president. Will blue collar pragmatists EVER accept any of those ^^ platforms???

See, the left has itself in a bind. It wants so badly for its deranged ideals to permeate the rest of society. But because these ideals are signs of mental illness, so starkly and profoundly obvious, even people who normally run to soft liberal ideals are all like ...."WTF???!!".

So now that they've sunk a clear, deep, oozing and painfully infected giant brand on the flank of the democrat party, all that has to be done is call up their starkly insane ideals and win election after election after election.

The GOP's job at running candidates now is sort of an autopilot, chaise lounge, put your feet up and sip lemonade type of affair. As the left becomes more and more bizarre, all the GOP has to do is run stories on the insane antics, child abuse and criminality of the left and voila! Win after win after win. The GOP just needs to feed the public with a steady diet of "here's how what they're doing is insane". Nobody, for instance, will get on board with child abuse.

They can run Oprah, Hillary, Ghandi, or any of their rock stars but the result will always be the same. Loss. And not from any flaw in their candidate necessarily, but from the burden that candidate has to drag with them into the voting booths. Nice, quiet, private voting booths where people stand there without pressure, following their common sense without influence, and voting their conscience under no duress or social pressure at all.

I am one of these middle democrats. I voted for Hillary out of shock at the prospect of Trump becoming president. And because I knew a red Congress would keep her in check. The rest of the down-ballot tickets I voted 100% conservative/GOP. And I wasn't alone...

I have very thick skin, and always remember what is said about name calling "Sticks and stones". I have even been called worse, yet if you let someone insult you, then you give them power over you to hurt you. When you ignore the name calling, all it does is infuriates those calling you names, and proves that those name callers are just petulant little girls, who have nothing to present for the adult argument.

Well ok thanks for the psychological advice guys. But do you suppose the working grunts in the dem ranks of the the Rust Belt who flipped from Obama to a Trump voters carry around the same depth of analysis as y'all? Or would their reaction be more knee jerk to being called a "bigot" for their staunch objection to, say, the child abuse or deranged men in women's showers indicated in the OP?
Why did you, OP-er, ask a binary poll question that doesn't offer mutually exclusive answer options?​

If the poll bothers you that much you can just opt not to vote in it. It's for people who either believe that being called a bigot for common sense is offensive, or for those who feel calling others bigots for not jumping blindly on board with the leftist cult agenda, deserve to be called bigots.
Why did you, OP-er, ask a binary poll question that doesn't offer mutually exclusive answer options?​

If the poll bothers you that much you can just opt not to vote in it. It's for people who either believe that being called a bigot for common sense is offensive, or for those who feel calling others bigots for not jumping blindly on board with the leftist cult agenda, deserve to be called bigots.
If the poll bothers you that much you can just opt not to vote in it.
Refraining from voting in your poll is indeed what I did.
Sil, you're not called a bigot for having opposing views. You're called a bigot b/c you craft wild conspiracy theories just so you can smear queers.
Hillary, this is the real reason you lost
So Clinton believes she lost Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the presidency because of the bigotry of middle America......One problem with her analysis: Millions of those white people who voted for Donald Trump also proudly voted for Barack Obama. There are nearly 700 counties in the United States that voted twice for Barack Obama, one-third of which flipped to Trump in 2016. According to Nate Cohn of The New York Times, "almost one in four of President Obama's 2012 white working-class supporters defected from the Democrats in 2016, either supporting Mr. Trump or voting for a third-party candidate." Are all those Trump-Obama voters bigots? Millions of once reliably Democratic voters pulled the lever for the first black president, yet they were suddenly whipped up into a racist furor by Trump's "racial and ethnic and sexist appeals"? Give me a break.

Hillary should have won 2016. It was the left's platform attached to their candidate that sunk her. She was correct though in that it is and always will be the "bigotry" of middle America that will sink the dems. That is, if you consider reasonable objection to child abuse, deranged men in women's showers, fatherless/motherless "marriage"/adoption or violent illegal aliens snuggled in your town "bigotry". I think it's offensive to label common sense "bigotry". Hillary was wrong in that she mislabeled the English language.

Face it: if you're promoting chopping off boys dicks...: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

...or fatherless/motherless "marriage" : Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

...or deranged men in women's/girls' showers/restrooms etc.... Man twice enters girls locker room; Gets naked in front of 6 to 18 yr old girls; Cites tranny law.

...or amnesty for violent illegals... Over 80% of Americans Oppose Sanctuary Cities

...what the heck does the GOP have to worry about? Blow just one of these dog whistles at any election and watch the middle dems take a GIANT step to the right. It's the reason Trump is president. Will blue collar pragmatists EVER accept any of those ^^ platforms???

See, the left has itself in a bind. It wants so badly for its deranged ideals to permeate the rest of society. But because these ideals are signs of mental illness, so starkly and profoundly obvious, even people who normally run to soft liberal ideals are all like ...."WTF???!!".

So now that they've sunk a clear, deep, oozing and painfully infected giant brand on the flank of the democrat party, all that has to be done is call up their starkly insane ideals and win election after election after election.

The GOP's job at running candidates now is sort of an autopilot, chaise lounge, put your feet up and sip lemonade type of affair. As the left becomes more and more bizarre, all the GOP has to do is run stories on the insane antics, child abuse and criminality of the left and voila! Win after win after win. The GOP just needs to feed the public with a steady diet of "here's how what they're doing is insane". Nobody, for instance, will get on board with child abuse.

They can run Oprah, Hillary, Ghandi, or any of their rock stars but the result will always be the same. Loss. And not from any flaw in their candidate necessarily, but from the burden that candidate has to drag with them into the voting booths. Nice, quiet, private voting booths where people stand there without pressure, following their common sense without influence, and voting their conscience under no duress or social pressure at all.

I am one of these middle democrats. I voted for Hillary out of shock at the prospect of Trump becoming president. And because I knew a red Congress would keep her in check. The rest of the down-ballot tickets I voted 100% conservative/GOP. And I wasn't alone...

Keep beating that dead horse

Same Sex marriage is not going away
Sil, you're not called a bigot for having opposing views. You're called a bigot b/c you craft wild conspiracy theories just so you can smear queers.
Well I alone was not responsible for the 1/3 of formerly dem voters who switched in the Rust Belt after voting for Obama, to voting Trump in 2016. But thanks for the suggestion that I alone was responsible for the whipping dems took because of the men-in-women's-showers promotion that the dems did midway into election 2016..under threat of punishment for failure to fall in less...

Talk about friggin' stupid. The platform is what's killing the dems....not necessarily their candidates.
Sil, you're not called a bigot for having opposing views. You're called a bigot b/c you craft wild conspiracy theories just so you can smear queers.
Well I alone was not responsible for the 1/3 of formerly dem voters who switched in the Rust Belt after voting for Obama, to voting Trump in 2016. But thanks for the suggestion that I alone was responsible for the whipping dems took because of the "men in women's showers" promotion that the dems did midway into election 2016..

Talk about friggin' stupid. The platform is what's killing the dems....not necessarily their candidates.

The issues the voters were most concerned about in the Rust Belt were the economy and terrorism. You spent months and months claiming gay issues were going to harm Trump, but now you're claiming that he won those states b/c of gay issues. Hell, you voted for Hillary b/c you thought Trump was too pro-gay. lol
The issues the voters were most concerned about in the Rust Belt were the economy and terrorism. You spent months and months claiming gay issues were going to harm Trump, but you're claiming that we won those states b/c of gay issues. Hell, you voted for Hillary b/c you thought Trump was too pro-gay. lol

Sure, and those same people had a lukewarm reaction to Obama's announcement that boys in schools could then use girls' showers & bathrooms. No biggie, right? Mothers and fathers in the Rust Belt merely yawned at such a mandate and really got all worked up instead about the economy and terrorism...hitting much closer to home than their own daughters/nieces/wives and mothers being put at immediate proximate danger at the Target store down the street or in their high school gym locker rooms...

Yep...BELIEVE mdk everyone..HE KNOWS THE TRUTH!... (GOP Strategists: Please ignore Silhouette? Please?... )

The issues the voters were most concerned about in the Rust Belt were the economy and terrorism. You spent months and months claiming gay issues were going to harm Trump, but you're claiming that we won those states b/c of gay issues. Hell, you voted for Hillary b/c you thought Trump was too pro-gay. lol

Sure, and those same people had a lukewarm reaction to Obama's announcement that boys in schools could then use girls' showers & bathrooms. No biggie, right? Mothers and fathers in the Rust Belt merely yawned at such a mandate and really got all worked up instead about the economy and terrorism...hitting much closer to home than their own daughters/nieces/wives and mothers being put at immediate proximate danger at the Target store down the street or in their high school gym locker rooms...

Yep...BELIEVE mdk everyone..HE KNOWS THE TRUTH!... (GOP Strategists: Please ignore Silhouette? Please?... )


The GOP strategists already ignored you when you demanded they dump Trump and replace him with Kasich. You were so convinced that Trump was going to be harmed b/c he allows trannies to use whatever bathroom that they wish in Trump Tower that you voted for Hillary, but now claiming it helped Trump. As always, you wish to have things both ways.
The people in the Rust Belt don't care about supporting their family and putting food on the table. What they really cared about was Target allowing trannies to use whichever bathroom they wished. :lol:
The people in the Rust Belt don't care about supporting their family and putting food on the table. What they really cared about was Target allowing trannies to use whichever bathroom they wished. :lol:
You're a danger to your party mdk. If they believe you, they will lose again in 2018 and 2020. So, have fun damaging all the good democrat platforms by promoting the ones that your middle bloc simply cannot and will not stomach.
The people in the Rust Belt don't care about supporting their family and putting food on the table. What they really cared about was Target allowing trannies to use whichever bathroom they wished. :lol:
You're a danger to your party mdk. If they believe you, they will lose again in 2018 and 2020. So, have fun damaging all the good democrat platforms by promoting the ones that your middle bloc simply cannot and will not stomach.

I am used to my party losing elections. I am a libertarian.

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