Does It Matter Who The Left Runs In 2020?....Voting Booths Are Private

Does someone calling your common sense "bigotry" offend you in private?

  • Yes, it does.

  • No, people should be called bigots for rejecting left social agendas.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Hillary, this is the real reason you lost
So Clinton believes she lost Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the presidency because of the bigotry of middle America......One problem with her analysis: Millions of those white people who voted for Donald Trump also proudly voted for Barack Obama. There are nearly 700 counties in the United States that voted twice for Barack Obama, one-third of which flipped to Trump in 2016. According to Nate Cohn of The New York Times, "almost one in four of President Obama's 2012 white working-class supporters defected from the Democrats in 2016, either supporting Mr. Trump or voting for a third-party candidate." Are all those Trump-Obama voters bigots? Millions of once reliably Democratic voters pulled the lever for the first black president, yet they were suddenly whipped up into a racist furor by Trump's "racial and ethnic and sexist appeals"? Give me a break.

Hillary should have won 2016. It was the left's platform attached to their candidate that sunk her. She was correct though in that it is and always will be the "bigotry" of middle America that will sink the dems. That is, if you consider reasonable objection to child abuse, deranged men in women's showers, fatherless/motherless "marriage"/adoption or violent illegal aliens snuggled in your town "bigotry". I think it's offensive to label common sense "bigotry". Hillary was wrong in that she mislabeled the English language.

Face it: if you're promoting chopping off boys dicks...: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

...or fatherless/motherless "marriage" : Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

...or deranged men in women's/girls' showers/restrooms etc.... Man twice enters girls locker room; Gets naked in front of 6 to 18 yr old girls; Cites tranny law.

...or amnesty for violent illegals... Over 80% of Americans Oppose Sanctuary Cities

...what the heck does the GOP have to worry about? Blow just one of these dog whistles at any election and watch the middle dems take a GIANT step to the right. It's the reason Trump is president. Will blue collar pragmatists EVER accept any of those ^^ platforms???

See, the left has itself in a bind. It wants so badly for its deranged ideals to permeate the rest of society. But because these ideals are signs of mental illness, so starkly and profoundly obvious, even people who normally run to soft liberal ideals are all like ...."WTF???!!".

So now that they've sunk a clear, deep, oozing and painfully infected giant brand on the flank of the democrat party, all that has to be done is call up their starkly insane ideals and win election after election after election.

The GOP's job at running candidates now is sort of an autopilot, chaise lounge, put your feet up and sip lemonade type of affair. As the left becomes more and more bizarre, all the GOP has to do is run stories on the insane antics, child abuse and criminality of the left and voila! Win after win after win. The GOP just needs to feed the public with a steady diet of "here's how what they're doing is insane". Nobody, for instance, will get on board with child abuse.

They can run Oprah, Hillary, Ghandi, or any of their rock stars but the result will always be the same. Loss. And not from any flaw in their candidate necessarily, but from the burden that candidate has to drag with them into the voting booths. Nice, quiet, private voting booths where people stand there without pressure, following their common sense without influence, and voting their conscience under no duress or social pressure at all.

I am one of these middle democrats. I voted for Hillary out of shock at the prospect of Trump becoming president. And because I knew a red Congress would keep her in check. The rest of the down-ballot tickets I voted 100% conservative/GOP. And I wasn't alone...


Again, Sil......*you* are obsessed with gay parents. Virtually every of about 50 threads you've created are about these topics. But gay parenting doesn't rate among the top priorities for the electorate. The rust belt folks are concerned about jobs, healthcare, the opiod addiction, national security, immigration reform, infrastructure.

Trump barely mentioned gay parenting. It wasn't a major plank for Hillary. Its *your* personal obsession. And even you don't care much about your obsession. As for all your hysteric claims of 'child abuse', you never once called the police to turn these parents in.

Why? Because even you know you're full of shit.
Well I also know that Rust Belt dems reject the LGBT bullshit. So, take your chances in 2018 & 2020....genius...
The people in the Rust Belt don't care about supporting their family and putting food on the table. What they really cared about was Target allowing trannies to use whichever bathroom they wished. :lol:
You're a danger to your party mdk. If they believe you, they will lose again in 2018 and 2020. So, have fun damaging all the good democrat platforms by promoting the ones that your middle bloc simply cannot and will not stomach.

Sil, the electorate doesn't share your personal obsessions.

The issues that Trump won on......saving Coal. Building a border wall. Banning Muslims. Bring jobs back to the US. Putting Hillary in Jail.

Not a lesbian couple raising a special needs child.
Well I also know that Rust Belt dems reject the LGBT bullshit. So, take your chances in 2018 & 2020....genius...

The rust belt generally doesn't give a shit about LGBT issues. These aren't the issues they vote about. Jobs are. Healthcare is. Education is. Safe streets are. Infrastructure, roads, clean water are. National security is. Immigration reform is.

A lesbian couple in California raising a special needs child? They don't care. Rust belt folks don't share your singular, all consuming obsession with this lesbian couple.

This is what? The 5th thread you've started about this one lesbian couple? The 6th? You're obsessed. Your personal fixation doesn't translate into the will of the 'rust belt'.
Have you not read the statistics that 1/3 of the Rust Belt dems who voted for Obama, voted for Trump instead in 2016? Are you pretending like that statistic doesn't exist? Pretending people don't think they way they actually do is what cost dems 2016 and will cost them 2018 & 2020. Refer to the title of this thread for details..
Well I also know that Rust Belt dems reject the LGBT bullshit. So, take your chances in 2018 & 2020....genius...

They very same LGBT bullshit you swore up and down would hurt Trump. lol. Stop projecting your personal obsession on the rest of the electorate. The biggest concern for the people of my region are jobs, not your obsessions with queers.
Have you not read the statistics that 1/3 of the Rust Belt dems who voted for Obama, voted for Trump instead in 2016? Are you pretending like that statistic doesn't exist? Pretending people don't think they way they actually do is what cost dems 2016 and will cost them 2018 & 2020. Refer to the title of this thread for details..

Again, Sil.....they are motivated by jobs, healthcare, national security.

Not your bizarre and singular obsession with this one lesbian couple in California. You've created half a dozen threads about this one couple. And then in your obsession, insist that everyone else must be just pathologically fixated as you are.

Um, no.
This last election was about Mexicans and Muslims and negroes and homos. The psueodocons make that every clear ever day.

Trump can break all his promises about really cheap health care, and the tards don't care. Trump can erase his campaign promises from his web site, which he has, and they don't even notice. Hell, they don't even remember all the promises he made to them. Trump counts on that.

Just so long as Trump smacks a Mexican or negro in the face once in a while, they are happy as clams.

Now...Hillary could have beaten the thug handily if she wasn't such a colossal piece of shit herself. The day she decided to let Bill hump everything that cast a shadow just so long as she ended up as First Lady, she sabotaged her own chances of acquiring the top job. All her corruption, all her sacrificing of her principles for personal gain, all her lies, caught up to her.

Just as all the bigotry and hatred and selling of their souls for worldly power will one day come back to bite the GOP right in their fat asses.
Just as all the bigotry and hatred and selling of their souls for worldly power will one day come back to bite the GOP right in their fat asses.

You just keep referring to Rust Belt dems as "bigots" for their common sense about chopping off boys' dicks or letting deranged men in their wives, daughters, neices and mother's showers/restrooms. See what it does for you in 2018 & 2020. I dare you. :popcorn:
Just as all the bigotry and hatred and selling of their souls for worldly power will one day come back to bite the GOP right in their fat asses.

You just keep referring to Rust Belt dems as "bigots" for their common sense about chopping off boys' dicks or letting deranged men in their wives, daughters, neices and mother's showers/restrooms. See what it does for you in 2018 & 2020. I dare you. :popcorn:

Again,'re not the 'Rust Belt Dems'. You live in northern California. *Your* obsession with this lesbian couple is yours. Rust belt dems care about jobs. Healthcare. National security.

This lesbian couple in Berkeley doesn't rate in their priorities. Its your obsession.
Rust belt dems care about jobs. Healthcare. National security.

And...boys getting their dicks chopped off...and...deranged men in their daughters'/wives'/girlfriends' showers/restrooms...

No, that's you. YOU are obsessed with this lesbian couple in California. You've created a half dozen threads on this one couple and have fixated on them since 2013.

You're not a 'Rust Belt Dem'. You're a horsebreeder in Northern California. Your bizarre, consuming fixations are yours. The people in the rust belt care bout Jobs. About healthcare. Immigration reform. National security.

Not the one lesbian couple in California that you're compulsively obsessed with.
Well you know, voting booths are private so...hope your theory that the deranged sex cult latching itself onto the democratic party "doesn't matter" holds water..
Well you know, voting booths are private so...hope your theory that the deranged sex cult latching itself onto the democratic party "doesn't matter" holds water..

Yeah, so you won't be in the booth with the folks in the Rust Belt. Which is pretty much the only way you're going to force them to share your obsession while voting.

Jobs, Sil. Employment. Healthcare. National Security. Immigration. This is what people care about.

Not the lesbian couple in Berkeley you've been compulsively obsessed with since 2013.
Nobody has to force anyone to recognize, shun and move away from a political party that embraces child abuse. That's a sort of autopilot affair.
Nobody has to force anyone to recognize, shun and move away from a political party that embraces child abuse. That's a sort of autopilot affair.

Sil, your personal obsessions aren't a priority for Rust Belt voters. Nor are you a Rust Belt voter. You live in northern California.

You can ignore what people actually care about. But you can't make the people ignore themselves.
Nobody has to force anyone to recognize, shun and move away from a political party that embraces child abuse. That's a sort of autopilot affair.

Sil, your personal obsessions aren't a priority for Rust Belt voters. Nor are you a Rust Belt voter. You live in northern California.

You can ignore what people actually care about. But you can't make the people ignore themselves.
Right, I forgot, Obama ordering schools to allow deranged boys in girls' locker rooms mid-election 2016 didn't even register on the Rust Belt dem bloc of middle voters. After all, who cares if boys are allowed to use girls' locker rooms at schools? This is the 21st Century.

I hope in 2018 you are an adviser to the DNC on platforms. We need even more conservatives in Congress than last time.
Nobody has to force anyone to recognize, shun and move away from a political party that embraces child abuse. That's a sort of autopilot affair.

Sil, your personal obsessions aren't a priority for Rust Belt voters. Nor are you a Rust Belt voter. You live in northern California.

You can ignore what people actually care about. But you can't make the people ignore themselves.
Right, I forgot, Obama ordering schools to allow deranged boys in girls' locker rooms mid-election 2016 didn't even register on the Rust Belt dem bloc of middle voters. After all, who cares if boys are allowed to use girls' locker rooms at schools? This is the 21st Century.

I hope in 2018 you are an adviser to the DNC on platforms. We need even more conservatives in Congress than last time.

Again, Sil.....your compulsive obsession with gay and transgender people isn't a priority for rust belt voters. They care about jobs. The economy. The border. National security. Healthcare.

Not your obsessions.
Time will surely tell. Keeping chanting that ^^ to the DNC Skylar until November. Please?
Time will surely tell. Keeping chanting that ^^ to the DNC Skylar until November. Please?

Laughing......remember when you created the thread about voting priorities for the electorate? Our own members mentioned jobs, the economy, border security, national security, healthcare.

Only you were ranting about 'the gays'.

Your compulsive obsessions are yours. You don't speak for the 'rust belt', little Ms. Northern California.

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