Does Jeb run from his brother or let him help out on campaigning? For 2016


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
If Jeb keeps him in a closet, between ignoring his brother and his dad being a 1-term president, it makes the family name look bad/weak. If George W. is allowed to go out and stump for or speak on behalf of Jeb, well then Jeb has his brother's reputation and history frequently in the public eye
We would love Hillary and feel very good at her chances of winning, but
by some chance she was not to win Jeb Bush would be the best of all
the Republicans. NO TEA!
He doesn't run away from his brother, but doesn't let him help either. IMO, Jeb is the only Republican with a chance of beating Hillary.
WOW you folks think Hillary is a shoe in??

I don't and I'd sure as hell hate to see her as POTUS.

She's already proved she couldn't handle the job with her inept State Department and Benghazi.

I shudder to think what that lousy bitch would do with a 3AM call.

Jeb was a great Gov down here in Florida and I think he would be an awesome POTUS.

I didn't like everything he did but then who would but he'd be a hell of a lot better that Hillary fucking Clinton. Good God she's a disaster.
Jeb was a great Gov down here in Florida and I think he would be an awesome POTUS.

I didn't like everything he did but then who would but he'd be a hell of a lot better that Hillary fucking Clinton. Good God she's a disaster.

If this argument becomes "Was I better off under Bush or Clinton", you guys lose that argument every time.
He runs from his brother.

As David Axelrod said the other day, he'd be a formidable candidate. He'd win Florida hands down, he's strong in the Hispanic community, and he won't scare everyone else outside of the right-wing echo chamber.
WOW you folks think Hillary is a shoe in?? I don't and I'd sure as hell hate to see her as POTUS. She's already proved she couldn't handle the job with her inept State Department and Benghazi. I shudder to think what that lousy bitch would do with a 3AM call. Jeb was a great Gov down here in Florida and I think he would be an awesome POTUS. I didn't like everything he did but then who would but he'd be a hell of a lot better that Hillary fucking Clinton. Good God she's a disaster.
What do you have to base that assessment on, besides your own biases? In a Jeb vs Hillary battle, she'll be the one the one that can lean on her name because many remember it with fondness. The ineptitude you talk about was just right wing propaganda and the Ben Ghazi story has been shown to be nothing put a pack of lies perpetrated by her and Obama's enemies. While IMO, Jeb is the only Republican that stands a chance against her, he's the one with an anchor of a name dragging him down.
This leads to another reason that Hillary is not the best candidate against Jeb Bush.

Any attempt to tar Jeb with the blunders of GW are going to be headlined by the Iraq war disaster...

...but Hillary voted for it.
The idea that Jeb isn't conservative enough just shows how out of touch the far right is with those who don't march lockstep with their rigid orthodoxy.
This leads to another reason that Hillary is not the best candidate against Jeb Bush.

Any attempt to tar Jeb with the blunders of GW are going to be headlined by the Iraq war disaster...

...but Hillary voted for it.

I don't that's going to have the impact it had in 2008. especially now that Obama has reversed course and gotten us back into the fight with ISIS.

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