Does Jesus/Yahweh love us or is he stalking us?

I try to live by the Golden Rule and if that wrong, I would hope someone would correct my immoral thinking.

The golden rule?

If you like being pissed on then all you are going to do is piss on everyone else.

You see correcting as pissing on someone. Ok.

I see it the way the bible does.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Are you pissing on your children when you correct them or are you showing love?

If love, then why are you applying an immoral double standard to me?

I think you just do so to show the hate that you are holding in your heart. Let it go my friend. You will feel a lot better.


Hate. lol... I thought it was funny.

Many people beat their kids for spilling milk and no, that is not showing love.

You are not correcting anyone, you are trying to pass yourself off as someone who isn't as bat shit crazy as they are.

Try harder. It isn't working.

You reject the bibles methods. Ok.

Thanks for showing more hate.

I don't reject any Bible methods. Pay attention.

I reject your bullshit as even less appealing than eating Jesus.
Does Jesus/Yahweh love us or is he stalking us?

Love without reciprocity, works and deeds, according to scriptures and Jesus’ own words, not that a supernatural Jesus ever existed, is not a true love.

All you need to do, to know the truth of that notion; is to look at your own standards of love. You would not love someone who does not return that love, as that is more a stalkers kind of love.

Some Christians and other believers will not see that. Most who are not led by faith, generally accept the truth stated above.

This link, in its message, gives about the same notion.

Yahweh love us or is he stalking us

Your thoughts?

Some humans - like yourself - don’t believe they have won the cosmic lottery. Which is probably why they don’t see existence itself as a sign of our Heavenly Father’s love for us.

You like the show of love your a hole god put into the women who bore these for him do you?

If so, you are one pathetic S.O.B. with the low I.Q. that has me generally ignoring you.


Absolutely I do. The worst existence ever is still better than no existence at all.

Why do you hate life so much?
The worst existence ever is still better than no existence at all.

I don't know about that.. According to you there is some disembodied entity out there who needs you to experience the material world by entering your mind like a parasite and then, ding dong, you worship that.

Personally I would rather not exist at all if you were my only vicarious link to existence..

You ritually degrade yourself by seeking spiritual life from an entity that has no life and then say and do stupid things every day and night.

Hell may be better than destruction, but where else do you think it leads to?

Why not choose life and live?

Oh yeah, you think thats an idiotic thing to say...

never mind.
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Why is it your mission in life to convince believers that God doesn't exist?

I do what I do because I think it unhealthy for people to think that a genocidal and infanticidal god is somehow a good god, especially when his religions are homophobic and misogynous and continue to do a lot of damage to society.

I try to live by the Golden Rule and if that wrong, I would hope someone would correct my immoral thinking.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

Do you think you should correct those who call evil gods good?


Do you believe in a creator? I thought you were an atheist.
The worst existence ever is still better than no existence at all.

I don't know about that.. According to you there is some disembodied entity out there who needs you to experience the material world by entering your mind like a parasite and then, ding dong, you worship that.

Personally I would rather not exist at all if you were my only vicarious link to existence..

You ritually degrade yourself by seeking spiritual life from an entity that has no life and then say and do stupid things every day and night.

Hell may be better than destruction, but where else do you think it leads to?

Why not choose life and live?

Oh yeah, you think thats an idiotic thing to say...

never mind.
I didn’t say God needed man to experience the material world. I am saying God did.

I have chosen life. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.
who cares?? he was just a man--like every other one

I agree that Jesus was just a man, or better said, a myth about an archetypal good man. I do not agree that he was like all others.

Few of us have the balls to face our governors, be they political or religious, and try to move them to a better ideology.


Why is it your mission in life to convince believers that God doesn't exist?

I do what I do because I think it unhealthy for people to think that a genocidal and infanticidal god is somehow a good god, especially when his religions are homophobic and misogynous and continue to do a lot of damage to society.

I try to live by the Golden Rule and if that wrong, I would hope someone would correct my immoral thinking.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

Do you think you should correct those who call evil gods good?


Do you believe in a creator? I thought you were an atheist.

I am a Gnostic Christian and my creator is nature and chance. Life is chaos and if my mother had not met my father I would not be here.


Why is it your mission in life to convince believers that God doesn't exist?

I do what I do because I think it unhealthy for people to think that a genocidal and infanticidal god is somehow a good god, especially when his religions are homophobic and misogynous and continue to do a lot of damage to society.

I try to live by the Golden Rule and if that wrong, I would hope someone would correct my immoral thinking.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

Do you think you should correct those who call evil gods good?


Do you believe in a creator? I thought you were an atheist.

I am a Gnostic Christian and my creator is nature and chance. Life is chaos and if my mother had not met my father I would not be here.


Why are you compelled to convince believers that there is no "God"?
Why do you hate life so much?


That is why I ignore you. Get the quote where I indicated that or get lost, again.

I get that from the ridiculous argument you are trying to make.

You label them such, you pathetic piece of human garbage, yet never show the ridiculousness you imagine, while you continue to believe in your supernaturalstupid way.

Stick to your ghosts and goblins. I will stick to reality.

I do not like to hurt the feelings of stupid people, so go away.


Why is it your mission in life to convince believers that God doesn't exist?

I do what I do because I think it unhealthy for people to think that a genocidal and infanticidal god is somehow a good god, especially when his religions are homophobic and misogynous and continue to do a lot of damage to society.

I try to live by the Golden Rule and if that wrong, I would hope someone would correct my immoral thinking.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

Do you think you should correct those who call evil gods good?


Do you believe in a creator? I thought you were an atheist.

I am a Gnostic Christian and my creator is nature and chance. Life is chaos and if my mother had not met my father I would not be here.


Why are you compelled to convince believers that there is no "God"?

I am not compelled to do so in the sense you mean.

I am compelled to have people recognize that they are misusing the word god and that gods are man made and should never be put above the humans that have created them.

Please take 5 minutes to listen to a scholar on this.


Why is it your mission in life to convince believers that God doesn't exist?

I do what I do because I think it unhealthy for people to think that a genocidal and infanticidal god is somehow a good god, especially when his religions are homophobic and misogynous and continue to do a lot of damage to society.

I try to live by the Golden Rule and if that wrong, I would hope someone would correct my immoral thinking.

Change the labels in this quote to women, minorities, gays or children being brainwashed by religions and it shows what we should be thinking and doing for each other.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

Do you think you should correct those who call evil gods good?


Do you believe in a creator? I thought you were an atheist.

I am a Gnostic Christian and my creator is nature and chance. Life is chaos and if my mother had not met my father I would not be here.

For the umpteenth time, you are not a Gnostic Christian.
Why do you hate life so much?


That is why I ignore you. Get the quote where I indicated that or get lost, again.

I get that from the ridiculous argument you are trying to make.

You label them such, you pathetic piece of human garbage, yet never show the ridiculousness you imagine, while you continue to believe in your supernaturalstupid way.

Stick to your ghosts and goblins. I will stick to reality.

I do not like to hurt the feelings of stupid people, so go away.

You wouldn’t recognize reality if it bit you in the butt.

Do you really want me to explain to you how your argument is ridiculous?
Does Jesus/Yahweh love us or is he stalking us?

Love without reciprocity, works and deeds, according to scriptures and Jesus’ own words, not that a supernatural Jesus ever existed, is not a true love.

All you need to do, to know the truth of that notion; is to look at your own standards of love. You would not love someone who does not return that love, as that is more a stalkers kind of love.

Some Christians and other believers will not see that. Most who are not led by faith, generally accept the truth stated above.

This link, in its message, gives about the same notion.

Yahweh love us or is he stalking us

Your thoughts?


1 Timothy 4:1-2

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.
King James Bible
Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
Does Jesus/Yahweh love us or is he stalking us?

Love without reciprocity, works and deeds, according to scriptures and Jesus’ own words, not that a supernatural Jesus ever existed, is not a true love.

All you need to do, to know the truth of that notion; is to look at your own standards of love. You would not love someone who does not return that love, as that is more a stalkers kind of love.

Some Christians and other believers will not see that. Most who are not led by faith, generally accept the truth stated above.

This link, in its message, gives about the same notion.

Yahweh love us or is he stalking us

Your thoughts?

He loves all people. He died for all people. That's why I disagree with the part I bolded. You can most definitely love a person who doesn't return that love, and you don't have to do it in a stalker-ish type of way. The "stalker way" is attempting to force somebody to love you back. God doesn't do that. God "leaves you alone"; he leaves you to your own devices if you reject him. That's the ultimate form of love, in my opinion, since the other option of continually pestering someone and/or forcing them to love you is anything BUT love.

If you accept God's love, by loving God back, he will gladly accept you due to Jesus' sacrifice for you. If you reject God's love, by not wanting anything to do with God, he will "let you be"; you will be separated from him and "get what you want without harassment"...

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