Does Magic Exist? Uncovering the Unknown and the Power of the World around Us.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
Magic: the word evokes a lot of different meanings. To some, they will think of the mentalism and magical illusions of stage and street magic. Others think about the witches and wizards that are the backbone of so many fantasy stories: Gandalf the Grey, Harry Potter, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Harry Dresden, etc. Still others might think of occult figures such as Anton LeVay, who founded the Satanic church; Aleister Crowley, the noted British mystic; or Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Wicca. This article will answer the question does magic exist?

Magic: the word evokes a lot of different meanings. To some, they will think of the mentalism and magical illusions of stage and street magic. Others think about the witches and wizards that are the backbone of so many fantasy stories: Gandalf the Grey, Harry Potter, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Harry Dresden, etc. Still others might think of occult figures such as Anton LeVay, who founded the Satanic church; Aleister Crowley, the noted British mystic; or Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Wicca. This article will answer the question does magic exist?

Thanks for the post.
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^ Answering the question "does magic exist?" requires a look at the different types of things we define as magic. If the magic you are thinking of is that of the street magicians or illusionists, then of course it exists and anyone with a flair for the dramatic, the finger dexterity, and a willingness to practice, practice, practice can perform that type of magic. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the type of magic often described in fantasy books. You will never be able to conjure a magic missile, for example.

When looking at the magic of the occult, answering the question "does magic exist?" becomes a lot trickier. This type of ritual magic has been used for centuries in a variety of different forms. Almost every single culture in the world has a form of magic that includes rituals, fortune-telling, potions, and spells. Today, there are numerous different groups of practitioners that still practice this form of magic. In order to answer the question of does magic exist, magical like this, it is beneficial to break the question down and look at different aspects of this type of real-world magic.
Members of alternative religious groups like the Wiccans don't like when what they do is compared to stage magic, so they've taken to calling their practices 'magick'.
There is no magic, no gods no rituals which induce any rearrangement of molecules to induce favoritism,unless you want to count a microwave.
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"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could."
Conversation between Strange and the Duke of Wellington[2]:223

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
There is the story of the malediction of bewiched which the show is based on magic and that many actors of the show died rather young and sometimes of a violent death. the anecdote says that one of the aunts of Samantha would have made the spirits before the show.
Magic does not exist in a real sense, except in label form to define what one does not understand much like natural phenomenon was attributed to the Gods ever since ancient Rome and looking deeper than that, it appears that belief in magic could pre exist belief in God or Gods. Truthfully though there is no such thing as real magic as all things can be understood with science whether we have the means right now to understand or not. Most scientists are atheists and have no superstitions although some of them will say so to avoid discussing the matter. Instead of believing a true scientist will examine what they cannot understand till they learn function, mechanical inclinations and such.

In example, the scientist has learned that lightning is electricity and that lightning is the result of positive and negative charges clashing in the atmosphere. The man without science has attributed lightning to the God Zues and as a way to tell if he present or not so that he can pray to Him.

So when you say, "What was that?!" And they answer with, "It was magic!" Or, "It was God!" What they are really saying is, "I don't know what that was because I don't understand."
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There is no magic, no gods no rituals which induce any rearrangement of molecules to induce favoritism,unless you want to count a microwave.

When the religious or occulted do their ritual and say that it works then you correct, the god that they called upon did not make it so and the words they spoke in their ritual werent heard and understood, but on a scientific level when you look closely, the success of their ritual was caused by that altered frequency in their mind and body that acted upon whatever needed to be changed to make what they want happen. So, they will continue believing in that god because they succeeded although were they to use any other figure to represent their ritual and any other words, the effect would have been the same, so long as they were put in the necessary altered state to allow them to emit the energy and frequency necessary to create the change.
I am in the mood to just say what I never tell folks...
Does magic exist?
Mostly no. 99.997% (give or take a few decimal points :D)
But some... yes.
On a number of occasions I know, without question, something I shouldn't know. It can be a number of things.
The only way I have been able to repeat it, is with cards. Basically if you take a deck of cards, pick one out... and I will tell you what that card is. I can do it several times in a row.
I have only done this with my kids and my wife. I will not do it with other people. For the simple fact, I cannot do it upon command.
My "thinking" brain is stronger than whatever part of my brain that makes this work. The only way I can do it is if I just suddenly know what card they are going to pick. So basically we can be playing cards, someone is shuffling the deck and without question... absolutely certain... I KNOW they are going to draw a certain card. I have never been wrong. Never. Not when I get that feeling. But I can't do it on command.
Frustrating let me tell you. If I try, my "thinking" brain gets in the way and wants to guess. It just happens on it's own.
All my life at times I get a powerful feeling of equal certainty about... could be anything, and sure enough it happens. For instance I have said to Bonz... your mom is going to call and within one or two seconds her cell rings.
If only... if only I could make it happen. Lottery tickets....
^ Answering the question "does magic exist?" requires a look at the different types of things we define as magic. If the magic you are thinking of is that of the street magicians or illusionists, then of course it exists and anyone with a flair for the dramatic, the finger dexterity, and a willingness to practice, practice, practice can perform that type of magic. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the type of magic often described in fantasy books. You will never be able to conjure a magic missile, for example.

When looking at the magic of the occult, answering the question "does magic exist?" becomes a lot trickier. This type of ritual magic has been used for centuries in a variety of different forms. Almost every single culture in the world has a form of magic that includes rituals, fortune-telling, potions, and spells. Today, there are numerous different groups of practitioners that still practice this form of magic. In order to answer the question of does magic exist, magical like this, it is beneficial to break the question down and look at different aspects of this type of real-world magic.
Hello. I would like to interview you for a podcast. These are done over the phone, from the comfort of you favorite chair or couch, and then posted to YouTube. Feel free to E mail ParanormalConviction at G mail dot com if you would like to be a guest. Thank You!
I am in the mood to just say what I never tell folks...
Does magic exist?
Mostly no. 99.997% (give or take a few decimal points :D)
But some... yes.
On a number of occasions I know, without question, something I shouldn't know. It can be a number of things.
The only way I have been able to repeat it, is with cards. Basically if you take a deck of cards, pick one out... and I will tell you what that card is. I can do it several times in a row.
I have only done this with my kids and my wife. I will not do it with other people. For the simple fact, I cannot do it upon command.
My "thinking" brain is stronger than whatever part of my brain that makes this work. The only way I can do it is if I just suddenly know what card they are going to pick. So basically we can be playing cards, someone is shuffling the deck and without question... absolutely certain... I KNOW they are going to draw a certain card. I have never been wrong. Never. Not when I get that feeling. But I can't do it on command.
Frustrating let me tell you. If I try, my "thinking" brain gets in the way and wants to guess. It just happens on it's own.
All my life at times I get a powerful feeling of equal certainty about... could be anything, and sure enough it happens. For instance I have said to Bonz... your mom is going to call and within one or two seconds her cell rings.
If only... if only I could make it happen. Lottery tickets....
Hello. I would like to interview you for a podcast. These are done over the phone, from the comfort of you favorite chair or couch, and then posted to YouTube. Feel free to E mail ParanormalConviction at G mail dot com if you would like to be a guest. Thank You!
I am in the mood to just say what I never tell folks...
Does magic exist?
Mostly no. 99.997% (give or take a few decimal points :D)
But some... yes.
On a number of occasions I know, without question, something I shouldn't know. It can be a number of things.
The only way I have been able to repeat it, is with cards. Basically if you take a deck of cards, pick one out... and I will tell you what that card is. I can do it several times in a row.
I have only done this with my kids and my wife. I will not do it with other people. For the simple fact, I cannot do it upon command.
My "thinking" brain is stronger than whatever part of my brain that makes this work. The only way I can do it is if I just suddenly know what card they are going to pick. So basically we can be playing cards, someone is shuffling the deck and without question... absolutely certain... I KNOW they are going to draw a certain card. I have never been wrong. Never. Not when I get that feeling. But I can't do it on command.
Frustrating let me tell you. If I try, my "thinking" brain gets in the way and wants to guess. It just happens on it's own.
All my life at times I get a powerful feeling of equal certainty about... could be anything, and sure enough it happens. For instance I have said to Bonz... your mom is going to call and within one or two seconds her cell rings.
If only... if only I could make it happen. Lottery tickets....
Hello. I would like to interview you for a podcast. These are done over the phone, from the comfort of you favorite chair or couch, and then posted to YouTube. Feel free to E mail ParanormalConviction at G mail dot com if you would like to be a guest. Thank You!
Hello. I would like to interview you for a podcast. These are done over the phone, from the comfort of you favorite chair or couch, and then posted to YouTube. Feel free to E mail ParanormalConviction at G mail dot com if you would like to be a guest. Thank You!
Read Exodus.....lotsa shit there

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