Zone1 Does My Opinion Make Me a Transphobe, or Simply Sane.

Ah -- so THAT's why you want to convince 3 year old boys into thinking they are really girls, treat them as girls as they grow up, give them puberty blockers at 11 and then castrate them at 16.

It's all "science".
Men can get pregnant and have babies.... Science because I can provide a link!
Men can get pregnant and have babies.... Science because I can provide a link!
I'm sure that none of our male forum wokesters has actually gotten pregnant, yet, but that sure doesn't stop them from trying!
Inter-sex people, or hermaphradites, are biologically born with both "parts".....male and female. Usually, the doctor will acknowledge this to the parents. The parents tell the doctor they want a girl, they want a boy, or to not bother.

This has drawbacks in each case.

1. Parents want a boy -- but if the boy grows up effeminate or "gay", or decides they feel like a woman in a mans body.....then the parents have made a mistake. Obviously the female hormones were the alpha in this case.

2. Parents want a girl -- just like parents who wanted a boy......the parents made the mistake, and the kid pays the price. The male hormones were more dominate.

3. Parents leaving it up to the child when they get older - This is a 50/50 problem, as the kid has grown up this way and this is normal to them. On one hand, they know who they are and request the appropriate corrective surgery, after a long series of psychological counseling. On the other hand, it could be the reason the kid is obese, has bad skin, has mental problems, and cannot learn in school.....or that they never had any parents that particually gave a shit about their kid and took them to all the appropriate medical programs needed for them to figure themselves out.

The doctors fault? No. The Dr. has to do what the parents instruct, even if the doctor tells the parents that even though the child shows both sexes, their hormones lean more to one than the other, and would be best to go where the evidence leans........the parents will choose "want" over "need".

As for whats going on today. This trans shit is just an excuse for the lunatics to roam freely and infect others with their psychological mental disorders and fuktardedness.

Just like those #metoo gold digging prostitutes lying to get a free paycheck and making it difficult for REAL rape victims to get help, because they are lumped in together with these are the REAL trans people are being lumped in with these mentally deranged, psychopatically demented lunatics using and abusing for their own personal gains. In reality, TRUE trans people are not that common, and have been more accepted in society than most people think.

But it's bullshit like whats happening now, that blows it all out of the water, and turns it into a lunactic freak show.

Just because a boy likes pink, doesn't make him gay. Pink is just a fucking COLOR.
Just because a girl likes to dig up worms for pets and play with bugs, doesn't make her lesbian. She's just into nature sciences.

REAL trans people are more distinct. They are usually on hormone treatments and start living as the opposite sex once going onto hormone treatments. REAL trans people are people who firmly believe they were literally born the wrong gender and have gone through painstaking years of pshycho-therapy to get where they are at. It's not something they just decided to do while watching TV last night! THIS is how you tell the mentally deranged fakers from the REAL trans people.

I was fascinated by this subject matter when I was a teenager. Before cable, we had PBS, and I watched a LOT of PBS when it came to medical subject matters such as this. And they did a LOT of biographies on REAL trans people and people got the information straight from the people going through the whole process.

If you want to watch these, do a search for PBS Sex Change biographies from the 70's and see if you can find them. They are pretty damned good, and extremely educational.
My Opinion:

For humans, there are two fundamental sexes, male and female. Males have XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes. There are people that are intersex, but this is extremely rare and are the result of something going wrong similar to some people being born as conjoined twins. The vast majority of people that make the claim of being transgender are not intersex people,

In the English Language, gender is a language construct. Until recently words used to describe people of the male sex had masculine gender, such as he, him, father, brother, and uncle. Words used to describe people of the female sex had feminine gender such as she, her, mother, sister and aunt. These gendered words historically have been used to convey the biological sex of the person for whom they are being used. It is also true that there are some personality characteristics that are considered to be more masculine or more feminine. For example, assertiveness may often be considered a masculine personality characteristic and being nurturing may often be considered a feminine characteristic. Both men and women have masculine and feminine personality characteristics. That said, a person's personality characteristics have not historically determined the gendered words that are used to reference individuals. Many seem to be thinking that their personality characteristics define there gender, and since there is a near infinite possible variations in personalities there would be a near infinite number of genders. That's simply madness.

Copied from the internet:
"Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life."

Gender dysphoria - NHS › conditions › gender-dysphoria
Until recently, there have been an extremely small group of people to claim to have gender dysphoria affecting approximately 1 in 10,000 people. Most of these people have been biological males claiming to have the brains of females. I personally consider this to be a mental disorder regardless of whether it is real or simply perceived to be real.

Most of the people who are claiming to be "Trans" or "Non-Binary" today, IMO, are not suffering from gender dysphoria. They are actually suffering from a social contagion brought on by an ideology of moral relativism and the rejection of objective truth. If everyone gets to have "their own truth" then there is no truth.

As Americans, we live in a free country. If an adult decides to have surgery and hormone therapy to look like the other sex, then so be it. That said, sex change surgery does not really change a person's sex. I don't hate you. But I am not afraid of you (a transphobe) simply because I don't agree with you or use your preferred pronouns. If you kill yourself because I say "he" rather than "her, "zer" or "whatever" then you have coping issues that are really beyond my help anyway.

And finally, it is time to stop the madness. It's time for people to stop being scared to speak objective truth and stop capitulating to the ideology of relative truth.

If this makes me transphobic, then so be it.
It makes you transphobic.
Ah -- so THAT's why you want to convince 3 year old boys into thinking they are really girls, treat them as girls as they grow up, give them puberty blockers at 11 and then castrate them at 16.

It's all "science".
Are you trying to accuse me of something? Say it with your chest. When you folks can't argue facts you attack posters and accuse them of pedophilia. I don't have to put science in air quotes, I actually linked to reputable scientific and and medical sites with information on gender dysphoria and physiological differences their brains have from people who aren't trans. You folks haven't produced one single piece of evidence to support your arguments. Not one.
Are you trying to accuse me of something? Say it with your chest. When you folks can't argue facts you attack posters and accuse them of pedophilia. I don't have to put science in air quotes, I actually linked to reputable scientific and and medical sites with information on gender dysphoria and physiological differences their brains have from people who aren't trans. You folks haven't produced one single piece of evidence to support your arguments. Not one.
I don't think anyone has been arguing that there are not people that actually suffer from gender dysphoria. Perhaps it is because of brain differences. Here is a link to a meta study you might find interesting.

I concede and from the beginning in the OP never argued that gender dysphoria isn't real. That said, can you answer the following (in your opinion).

Is a man with gender dysphoria actually a woman?
Is a woman with gender dysphoria actually a man?
What is a man?
What is a woman?

And if gender dysphoria is medically a male having a female brain or a female having a male brain, why aren't CT Scans of the brain the primary method of diagnosing the condition?
I don't think anyone has been arguing that there are not people that actually suffer from gender dysphoria. Perhaps it is because of brain differences. Here is a link to a meta study you might find interesting.
What's interesting is the word few differences rather than no difference.
I concede and from the beginning in the OP never argued that gender dysphoria isn't real. That said, can you answer the following (in your opinion).

Is a man with gender dysphoria actually a woman?
Is a woman with gender dysphoria actually a man?
What is a man?
What is a woman?
I have answered that question. Will you fail again to respond?

The terms man and woman don't refer to biological sex classifications, they are mutable social constructs and as such are subjective notions like whether or not you think someone is a "good" person.

Male and Female are sex classifications based on objective biological differences but what biological differences get classified as what sex is also subjective. A person with 46,XX chromosomes rather than the standard XX chromosomes could be born with a outward female appearance and be classified as female despite maybe having some male reproductive organs. One day, after more study, scientists and biologists might decide that the physiological differences in trans brains is enough of an objective standard to also classify them differently in regards to sex designation.
And if gender dysphoria is medically a male having a female brain or a female having a male brain, why aren't CT Scans of the brain the primary method of diagnosing the condition?
It's a relatively new field of study. It might very well be one day.
The terms man and woman don't refer to biological sex classifications, they are mutable social constructs and as such are subjective notions like whether or not you think someone is a "good" person.
But can you define what a man is and what a woman is? You haven't done that. What exactly is a man? What exactly is a woman? "Mutable social constructs".... are we able to redefine language on the fly? Words become meaningless.

Whether someone is "good" or "not good" has nothing to do with this conversation.
What's interesting is the word few differences rather than no difference.

I have answered that question. Will you fail again to respond?

The terms man and woman don't refer to biological sex classifications, they are mutable social constructs and as such are subjective notions like whether or not you think someone is a "good" person.

Male and Female are sex classifications based on objective biological differences but what biological differences get classified as what sex is also subjective. A person with 46,XX chromosomes rather than the standard XX chromosomes could be born with a outward female appearance and be classified as female despite maybe having some male reproductive organs. One day, after more study, scientists and biologists might decide that the physiological differences in trans brains is enough of an objective standard to also classify them differently in regards to sex designation.

It's a relatively new field of study. It might very well be one day.
Also, the conversation about trangenders has nothing to do with birth defects with the chromosomes as this is not the makeup of the population of people professing to be trans.
But can you define what a man is and what a woman is? You haven't done that. What exactly is a man? What exactly is a woman? "Mutable social constructs".... are we able to redefine language on the fly? Words become meaningless.
Each of those words, "mutable social construct" have very definite meanings, no redefining necessary.
Whether someone is "good" or "not good" has nothing to do with this conversation.
It's another subject notion. I was attempting to educate you with an analogy.
Also, the conversation about trangenders has nothing to do with birth defects with the chromosomes as this is not the makeup of the population of people professing to be trans.
The conversation was about what is a man and woman and so pointing out that there is a group of people who dont have standard chromosomes or binary sex organs who are still identified as men or women is a relevant fact proving the subjective nature of those designations.
The conversation was about what is a man and woman and so pointing out that there is a group of people who dont have standard chromosomes or binary sex organs who are still identified as men or women is a relevant fact proving the subjective nature of those designations.

How many of the current situations involve non standard chromosomes?

What we are seeing in schools is a form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, with the kids being used to validate sometimes the parents need for validation, and sometimes the school teachers and administrators needs for validation.
How many of the current situations involve non standard chromosomes?
It's doesn't really matter does it? We aren't talking quantity, we're talking real vs imaginary. Trans people like people born blind are real, even if they are a tiny percentage of the population.
What we are seeing in schools is a form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, with the kids being used to validate sometimes the parents need for validation, and sometimes the school teachers and administrators needs for validation.
That's supposition without any evidence. Provide some if you're capable.
It's doesn't really matter does it? We aren't talking quantity, we're talking real vs imaginary. Trans people like people born blind are real, even if they are a tiny percentage of the population.

That's supposition without any evidence. Provide some if you're capable.

It's only comparable if you are talking about people poking their own eyes out to be blind, because they think they should be blind.
The conversation was about what is a man and woman and so pointing out that there is a group of people who dont have standard chromosomes or binary sex organs who are still identified as men or women is a relevant fact proving the subjective nature of those designations.
Is a biological female with gender dysphoria a man? Yes or No!

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