Does Obama Fear Putin?

Does Obama Fear Putin?

  • Yes, Like the little bitch he is

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • No, he is too high most of the time to give a shit

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Maybe, maybe not, but what is Kim Kardashian wearing tonight?

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • dunno, donacare

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The UN isn't fair to anyone. It's sole purpose is to get whatever it can from rich nations and distribute what it took to poor nations after keeping a hefty chunk for itself. Putin is very wise to oppose the UN.
The Teaper love of Putin is traitorous! Then again, we already found out that teapers are anti-American when they threatened to use women as human shields in their support of Bundy, and his effort to be the biggest welfare queen known to America.
The UN isn't fair to anyone. It's sole purpose is to get whatever it can from rich nations and distribute what it took to poor nations after keeping a hefty chunk for itself. Putin is very wise to oppose the UN.

Because Putin is obviously all about fairness.

Still a Soviet in deeds and heart.

He hopes to be the one to reconstitute the Soviet Union. Putin has about as much chance of doing that as Jefferson Davis has of coming back to life and restarting the Confederacy.
Is this true?
I think its true.

Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press
First Obama is a president only 5 years. Putin 14.
Secondly Putin was on leading posts in KGB before became the president.
He cleverer, more professional and is more skilled than Obama. And he has a very, very big experience an blitz interview in Russia.

I think Obama knows that 1 on 1 Putin will tear him=)

He hopes to be the one to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
It not so. I read your press and I see that occurs here in Russia.
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It does not appear so, the Russian Federation voted FOR the US backed resolution, thus, Putin CAVED.
Does one fear a mad dog?

Of course you do........but mad dogs seldom win
Is this true?
I think its true.

Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press
First Obama is a president only 5 years. Putin 14.
Secondly Putin was on leading posts in KGB before became the president.
He cleverer, more professional and is more skilled than Obama. And he has a very, very big experience an blitz interview in Russia.

I think Obama knows that 1 on 1 Putin will tear him=)

He hopes to be the one to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
It not so. I read your press and I see that occurs here in Russia.

Next you'll be telling people that Putin isn't gay.

Does one fear a mad dog?

Of course you do........but mad dogs seldom win

This mad dig just caved, the Russian Federation voted FOR the Resolution demanding access to the crash site in the Russian separatist controlled area of Ukraine.
One thing's for sure, the righties here fear Obama, though that's not due to anything Obama specifically does. Most of the righties here just reflexively soil themselves any time they see any black man. Adult diaper manufacturers are grateful to their best customers, conservative Americans.
Watching how Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press, many are getting the idea that Obama is afraid of Putin.

Is this true?

He's afraid of Moochelle....seen how skinny he is these days? Either AIDS or the arugula and tofu diet she has him on. :lol:

Is this true?
I think its true.

Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press
First Obama is a president only 5 years. Putin 14.
Secondly Putin was on leading posts in KGB before became the president.
He cleverer, more professional and is more skilled than Obama. And he has a very, very big experience an blitz interview in Russia.

I think Obama knows that 1 on 1 Putin will tear him=)

He hopes to be the one to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
It not so. I read your press and I see that occurs here in Russia.

Thank you, and I am glad Russia saw the light and voted for access to the crash site.
This thread offers insight to people outside America about the bubble that conservatives in America find themselves in.

When Russia shot a Korean airliner down in 1983, President Reagan offered tough words for Russia but he didn't do anything. The Reagan administration didn't even press Russia to release the black boxes that Russians said they had taken from the crash site. Boris Yeltsin decided on his own to release them in the early 90's.

The thing about Obama is that they want him to be a white guy with a southern accent who waves his dick around but doesn't actually do anything, because the act of waving your dick around is what really makes conservatives hard and wet.

Meanwhile, President Obama has rallied the world community into sanctioning Russia twice while the third round is about to be enacted, which is further going to squeeze the Russian economy, which has been in tatters for months now. Russians are protesting their government by the tens of thousands, which is unheard of.

Republicans in Washington wanted sanctions and the Obama administration is doing to Russia what the U.S. and the world community began doing to Iran, and it has been working there.

President Obama re-opened the search for Bin Laden and carefully led the administration in killing him. The operation went off almost perfectly. He took the time to think and get it right. So the idea that he's somehow afraid of Putin is just conservative American fairytale thinking.

Obama and the world community see Putin on the level of that annoying bad guy from "Despicable Me". Putin is nothing on the world stage. He has no clout. He has no influence. His empire died decades ago. His people are getting sick and tired of him. The world community has the power to destroy Russia's economy in a heartbeat.

We're winning and Putin is losing. All he is is a guy who's fiddling with himself, trying to get back a country he lost and that he'll never get back in the Ukraine.

The only people in the world who believe the tripe and the palaver of this thread are the kinds of conservative Americans who have their heads stuck in the ground and who have no ability to think for themselves.

But please, continue revealing how stupid you are for believing in your own moronic and hypocritical fairytale that says 1) Obama is weak and scared on the global stage, so much so that 2) he happens to be secretly the mastermind of the very same troubles, conflicts and tragedies, that fucking fascist-Hitler-Marxist Obama!
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Watching how Obama refuses to oppose the Russians effectively in any place they get caught by the press, many are getting the idea that Obama is afraid of Putin.

Is this true?

No. Not even close. To obama, he is god. His bizarre behavior isn't because he's afraid of Putin but because obama is bored. He's already checked out. Putin is a stubborn child that simply won't do what he's told. Obama has washed his hands of the whole world leadership thingy and is going off on his own determined to have a good time as long as the party lasts.

The reason who obama refuses to oppose Putin is because he can't. Obama thought he was a leader until he turned around and noticed that no one was following him.

I agree with most of this ^^^. People around him are whispering he's BORED with being president. This is the product of the CHOOM days when his brain was short-circuited with Maui-Wowie. He's simply not capable of focus....too scattered. He got where he is by promising the impossible and blaming the failures on anybody handy. He's still voting "present" even though his mind is who knows where....getting a golden shower from Reggie Love most likely.
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One thing's for sure, the righties here fear Obama, though that's not due to anything Obama specifically does. Most of the righties here just reflexively soil themselves any time they see any black man. Adult diaper manufacturers are grateful to their best customers, conservative Americans.

And yet they continue to unashamedly shit themselves on this thread. You would think by now they would be embarrassed about being wrong and stupid all the time. It must be very frustrating for them to be nearly smart enough to almost realize how ignorant they are.
Is this true?
I think its true.

First Obama is a president only 5 years. Putin 14.
Secondly Putin was on leading posts in KGB before became the president.
He cleverer, more professional and is more skilled than Obama. And he has a very, very big experience an blitz interview in Russia.

I think Obama knows that 1 on 1 Putin will tear him=)

He hopes to be the one to reconstitute the Soviet Union.
It not so. I read your press and I see that occurs here in Russia.

Next you'll be telling people that Putin isn't gay.

View attachment 30811

Uh, we got a pretty good idea which one is "gay".

Probably the UK, France, the Netherlands, and Australia stomping their feet that got the Russian Federation to vote FOR the resolution today; who cares? The separatists are isolated until they open the crash scene.
Does one fear a mad dog?

Of course you do........but mad dogs seldom win

This mad dig just caved, the Russian Federation voted FOR the Resolution demanding access to the crash site in the Russian separatist controlled area of Ukraine.

After having plenty of time to engage in forensic staging.

You might not get it, but Pu9tin got away with this one no matter what his vote is in the UN.

The deed is done, why not vote for an inspection?

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