Does Obama Want ISIS to succeed? He helped create them.

"Does Obama Want ISIS to succeed? He helped create them."

Your unwarranted hatred of the president has clearly rendered you mentally ill, you're a compulsive liar incapable of recognizing the truth.


You truly are the bigot in here...I simply POINT IT OUT!
Does Obama want ISIS to succeed, I think it does not even enter his mind, Obama wants America to fail. Obama wants Freedom and Liberty to fail. Obama is showing that the United States of America's government does not work, that the President has too much power, that the people have zero control. Obama illustrates everything wrong with our government. It is Obama's goal to be an example in history as to why the USA is bad.

Everything people like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky said about the USA is now true, under Obama's rule. Obama's rule shows the World that our Republic has failed.

Obama wants anything but the USA to succeed.
this is news?
Perhaps another Crusade, maybe this time it will be done to the full extent of prosecution!

US Army Veterans, Westerners Join Christian Militia to Fight ISIS

reuters ^ | Feb. 15, 2015
Saint Michael, the archangel of battle, is tattooed across the back of a U.S. army veteran who recently returned to Iraq and joined a Christian militia fighting Islamic State in what he sees as a biblical war between good and evil. Brett, 28, carries the same thumb-worn pocket Bible he did whilst deployed to Iraq in 2006 - a picture of the Virgin Mary tucked inside its pages and his favourite verses highlighted. "It's very different," he said, asked how the experiences compared. "Here I'm fighting for a people and for a faith, and the enemy is much bigger and...
Godspeed, little dead Christian.

"Everyone dies," said Brett, asked about the prospect of being killed. "One of my favourite verses in the Bible says: be faithful unto death, and I shall give you the crown of life."

Say hello to Jesus for me, and enjoy your dark-eyed virgins.
So much for your break.... gone 2 days and 189 post in the 2 days since
The left pretends that Bush helped create ISIS, but they've thrived under Obama. /

Excuse me Vernon.

ISIS is a foreign policy blowback.

There is no evidence that Obama and his advisers knew that helping the Syrian "resistance" was going to have a blowback - they should have known it.

But it was the SAME situation when Reagan and Rumfilled helped Osama Ben Laden in order to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan.

The morale of the story is that the Washington DC motherfuckers should cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations.

Yes, the current administration's foreign policy team is either the most clueless the US has had since the War of 1812 with the possible exception of the Carter administration.

"clueless" well a mere six years ago he was a community organizer,

But the Joint Chiefs of Staff knew, or should have known that the Syrian Resistance was affiliated with AlQaeda and ISIS.

But Obama wanted to help "our" friends the Israelis and Saudi Arabians. They both want Assad removed from power.

Aren't nearly all CINCs and COSs his appointees now?

The JCOS consists of senior commanders who know better.


GEN Martin Dempsey
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Would one of you obamabots please provide a quote where obama has ever expressed any anger at ISIS (he calls them ISIL) ?

When has he ever said anything close to what the king of Jordan said after they burned the jordanian pilot?

Whose side is obama really on?
Would one of you obamabots please provide a quote where obama has ever expressed any anger at ISIS (he calls them ISIL) ?

When has he ever said anything close to what the king of Jordan said after they burned the jordanian pilot?

Whose side is obama really on?

Silent leftists are silent.
Would one of you obamabots please provide a quote where obama has ever expressed any anger at ISIS (he calls them ISIL) ?

When has he ever said anything close to what the king of Jordan said after they burned the jordanian pilot?

Whose side is obama really on?

Outstanding question but don't forget the old proverb "With friends like him we don't need enemies."
Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?
It's almost like Obama doesn't want to end ISIS. A spokeswoman for the state dept said killing them won't help. Other countries are making an effort and asked for our help in determining targets. They got no help from Obama. How effective are our airstrikes? We've already 'accidentally' dropped weapons and supplies into the hands of terrorists. Wouldn't it be better if we gave Jordan and others intel regarding ISIS so they can go after ISIS? It's one thing for Obama to hold off getting serious about kicking their ass, but we should back those who are willing.

"President El Sisi asked for American intelligence targeting intelligence before today’s strikes and didn’t get it. King Abdullah of Jordan asked for Intelligence data on targets to respond to the murder of a Jordanian aircraft pilot. The Kurds are begging for arms and ammo from the United States, not one bullet has been delivered by the United States."

Could it be Obama still harbors resentments over the fact that Al Sisi deposed Barack’s chosen Muslim Brotherhood dictator Mohammed Morsi?

Or also that Obama’s bombing of Libya and assistance of those who murdered Mohamar Gaddafi descended the nation into chaos and enabled the rise of ISIS?
Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?

Actually it is arrogance and conceit not stupidity.
Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?

They were financed and supported by the US because they were fighting against Assad in Syria.

US foreign policy dictates that they help Israel and Saudi Arabia's interests and the the time they were demanding that Assad be removed from power.

Even if a white Republican was in office he would have followed the same policy.

Study the Reagan Ben Laden connection before posting bullshit.

Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?

They were financed and supported by the US because they were fighting against Assad in Syria.

US foreign policy dictates that they help Israel and Saudi Arabia's interests and the the time they were demanding that Assad be removed from power.

Even if a white Republican was in office he would have followed the same policy.

Study the Reagan Ben Laden connection before posting bullshit.


Why isn't Obama helping Jordan and others now after they requested help on targeting ISIS?
Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?

They were financed and supported by the US because they were fighting against Assad in Syria.

US foreign policy dictates that they help Israel and Saudi Arabia's interests and the the time they were demanding that Assad be removed from power.

Even if a white Republican was in office he would have followed the same policy.

Study the Reagan Ben Laden connection before posting bullshit.


Why isn't Obama helping Jordan and others now after they requested help on targeting ISIS?

Last I heard - he was!
Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?

They were financed and supported by the US because they were fighting against Assad in Syria.

US foreign policy dictates that they help Israel and Saudi Arabia's interests and the the time they were demanding that Assad be removed from power.

Even if a white Republican was in office he would have followed the same policy.

Study the Reagan Ben Laden connection before posting bullshit.


Why isn't Obama helping Jordan and others now after they requested help on targeting ISIS?

Last I heard - he was!

Last I heard he was golfing and supposedly still pondering how to approach the ISIS problem. There was something said about ISIS being evil only because they were poor and didn't have jobs. Gee, how poor can they be when they are so well financed and are armed to the teeth? Obama makes it sound like we just need to give them jobs and that will make them fit into decent society. An administration spokeswoman claimed that killing ISIS members won't help.

Maybe a few more rounds of golf will Obama time to think about the next lie, er I mean strategy.
Technically, no one created ISIS, but someone does get credit for the fact that they have gone unchecked for so long and became emboldened to carry on their evil with little fear of reprisal. Evil terrorists exist and always will. Main point is how did they get to where they are now? That is on Obama, who not so long ago dismissed them as a JV group. Clearly, they have gained strength in recent years and Obama's policy of not being hard on radical Muslims is largely to blame, as well as the money he sent to radical groups. We should have seen this coming. Is Obama really that stupid?

They were financed and supported by the US because they were fighting against Assad in Syria.

US foreign policy dictates that they help Israel and Saudi Arabia's interests and the the time they were demanding that Assad be removed from power.

Even if a white Republican was in office he would have followed the same policy.

Study the Reagan Ben Laden connection before posting bullshit.


Why isn't Obama helping Jordan and others now after they requested help on targeting ISIS?


The Prez has pledged to helped Jordan

But , at least 2200 Jordanians are fighting with ISIS.

We helped create Al Qaeda and supported the Taliban, to force the USSR out of Afghanistan.

That's what started the road to ISIS and other Islamic terror groups, not the election of Obama (or even Bush Jr for that matter)

Though, getting rid of Saddam and leaving a massive power vacuum in Iraq played a role, as did the 'Arab spring' that opened a power vacuum for ISIS to really set up in.

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