Does Officer Wilson Have a Civil Case Against News Media


May 23, 2014
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
He'd be wise to keep his mouth shut and leave well enough alone. He got off easy, and should be thankful that an independent outside agency didn't conduct the investigation.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
He'd be wise to keep his mouth shut and leave well enough alone. He got off easy, and should be thankful that an independent outside agency didn't conduct the investigation.
How did he get off easy?
Probably. To win a defamation case you have to have suffered a financial loss. Like losing your job because of the false statements made by many media outlets.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
He'd be wise to keep his mouth shut and leave well enough alone. He got off easy, and should be thankful that an independent outside agency didn't conduct the investigation.
he did?
Probably. To win a defamation case you have to have suffered a financial loss. Like losing your job because of the false statements made by many media outlets.
it is way more than that for Wilson.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.
no it was personal. That's all he has to prove.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.
except for ass hats like yourself,calling him a racist,murder coward.........................
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.
except for ass hats like yourself,calling him a racist,murder coward.........................
yes, hate baiting.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
Does he have a case? No. Absence of Malice. It was just news.

It's 'just news' if it's live. It's irresponsible and actionable when it's an interview. They're then responsible for what goes on their air. Just as if you put someone on tv spewing mindless hate you're responsible for that content if someone decides to sue you over it. Are limits to free speech as here.
i'd go get all of the IP addresses from the hate related posts off of internet sites and add them all to the suit.
He should sue. But I doubt it goes anywhere.

Let's not forget the coalition, people....

the dimocrap scum party consists of Lawyers, Judges, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, Hollywood and various and assorted other criminal enterprises.

The White Hispanic (the one that exterminated a future ward of The State) sued and the case was thrown out.

This was in the case where the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM DOCTORED A TAPE to make it look like he said something he didn't.

Judges, Lawyers, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM all have one thing in common with the criminal dimocrap scum party --

They take OUR money and contribute next to nothing back.

What a racket, huh?

No way Wilson gets anything out of this. No way.

Now shut up and get back to work. dimocrap scum need your money
One other thing before our resident scum get this thread moved to the Siberia of the Board.....

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM sure does seem to look the other way when one of their 'own' like Bill Cosby gets accused of multiple rapes, huh?

In the UK, the disgusting BBC allowed Jimmy Saville to rape hundreds of children without lifting a finger.

Here? They don't even bother with verifying rape charges.... They just print it.

Will Rolling Stone get sued? Probably. Will they be forced out of business over it? Doubtful.

See, people..... There's two sets of rules in this:

One set for you and me and another set for the dimocrap scum coalition.

hot button topic for me
i'd go get all of the IP addresses from the hate related posts off of internet sites and add them all to the suit.
Yeah, doesn't work that way when you become a Public Figure. I can call Sarah Palin a useless moron-producing slut-making ******-fucking **** all day long, and there's not a thing she can do about it.
Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.

Did OJ?

Does officer Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri have grounds for a civil case against the U.S. news media , in particularly extreme leftist networks like MSNBC or publications like the NY Times and Washington Post for libel and slander? The whole rush to judgement with "Hand's Up Don't Shoot" mantra that turned out to be a lie has totally destroyed officer Wilson's career.
He'd be wise to keep his mouth shut and leave well enough alone. He got off easy, and should be thankful that an independent outside agency didn't conduct the investigation.
How did he get off easy?
Is he in jail or prison? Did he have to go through a trial? Did an angry mob attack him and harm him? Was he investigated by an independent outside agency not connected to or associated with any law enforcement agency? Was there sufficient video to dispute his side of the story? Was every single witness questioned? Was any witnesses other than those that backed his story considered creditable? Was the two construction workers that actually witnessed the shooting ever brought forth and put under oath? Did those that conducted the investigation have a dog in the fight? Did anyone ever consider that the blood from Mr. Brown, that was found on Mr. Wilson, occurred as a result of Mr. Wilson somehow injuring Mr. Brown while Mr. Wilson claimed that Mr. Brown was trying to reach for Mr. Wilson's gun? Remember, no one could see what was taking place inside the officer's patrol car at the time Mr. Wilson claimed that Mr. Brown was attempting to get the officer's weapon. Also, since a dead man can't talk, any and all so-called evidence was tested against Mr. Wilson's story with absolutely nothing to compare it to. There was NO "other story" to argue against or dispute. Any details that may have been questionable, was buried with Mr. Brown. So, the conclusion was that Mr. Wilson acted in self-defense.

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