Does Paris Make You Support Jeb More or Less?

Do the terrorist attacks in Paris make you more or less likely to support Jeb Bush?

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  • No change

    Votes: 20 76.9%
  • Less

    Votes: 6 23.1%

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Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
I was listening to the talking heads on the weekend saying that the insiders like Jeb Bush may benefit from the Paris attacks.

However, Bush's advisers are many of the same ones who got us into Iraq in the first place.

Notwithstanding his plummeting poll numbers, are you more or less likely to support Bush after the attacks in Paris?
I was listening to the talking heads on the weekend saying that the insiders like Jeb Bush may benefit from the Paris attacks.

However, Bush's advisers are many of the same ones who got us into Iraq in the first place.

Notwithstanding his plummeting poll numbers, are you more or less likely to support Bush after the attacks in Paris?

Let's see , I don't think Americans want another Bush wh plans to invade Iraq . Bad memories .
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

You think Syria was invented on 1/20/2009 then, do ya?

As we all know, every time the US has a Prez election, the rest of the world simply hits the "reset" button. And clears the cache.
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

Oh come on.

What, we live in a world where there are no consequences to actions that take time to build up? Seriously?

I mean, I've not seen so much deflecting of a topic for a long time, and there's a lot of deflecting on this board.

But your post just adds to the nonsense.

If I get cancer, I don't die the day I get cancer. I die years later.

If I start smoking at the age of 18, I don't get cancer the day I start smoking.

Things sometimes happen because of events in the past. Do you understand this simple concept?
I had no interest in Jeb before the attacks in Paris.I have less interest in him now.
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

Oh come on.

What, we live in a world where there are no consequences to actions that take time to build up? Seriously?

I mean, I've not seen so much deflecting of a topic for a long time, and there's a lot of deflecting on this board.

But your post just adds to the nonsense.

If I get cancer, I don't die the day I get cancer. I die years later.

If I start smoking at the age of 18, I don't get cancer the day I start smoking.

Things sometimes happen because of events in the past. Do you understand this simple concept?

Do you understand the simple concept that it's never a Democrats fault.....ever?

So sick of hearing our economy of 2015 is the fault of Reagan. Or that what's going on in Syria today had something to do with GW. Or that the OKC bombing under Clinton's watch was done by a right-winger. So sick of this blame game.

Why doesn't the left take responsibility for a change? Maybe that should be our slogan: What's the point of electing a Democrat for President when anything that goes wrong will be the fault of previous Republican Presidents?

Folks, when you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

Oh come on.

What, we live in a world where there are no consequences to actions that take time to build up? Seriously?

I mean, I've not seen so much deflecting of a topic for a long time, and there's a lot of deflecting on this board.

But your post just adds to the nonsense.

If I get cancer, I don't die the day I get cancer. I die years later.

If I start smoking at the age of 18, I don't get cancer the day I start smoking.

Things sometimes happen because of events in the past. Do you understand this simple concept?

Do you understand the simple concept that it's never a Democrats fault.....ever?

So sick of hearing our economy of 2015 is the fault of Reagan. Or that what's going on in Syria today had something to do with GW. Or that the OKC bombing under Clinton's watch was done by a right-winger. So sick of this blame game.

Why doesn't the left take responsibility for a change? Maybe that should be our slogan: What's the point of electing a Democrat for President when anything that goes wrong will be the fault of previous Republican Presidents?

Folks, when you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

I understand you want to play some pathetic partisan game.

I'm not even saying the Democrats had no blame in this. They do. They voted for the war they shouldn't have. Regardless of the evidence being manipulated, they played the political game rather than the moral game. They didn't think about their constituents first, they thought about their careers first.

However this isn't the issue here. The issue is that the Iraq War destabilised a region that really didn't need destabilising. Do you understand this?

You might be sick of hearing things. I couldn't give a fuck to be honest, you sound like a whining child. Some things are true. Something may not be true. However whether Reagan caused the economy to weaker or not has nothing to do with this topic.

What DOES have to do with this topic is that Bush went to war in Iraq. It was his responsibility. While Congress signed off on the war, it's still Bush, as C-in-C, who initiated the war, pushed for the war, and ultimately fucked up the post war period so badly, that we now have ISIS.

There's no running away from this. You can put your hands over your ears and say "lalalala" all you like, it doesn't change the fact.
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

Oh come on.

What, we live in a world where there are no consequences to actions that take time to build up? Seriously?

I mean, I've not seen so much deflecting of a topic for a long time, and there's a lot of deflecting on this board.

But your post just adds to the nonsense.

If I get cancer, I don't die the day I get cancer. I die years later.

If I start smoking at the age of 18, I don't get cancer the day I start smoking.

Things sometimes happen because of events in the past. Do you understand this simple concept?
W gave this guy cancer...?

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His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

Oh come on.

What, we live in a world where there are no consequences to actions that take time to build up? Seriously?

I mean, I've not seen so much deflecting of a topic for a long time, and there's a lot of deflecting on this board.

But your post just adds to the nonsense.

If I get cancer, I don't die the day I get cancer. I die years later.

If I start smoking at the age of 18, I don't get cancer the day I start smoking.

Things sometimes happen because of events in the past. Do you understand this simple concept?

Do you understand the simple concept that it's never a Democrats fault.....ever?

So sick of hearing our economy of 2015 is the fault of Reagan. Or that what's going on in Syria today had something to do with GW. Or that the OKC bombing under Clinton's watch was done by a right-winger. So sick of this blame game.

Why doesn't the left take responsibility for a change? Maybe that should be our slogan: What's the point of electing a Democrat for President when anything that goes wrong will be the fault of previous Republican Presidents?

Folks, when you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh
Let them blame Bush. Clearly no one is buying that anymore. The more they blame him and ignore the last eight years under Barry, the more we win.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
His brother made this happen. Do you want the world to be even less secure? Vote another Bush.

Yeah, his brother made this happen. The guy hasn't been in office in over seven years. Give it up already. Was GW responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing too?

Oh come on.

What, we live in a world where there are no consequences to actions that take time to build up? Seriously?

I mean, I've not seen so much deflecting of a topic for a long time, and there's a lot of deflecting on this board.

But your post just adds to the nonsense.

If I get cancer, I don't die the day I get cancer. I die years later.

If I start smoking at the age of 18, I don't get cancer the day I start smoking.

Things sometimes happen because of events in the past. Do you understand this simple concept?

Do you understand the simple concept that it's never a Democrats fault.....ever?

So sick of hearing our economy of 2015 is the fault of Reagan. Or that what's going on in Syria today had something to do with GW. Or that the OKC bombing under Clinton's watch was done by a right-winger. So sick of this blame game.

Why doesn't the left take responsibility for a change? Maybe that should be our slogan: What's the point of electing a Democrat for President when anything that goes wrong will be the fault of previous Republican Presidents?

Folks, when you promote irresponsibility, don't be surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

I understand you want to play some pathetic partisan game.

I'm not even saying the Democrats had no blame in this. They do. They voted for the war they shouldn't have. Regardless of the evidence being manipulated, they played the political game rather than the moral game. They didn't think about their constituents first, they thought about their careers first.

However this isn't the issue here. The issue is that the Iraq War destabilised a region that really didn't need destabilising. Do you understand this?

You might be sick of hearing things. I couldn't give a fuck to be honest, you sound like a whining child. Some things are true. Something may not be true. However whether Reagan caused the economy to weaker or not has nothing to do with this topic.

What DOES have to do with this topic is that Bush went to war in Iraq. It was his responsibility. While Congress signed off on the war, it's still Bush, as C-in-C, who initiated the war, pushed for the war, and ultimately fucked up the post war period so badly, that we now have ISIS.

There's no running away from this. You can put your hands over your ears and say "lalalala" all you like, it doesn't change the fact.
And it wasn't Bush who supported the overthrow of Assad even when the intelligence said that a caliphate would be the result.
If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

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