Does Racism Really Cause More Black Drug Arrests?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Me thinks that's a bunch of bull...

Does Racism Really Cause More Black Drug Arrests?

July 10, 2013 By Colin Flaherty

Black people and white people smoke the same amount of pot. But black people are arrested four times more often.

Everybody knows that. Too bad it’s not true.

This Holy Grail of Critical Race Theory was trotted out in June by the Washington Post (with nine charts!), the New York Times, the ACLU and tons of others as proof positive of Institutional Racism.

Critical Race Theory says racism is everywhere. And permanent. And White Supremacy is responsible for the differences among races in education, incarceration, income, health and everything else.

They teach it in more than 200 school districts across the country. They repeat it on talk radio and MSNBC. Colleges devote entire semesters to it.

The message is clear, says one commentator at the Washington Post web site: “When you see the crime report next time, you know WHY the stats are black. Crime occurs at the same or higher rates in other communities, but the policing and prosecution is higher in the black communities.”


Does Racism Really Cause More Black Drug Arrests? | FrontPage Magazine


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