Does Spanking kids Work?

100% opposed to spanking children. Obedience under the threat of physical violence doesn't really sound right to me.
A little story my daughter just told me about her friend and the encounter she had with her mom back in the day. Her friend began getting older as a teen ager, and she bagn hanging with the wrong crowd and such, as well as being influenced in the wrong ways also, so of course she bagn to get tougher and tougher, and more unruley as the days went by. Finally it came to a climax one day, where the teen called her mom a physcopathic B. The teen friend of my daughter said to her that it was the last time she ever tried that one, because all she remembers is picking herself up off of the floor after that burst of verbal outrage. She told my daughter that it was the hardest slap she thinks she ever got for being bad like that. She also told my daughter that till this very day, she don't mess with her mom like that anymore. The teenager now turned woman is 32years old, has three children of her own (2) boy's and one girl, and they are all doing great in their lives. She still, and will always love her mother and father is what she says, but she won't try her mom like that ever again.

Sad it had to come to that, but that is what happened in that incident. Worked for her and the teen girl in the situation at the time, but it could be construed by another as abuse, but would they be right on that ?

Yes, I would construe that as abuse.

Just like if it happened on the street, it would be an arrest able offense called assault.

People in these anecdotal fairy tale cases number one, have all different definitions for "turned out fine," and two - don't know everyone's deep dark secrets, behind closed doors things, to even judge turned out fine.....

and last point: She didn't turn out fine. She deems it ok to get knocked out cold by her parent - she respects her mom for it - - - - - so now she'll not feel too bad knocking out her own kids?

Did her mom "turn out fine" if she loses her temper so badly she knocks her daughter out, cold, like a boxer? That's "turned out fine," someone who will knock their kid out cold because of their bad temper?

Seems to me that anecdote is all about personal power and not at all about behavioural lessons. BIG difference. And not the first time they've been conflated here.
A little story my daughter just told me about her friend and the encounter she had with her mom back in the day. Her friend began getting older as a teen ager, and she bagn hanging with the wrong crowd and such, as well as being influenced in the wrong ways also, so of course she bagn to get tougher and tougher, and more unruley as the days went by. Finally it came to a climax one day, where the teen called her mom a physcopathic B. The teen friend of my daughter said to her that it was the last time she ever tried that one, because all she remembers is picking herself up off of the floor after that burst of verbal outrage. She told my daughter that it was the hardest slap she thinks she ever got for being bad like that. She also told my daughter that till this very day, she don't mess with her mom like that anymore. The teenager now turned woman is 32years old, has three children of her own (2) boy's and one girl, and they are all doing great in their lives. She still, and will always love her mother and father is what she says, but she won't try her mom like that ever again.

Sad it had to come to that, but that is what happened in that incident. Worked for her and the teen girl in the situation at the time, but it could be construed by another as abuse, but would they be right on that ?

Yes, I would construe that as abuse.

Just like if it happened on the street, it would be an arrest able offense called assault.

People in these anecdotal fairy tale cases number one, have all different definitions for "turned out fine," and two - don't know everyone's deep dark secrets, behind closed doors things, to even judge turned out fine.....

and last point: She didn't turn out fine. She deems it ok to get knocked out cold by her parent - she respects her mom for it - - - - - so now she'll not feel too bad knocking out her own kids?

Did her mom "turn out fine" if she loses her temper so badly she knocks her daughter out, cold, like a boxer? That's "turned out fine," someone who will knock their kid out cold because of their bad temper?

Seems to me that anecdote is all about personal power and not at all about behavioural lessons. BIG difference. And not the first time they've been conflated here.

Egg sack, leigh.
There very much is a difference. Yes, a spanking can go too far to where it is a beating. But, there are spankings that aren't beatings that gets the attention of a child and goes no further.

Spanking is hitting. Hitting children is cowardly.

Ah, so now spanking during play is cowardly, huh? Spanking is hitting and all that....

And I wonder what, exactly, you think those who spank are afraid of?
People who hit children are just not intelligent enough to find another. And cowards.
There very much is a difference. Yes, a spanking can go too far to where it is a beating. But, there are spankings that aren't beatings that gets the attention of a child and goes no further.

Spanking is hitting. Hitting children is cowardly.
Do you have children ? If so then be glad that you didn't give birth to a child that needs to be spanked sometimes or every once in a while for being bad. You probably have a child that needs to be spanked sometimes, but you have bought the coolaid the whole picture full in liberal theology, and so you want to let the government or the school system raise your child instead maybe ? Do you believe in drugs raising your child also ? Are you even fit to have a child or children umm do you think ? These are all important questions, and you should be honest with yourself about it all somehow. What works for you isn't the only tool in the box for all, so becareful of your judgement of others, especially if your not a trained physcologist or even a scholar on the subject. Abuse is one thing, and I think all know what abuse is, but disipline in the form of a spanking or a quick pop on the hand or the butt is something altogether different than a abusive situation in which people have seen and understood abuse to be.

The whole thing is part of a broader plan by government, to take control of the children in the plan, and it has worked brilliantly on the populous over the years, because we the people have drunk the coolaid of the liberal elite in this nation, and it isn't over yet.
Yes, I have children, raised them without ever hitting them. Hitting children is the coward's way.
Spanking is hitting. Hitting children is cowardly.

Ah, so now spanking during play is cowardly, huh? Spanking is hitting and all that....

And I wonder what, exactly, you think those who spank are afraid of?
People who hit children are just not intelligent enough to find another. And cowards.

Multiple times you've said hitting is hitting, yet have ignored my repeated questions about hitting as part of play.

Now you are calling those who hit children cowards, without explaining what those people are afraid of that makes them cowards. Nor have you explained how, if hitting is hitting is hitting, someone who hits a child as part of playing is a coward.

I could as easily say someone who consistently resorts to insults rather than discussion, as you have done, isn't intelligent enough to debate a subject.

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to spanking, but you have done little to discuss the subject.
100% opposed to spanking children. Obedience under the threat of physical violence doesn't really sound right to me.
A little story my daughter just told me about her friend and the encounter she had with her mom back in the day. Her friend began getting older as a teen ager, and she bagn hanging with the wrong crowd and such, as well as being influenced in the wrong ways also, so of course she bagn to get tougher and tougher, and more unruley as the days went by. Finally it came to a climax one day, where the teen called her mom a physcopathic B. The teen friend of my daughter said to her that it was the last time she ever tried that one, because all she remembers is picking herself up off of the floor after that burst of verbal outrage. She told my daughter that it was the hardest slap she thinks she ever got for being bad like that. She also told my daughter that till this very day, she don't mess with her mom like that anymore. The teenager now turned woman is 32years old, has three children of her own (2) boy's and one girl, and they are all doing great in their lives. She still, and will always love her mother and father is what she says, but she won't try her mom like that ever again.

Sad it had to come to that, but that is what happened in that incident. Worked for her and the teen girl in the situation at the time, but it could be construed by another as abuse, but would they be right on that ?

Yes. Probably aggravated assault. She would have been entirely justified to take a baseball bat to her psychotic mother.
100% opposed to spanking children. Obedience under the threat of physical violence doesn't really sound right to me.
A little story my daughter just told me about her friend and the encounter she had with her mom back in the day. Her friend began getting older as a teen ager, and she bagn hanging with the wrong crowd and such, as well as being influenced in the wrong ways also, so of course she bagn to get tougher and tougher, and more unruley as the days went by. Finally it came to a climax one day, where the teen called her mom a physcopathic B. The teen friend of my daughter said to her that it was the last time she ever tried that one, because all she remembers is picking herself up off of the floor after that burst of verbal outrage. She told my daughter that it was the hardest slap she thinks she ever got for being bad like that. She also told my daughter that till this very day, she don't mess with her mom like that anymore. The teenager now turned woman is 32years old, has three children of her own (2) boy's and one girl, and they are all doing great in their lives. She still, and will always love her mother and father is what she says, but she won't try her mom like that ever again.

Sad it had to come to that, but that is what happened in that incident. Worked for her and the teen girl in the situation at the time, but it could be construed by another as abuse, but would they be right on that ?

Yes, I would construe that as abuse.

Just like if it happened on the street, it would be an arrest able offense called assault.

People in these anecdotal fairy tale cases number one, have all different definitions for "turned out fine," and two - don't know everyone's deep dark secrets, behind closed doors things, to even judge turned out fine.....

and last point: She didn't turn out fine. She deems it ok to get knocked out cold by her parent - she respects her mom for it - - - - - so now she'll not feel too bad knocking out her own kids?

Did her mom "turn out fine" if she loses her temper so badly she knocks her daughter out, cold, like a boxer? That's "turned out fine," someone who will knock their kid out cold because of their bad temper?
You say knocked out cold eh, and her mother hit her like a boxer eh, but that is the way you must play this now isn't it ? In fact she didn't knock her daughter out cold (your words), but instead she slapped her pretty hard. Not sure if you know how kids speak about things, but it is a favorite saying by kids or adults talking about the past, and for whom got their punishment in this way, to always say I was picking myself up off of the floor (getting bragging rights for her mom you see), and this in her opinion of a punishment that fit the offense. You must have forgot the part where she said it was the hardest her mom ever slapped her for being bad. A slap is not what a boxer does now is it ? You have absoluetly no proof what so ever that she would do this to her own kids as based upon her past experience in life, but you are having to play that one in your liberal fantasy mind as well. You see folks, this is the kind of person and/or people who think in these twisted ways like this, and sadly they are the kind of people that we have all listened to in this nation now. All I can say is look at this nation now, because it is totally messed up, and it keeps getting worse as the information is pumped out by these people in the ways that it is being pumped out (dishonest), but people keep on giving them an audience, and that is what they thrive on in their dishonesty for which they push.
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100% opposed to spanking children. Obedience under the threat of physical violence doesn't really sound right to me.
A little story my daughter just told me about her friend and the encounter she had with her mom back in the day. Her friend began getting older as a teen ager, and she bagn hanging with the wrong crowd and such, as well as being influenced in the wrong ways also, so of course she bagn to get tougher and tougher, and more unruley as the days went by. Finally it came to a climax one day, where the teen called her mom a physcopathic B. The teen friend of my daughter said to her that it was the last time she ever tried that one, because all she remembers is picking herself up off of the floor after that burst of verbal outrage. She told my daughter that it was the hardest slap she thinks she ever got for being bad like that. She also told my daughter that till this very day, she don't mess with her mom like that anymore. The teenager now turned woman is 32years old, has three children of her own (2) boy's and one girl, and they are all doing great in their lives. She still, and will always love her mother and father is what she says, but she won't try her mom like that ever again.

Sad it had to come to that, but that is what happened in that incident. Worked for her and the teen girl in the situation at the time, but it could be construed by another as abuse, but would they be right on that ?

Yes. Probably aggravated assault. She would have been entirely justified to take a baseball bat to her psychotic mother.
Wow a baseball bat for a slap eh ? Well how about a shotgun or butcher knife, I mean don't stop with just the bat. So you advocate the kid killing her mom for her mom slapping her eh ? You are one messed up dude, and I hope you know that.
A little story my daughter just told me about her friend and the encounter she had with her mom back in the day. Her friend began getting older as a teen ager, and she bagn hanging with the wrong crowd and such, as well as being influenced in the wrong ways also, so of course she bagn to get tougher and tougher, and more unruley as the days went by. Finally it came to a climax one day, where the teen called her mom a physcopathic B. The teen friend of my daughter said to her that it was the last time she ever tried that one, because all she remembers is picking herself up off of the floor after that burst of verbal outrage. She told my daughter that it was the hardest slap she thinks she ever got for being bad like that. She also told my daughter that till this very day, she don't mess with her mom like that anymore. The teenager now turned woman is 32years old, has three children of her own (2) boy's and one girl, and they are all doing great in their lives. She still, and will always love her mother and father is what she says, but she won't try her mom like that ever again.

Sad it had to come to that, but that is what happened in that incident. Worked for her and the teen girl in the situation at the time, but it could be construed by another as abuse, but would they be right on that ?

Yes. Probably aggravated assault. She would have been entirely justified to take a baseball bat to her psychotic mother.
Wow a baseball bat for a slap eh ? Well how about a shotgun or butcher knife, I mean don't stop with just the bat. So you advocate the kid killing her mom for her mom slapping her eh ? You are one messed up dude, and I hope you know that.

That's because he was hit as a child.
Yes. Probably aggravated assault. She would have been entirely justified to take a baseball bat to her psychotic mother.
Wow a baseball bat for a slap eh ? Well how about a shotgun or butcher knife, I mean don't stop with just the bat. So you advocate the kid killing her mom for her mom slapping her eh ? You are one messed up dude, and I hope you know that.

That's because he was hit as a child.

No. It's because he was abused as a child. I am confident most who were spanked as children would disagree with Jarlaxle's stated opinions on spanking.
Ah, so now spanking during play is cowardly, huh? Spanking is hitting and all that....

And I wonder what, exactly, you think those who spank are afraid of?
People who hit children are just not intelligent enough to find another. And cowards.

Multiple times you've said hitting is hitting, yet have ignored my repeated questions about hitting as part of play.

Now you are calling those who hit children cowards, without explaining what those people are afraid of that makes them cowards. Nor have you explained how, if hitting is hitting is hitting, someone who hits a child as part of playing is a coward.

I could as easily say someone who consistently resorts to insults rather than discussion, as you have done, isn't intelligent enough to debate a subject.

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to spanking, but you have done little to discuss the subject.

Spanking as a kinky sex thing between consenting adults would be ok. But I don't see how you can play with a child that involves hitting them, that's dumb. And cowardly. A coward is someone who hits people who are substantially smaller than they are. Now you know.
This might be a worthwhile tangent -- I tried to go down this process path yesterday with Wake and we didn't finish... when you say this girl (now your wife) was being physically abused and authorities put a stop to it -- how did they do that? Presumably the adults visiting the abuse on her were not spanked as a remedy, so how did they get it stopped?

Looking for motivational cause and effects here.

She's never said. Just said it stopped after the school authorities intervened but that the emotional and mental abuse was much worse.
My assumption is her parents (this I know) were thought of highly at work and among friends so anything that might mar said public image they would have eschewed. Their public image was more important to them than anything.

Assuming that is the way it went down, and it's reasonable to assume, that makes the case that the non-punitive method of social pressure was effective. That's why I keep coming back to cultural mores rather than punitive ones like laws or spanking.

In other words, you and I and the posters here don't walk down the street hitting people. Do we not do that because the law would lock us up, or do we not do that because it's simply the wrong thing to do within our cultural mores? Seems obvious which motivation is the more effective.
It's a guess on my part. It could have well been they saw a pattern of bruises and confronted her parents with potential criminal prosecution. I don't know and she doesn't either, she wasn't in the room during the meeting. :dunno:
Some of this I just don't understand.

If spanking is so vile, why are there so many happy, peaceful, successful, law-abiding citizens out there who have been spanked? We're not talking beatings, like getting punched, kicked, strangled, etc. Getting paddled a few times on the butt with a slim, wooden board. I never got the belt or anything beyond that. I was ruthless and out of control as a child, and spanking was the only thing that got me to stop. Sometimes you run out of options. If I hadn't been spanked, undoubtedly I'd be in jail or prison, or worse. That I know. And why is it that there are so many people who were paddled that say they'd do the same with their own little ones? Oh, now we can't even yell at them to stop? What is next, you're not allowed to raise your voice or deprive them of their freedoms by sending them to their rooms or to the corner? See, this is one of those aspects of liberalism that just makes me think they're ****ing nuts. No seriously. I'm an atheist. Not a conservative. A relatively level-headed guy. This kind of bunk just makes me go "WHAT?!" ...speaking of atheism, aren't there some Christians here who refuse to spank their children? What do they think of Proverbs 13:24?

I got spanked when I tried to kill or maim stuff. It got me to stop. I haven't been in trouble with the law, because of behavioral conditioning.
People who hit children are just not intelligent enough to find another. And cowards.

Multiple times you've said hitting is hitting, yet have ignored my repeated questions about hitting as part of play.

Now you are calling those who hit children cowards, without explaining what those people are afraid of that makes them cowards. Nor have you explained how, if hitting is hitting is hitting, someone who hits a child as part of playing is a coward.

I could as easily say someone who consistently resorts to insults rather than discussion, as you have done, isn't intelligent enough to debate a subject.

There's nothing wrong with being opposed to spanking, but you have done little to discuss the subject.

Spanking as a kinky sex thing between consenting adults would be ok. But I don't see how you can play with a child that involves hitting them, that's dumb. And cowardly. A coward is someone who hits people who are substantially smaller than they are. Now you know.

So, you don't see how to play with any kind of hitting? That's too bad, but doesn't change the fact that it can and is done. It's not hitting to hurt, but if hitting is hitting is hitting, even when you aren't trying to hurt you may as well be the most abusive batterer ever, right? :tongue:

I still don't know what these supposed cowards are afraid of. When I play with the little one, and I give her what we call spank-a-booty's, I'm being a coward? :cuckoo:
Some of this I just don't understand.

If spanking is so vile, why are there so many happy, peaceful, successful, law-abiding citizens out there who have been spanked? We're not talking beatings, like getting punched, kicked, strangled, etc. Getting paddled a few times on the butt with a slim, wooden board. I never got the belt or anything beyond that. I was ruthless and out of control as a child, and spanking was the only thing that got me to stop. Sometimes you run out of options. If I hadn't been spanked, undoubtedly I'd be in jail or prison, or worse. That I know. And why is it that there are so many people who were paddled that say they'd do the same with their own little ones? Oh, now we can't even yell at them to stop? What is next, you're not allowed to raise your voice or deprive them of their freedoms by sending them to their rooms or to the corner? See, this is one of those aspects of liberalism that just makes me think they're ****ing nuts. No seriously. I'm an atheist. Not a conservative. A relatively level-headed guy. This kind of bunk just makes me go "WHAT?!" ...speaking of atheism, aren't there some Christians here who refuse to spank their children? What do they think of Proverbs 13:24?

I got spanked when I tried to kill or maim stuff. It got me to stop. I haven't been in trouble with the law, because of behavioral conditioning.

We never finished the analysis from yesterday (dons goatée, Viennese accent) about how this lesson came to be learned.

Are you saying then that had you not been spanked you would have gone down that path, ended up in jail, etc? Are you saying that the only reason you're not down that path now is that you might get spanked?

Why did you engage in those things (that needed correction) in the first place? What was the objective?

And I think the last query that was left over was: are you saying that the proper remedy for ADHD is violence?

Interesting that you want to turn this into something political now too... :confused:
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Some of this I just don't understand.

If spanking is so vile, why are there so many happy, peaceful, successful, law-abiding citizens out there who have been spanked? We're not talking beatings, like getting punched, kicked, strangled, etc. Getting paddled a few times on the butt with a slim, wooden board. I never got the belt or anything beyond that. I was ruthless and out of control as a child, and spanking was the only thing that got me to stop. Sometimes you run out of options. If I hadn't been spanked, undoubtedly I'd be in jail or prison, or worse. That I know. And why is it that there are so many people who were paddled that say they'd do the same with their own little ones? Oh, now we can't even yell at them to stop? What is next, you're not allowed to raise your voice or deprive them of their freedoms by sending them to their rooms or to the corner? See, this is one of those aspects of liberalism that just makes me think they're ****ing nuts. No seriously. I'm an atheist. Not a conservative. A relatively level-headed guy. This kind of bunk just makes me go "WHAT?!" ...speaking of atheism, aren't there some Christians here who refuse to spank their children? What do they think of Proverbs 13:24?

I got spanked when I tried to kill or maim stuff. It got me to stop. I haven't been in trouble with the law, because of behavioral conditioning.

We never finished the analysis from yesterday (dons goatée, Viennese accent) about how this lesson came to be learned.

Are you saying then that had you not been spanked you would have gone down that path, ended up in jail, etc? Are you saying that the only reason you're not down that path now is that you might get spanked?

Why did you engage in those things (that needed correction) in the first place? What was the objective?

And I think the last query that was left over was: are you saying that the proper remedy for ADHD is violence?

Interesting that you want to turn this into something political now too... :confused:

Beyond spanking it out of me to get it to stop, the only other thing to stop me would be law enforcement. Children can be ruthless, snotty, entitled, belligerent, immature, violent, you name it. Like dictators. Why did I do those things? Hell, I don't even know. I was wild and wanted whatever the hell I wanted, and no one would dare stop me. Someone had to make it known that this kind of bad behavior was absolutely unacceptable, Pogo.

This issue becomes political when people are trying to prevent other people from spanking their own children. It has always been political for that reason.

As for the last part, it kind of irked me a bit. No, I don't think the remedy for ADHD is violence. Spanking isn't violence. Beating or stabbing someone is violence. People need to make the distinction between the two. In my opinion, the proper remedy for ADHD is the right medication, because it helps to correct the chemical imbalances in the brain. Spanking is an acceptable remedy for knowingly bad behavior, and wild/semi-conscious violent behavior. I wasn't treated with ADHD meds while I was spanked, but spanking certainly helped me learn good and quick that setting the house on fire with lighter fluid wasn't acceptable, etc.
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Some of this I just don't understand.

If spanking is so vile, why are there so many happy, peaceful, successful, law-abiding citizens out there who have been spanked? We're not talking beatings, like getting punched, kicked, strangled, etc. Getting paddled a few times on the butt with a slim, wooden board. I never got the belt or anything beyond that. I was ruthless and out of control as a child, and spanking was the only thing that got me to stop. Sometimes you run out of options. If I hadn't been spanked, undoubtedly I'd be in jail or prison, or worse. That I know. And why is it that there are so many people who were paddled that say they'd do the same with their own little ones? Oh, now we can't even yell at them to stop? What is next, you're not allowed to raise your voice or deprive them of their freedoms by sending them to their rooms or to the corner? See, this is one of those aspects of liberalism that just makes me think they're ****ing nuts. No seriously. I'm an atheist. Not a conservative. A relatively level-headed guy. This kind of bunk just makes me go "WHAT?!" ...speaking of atheism, aren't there some Christians here who refuse to spank their children? What do they think of Proverbs 13:24?

I got spanked when I tried to kill or maim stuff. It got me to stop. I haven't been in trouble with the law, because of behavioral conditioning.

We never finished the analysis from yesterday (dons goatée, Viennese accent) about how this lesson came to be learned.

Are you saying then that had you not been spanked you would have gone down that path, ended up in jail, etc? Are you saying that the only reason you're not down that path now is that you might get spanked?

Why did you engage in those things (that needed correction) in the first place? What was the objective?

And I think the last query that was left over was: are you saying that the proper remedy for ADHD is violence?

Interesting that you want to turn this into something political now too... :confused:

Beyond spanking it out of me to get it to stop, the only other thing to stop me would be law enforcement. Children can be ruthless, snotty, entitled, belligerent, immature, violent, you name it. Like dictators. Why did I do those things? Hell, I don't even know. I was wild and wanted whatever the hell I wanted, and no one would dare stop me. Someone had to make it know that this kind of bad behavior was absolutely unacceptable, Pogo.

This issue becomes political when people are trying to prevent other people from spanking their own children. It has always been political for that reason.

As for the last part, it kind of irked me a bit. No, I don't think the remedy for ADHD is violence. Spanking isn't violence. Beating or stabbing someone is violence. People need to make the distinction between the two. In my opinion, the proper remedy for ADHD is the right medication, because it helps to correct the chemical imbalances in the brain. Spanking is an acceptable remedy for knowingly bad behavior, and wild/semi-conscious violent behavior. I wasn't treated with ADHD meds while I was spanked, but spanking certainly helped me learn good and quick that setting the house on fire with lighter fluid wasn't acceptable, etc.
Man, my mom use to make us pick her a switch, and so you picked the smallest one you could find. Problem was is that the smallest ones were the ones that hurt the most. The bigger ones would make your mom take it easy on you, but them smaller ones yeeouch. My dad used the belt, and he knew how to use it to. I use my athoritive voice to get the attention and results in that way for my kid. It worked purty well for me. Now I would spank if I had to, but I just didn't have to thank goodness.
Some of this I just don't understand.

If spanking is so vile, why are there so many happy, peaceful, successful, law-abiding citizens out there who have been spanked? We're not talking beatings, like getting punched, kicked, strangled, etc. Getting paddled a few times on the butt with a slim, wooden board. I never got the belt or anything beyond that. I was ruthless and out of control as a child, and spanking was the only thing that got me to stop. Sometimes you run out of options. If I hadn't been spanked, undoubtedly I'd be in jail or prison, or worse. That I know. And why is it that there are so many people who were paddled that say they'd do the same with their own little ones? Oh, now we can't even yell at them to stop? What is next, you're not allowed to raise your voice or deprive them of their freedoms by sending them to their rooms or to the corner? See, this is one of those aspects of liberalism that just makes me think they're ****ing nuts. No seriously. I'm an atheist. Not a conservative. A relatively level-headed guy. This kind of bunk just makes me go "WHAT?!" ...speaking of atheism, aren't there some Christians here who refuse to spank their children? What do they think of Proverbs 13:24?

I got spanked when I tried to kill or maim stuff. It got me to stop. I haven't been in trouble with the law, because of behavioral conditioning.

We never finished the analysis from yesterday (dons goatée, Viennese accent) about how this lesson came to be learned.

Are you saying then that had you not been spanked you would have gone down that path, ended up in jail, etc? Are you saying that the only reason you're not down that path now is that you might get spanked?

Why did you engage in those things (that needed correction) in the first place? What was the objective?

And I think the last query that was left over was: are you saying that the proper remedy for ADHD is violence?

Interesting that you want to turn this into something political now too... :confused:

Beyond spanking it out of me to get it to stop, the only other thing to stop me would be law enforcement. Children can be ruthless, snotty, entitled, belligerent, immature, violent, you name it. Like dictators. Why did I do those things? Hell, I don't even know. I was wild and wanted whatever the hell I wanted, and no one would dare stop me. Someone had to make it known that this kind of bad behavior was absolutely unacceptable, Pogo.

This issue becomes political when people are trying to prevent other people from spanking their own children. It has always been political for that reason.

As for the last part, it kind of irked me a bit. No, I don't think the remedy for ADHD is violence. Spanking isn't violence. Beating or stabbing someone is violence. People need to make the distinction between the two. In my opinion, the proper remedy for ADHD is the right medication, because it helps to correct the chemical imbalances in the brain. Spanking is an acceptable remedy for knowingly bad behavior, and wild/semi-conscious violent behavior. I wasn't treated with ADHD meds while I was spanked, but spanking certainly helped me learn good and quick that setting the house on fire with lighter fluid wasn't acceptable, etc.

What I was really trying to get at there is your reasoning for starting that behaviour in the first place -- something a bit more detailed than "I was wild" -- what exactly was the objective in your mind, the expected return?

Overall it seems you're saying you feel ADHD should be remedied with medication, yet in your own case it was remedied with violence. I'm trying to get at the process of how that evolved: how violence brings about a voluntary change in behaviour. Obviously you're an adult now and you're not refraining from these things on account of your parents threatening a spanking. There's kind of a missing link there. What I'm searching for is the bridge that got you from there to here.

And yes I'm using "violence" in a broad sense -- for this purpose any physical contact intended to cause discomfort no matter to what degree. Splitting hairs over where the line is doesn't seem useful at this point. "Corporal punishment" if you like.

By "political" I referred to "this is one of those aspects of liberalism that just makes me think they're ****ing nuts." I for one have already dismissed the idea of regulation by law, and I did so on the basis of liberalism so that just doesn't add up, and more to the point it seems to want to walk this topic into the political arena where everybody gets a nice blue or red uniform, which is useless. This is not a political issue anyway; it's sociological. The question is not, and should not be, whether anti-spanking laws should exist or be built up. The question as the OP put it is, really, "does it work?". That has nothing to do with Liberals or Conservatives or Whigs or anything else.
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