Does 'Start at Zero' Include Israel?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
During the Republican debates, Rick Perry said he'd start all foreign aid at "zero".

Someone tweets in, and the moderators, ask,

"Does that include Israel?"


Perry, not being all that bright, says "yes", btw. The correct answer would have been, "Well, our relationship with Isrul is special..." Hee hee.
If Israel has a good reason for the kind of foreign aid they get, sure!

The major player candidates won't end foreign aid, just ask the nations asking for foreign aid to justify it. We give Egypt 3 billion dollars a year so they can buy arms to use to kill the Coptic Christians in the country. Is that a wise use of foreign aid dollars? How about fighting AIDS in Africa? Unless you have an ARMY of people willing to go to Africa and forcibly put condoms on the men, every cent is wasted. Is there a good reason why we are paying Brazil to explore for oil?

Not that no foreign aid should be spent, but it should be well spent.

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