Does Ted Cruz, Scot Walker, Paul Ryan and Sellout Boehner Owe Pelosi an Appology?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
After years and years of teasing her about her 'we have to pass it to see what was in it' comment about Obamac are legislation, Cruz, Boehner, Walker, etc have done the exact same stupid thing and bought a 'pig-in-a-poke' from Barrack Hussein Obama. Very few Congresscritters actually read the damned thing and most who did came out against it, like Jeff Sessions.

There has never before been a time that I have been so completely disgusted with the Republican party. Not in my life, not even when they let Romney buy the nomination in 2012.

Shame on those sellout whores.
BTW, thank you to the Democratic Party members of the House and the few Republicans who voted against this unrivalled piece of subversion and betrayal of the American people.

The radical progressive left wing moonbats conspired with the right wingnut Teapartiers to overthrow the establishment politicians?

The fat is in the fire now.


The radical progressive left wing moonbats conspired with the right wingnut Teapartiers to overthrow the establishment politicians?

The fat is in the fire now.


Well SOMEBODIES gotta save this country from being sold to international corporations.

Might as well be nutters and baggers.

The radical progressive left wing moonbats conspired with the right wingnut Teapartiers to overthrow the establishment politicians?

The fat is in the fire now.


Well SOMEBODIES gotta save this country from being sold to international corporations.

Might as well be nutters and baggers.

Obviously, there is some common ground here. We probably disagree on the 'why', but what the hey...if it worked.

Pelosi has yet to explain her vote for the Iraq war. She's as culpable for that mess as George bush.

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