Does that mean Cruz will get Jeb Bushs supporters?

Supporters and endorsements don't mean jack. Delegates are all that matter. At this point, neither Trump or Cruz appears to have the magical 1237 needed to seal the deal on the first ballot. The only possible way to defeat Trump as the nominee is through a brokered convention.

On the second (and subsequent) ballots, delegates bound to Rubio, Carson, Bush, Christie, etc., can switch to Trump, Cruz or someone else. Here's where it goes wonky for the Establishment... it's never been "someone else." It has been the #2 guy... Lincoln won nomination as such. Additionally, they are bound by the rules they've established. Rule 40 is something you're going to hear about. In order to be eligible on the 2nd ballot, you have to have received a majority of delegates in at least 8 states. Cruz is now the only candidate who could meet that criteria.
no, it's meant to offer guidance for those who have yet to vote and wish to defeat trump.

the Republican leadership is recommending cruz in order to get to a brokered convention.

first things first.

then, if they make it to a second round, all bets are off and maybe kasich gets the weight of those endorsements behind him at that juncture...

if the GOP establishment lets that happen, the GOP is history and Hillary becomes president. Are they really that stupid? we shall see.

she's going to win either way, so the party leadership would like to at least repudiate trump's rhetoric.
"if no candidate wins a majority of delegates during the first round—which they wouldn’t in this scenario—many of those delegates would then be unbound and allowed to vote however they want during the second round. Even more would become free agents in the rounds that followed, until eventually we’re looking at a free-for-all that would make the Republican debates look like ordered affairs."

[URL=""]Everything You Wanted to Know about the Republican Convention[/URL]
no, it's meant to offer guidance for those who have yet to vote and wish to defeat trump.

the Republican leadership is recommending cruz in order to get to a brokered convention.

first things first.

then, if they make it to a second round, all bets are off and maybe kasich gets the weight of those endorsements behind him at that juncture...

if the GOP establishment lets that happen, the GOP is history and Hillary becomes president. Are they really that stupid? we shall see.

she's going to win either way, so the party leadership would like to at least repudiate trump's rhetoric.

wanna bet? she is very likely to be under indictment before the dem convention.
"if no candidate wins a majority of delegates during the first round—which they wouldn’t in this scenario—many of those delegates would then be unbound and allowed to vote however they want during the second round. Even more would become free agents in the rounds that followed, until eventually we’re looking at a free-for-all that would make the Republican debates look like ordered affairs."

[URL='']Everything You Wanted to Know about the Republican Convention[/URL]
http://[URL=" Know about the Republican Convention[/URL]

Trump will have the required number, there will be no brokered or open convention.
sure, let's bet on that indictment first... :lol:

OK, here's what may happen

1. the Obama's and Clintons hate each other
2. the FBI has indictable evidence that cannot be refuted
3. Hillary starts losing primaries
4. the media and the DNC turn on her, remember they hate her too
5. Obama lets the DOJ issue the indictment
6. the DNC scrambles and decides to run Biden

3. Obama ignores the FBI evidence and the FBI goes public with it
4. the FBI director and many top agents resign because Obama refused to allow the indictment
5. The polls dump on hillary
6. the DNC and the media dump on hillary
7. The DNC scrambles and decides to run Biden

10. under either scenario, Trump becomes president.
who cares? Bush only had 100 supporters nationwide. His endorsement has zero value.
It might to his donations..

most of that money was already spent on Jeb's losing campaign. keeps rolling in. They spent millions propping up Rubio and failed to help at all.....except it helped Hillary alot.

Now thousands of college kids are pissing themselves if the see the word "Trump" on the chalkboard.

college kids go with the flow, and the flow can change every day. they also do not vote in large numbers. college kids will not decide this election, neither will Hispanics or blacks. The election will be decided by voters who have never voted before, crossover voters, and independents. Trump wins all of those demographics.
This year illegals and Ex-cons will be voting.

Yes, Trump is getting a lot of support from Ex-conservatives.
Speaking of betting, where is tom? Anyone seen that welsher lately?
step right up and bet me off the forum... i triple dog dare you.

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