Does the first amendment mean we can discriminate?

You are asking idiots to think ahead, Zeke. Not their strong suit.

I understand. Sometimes on here I feel like asking some of the more thoughtful left wing posters (yourself for instance) to try and argue the positions of the right wingers.

At least you or some one like you would be able to make a better case for some of their weirdness.
And it would make the site more fun and entertaining.

Then sometimes I just want to ask are there any other message boards that you know of that has smarter, more thoughtful right wingers participating?

Hey baseball season starts tomorrow. Life is getting better. I tried to buy tickets to the Allstar Game in CInci this year. Good lord those ticket prices. Instead I got 4 tickets to the Sunday Old Timers game and the up and coming stars game. Should be fun. Even if it's not the All Star game.

Have a good Easter.

Actually, baseball season starts today. Cards vs Cubs at 8 EST.

The Mets begin what I believe will be an epic season tomorrow in DC. Let's Go Mets!!
You are not being forced to do anything that you find morally offensive, so you should not seek to coerce the religious vendor into doing something that he finds morally offensive. Live and let live. Show some tolerance and respect for different values and beliefs.

Maybe you can answer this question.

Can I discriminate against a Christian that wants to rent one of my houses? Just curious. They really want to rent this house. Close to their kids school, their work, just the right size, close to church. They have the money they have the good rent history.

But I just don't like Christians. Should I be able to discriminate in the housing arena? It would be morally offensive to me being a different religion than they are.

Is discrimination in housing something we should try and bring back?
Actually, baseball season starts today. Cards vs Cubs at 8 EST.

The Mets begin what I believe will be an epic season tomorrow in DC. Let's Go Mets!!

You know how us Cinci fans are. We don't really believe the season has started till the Reds play. We USED to have the first game. Because we were the first pro team. Times are a changing.

But METS?? I thought you were a Cubs fan for some reason. Hell Cubs fans could have a real good team this year. Matter of fact the entire division will be the toughest in baseball I believe..

But the METS. jk. Go Mets.
Actually, baseball season starts today. Cards vs Cubs at 8 EST.

The Mets begin what I believe will be an epic season tomorrow in DC. Let's Go Mets!!

You know how us Cinci fans are. We don't really believe the season has started till the Reds play. We USED to have the first game. Because we were the first pro team. Times are a changing.

But METS?? I thought you were a Cubs fan for some reason. Hell Cubs fans could have a real good team this year. Matter of fact the entire division will be the toughest in baseball I believe..

But the METS. jk. Go Mets.

Getting too excited about spring training isn't logical, I know.....but my Mets kicked ass down here. Stingy pitchers.....lots of runs scored..good overall defense. They have a first tier starting rotation and a good mix of youth and experience. Lots of high hopes in Gotham this season.
You are not being forced to do anything that you find morally offensive, so you should not seek to coerce the religious vendor into doing something that he finds morally offensive. Live and let live. Show some tolerance and respect for different values and beliefs.

Maybe you can answer this question.

Can I discriminate against a Christian that wants to rent one of my houses? Just curious. They really want to rent this house. Close to their kids school, their work, just the right size, close to church. They have the money they have the good rent history.

But I just don't like Christians. Should I be able to discriminate in the housing arena? It would be morally offensive to me being a different religion than they are.

Is discrimination in housing something we should try and bring back?

Am I correct in assuming that having the money and having a good rent history are two of the requirements that a person needs to rent a house from you? How very discriminating of you.
You are not being forced to do anything that you find morally offensive, so you should not seek to coerce the religious vendor into doing something that he finds morally offensive. Live and let live. Show some tolerance and respect for different values and beliefs.

Maybe you can answer this question.

Can I discriminate against a Christian that wants to rent one of my houses? Just curious. They really want to rent this house. Close to their kids school, their work, just the right size, close to church. They have the money they have the good rent history.

But I just don't like Christians. Should I be able to discriminate in the housing arena? It would be morally offensive to me being a different religion than they are.

Is discrimination in housing something we should try and bring back?

You simply ignored my arguments and offered up another erroneous comparison.

There is nothing controversial or offensive about living in a rental home. Finding a place to live is a basic need and a natural action. Similarly, renting your home to someone of a different faith does not violate any known religious teaching. So there is no reasonable or religious basis for refusing to rent your home to someone of a different faith.

Your scenario bears no resemblance to the subject under discussion.

Marriage is not a basic need. Marriage is a choice. Indeed, it was not too long ago that the gay rights crowd, along with other leftists, condemned marriage as a barbaric, archaic, oppressive institution.

Getting flowers, or a cake, or a photographer for a wedding is not a "basic need." These are optional conveniences that quite a few folks have either skimped on or done without.

It is perverse reasoning to cry "discrimination" when a religious business owner politely declines to host or service a ceremony that he finds morally and spiritually offensive.

Again, and this is a point that you guys keep ducking, in declining to host or service a gay wedding, the religious vendor has not denied the gay couple any basic right--they can still get married, they can quickly and easily just go get another vendor, and they are not being forced to do anything that they find morally offensive.

The gay couple does not "have" to use any vendor at all, for that matter. Lots of people do their own wedding flower arrangements. Lots of people have friends bake their wedding cakes (we did). Lots of people, especially in our digital-camera age, simply have a friend or two take pics of the wedding. So we're not talking about any action that the gay couple "has" to do in the first place. They don't "need" to use a religious vendor, nor any vendor. If they "want" to use a vendor, they have plenty of readily available secular vendors who would be willing to host or service a gay wedding.
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You are not being forced to do anything that you find morally offensive, so you should not seek to coerce the religious vendor into doing something that he finds morally offensive. Live and let live. Show some tolerance and respect for different values and beliefs.

Maybe you can answer this question.

Can I discriminate against a Christian that wants to rent one of my houses? Just curious. They really want to rent this house. Close to their kids school, their work, just the right size, close to church. They have the money they have the good rent history.

But I just don't like Christians. Should I be able to discriminate in the housing arena? It would be morally offensive to me being a different religion than they are.

Is discrimination in housing something we should try and bring back?

It is much like the 80 year old woman who wanted to rent out her spare bedroom. She wanted to rent to another older woman. The renter that demanded the room was a 40 year old, 280 pound black ex con with a history of rape, robbery and assault. He sued her and won. She should have been allowed to say no. If she should be allowed to say no. So should you.
You are not being forced to do anything that you find morally offensive, so you should not seek to coerce the religious vendor into doing something that he finds morally offensive. Live and let live. Show some tolerance and respect for different values and beliefs.

Maybe you can answer this question.

Can I discriminate against a Christian that wants to rent one of my houses? Just curious. They really want to rent this house. Close to their kids school, their work, just the right size, close to church. They have the money they have the good rent history.

But I just don't like Christians. Should I be able to discriminate in the housing arena? It would be morally offensive to me being a different religion than they are.

Is discrimination in housing something we should try and bring back?

It is much like the 80 year old woman who wanted to rent out her spare bedroom. She wanted to rent to another older woman. The renter that demanded the room was a 40 year old, 280 pound black ex con with a history of rape, robbery and assault. He sued her and won. She should have been allowed to say no. If she should be allowed to say no. So should you.

And using the twisted logic that liberals are using here, we would have to say that the 80-year-old lady was guilty of "discrimination" and that the judge's ruling was correct. But, of course, the vast majority of people would say that the old lady should not have been forced to rent the man her extra room. She was not running a hotel--this was her home.
Last night I prayed that ALL the non Christian business's of the country will tell any and all "Christians" they will not be doing business with the likes of them.

That would be so appropriate. And funny. Can you imagine the whine that would come from the Christians.

It would. And just. But under strict application of the principles of anti-discrimination, it would be illegal.

Actually, it is legal in most states. It's legal in Indiana and in Arkansas. This recent media hype hasn't changed that fact. Just like its legal to not hire or to fire someone for being gay in most states.

Why don't you know that?

Read it again. Should I use shorter words?
Last night I prayed that ALL the non Christian business's of the country will tell any and all "Christians" they will not be doing business with the likes of them.

That would be so appropriate. And funny. Can you imagine the whine that would come from the Christians.

It would. And just. But under strict application of the principles of anti-discrimination, it would be illegal.

I run a business. I rent nice houses. Should I (in your opinion) be able to inquire about the religious beliefs of a potential tenant, and if they are Christian, refuse to rent them a house they want to live in?
Sure. If you can afford to. But it wouldn't be very smart, and you'd be losing customers to renters who aren't bigots.
I am curious where this idea has an end. If EVERY person conducting ANY type of business in the open market place, if we all decide to discriminate based on religion or non religion, what do you think will happen to the market place over a period of time?
It would suck. Do you think that's even remotely likely to happen?
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?

Hey ERNIE, Is that private business trying to conduct their business in a private, controlled community? Or is that private business trying to do business in the open marketplace?

A "Christian" such as you, needs to think twice about opening a business when you know you are looking to discriminate against someone at some time.

In the case of the pizza shop, they actually ASKED for all the grief they got, Then they shut the business down and will see more money from you assholes giving them money than they have earned in the entire time they have been selling pizza.

Maybe that' what shitty run Christian business's should do all the time. Cry about how they had to do business with gays, put up a go fund me page and retire on your money. LMAO.

How does selling in an "open marketplace" give government the authority to tell you who you must serve. Turds like you believe there's some obvious dependence here, but there's no logic behind it that I can see.
Last night I prayed that ALL the non Christian business's of the country will tell any and all "Christians" they will not be doing business with the likes of them.

That would be so appropriate. And funny. Can you imagine the whine that would come from the Christians.

It would. And just. But under strict application of the principles of anti-discrimination, it would be illegal.

I run a business. I rent nice houses. Should I (in your opinion) be able to inquire about the religious beliefs of a potential tenant, and if they are Christian, refuse to rent them a house they want to live in?

Yes you should, but I doubt more than a very small percentage of property owners would do it.

I am curious where this idea has an end. If EVERY person conducting ANY type of business in the open market place, if we all decide to discriminate based on religion or non religion, what do you think will happen to the market place over a period of time?

Will it become harder to find business who want to deal with the type of person you are? Or will it cause more people to open a business because they know they won't have to deal with people they don't want to do business with?

Why do you imagine they would all choose to discriminate? Market forces all run in the other direction. The less you discriminate, the more money you make.

There may be some businesses that discriminate, but I don't have a problem with that. If someone wants to have an apartment building only for Jewish people, fine with me. Jews tend to live near each other anyway. In fact numerous ethnic groups in this country voluntarily form ghettoes populated mostly by people of the same ethnic origin. That's why we have places called "Little Italy" and "China town."
You are asking idiots to think ahead, Zeke. Not their strong suit.

I understand. Sometimes on here I feel like asking some of the more thoughtful left wing posters (yourself for instance) to try and argue the positions of the right wingers.

At least you or some one like you would be able to make a better case for some of their weirdness.
And it would make the site more fun and entertaining.

Then sometimes I just want to ask are there any other message boards that you know of that has smarter, more thoughtful right wingers participating?

Hey baseball season starts tomorrow. Life is getting better. I tried to buy tickets to the Allstar Game in CInci this year. Good lord those ticket prices. Instead I got 4 tickets to the Sunday Old Timers game and the up and coming stars game. Should be fun. Even if it's not the All Star game.

Have a good Easter.

Considering the fact that you're one of the biggest dumbasses in this place, that's utterly hilarious!

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.

so you have a double standard

I'm not shocked, not shocked at all.

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?
Is the privately owned bakery giving away cakes for free?
the naacp gets millions from tax payers therefore they must follow the law and no discriminate

but hey, they are black, so it's ok

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
The ncaap should be shut down, or start helping whites. It's only fair, right now they are bigots. Miss black America also needs to be eliminated. Negro college fund eliminated. We can have any discrimination, can we old school?
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?

Hey ERNIE, Is that private business trying to conduct their business in a private, controlled community? Or is that private business trying to do business in the open marketplace?

A "Christian" such as you, needs to think twice about opening a business when you know you are looking to discriminate against someone at some time.

In the case of the pizza shop, they actually ASKED for all the grief they got, Then they shut the business down and will see more money from you assholes giving them money than they have earned in the entire time they have been selling pizza.

Maybe that' what shitty run Christian business's should do all the time. Cry about how they had to do business with gays, put up a go fund me page and retire on your money. LMAO.
"Does the first amendment mean we can discriminate?"

Of course it does... as long as in exercising that right, one does not infringe upon the means of another, to exercise their own rights.

There is no potential for a right to demand that that which is not true, is true.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. We know this because nature designed the human species with two distinct, but complimenting genders; specifically designing those genders to join as one being.

See how that works?

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