Does the first amendment mean we can discriminate?

That's because the horse has a right to discriminate.
The horse also has the right to eat its own poop. In fact, knowing Ernie I think that might be the case!
Wow, you are learning. Freedom means that others have the right to do things you don't agree with.
Well I don't agree with terrorism. So do Muslims have the right to commit acts of terrorism?
No, but they have the right to eat there own poop, and so do you. (And so do I, but I'm not going to exercise that right).
Well it seems like you just contradicted yourself. Feel free to keep eating your own poop though. :thup:
I'm sure that it seems to you that I contradicted myself, but I did not.
I was giving this a lot of thought and I wonder if taking away the freedom to discriminate against people of different races actually takes away our ability to make moral choices for ourselves. I know it is wrong to discriminate on this basis but taking away that choice from others might take away the right to make moral choices for themselves. The freedom of religion implies that we have the right to pursue what we think is right since two different religions might have opposite moral codes example: satanism vs Christianity. Clearly we can choose either religion (or none at all) which means we can decide what we think is right based on our freedom to associate with our church. What if someone really doesn't think there is nothing wrong with discriminating based on race? Does the first amendment mean that anti discrimination laws are unconstitutional.?

The horse also has the right to eat its own poop. In fact, knowing Ernie I think that might be the case!
Wow, you are learning. Freedom means that others have the right to do things you don't agree with.
Well I don't agree with terrorism. So do Muslims have the right to commit acts of terrorism?
No, but they have the right to eat there own poop, and so do you. (And so do I, but I'm not going to exercise that right).
Well it seems like you just contradicted yourself. Feel free to keep eating your own poop though. :thup:
I'm sure that it seems to you that I contradicted myself, but I did not.
Well whatever. Your sides losing anyways so meh :dunno:
Well it seems like you just contradicted yourself. Feel free to keep eating your own poop though. :thup:

When a person brings up eating poop, you know you've won. Well played, sir.
In that case, I won because TheOldSchool first brought up eating poop.
Yeah but you're the one who argued in favor of it. :rofl:
Wrong again. Reading comprehension does not seem to be a strength of yours.
In that case, I won because TheOldSchool first brought up eating poop. Post #16.

OldSchool brought up horses eating poop. You brought up people eating poop. That's sick, man. Sick.
In that case, I won because TheOldSchool first brought up eating poop. Post #16.

OldSchool brought up horses eating poop. You brought up people eating poop. That's sick, man. Sick.
Still, by your own rules I win. And a horse eating poop is also sick. I brought up terrorist eating poop, which they deserve.
"Does the first amendment mean we can discriminate?"

It means government can't discriminate, government can't favor one religion over another, government can't seek to preempt religious expression, and government can't seek to codify religious dogma in secular law.

Private citizens are at liberty to discriminate, provided one understands there are consequences for doing so in the context of private society, and in a free and democratic society.

Private businesses open to the general public aren't allowed to discriminate in jurisdictions with public accommodations laws that provide protections to certain classes of persons.

Laws prohibiting discrimination are Constitutional because their intent is regulatory, not to disadvantage religious expression or free speech – one may not claim a 'religious exemption' as an 'excuse' to violate an otherwise just and proper law, such as public accommodations laws.

Private citizens can't 'violate' the First Amendment rights of other private citizens; for private citizens to call for a boycott, for example, of a private individual or corporation that engages in discrimination doesn't 'violate' the right to free speech of either the individual or corporation. Only government has the authority engage in prior restraint or preempt free speech, where First Amendment jurisprudence determines whether such government action complies with the Constitution, and measures repugnant to the Constitution are invalidated by the courts.

Given the posts by conservatives in this thread, ignorance of the law, what is or isn't discrimination, and whether government has engaged in discrimination or not is as much a problem as discrimination itself.
Still, by your own rules I win. And a horse eating poop is also sick. I brought up terrorist eating poop, which they deserve.

If eating your own poop is what it takes to win, I doubt OldSchool wants to. I know I'd be fine with losing :wink_2:

Congratulations, though
Still, by your own rules I win. And a horse eating poop is also sick. I brought up terrorist eating poop, which they deserve.

If eating your own poop is what it takes to win, I doubt OldSchool wants to. I know I'd be fine with losing :wink_2:

Congratulations, though
Obviously reading comprehension is not your strength either. However, I know you will continue with that.
Obviously reading comprehension is not your strength either. However, I know you will continue with that.

Don't be such a stick in the mud!

Just tryin' to have a little fun, folks.
Still, by your own rules I win. And a horse eating poop is also sick. I brought up terrorist eating poop, which they deserve.

If eating your own poop is what it takes to win, I doubt OldSchool wants to. I know I'd be fine with losing :wink_2:

Congratulations, though
Obviously reading comprehension is not your strength either. However, I know you will continue with that.
Does this make you hungry?



the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?

Well, you see, the libturds invented this fiction called a "public business" which allowed them to narrow the definition of "private" to the point where it's practically meaningless. A "public business" is private property, so they have to go through these mental gymnastics to claim that it isn't really private property because it sells to "the public," meaning everyone, even if the owner chooses not to sell to everyone.

Last edited:

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?

Well, you see, the libturds invented this fiction called a "public business" which allowed them to narrow the definition of "private" to the point where it's practically meaningless. A "public business" is private property, so the have to go through these mental gymnastics to claim that it isn't really private property because it sells to "the public," mean everyone, even if the owner choose not to sell to everyone.

Yup. It's all because of the libturds. If only the British had won 200 and however many years ago! :(

the US government cannot and will not force the naacp to give a scholarship to a non black or hispanic
Would you like to form the NAAWP? Because then congratulations, as a private organization, you would be able to give away money to whoever the hell you want. Want to give only to white people? Congrats get on it.
Is a privately owned bakery a "private organization"? By your logic, shouldn't that privately owned business be allowed to refuse to participate in something they consider abhorrent?

Well, you see, the libturds invented this fiction called a "public business" which allowed them to narrow the definition of "private" to the point where it's practically meaningless. A "public business" is private property, so the have to go through these mental gymnastics to claim that it isn't really private property because it sells to "the public," mean everyone, even if the owner choose not to sell to everyone.

Yup. It's all because of the libturds. If only the British had won 200 and however many years ago! :(

Diversion is the classic indication of a moron who is unable to dispute the point.

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