Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch..and try to fix...fucking hilarious.

Bearbreath is hereby officially giving up on his Medicare and Social Security.....You have to "admire" this moron's convictions.

Of course Why do I need it?

I am 51 dude..I lived hard and partied hard..

I will never stop.

And when I am at the pearly gates and saint Peter lets me in a few years from now.

I will tell him..nah..I believed in god, Jesus , the holy ghost and mother mary on earth..

But I will take nats place in hell..

"He meant to do the right thing saint Peter , but Nat is was just an ignorant liberal, he was indoctrinated for 70 years plus. "
It was in response to THIS

Businesses like to plan well in advance before making any financial moves. You can't do that with uncertainties like Obama Care.

I was REFUTING Ray's "single cause" assertion......

One of us isn't reading........I, on the other hand, sport a magnificent conk....

Ray said "with uncertainties like Obama Care"

On the other hand, you said "employment growth since the passage of ACA has been stronger than it was during any time between 2001 and 2009"

Ray made clear Obamacare was ONE of the uncertainties facing business, you on the other hand said the ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth.

You're a fail, Larry remain a moron......I demonstrated that businesses did not manifest any reluctance to hire following the passage of ACA.....this is entirely different from asserting that "ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth"....

In fact, given the strength of private sector hiring since the start of the labor market recovery, one would be challenged to come up with ANY policy contributing to "uncertainty"......

No you moron the god Damn economy was going to come matter what..fuck head..

Obama care slowed it down and made a fucking permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time and get O.T.

God quit with the propaganda..

let's forgo a discussion of the hypothetical and focus on what is measurable....

If the number of those who work part time for economic reasons HAS DECLINED since the passage of ACA, how can you blithely assert that ACA has created a "permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time"?

It's hard to support a family on 30 hours. That you insist the BLS calls that full time doesn't help anyone but the Democrat party you're beholden to
That you insist the BLS calls that full time

You're an idiot......I haven't done anything of the sort....

ACA makes an employee working 30 or more hours eligible for employer provided health care.....BLS only counts those working 35 hrs or more per week as "full time"...

Ya follah?
I quantified the effect, or lack thereof, of ACA on temporary employment.....

You linked to comments made by Chairperson Yellen.....

You have now linked to evidence of "structural unemployment"......the blame for which cannot be laid at any president's door...

Though I would point out that the net reduction of private sector payrolls between 2001 and 2009 played a larger role in the travails of these workers than the net increase in same from 2009 to the present....

So in your world of stupid logic, you think obama care didn't have any effect when they changed the work week from 40 hours to 30?

Is Less Than 30 Hours Part-Time Under ObamaCare? - Obamacare Facts


Who "changed the workweek"?

Damn your dearth of knowledge is vast.

Companies only have to pay for Obamacare for employees who average over 30 hours a week. Many employers are limiting hours for many of their employees to 30 hours for that reason. How did you possibly not get that?
Many employers are limiting hours for many of their employees to 30 hours for that reason.

BLS considers anyone working less than 35 hrs "part time".....I'm sure there are employers who are trying to dodge paying employee health care tabs, but the DATA doesn't indicate that their numbers are material.....

I understand that this goes a bit deeper than the slogans, but Reality can be a bitch like that....

So in your world BLS 35 hour work week is some how Better?

What type of ignorant ass hole are you?

I have a fucking news flash for you...

Every fucking hourly worker wants to work 40 hours a week..

Because if they work 41 hours and make only $10 bucks an hour

That extra hour turns into time and a half

$15 bucks...

God you are so out of touch and a government propaganda paid tool

Hourly workers also have a hard time sustaining themselves on less than 35 hours.

As a long time manager/employer though, in reality it's interesting that while workers do push for as many scheduled hours as they can get, when they get the chance to leave early even though they're hourly and leaving pay on the table, they largely will take the deal and go
Ray said "with uncertainties like Obama Care"

On the other hand, you said "employment growth since the passage of ACA has been stronger than it was during any time between 2001 and 2009"

Ray made clear Obamacare was ONE of the uncertainties facing business, you on the other hand said the ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth.

You're a fail, Larry remain a moron......I demonstrated that businesses did not manifest any reluctance to hire following the passage of ACA.....this is entirely different from asserting that "ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth"....

In fact, given the strength of private sector hiring since the start of the labor market recovery, one would be challenged to come up with ANY policy contributing to "uncertainty"......

No you moron the god Damn economy was going to come matter what..fuck head..

Obama care slowed it down and made a fucking permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time and get O.T.

God quit with the propaganda..

let's forgo a discussion of the hypothetical and focus on what is measurable....

If the number of those who work part time for economic reasons HAS DECLINED since the passage of ACA, how can you blithely assert that ACA has created a "permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time"?

It's hard to support a family on 30 hours. That you insist the BLS calls that full time doesn't help anyone but the Democrat party you're beholden to
That you insist the BLS calls that full time

You're an idiot......I haven't done anything of the sort....

ACA makes an employee working 30 or more hours eligible for employer provided health care.....BLS only counts those working 35 hrs or more per week as "full time"...

Ya follah?

Yes, only an "idiot" doesn't spend their time on the BLS website memorizing definitions. I don't give a shit what their exact definitions are. Bear doesn't either.

You know who does hang on memorizing definitions without really understanding the concepts they are based on? Financial salesmen. It's how you pass your certification tests.

BTW, I don't have an issue with financial salesmen. I have an issue with financial salesmen who think it makes you understand capital markets like happened to you
So in your world of stupid logic, you think obama care didn't have any effect when they changed the work week from 40 hours to 30?

Is Less Than 30 Hours Part-Time Under ObamaCare? - Obamacare Facts


Who "changed the workweek"?

So now you want to play ignorant?


Larry's not playing ...

I can't help noticing the reluctance to lend "specificity" to reich wing imbecile mantras....

You're fucking deranged. That "pattern" of shrinking deficits began years before Republicans took control of the Congress and it ended when Clinton left office while Republicans still controlled Congress.

Try getting the right pair of reading glasses on this time and look at that chart again. The Republicans took over leadership of Congress in 1992.

Don't be a moron.....The GOP assumed leadership of Congress subsequent to the 1994 mid terms...they played NO role in the 1993 legislation which raised tax rates......

Right wing mantras? So you don't think company hiring is affected by the cost of hiring?


And you passed your financial salesman test? Wow, I'm disappointed, in the testing ...

Are you prepared to provide the specifics Bear won't?

If not, please confirm and I would be pleased to move on to your current idiocy.... remain a moron......I demonstrated that businesses did not manifest any reluctance to hire following the passage of ACA.....this is entirely different from asserting that "ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth"....

In fact, given the strength of private sector hiring since the start of the labor market recovery, one would be challenged to come up with ANY policy contributing to "uncertainty"......

No you moron the god Damn economy was going to come matter what..fuck head..

Obama care slowed it down and made a fucking permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time and get O.T.

God quit with the propaganda..

let's forgo a discussion of the hypothetical and focus on what is measurable....

If the number of those who work part time for economic reasons HAS DECLINED since the passage of ACA, how can you blithely assert that ACA has created a "permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time"?

It's hard to support a family on 30 hours. That you insist the BLS calls that full time doesn't help anyone but the Democrat party you're beholden to
That you insist the BLS calls that full time

You're an idiot......I haven't done anything of the sort....

ACA makes an employee working 30 or more hours eligible for employer provided health care.....BLS only counts those working 35 hrs or more per week as "full time"...

Ya follah?

Yes, only an "idiot" doesn't spend their time on the BLS website memorizing definitions. I don't give a shit what their exact definitions are. Bear doesn't either.

You know who does hang on memorizing definitions without really understanding the concepts they are based on? Financial salesmen. It's how you pass your certification tests.

BTW, I don't have an issue with financial salesmen. I have an issue with financial salesmen who think it makes you understand capital markets like happened to you

BLS is the authoritative source of labor market data........if you don't understand their methodology, you cannot hope to understand what the data tells you....

Which explains why simpletons like you and bear take comfort in Bold Assertions...
So in your world of stupid logic, you think obama care didn't have any effect when they changed the work week from 40 hours to 30?

Is Less Than 30 Hours Part-Time Under ObamaCare? - Obamacare Facts


Who "changed the workweek"?

So now you want to play ignorant?


Larry's not playing ...

I'm still waiting for you to link me to that post of yours.....

or should we just conclude that you lied?

We? You and who else is that, Queen Elizabeth. The palace guard? And I've already told you just because you throw a stick doesn't mean I fetch. You need to buy a dog

Why would I need a dog when you make such a convincing punk ass bitch? remain a moron......I demonstrated that businesses did not manifest any reluctance to hire following the passage of ACA.....this is entirely different from asserting that "ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth"....

That you are saying "business did not manifest any reluctance to hiring following the passage of the ACA" is saying EXACTLY that it's the only factor. My God, how do you even sell financial securities when you can't follow what you even said yourself? Don't your clients just sit there and stare at you and say you just contradicted themselves?

And BTW, you overstated what you think you showed, all you did was compare hiring under Obama to under Bush. They both sucked
is saying EXACTLY that it's the only factor. possess the reading comprehension of the product of a third rate university....which explains your affinity for Bear's tragic ignorance....

Yes, it is saying that's the only factor. You pointed to one factor, one outcome, and drew a conclusion. That is exactly saying there is exactly one factor. Which is a fallacy of the single cause
Oh please, everyone is fully aware of the Mexicans boarder-hopping and being hired by businesses. The Obama Administration has been trying its hardest to allow illegals across and to allow them to stay.

Net immigration from Mexico has been negative since 2007.....
And that changes that it's still happening, how? It leveled off, but it's still happening. I guess Obama hasn't destroyed the economy enough to stop it~

Google "NET NEGATIVE".....get back to me...
It was in response to THIS

Businesses like to plan well in advance before making any financial moves. You can't do that with uncertainties like Obama Care.

I was REFUTING Ray's "single cause" assertion......

One of us isn't reading........I, on the other hand, sport a magnificent conk....

Ray said "with uncertainties like Obama Care"

On the other hand, you said "employment growth since the passage of ACA has been stronger than it was during any time between 2001 and 2009"

Ray made clear Obamacare was ONE of the uncertainties facing business, you on the other hand said the ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth.

You're a fail, Larry remain a moron......I demonstrated that businesses did not manifest any reluctance to hire following the passage of ACA.....this is entirely different from asserting that "ACA was the ONLY factor affecting job growth"....

In fact, given the strength of private sector hiring since the start of the labor market recovery, one would be challenged to come up with ANY policy contributing to "uncertainty"......

No you moron the god Damn economy was going to come matter what..fuck head..

Obama care slowed it down and made a fucking permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time and get O.T.

God quit with the propaganda..

You know what blows my mind:

Obozo care made a temporary problem permanent with the 30 hour work week

Liberals tried to do good in places like Seattle with a $15 dollar minimum wage.

But workers have been asking to work less so they get to keep their welfare stamps.

Liberals fuck up everything they touch..and try to fix...fucking hilarious..
Liberals tried to do good in places like Seattle with a $15 dollar minimum wage.

But workers have been asking to work less so they get to keep their welfare stamps.

Have you got a link for this?

WTF is a "welfare stamp"?

I got you asshole searching for straws now..

I have you on the ropes.
So in your world of stupid logic, you think obama care didn't have any effect when they changed the work week from 40 hours to 30?

Is Less Than 30 Hours Part-Time Under ObamaCare? - Obamacare Facts


Who "changed the workweek"?

Damn your dearth of knowledge is vast.

Companies only have to pay for Obamacare for employees who average over 30 hours a week. Many employers are limiting hours for many of their employees to 30 hours for that reason. How did you possibly not get that?

Please focus on your own idiocies......let bear handle his/hers...

That ACA defines full time as 30 hrs has nothing to do with how BLS defines it........this is something with which Breitbart nursing imbeciles have been struggling for years...

hence my question to Bear......

That's the point on how underemployment is not being shown in the numbers, brainiac

Kindly elaborate.......

and don't neglect to provide the link I requested........

OK, I'll dumb this down for the dumb

The 30 hour threshold isn't a threshold for BLS statistics

The 30 hour threshold is the limit on hours because of Obamacare

That limits the impact of Obamacare on the statistics since workers can lose hours without changing how BLS is reporting their employment.

I never cease to marvel at your failure to grasp an obvious point. Or how you keep looking for a post that was written to you that I told you I'm not going to get you
So, you think that Businesses paying MORE taxes would help them afford employees, and you think that the influx of illegal but cheap labor across the boarder is the doing of Republicans? I never thought about it like that... because I don't typically abandon all logic in the pursuit of an irrational explanation. Last I checked, the recent taxes and increased expenses all came from our current president, who happens to be a Democrat.

There is currently no "influx" of "illegal but cheap labor across the boarder [sic]".....
Oh please, everyone is fully aware of the Mexicans boarder-hopping and being hired by businesses. The Obama Administration has been trying its hardest to allow illegals across and to allow them to stay.
He's doing that with a record number of deportations, is he?
Obama has been taking executive action to prevent the enforcement of boarder laws. Unless he's actually driving around in his truck, deporting illegals personally, or has issued orders to deport more illegals, crediting Obama with the 'record numbers' of deportations is idiotic.
Bullshit. Sadly, all you know are rightwing talking points.

Yes, Obama has taken great effort to allow law-abiding illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. to gain lawful residence. That is to say illegal immigrants who commit no crimes other than their immigration status.

That in no way extends to border jumpers who have neither been in this country long enough nor have established roots.

And again, the point which decimates yours -- deportations have been at an all-time high under the Obama administration.

Reality sucks for you brain-dead rightwingers, huh?
You basically said "BS", then admitted what I pointed out. Well done.
No you moron the god Damn economy was going to come matter what..fuck head..

Obama care slowed it down and made a fucking permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time and get O.T.

God quit with the propaganda..

let's forgo a discussion of the hypothetical and focus on what is measurable....

If the number of those who work part time for economic reasons HAS DECLINED since the passage of ACA, how can you blithely assert that ACA has created a "permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time"?

It's hard to support a family on 30 hours. That you insist the BLS calls that full time doesn't help anyone but the Democrat party you're beholden to
That you insist the BLS calls that full time

You're an idiot......I haven't done anything of the sort....

ACA makes an employee working 30 or more hours eligible for employer provided health care.....BLS only counts those working 35 hrs or more per week as "full time"...

Ya follah?

Yes, only an "idiot" doesn't spend their time on the BLS website memorizing definitions. I don't give a shit what their exact definitions are. Bear doesn't either.

You know who does hang on memorizing definitions without really understanding the concepts they are based on? Financial salesmen. It's how you pass your certification tests.

BTW, I don't have an issue with financial salesmen. I have an issue with financial salesmen who think it makes you understand capital markets like happened to you

BLS is the authoritative source of labor market data........if you don't understand their methodology, you cannot hope to understand what the data tells you....

Which explains why simpletons like you and bear take comfort in Bold Assertions...

I got it, you memorized the BLS definitions. When I build on their definitions for the discussion, obviously it means I don't understand it since I'm not repeating the definitions you memorized.

This actually is a great demonstration that you're a financial salesman who memorizes and coughs up definitions and I am an expert in capital markets. People who work for me train you for your exams
So in your world of stupid logic, you think obama care didn't have any effect when they changed the work week from 40 hours to 30?

Is Less Than 30 Hours Part-Time Under ObamaCare? - Obamacare Facts


Who "changed the workweek"?

Damn your dearth of knowledge is vast.

Companies only have to pay for Obamacare for employees who average over 30 hours a week. Many employers are limiting hours for many of their employees to 30 hours for that reason. How did you possibly not get that?
Many employers are limiting hours for many of their employees to 30 hours for that reason.

BLS considers anyone working less than 35 hrs "part time".....I'm sure there are employers who are trying to dodge paying employee health care tabs, but the DATA doesn't indicate that their numbers are material.....

I understand that this goes a bit deeper than the slogans, but Reality can be a bitch like that....

So in your world BLS 35 hour work week is some how Better?

What type of ignorant ass hole are you?

I have a fucking news flash for you...

Every fucking hourly worker wants to work 40 hours a week..

Because if they work 41 hours and make only $10 bucks an hour

That extra hour turns into time and a half

$15 bucks...

God you are so out of touch and a government propaganda paid tool

Every fucking hourly worker wants to work 40 hours a week..

No.......that is why BLS distinguishes between "part time" and "part time for economic reasons"......

Now shut the fuck up, your ignorance is tiresome...

40 hours is the golden child you fucking moron..

I made double time and a half working today..

If come in tomorrow at 8 am.

Lets see 28 bucks an hour..double time and a half

Roughly $75 bucks an hout to fuck with you :)

Who "changed the workweek"?

So now you want to play ignorant?


Larry's not playing ...

I'm still waiting for you to link me to that post of yours.....

or should we just conclude that you lied?

We? You and who else is that, Queen Elizabeth. The palace guard? And I've already told you just because you throw a stick doesn't mean I fetch. You need to buy a dog

Why would I need a dog when you make such a convincing punk ass bitch?

Hey, here's a few minutes of your act for others who haven't seen it

I thought the drummer was way funnier than you though, personally
What type of ignorant ass hole are you?

I have a fucking news flash for you...

Every fucking hourly worker wants to work 40 hours a week..

Because if they work 41 hours and make only $10 bucks an hour

That extra hour turns into time and a half

$15 bucks...

God you are so out of touch and a government propaganda paid tool

Well, BearBreath MUST be correct.......Just look at the size of the fonts and bold letters, and cute color scheme.

(what an :ahole-1:)
Who "changed the workweek"?

So now you want to play ignorant?


Larry's not playing ...

I can't help noticing the reluctance to lend "specificity" to reich wing imbecile mantras....

You're fucking deranged. That "pattern" of shrinking deficits began years before Republicans took control of the Congress and it ended when Clinton left office while Republicans still controlled Congress.

Try getting the right pair of reading glasses on this time and look at that chart again. The Republicans took over leadership of Congress in 1992.

Don't be a moron.....The GOP assumed leadership of Congress subsequent to the 1994 mid terms...they played NO role in the 1993 legislation which raised tax rates......

Right wing mantras? So you don't think company hiring is affected by the cost of hiring?


And you passed your financial salesman test? Wow, I'm disappointed, in the testing ...

Are you prepared to provide the specifics Bear won't?

If not, please confirm and I would be pleased to move on to your current idiocy....

Holy shit you are a girl poster.

let's forgo a discussion of the hypothetical and focus on what is measurable....

If the number of those who work part time for economic reasons HAS DECLINED since the passage of ACA, how can you blithely assert that ACA has created a "permanent problem with part time workers who want to work full time"?

It's hard to support a family on 30 hours. That you insist the BLS calls that full time doesn't help anyone but the Democrat party you're beholden to
That you insist the BLS calls that full time

You're an idiot......I haven't done anything of the sort....

ACA makes an employee working 30 or more hours eligible for employer provided health care.....BLS only counts those working 35 hrs or more per week as "full time"...

Ya follah?

Yes, only an "idiot" doesn't spend their time on the BLS website memorizing definitions. I don't give a shit what their exact definitions are. Bear doesn't either.

You know who does hang on memorizing definitions without really understanding the concepts they are based on? Financial salesmen. It's how you pass your certification tests.

BTW, I don't have an issue with financial salesmen. I have an issue with financial salesmen who think it makes you understand capital markets like happened to you

BLS is the authoritative source of labor market data........if you don't understand their methodology, you cannot hope to understand what the data tells you....

Which explains why simpletons like you and bear take comfort in Bold Assertions...

I got it, you memorized the BLS definitions. When I build on their definitions for the discussion, obviously it means I don't understand it since I'm not repeating the definitions you memorized.

This actually is a great demonstration that you're a financial salesman who memorizes and coughs up definitions and I am an expert in capital markets. People who work for me train you for your exams
That's funny when in reality, it's actually you demonstrating you don't have the first fucking clue what you're talking about. You're just kazzing your way through this exercise.
ill tell him..nah..I believed in god, Jesus , the holy ghost and mother mary on earth..

But I will take nats place in hell..

"He meant to do the right thing saint Peter , but Nat is was just an ignorant liberal, he was indoctrinated for 70 years plus. "

.....and how do you really know that I'm not writing my posts from INSIDE the pearly gates???

Conversely, in Dante's Inferno, there is a special circle for assholes........and there's a seat there with your name on it. LOL
Yes, I wish he would leave the office with dignity. Something that most past presidents have done, including Bush. Sadly it's looking like he intends to stick around and become a rabble rouser
15,000,000 jobs Obama has created instead of 850,000 per month lost? The answer is easy and this is why we should elect Hillary.

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