Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
When haven't folks been leaving the labor force?

But we are inv a new phenomenon now where partime jobs is the New norm along with working males 20~50 who see how easy it is under obama not to work and get disability instead.
Seems you have Obama confused with Bush. Part timers, aged 20-55, dramatically increased under Bush and decreased under Obama...

1/2001: 11,481,000
1/2009: 12,897,000
8/2016: 11,315,000

Bush ...... +1,416,000
Obama ... -1,582,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

You say that as if facts matter......
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
When haven't folks been leaving the labor force?

But we are inv a new phenomenon now where partime jobs is the New norm along with working males 20~50 who see how easy it is under obama not to work and get disability instead.

Yep, tens of millions of workers are now restricted to part time because their employers aren't going to give them free healthcare on their won dime because ... they aren't ... worth it ...
Bullshit. Do you ever stop kazzing?? There's only 6 million total in the entire country who are working part time for economic reasons. Where the fuck do you pull "tens of millions" from?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Where the fuck do you pull "tens of millions" from?

You're gonna have to take a number.....
Kaz has spent much of his life believing he is the Shizznit......then when you steal the ball from him and throw down a backboard shattering dunk, he tries to insist that he was really playing Whist...

He is AntHole with an MBA from an accredited institution.......or so he claims
It's done even better since then. 78 straight months of growth.

Pathetic by most standards.
A historic 78 straight months of growth is "pathetic"?
Then by that standard, the "GOP/Bush" recession was marvelous.
Grampa Murked U - Where, if anywhere, does personal responsibility fit into that? I made shit wages when I started out in life. In fact my first two bosses only hired me because of the tax incentives they got for hiring an ex con.

I've been on food stamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No. No. They gave me hope, and they gave me encouragement, and they gave me a vision. That came from my education.
Craig T. Nelson
Read more at: Craig T. Nelson Quotes at

Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Haven't you followed how Hillary answered the FBI request for information? She's now the gold standard for criminal response to an FBI subpoena.

Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Haven't you followed how Hillary answered the FBI request for information? She's now the gold standard for criminal response to an FBI subpoena.

Mens rea you moron. I followed the witch hunt, but with knowledge and experience in investigations, as opposed to your lack of knowledge and disappointment that HRC wasn't charged with a crime. In fact there was no harm done, no tort, so even a civil action lacks standing.

Q. Now, the question we all should ask: why did the director of the FBI go well beyond his authority in his speech to the public
A. He too is a partisan hack who put politics above the security of our nation; he too is foolish for it could have the effect of stupid people like you CF to vote for Trump. A democratic election required the voter to think, and those who will vote for Trump are incapable of thought, they will vote by emotion and that is not healthy for America and Americans.

In fact, in my not so humble opinion, those who vote for Trump are the bigots, racists, misogynist, fascists and fools.
I have backed up everything I've said.
If only you could stay on topic, contribute to it, and back up what you say to it.

I've backed everything I've said, the fact that you don't like it is irrelevant.
I understand that you spoke the truth. No one challenges that. It just wasn't relevant to what we were discussing, as evidenced by the fact that no one has responded to it despite your attempts to interject it into the conversation.
You don't like anything that doesn't fit your narrow goals. Grow a set or quit posting.
I have backed up everything I've said.
If only you could stay on topic, contribute to it, and back up what you say to it.

I've backed everything I've said, the fact that you don't like it is irrelevant.
I understand that you spoke the truth. No one challenges that. It just wasn't relevant to what we were discussing, as evidenced by the fact that no one has responded to it despite your attempts to interject it into the conversation.
You don't like anything that doesn't fit your narrow goals. Grow a set or quit posting.
Please explain.
I have backed up everything I've said.
If only you could stay on topic, contribute to it, and back up what you say to it.

I've backed everything I've said, the fact that you don't like it is irrelevant.
I understand that you spoke the truth. No one challenges that. It just wasn't relevant to what we were discussing, as evidenced by the fact that no one has responded to it despite your attempts to interject it into the conversation.
You don't like anything that doesn't fit your narrow goals. Grow a set or quit posting.
Please explain.
Grow a set = testicles. Grow some balls and try not to be so goddamn thin skinned.
If only you could stay on topic, contribute to it, and back up what you say to it.

I've backed everything I've said, the fact that you don't like it is irrelevant.
I understand that you spoke the truth. No one challenges that. It just wasn't relevant to what we were discussing, as evidenced by the fact that no one has responded to it despite your attempts to interject it into the conversation.
You don't like anything that doesn't fit your narrow goals. Grow a set or quit posting.
Please explain.
Grow a set = testicles. Grow some balls and try not to be so goddamn thin skinned.
Funny. Now please explain your criticism of my posts.

Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Haven't you followed how Hillary answered the FBI request for information? She's now the gold standard for criminal response to an FBI subpoena.

Mens rea you moron. I followed the witch hunt, but with knowledge and experience in investigations, as opposed to your lack of knowledge and disappointment that HRC wasn't charged with a crime. In fact there was no harm done, no tort, so even a civil action lacks standing.

Q. Now, the question we all should ask: why did the director of the FBI go well beyond his authority in his speech to the public
A. He too is a partisan hack who put politics above the security of our nation; he too is foolish for it could have the effect of stupid people like you CF to vote for Trump. A democratic election required the voter to think, and those who will vote for Trump are incapable of thought, they will vote by emotion and that is not healthy for America and Americans.

In fact, in my not so humble opinion, those who vote for Trump are the bigots, racists, misogynist, fascists and fools.
She mishandled classified information, that is will defend her forever because laws are for little people
Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Haven't you followed how Hillary answered the FBI request for information? She's now the gold standard for criminal response to an FBI subpoena.

Mens rea you moron. I followed the witch hunt, but with knowledge and experience in investigations, as opposed to your lack of knowledge and disappointment that HRC wasn't charged with a crime. In fact there was no harm done, no tort, so even a civil action lacks standing.

Q. Now, the question we all should ask: why did the director of the FBI go well beyond his authority in his speech to the public
A. He too is a partisan hack who put politics above the security of our nation; he too is foolish for it could have the effect of stupid people like you CF to vote for Trump. A democratic election required the voter to think, and those who will vote for Trump are incapable of thought, they will vote by emotion and that is not healthy for America and Americans.

In fact, in my not so humble opinion, those who vote for Trump are the bigots, racists, misogynist, fascists and fools.
She mishandled classified information, that is will defend her forever because laws are for little people

Assange outs her on lying about not knowing what "C" meant......

"We have thousands of examples where she herself has used a 'C' in brackets & signed it off."

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange responded to Hillary Clinton's claim that she did not recall that a 'C' marking on an email meant classified information.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Haven't you followed how Hillary answered the FBI request for information? She's now the gold standard for criminal response to an FBI subpoena.

Mens rea you moron. I followed the witch hunt, but with knowledge and experience in investigations, as opposed to your lack of knowledge and disappointment that HRC wasn't charged with a crime. In fact there was no harm done, no tort, so even a civil action lacks standing.

Q. Now, the question we all should ask: why did the director of the FBI go well beyond his authority in his speech to the public
A. He too is a partisan hack who put politics above the security of our nation; he too is foolish for it could have the effect of stupid people like you CF to vote for Trump. A democratic election required the voter to think, and those who will vote for Trump are incapable of thought, they will vote by emotion and that is not healthy for America and Americans.

In fact, in my not so humble opinion, those who vote for Trump are the bigots, racists, misogynist, fascists and fools.
She mishandled classified information, that is will defend her forever because laws are for little people

Assange outs her on lying about not knowing what "C" meant......

"We have thousands of examples where she herself has used a 'C' in brackets & signed it off."

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange responded to Hillary Clinton's claim that she did not recall that a 'C' marking on an email meant classified information.

Gee, vote for Trump, he must be the lesser of two evil in your simply small mind; you are a good fascist, not very bright and cock sure that you know The Absolute Truth.
Bigoted and Racist, but no doubt she will deny these facts.

Many a criminal will deny they had their hand in the cookie jar, even when shown a photograph of that specific fact. Not doubt SIL will too, if she has sufficient intelligence (which I doubt) and my post is not too abstract for her to understand.

Sometimes criminals take a hammer to their cellphones and Bleach Bit emails they're supposed to hand over to the FBI

They do? How would you know? Personal experience?

Haven't you followed how Hillary answered the FBI request for information? She's now the gold standard for criminal response to an FBI subpoena.

Mens rea you moron. I followed the witch hunt, but with knowledge and experience in investigations, as opposed to your lack of knowledge and disappointment that HRC wasn't charged with a crime. In fact there was no harm done, no tort, so even a civil action lacks standing.

Q. Now, the question we all should ask: why did the director of the FBI go well beyond his authority in his speech to the public
A. He too is a partisan hack who put politics above the security of our nation; he too is foolish for it could have the effect of stupid people like you CF to vote for Trump. A democratic election required the voter to think, and those who will vote for Trump are incapable of thought, they will vote by emotion and that is not healthy for America and Americans.

In fact, in my not so humble opinion, those who vote for Trump are the bigots, racists, misogynist, fascists and fools.
She mishandled classified information, that is will defend her forever because laws are for little people

So? You ever made a mistake? Did you look up Mens rea, if so did you understand what you read?
She mishandled classified information, that is will defend her forever because laws are for little people
She didn't commit a criminal act. We only prosecute people who do.

Mishandling classified information is in fact, a criminal act
Either you're wrong about that, or a very thorough investigation into the matter did not turn up sufficient evidence to support the allegation.

Which is it?
That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
I do my own research always first

With respect to labor markets, on what do you rely for your research?

You asked for my evidence. Tell me what I said that you didn't know because I"m not clear what ignorance you're claiming.

So, what is your ignorance that I may cure it with information? Be specific. What did I say that you were lost?

This was the question....

With respect to labor markets, on what do you rely for your research?

Instead of your usual bullshit, why don't you answer it?

Once you've done so, I will address yours.....

What do I rely on to know the labor participation rate is going down? That's like saying what do I rely on to know Trump is the Republican Presidential candidate, it's all over the news, there isn't a single source for it.

So seriously, you don't know that people are leaving the workforce? You really don't know that? I have to prove it to you?

I don't know everything for sure, and I enjoy debating. But according to you after going to a top 5 business school and concentrating in one of their best subjects (finance) being in the FMA national honor society for my finance grads, working on Wall Street for several years and in the financial services industry for a bunch of my career, everything I've ever said is wrong because you're a certified financial salesman who can legally sell highly loaded funds to little old ladies.

I'm only bantering with you. To debate you, you'd have to debate in good faith and not just say no it isn't before you read my posts, when you do read them. If I said tacos are crunchy, you'd say no they aren't. You just argue every point ad nauseam. Since you're not debating in good faith, I'm not going to prove shit to you, just banter.

If you want to debate, read my posts and agree with what you agree with, then I'll start providing support for what you don't.

Look what you're saying here. You won't say you disagree that people are leaving the labor force, but you still want me to chase links to prove what you haven't even claimed to disagree with.


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