Does the GOP wish Obama left the country the way Bush left it.

Then link from your open tab dope. You make dumb assertions and never cite a source when called on it. That means you have no credibility.

Bull. There is no reason I have to link to basic news. That's just stupid

That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
I do my own research always first

With respect to labor markets, on what do you rely for your research?

You asked for my evidence. Tell me what I said that you didn't know because I"m not clear what ignorance you're claiming.

So, what is your ignorance that I may cure it with information? Be specific. What did I say that you were lost?
Bull. There is no reason I have to link to basic news. That's just stupid

That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
When haven't folks been leaving the labor force?

But we are inv a new phenomenon now where partime jobs is the New norm along with working males 20~50 who see how easy it is under obama not to work and get disability instead.

Yep, tens of millions of workers are now restricted to part time because their employers aren't going to give them free healthcare on their won dime because ... they aren't ... worth it ...
That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
When haven't folks been leaving the labor force?

But we are inv a new phenomenon now where partime jobs is the New norm along with working males 20~50 who see how easy it is under obama not to work and get disability instead.

Then why has the number of people working part time DECREASED?

Single cause fallacy ...

Why has the number of people who exited the work force increased?
"It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying!"

This year, everybody was obviously dying to hear if the Fed was planning to raise the interest rates anytime soon, even though the economy doesn’t seem to be fully ready for it. Yes, the job creation number from July has just been revised to 275,000 (from 255,000), but the August number once again came in below expectations with a 30,000 job creation miss as the US economy added just 150,000 jobs rather than the 180,000 jobs the market was expecting. And not only did the total amount of new jobs come in lower than expected, approximately 25% of the ‘new’ jobs were in the food and drinks-sector which traditionally is one of the worst paying sectors in the United States. Of course, the gold price jumped immediately as this was the second piece of bad news in just two days, as the previous day the Purchase Manager Index dipped.

It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying! | Zero Hedge

We are sinking.

Uh.....ZeroHedge has been calling for the apocalypse since.......oh.......roughly the beginning of Time......

So in your "humble" opinion the looming Deutsche Bank collapse will have no effect at all.....
To blame that mess entirely on Bush is asinine

Really? Assholes like you blame EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in this country on Obama. That is asinine. Right?

...and assholes like you blame "Booosh" for everything that's wrong.
What's not to blame? Bush left a crater in the country's economy just like he left a crater in lower Manhattan.


Your "Magic Negro" has dome nothing to "save" the economy.
He has added 2 wars to the two already ongoing. (Which by he way tells you e is part of the Military Industrial Complex).
So is Hillary.

Your "Magic Negro" has dome nothing to "save" the economy.

You may try to argue that he had no effect on it, but the data is unambiguous on the issue of the improving economy.....

Nope, sorry. Main Street does not agree.
"This legislation established an "affordable housing" loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that mandate was to be regulated by HUD. Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30% or more of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases be related to "affordable housing" (borrowers who were below normal lending standards). However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements, and HUD soon increased the mandates. This encouraged "subprime" mortgages. (See HUD Mandates, below.)"

Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In 1999, President Bill Clinton signed into law Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed portions of the Glass-Steagall Act. Economist Joseph Stiglitz criticized the repeal of the Act. He called its repeal the "culmination of a $300 million lobbying effort by the banking and financial services industries..." He believes it contributed to this crisis because the risk-taking culture of investment banking dominated the more risk-averse commercial banking culture, leading to increased levels of risk-taking and leverage during the boom period.[17]"

You lose son.
Lose what? Passing Gramm-Leach-Bliley did not cause the collapse. Not to mention ... Gramm = conservative; Leach = conservative; Bliley = conservative; deregulation = conservative policy.

You need to re-read that child. ;)
Billy Boy REPEALED it ;)
Billy Boy caused the collapse son...there is NOTHING you can do to change that.
Imbecile.... the president doesn't pass laws that don't first get passed by the Congress. Yes, Clinton signed it into law .... A conservative deregulation bill written and sponsored by conservatives in Congress. We can blame conservatism if you like; but again, passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act didn't cause the meltdown.

It of course played a HUGE part imbecile.
Just accept the fact that your Boy is complicit in the melt down son.
Accept what? That your source is wikipedia? Or that your source describes how economists are split over whether or not it was responsible?

You poor child, Clinton is complicit in all of it. There is noting you can do to change that.
Dems held congress the last 6 years.
A lot longer than that, depending on what period of our history you're referring to. Could you be more vague?

If you mean these past six years, we're talking about Frank-Dodd now, a work in progress, still incompletely written as the powerful banking lobby constantly interjects its special interest positions. That bill goes a long way towards reestablishing the framework and safeguards that kept the wolf from the door for 70 years, since the last time the Republicans damn near destroyed our economy.

Bullshit, look up "Bail In's"
I have backed up everything I've said.
If only you could stay on topic, contribute to it, and back up what you say to it.

I've backed everything I've said, the fact that you don't like it is irrelevant.
I understand that you spoke the truth. No one challenges that. It just wasn't relevant to what we were discussing, as evidenced by the fact that no one has responded to it despite your attempts to interject it into the conversation.
"It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying!"

This year, everybody was obviously dying to hear if the Fed was planning to raise the interest rates anytime soon, even though the economy doesn’t seem to be fully ready for it. Yes, the job creation number from July has just been revised to 275,000 (from 255,000), but the August number once again came in below expectations with a 30,000 job creation miss as the US economy added just 150,000 jobs rather than the 180,000 jobs the market was expecting. And not only did the total amount of new jobs come in lower than expected, approximately 25% of the ‘new’ jobs were in the food and drinks-sector which traditionally is one of the worst paying sectors in the United States. Of course, the gold price jumped immediately as this was the second piece of bad news in just two days, as the previous day the Purchase Manager Index dipped.

It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying! | Zero Hedge

We are sinking.

Uh.....ZeroHedge has been calling for the apocalypse since.......oh.......roughly the beginning of Time......

So in your "humble" opinion the looming Deutsche Bank collapse will have no effect at all.....

European banks have been a disaster in the making since 2008.......anyone betting on that event has been losing money for 8 years.....very much like those who have been betting on ZeroHedge predictions.....

It is nothing more than a delivery vehicle for Gold scammers....
I have backed up everything I've said.
If only you could stay on topic, contribute to it, and back up what you say to it.

I've backed everything I've said, the fact that you don't like it is irrelevant.
I understand that you spoke the truth. No one challenges that. It just wasn't relevant to what we were discussing, as evidenced by the fact that no one has responded to it despite your attempts to interject it into the conversation.

I did not introduce the Housing Crisis into the conversation, I responded to it's introduction.
"It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying!"

This year, everybody was obviously dying to hear if the Fed was planning to raise the interest rates anytime soon, even though the economy doesn’t seem to be fully ready for it. Yes, the job creation number from July has just been revised to 275,000 (from 255,000), but the August number once again came in below expectations with a 30,000 job creation miss as the US economy added just 150,000 jobs rather than the 180,000 jobs the market was expecting. And not only did the total amount of new jobs come in lower than expected, approximately 25% of the ‘new’ jobs were in the food and drinks-sector which traditionally is one of the worst paying sectors in the United States. Of course, the gold price jumped immediately as this was the second piece of bad news in just two days, as the previous day the Purchase Manager Index dipped.

It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying! | Zero Hedge

We are sinking.

Uh.....ZeroHedge has been calling for the apocalypse since.......oh.......roughly the beginning of Time......

So in your "humble" opinion the looming Deutsche Bank collapse will have no effect at all.....

European banks have been a disaster in the making since 2008.......anyone betting on that event has been losing money for 8 years.....very much like those who have been betting on ZeroHedge predictions.....

It is nothing more than a delivery vehicle for Gold scammers....

So in your "humble" opinion the looming Deutsche Bank collapse will have no effect at all.....
Obama has refused to enforce existing immigration laws, protected / released violent criminal illegals so they can continue to prey on Americans, protected human traffickers, engaged in human trafficking, disobeyed court orders, is STILL disobeying court orders, has been held in contempt TWICE, and is illegally protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities.

Yeah, that's a real impressive Resume...for an IMPEACHED President. (Good thing for Barry GOP politicians are gutless cowards and/or corrupt as well and have refused to do anything).

I see that you are left to patch together random nuggets you've been fed by Drudge and Breitbart.....

Go have a lie down....
"It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying!"

This year, everybody was obviously dying to hear if the Fed was planning to raise the interest rates anytime soon, even though the economy doesn’t seem to be fully ready for it. Yes, the job creation number from July has just been revised to 275,000 (from 255,000), but the August number once again came in below expectations with a 30,000 job creation miss as the US economy added just 150,000 jobs rather than the 180,000 jobs the market was expecting. And not only did the total amount of new jobs come in lower than expected, approximately 25% of the ‘new’ jobs were in the food and drinks-sector which traditionally is one of the worst paying sectors in the United States. Of course, the gold price jumped immediately as this was the second piece of bad news in just two days, as the previous day the Purchase Manager Index dipped.

It’s About Time The Fed Stops Lying! | Zero Hedge

We are sinking.

Uh.....ZeroHedge has been calling for the apocalypse since.......oh.......roughly the beginning of Time......

So in your "humble" opinion the looming Deutsche Bank collapse will have no effect at all.....

European banks have been a disaster in the making since 2008.......anyone betting on that event has been losing money for 8 years.....very much like those who have been betting on ZeroHedge predictions.....

It is nothing more than a delivery vehicle for Gold scammers....

So in your "humble" opinion the looming Deutsche Bank collapse will have no effect at all.....

Quantify "looming"......
Really? Assholes like you blame EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in this country on Obama. That is asinine. Right?

...and assholes like you blame "Booosh" for everything that's wrong.
What's not to blame? Bush left a crater in the country's economy just like he left a crater in lower Manhattan.


Your "Magic Negro" has dome nothing to "save" the economy.
He has added 2 wars to the two already ongoing. (Which by he way tells you e is part of the Military Industrial Complex).
So is Hillary.

Your "Magic Negro" has dome nothing to "save" the economy.

You may try to argue that he had no effect on it, but the data is unambiguous on the issue of the improving economy.....

Nope, sorry. Main Street does not agree.

Highest rate of job and real income growth since can claim to channel Broadway for all I care, but them's the facts....
That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
When haven't folks been leaving the labor force?

But we are inv a new phenomenon now where partime jobs is the New norm along with working males 20~50 who see how easy it is under obama not to work and get disability instead.

Yep, tens of millions of workers are now restricted to part time because their employers aren't going to give them free healthcare on their won dime because ... they aren't ... worth it ...
Bullshit. Do you ever stop kazzing?? There's only 6 million total in the entire country who are working part time for economic reasons. Where the fuck do you pull "tens of millions" from?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
When haven't folks been leaving the labor force?

But we are inv a new phenomenon now where partime jobs is the New norm along with working males 20~50 who see how easy it is under obama not to work and get disability instead.

Then why has the number of people working part time DECREASED?

Single cause fallacy ...

Why has the number of people who exited the work force increased?

This idiocy again?

People assert things which are demonstrably false. I contradict cry "single cause fallacy"....

Which "cause" have I "fallacied"?

Please eschew Bold Assertions and Interpretations in favor of direct quotes....
Presidents don't start recessions - Congresses, who control the budget / spending / the economy, do. cycles are business cycles.......

I'm guessing that you are a Drudge/Breitbart/NYPost/CNBC kinda guy....

would that be right?
Lose what? Passing Gramm-Leach-Bliley did not cause the collapse. Not to mention ... Gramm = conservative; Leach = conservative; Bliley = conservative; deregulation = conservative policy.

You need to re-read that child. ;)
Billy Boy REPEALED it ;)
Billy Boy caused the collapse son...there is NOTHING you can do to change that.
Imbecile.... the president doesn't pass laws that don't first get passed by the Congress. Yes, Clinton signed it into law .... A conservative deregulation bill written and sponsored by conservatives in Congress. We can blame conservatism if you like; but again, passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act didn't cause the meltdown.

It of course played a HUGE part imbecile.
Just accept the fact that your Boy is complicit in the melt down son.
Accept what? That your source is wikipedia? Or that your source describes how economists are split over whether or not it was responsible?

You poor child, Clinton is complicit in all of it. There is noting you can do to change that.
As stupid as you are for referencing wikipedia, your own link indicates some economists believe that while some don't.
Bull. There is no reason I have to link to basic news. That's just stupid

That's how it works dope. It's up to you to prove your own points lest they and you be ridiculed.
That just ain't how Kazzie rolls, brah!

Agreed. I do my own research always first, then only ask if I can't validate someone's claim or what I find is contradictory. So really, you're not aware that people have been leaving the labor force? Seriously?
I do my own research always first

With respect to labor markets, on what do you rely for your research?

You asked for my evidence. Tell me what I said that you didn't know because I"m not clear what ignorance you're claiming.

So, what is your ignorance that I may cure it with information? Be specific. What did I say that you were lost?

This was the question....

With respect to labor markets, on what do you rely for your research?

Instead of your usual bullshit, why don't you answer it?

Once you've done so, I will address yours.....

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