Does The Left Really Deny They've Been Looking For An Excuse To Impeach Trump For Three Years ?

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

Yeah...forgot about that.

And he challenged China to do a fair trade deal.

Surprised there wasn't an article over that.

And if the Dow hit 30,000....well that would have really been the end.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

They were already talking about Impeaching The Donald in December 2016 before he was even Inaugurated because he beat Hillary and you know it was Hillary's turn to be President because she has a vagina and the Glass Ceiling and whatEVAH....:rolleyes-41:

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

Oh yeah...

Beat Hillary
Appointed Gorsuch
Appointed Kavenaugh
Shut down North Korea without getting into a war
Started a war with Iran (but didn't...still killed a mini-hitler).

What a terrible terrible guy.
Since they actually planned on framing Trump with Russian Collusion back in Alrilmof 2026 I’d say 4 Years!


They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

Yeah...forgot about that.

And he challenged China to do a fair trade deal.

Surprised there wasn't an article over that.

And if the Dow hit 30,000....well that would have really been the end.

Thanks to The Donald Hillary went from this:


To this:

The Wall
USMC biggest trade deal in US History
China Trade Deal phase 1
Nearly killed Obamacare but for traitor RINO


They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

Oh yeah...

Beat Hillary
Appointed Gorsuch
Appointed Kavenaugh
Shut down North Korea without getting into a war
Started a war with Iran (but didn't...still killed a mini-hitler).

What a terrible terrible guy.
Story Bro!


They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit....."

Don't forget The Donald has TWO scoops of ice cream and not one, so that's another reason to Impeach him or whatever :smoke:

Yeah...forgot about that.

And he challenged China to do a fair trade deal.

Surprised there wasn't an article over that.

And if the Dow hit 30,000....well that would have really been the end.

Thanks to The Donald Hillary went from this:

View attachment 303306

To this:

View attachment 303307
The left lie with impunity because they know the liberal media will look the other way.
Like how we almost got John Edwards (a pillar of integrity) for VP.

Thanks lefties.....and you bitch about Trump
I bet there isn't a Democrat in congress who could pass a lie detector after answering they never had Trump's impeachment in mind. Democrats think people are stupid. That makes them stupid
In my life, I've never seen the Dimm Party at such a low point as they are now.

Almost makes one to not even be connected to them!

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.
Within minutes of his election they were talking impeachment.

They still don't have one.

And the credibility of the current case (which sucks on it's own) is further damaged by shit like:

Maxine Waters wrong that she has not called for impeachment

Trump impeachment vote fails overwhelmingly

Democratic Leaders Try to Slow Calls to Impeach Trump

House Democrats Can’t Impeach Trump, but They’re Willing to Try

And now, all of a sudden....OMG.


Mueller Report
Stormy Daniels
A host of other shit.....

They so totally credible.


You "Righties" helped impeach Bill Clinton. So what are you talking about? We are impeaching a person who is involved or committed impeachable crimes. If Donald Trump and his band of crooks in the White House were not involved in any wrong doing he wouldn't be tried before the Senate. Give us Democrats a break with the Conservative lies and spin!

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