Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

Do you think illegals and the cartels will respect borders and immigration law? /blues said sarcastically
Libtard Logic: I can leave the keys in my car and my doors unlocked because police patrol the city.
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?
In a word.... NO

The wall must be built and maintained. This barricade stops the flow of illicit drugs far faster than anything else and allows our agents to focus on other more hidden avenues they use to traffic in these drugs.
Do you think illegals and the cartels will respect borders and immigration law? /blues said sarcastically
I'm not convinced AT ALL that Mexico is going to follow through for the long term. Short term they will make a show of force, but let's see what the border in-flow looks like a few months from now.
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?

Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

Well, there was no "trade deal." There was trade weaponized - mafia style, in violation of international trade rules - in order to coerce a neighboring state to change its migration policies. "Nice businesses you got there. Pity if something happened to them."

Moreover, the need for the wall arose from merely electoral reasons in 2016, and arises again with the view on 2020. Fanning the flames of xenophobia requires the Dear Leader to offer a "solution", and the wall is the thing Trumpletons understand, and so they're all for it. The Wall it is, and always will be, for as long as Trump fights for (re-) election. Trade deals, immigration, or whatever else has nothing to do with it. If immigration to the U.S. collapses this very day, Trump will still let himself be seen fighting for the wall. That keeps the xenophobes happy, and Trump in the race.
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?

Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

Well, there was no "trade deal." There was trade weaponized - mafia style, in violation of international trade rules - in order to coerce a neighboring state to change its migration policies. "Nice businesses you got there. Pity if something happened to them."

Moreover, the need for the wall arose from merely electoral reasons in 2016, and arises again with the view on 2020. Fanning the flames of xenophobia requires the Dear Leader to offer a "solution", and the wall is the thing Trumpletons understand, and so they're all for it. The Wall it is, and always will be, for as long as Trump fights for (re-) election. Trade deals, immigration, or whatever else has nothing to do with it. If immigration to the U.S. collapses this very day, Trump will still let himself be seen fighting for the wall. That keeps the xenophobes happy, and Trump in the race.
You don't live in the US do you.... Are you in a country that is being over run with immigrants that have no desire to assimilate? This has been brewing for over 70 years... Your an idiot!
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?
We should pay Mexico to build a 50 mile wall on their southern border and enforce it.
-------------------------- can't trust the 'mex' or others from 's. america' . Heck , supposedly the 'mex' are run by drug cartels . And its forever that the mex practice , lying and bribery [mordida] all through their 'society' . Why attempt to trust them anyway ?? Hurt them , squeeze them by the nuts when they step out of line Sly .
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?

Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

Well, there was no "trade deal." There was trade weaponized - mafia style, in violation of international trade rules - in order to coerce a neighboring state to change its migration policies. "Nice businesses you got there. Pity if something happened to them."

Moreover, the need for the wall arose from merely electoral reasons in 2016, and arises again with the view on 2020. Fanning the flames of xenophobia requires the Dear Leader to offer a "solution", and the wall is the thing Trumpletons understand, and so they're all for it. The Wall it is, and always will be, for as long as Trump fights for (re-) election. Trade deals, immigration, or whatever else has nothing to do with it. If immigration to the U.S. collapses this very day, Trump will still let himself be seen fighting for the wall. That keeps the xenophobes happy, and Trump in the race.
-------------------------------------- yep , America first and foremost OldEuro .
We should have Bayer design a biological weapon. Would be cheaper than the wall. They could splice it into the plants the field workers harvest.

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