Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

With the drug cartels and many people in Mexico and South America wanting to immigrate to the US; the border will now be secure with Mexican guards, unless the new border guards accept bribes or are very diligent, still more people might be coming to the US.
never going to know whats happening anyway . I don't blame TRUMP BUT i expect the media to post BS about how good the 'mex' are doing . And its a mistake to trust the 'mex' . The Border should be militarized and the invasion Stopped independent of any 'mex' fecking around or Help .
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‘Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?’

No, the right’s ‘need’ for the wall is the consequence of their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?

Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

Well, there was no "trade deal." There was trade weaponized - mafia style, in violation of international trade rules - in order to coerce a neighboring state to change its migration policies. "Nice businesses you got there. Pity if something happened to them."

Moreover, the need for the wall arose from merely electoral reasons in 2016, and arises again with the view on 2020. Fanning the flames of xenophobia requires the Dear Leader to offer a "solution", and the wall is the thing Trumpletons understand, and so they're all for it. The Wall it is, and always will be, for as long as Trump fights for (re-) election. Trade deals, immigration, or whatever else has nothing to do with it. If immigration to the U.S. collapses this very day, Trump will still let himself be seen fighting for the wall. That keeps the xenophobes happy, and Trump in the race.

One third of this nations population is here against the will of the people and by way of criminality.
Two thirds of those filthy thirdworlders are on the taxpayer tit and being paid to fuck the place up.
At what point would you think we need a wall to stop the filth?
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?

Does the new trade deal negate the "need" for the wall ?

Well, there was no "trade deal." There was trade weaponized - mafia style, in violation of international trade rules - in order to coerce a neighboring state to change its migration policies. "Nice businesses you got there. Pity if something happened to them."

Moreover, the need for the wall arose from merely electoral reasons in 2016, and arises again with the view on 2020. Fanning the flames of xenophobia requires the Dear Leader to offer a "solution", and the wall is the thing Trumpletons understand, and so they're all for it. The Wall it is, and always will be, for as long as Trump fights for (re-) election. Trade deals, immigration, or whatever else has nothing to do with it. If immigration to the U.S. collapses this very day, Trump will still let himself be seen fighting for the wall. That keeps the xenophobes happy, and Trump in the race.
You are too cynical. I couldnt be like that.
You are too cynical. I couldnt be like that.

I am not cynical. Cynical are those who conceive of policies that do nothing other than hurting the most vulnerable, and solve no problems other than Trump's with his electability. If you think that Trump ever had any thought of any depth on solving any problem not his own, you are patently deluding yourself.
Its certainly a cheaper solution ?

What new Trade deal? Nothing was signed. There was nothing but a few vague promises from Mexico they had already agreed to weeks ago but nothing signed into law.

Another Manufactured crisis Trump thought up, then pretended to solve. His schtick has grown so old.
With the drug cartels and many people in Mexico and South America wanting to immigrate to the US; the border will now be secure with Mexican guards, unless the new border guards accept bribes or are very diligent, still more people might be coming to the US.

Yes, we know the Mexican Government is so trustworthy.

No deal, nothing signed ,it does not have a thing to do with trade.

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