Does the U.S. want Trump’s Muslim solution or the vigilantism the E. U. is moving to?

God I hate this. This shouldn't be a either/or thing. And "Muslim Solution"? Really? Insulting. Islam IS a threat, unlike the Jews, and the Final solution meant genocide. We merely are trying to avoid genocide by a theocratic cult of Muslim supremacist fascists that have no scruples or mercy. Islam isn't some namby pamby well meaning middle of the road liberal ideology. They really truly hate liberalism, the west and free thought, Jews, Christians or atheists. Other than all that, they are just spiffy.
we need a patriotic CiC and good 'roe' and your friends should be done with pretty quickly Tyrone .
Oh you mean someone like this
God I hate this. This shouldn't be a either/or thing. And "Muslim Solution"? Really? Insulting. Islam IS a threat, unlike the Jews, and the Final solution meant genocide. We merely are trying to avoid genocide by a theocratic cult of Muslim supremacist fascists that have no scruples or mercy. Islam isn't some namby pamby well meaning middle of the road liberal ideology. They really truly hate liberalism, the west and free thought, Jews, Christians or atheists. Other than all that, they are just spiffy.
Scary ain't it..... I am sand bagging my house ...
read MaryL post Tyrone , you might learn a thing or 2 !!
Don't tell me what to do Sergeant Rock ...its dumb.... I always find hard nosed war like dudes like you comical... I can see how much you admire your heroism LOL
Why is the liberal media is fixated on a "anti Muslim backlash" that hasn't happened? But they constantly underplay Muslim horrors and anti western atrocities? Nobody notices? We notice, don't we?
Why is the liberal media is fixated on a "anti Muslim backlash" that hasn't happened? But they constantly underplay Muslim horrors and anti western atrocities? Nobody notices? We notice, don't we?
You are frightened aren't you ...try chamomile tea...
The OP thread........the topic is an excellent one for those who live in Realville. Because its going to be either/or..............duh.

Multiculturalism is the most profoundly dumb concept in the history of the world.......yet we still have bozo's out there that think some simple tinkering with social engineering can change thousands of years of history. Again...........duh.:up:

Ammo up s0ns...:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:....these fuckers are coming no matter who is charge though...........
Why is the liberal media is fixated on a "anti Muslim backlash" that hasn't happened? But they constantly underplay Muslim horrors and anti western atrocities? Nobody notices? We notice, don't we?
You are frightened aren't you ...try chamomile tea...
Frightening? Booo! What is your point?
He's trying to ridicule the notion that anyone has anything to fear from Muslims. Unfortunately the muzzie savages are bent on proving him wrong.
I am scared of real things. Death, car accidents, heights, flying, Fear of Islamic terrorism is one of those fears fed out of facts, not first hand experience. I have never been in a car accident, fallen from an airplane or been bitten by a snake. Or been hurt by a terrorist, either, but none of them are so abstract as to be a paranoid fear, either. I still want to take precautions from being afflicted by them.
Death is inevitable...being scared of the inevitable kind of ruins everything LOl No siree I am not scared or fearful...
Death is inevitable...being scared of the inevitable kind of ruins everything LOl No siree I am not scared or fearful...

So what's stopping you from blowing your brains out?
I am having a good time why would I do that Lol its inevitable don't forget so I do not have to seek it will come all on its own LOL

So then you are afraid to die. Now explain why any woman would want to be raped by one of those muzzie savages.

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