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Does the US seek an Arab-Iranian "equilibrium?"

America's backing of Israel has done nothing but cause the U.S. massive problems in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

So it's time we cut the strings with that rogue state and find a strong partner we can deal with in the ME.

Iran is developing into a regional power player and is already starting align its self with Russia and China.

The U.S. would be smart to befriend Iran and bring that country into our sphere of influence. ... :cool:

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The U.S. would do much better if it aligned with Iran and ditch Israel as an ally.

Iran is an up and coming player in the Middle East.

Whereas, Israel's days are numbered and will someday cease to exist as a viable state. ... :cool:

Under the terms of the UN charter it cant cease to exist, and if the ragheads try they will have 6 nuclear armed nations breathing down their necks. In reality iran is a failing country that will go down faster than a date pie after sundown during Ramadan. At the moment the M.E is reliant on its oil reserves but these are dwindling fast, and the Israelis are working on fuels that don't rely on fossilised hydrocarbons. We already have fully synthetic lubricants to replace those made from crude oil, so the use of M.E oil is fast declining and they are a one trick pony so have no other viable industries.
America's backing of Israel has done nothing but cause the U.S. massive problems in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

So it's time we cut the strings with that rogue state and find a strong partner we can deal with in the ME.

Iran is developing into a regional power player and is already starting align its self with Russia and China.

The U.S. would be smart to befriend Iran and bring that country into our sphere of influence. ... :cool:


The only rogue states are the ones that follow islam, and Israel is a strong partner proven by its past performances when it whupped some raghead ass.

China and Russia are making footsie with iran because it has oil, when the oil runs out or the price goes up they will default and leave iran to fend for itself.
They have deposing kings/shaws for more than a century. The last dynasty began right after WWI
Ok, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], I have been researching, and though I am far from done, lots of things to add. It's not gonna completely please Cons or Libs, but.... and btw, thanks for the personal invite to this thread.

We really fucked up in Persia in the 1950s. We propped up a King who was mostly hated by his own people. He was also a brutal King, hardly an icon of what we claim to stand for. But it was probably our best of all bad options. We were just 10 years past the most destructive war in our world's history, combatting the rise of Communism and our CIA was still pretty much in it's infancy. Persia (Iran) borders on the former Soviet Union. I bet that if the Dulles brothers could have peeked into a crystal ball, they would never have done some of the things they did. However, that mistake led to lots of things:

-the 1979 uprising, which occurred when former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, after unsuccessfully trying to get then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow the ailing King of Iran to be flown to the USA for heart treatment, succeeded on the 6th try. The King was flown in, a revolution happened in Iran and our people there were kept hostage for 444 days. This is all part of the historical record. It is also part of the historical record that the hostages were released BEFORE Reagan was inaugurated.

-In neighboring Afghanistan, the Reagan administration trained the Mujahadeen to fight against the Russkis. Those Mujahadeen would later become the core of El Quaida. I am quite sure that, like the Dulles brothers, had Reagan been able to gaze into a crystal ball and see where this was all going to lead, he would never had instructed that the Mujahadeen be trained by our CIA.

-In the Iraq-Iran war of 1988, which killed more than 1 million people, we armed BOTH sides. We made money off of BOTH sides. Bad, bad, bad...

There is ample reason for Iranians to dislike us, no matter how good our intentions are.

However, this in no way excuses the horrible anti-semitism that is at the core of Iranian politics, nor does it excuse the terrible Iranian laws that literally make the life of a Jew (there are ca 30,000 Jews living within Iran, without passports, they cannot get out) 1/17th the life of a non-jew in Iran.

-Iran wants to make the bomb. Of this, I have no doubt.

So far, so good.

So, what does Obama (D) do:

-more sanctions than any other president in history vis-a-vis Iran. Crippling sanctions. Obama has gone farther than Bush ever went. And that is historically provable. I can't fault him for that.

In Syria, a smaller ally to Iran, and one which borders Eretz Israel, the Obama policy was probably the best of all bad options once again, for indeed, among the rebels were some elements of El Quaida, and yet, on both the military and the PR front, Obama won. He we not supported the rebels, Assad would have massacred many more. I despise Assad and think he should be hung. The hatred that had been under the surface for years in Syria came boiling to the top after the so-called Arab-Spring began. It is much more intense than most US-Americans know, but I know two of the leaders of the Syrian rebellion - leaders who were in exile in Germany for about 13 years, personally. I translated a number of their documents, pleas for help at the UN, from German into English. The small bands or factions that have put themselves together is about the most unlikely group of people that you could imagine.

But the fact is that Syria is quiet right now, and therefore no help to Iran.

And the other fact is that Iran wants to negotiate. It cannot hurt. It can only help. And if it doesn't work, be can still clobber Iran, if needed. Had we taken the same position with Nixon in 1972 as some are taking with Obama now, then he may never have gone to China, and maybe we would have more than just confrontation right now. Most thought of China as the mortal enemy back then, just as most see Iran as a mortal enemy now. If Nixon could talk with Mao and the world did not fall apart, then Obama can talk with the upper ups in Iran and again, the world will not fall apart. And there is also no "Neville Chamberlain" comparison possible here. Iran is in no position to fight a conventional war that it can win.

Israel: more joint training missions between the USA and Eretz Yisrael under the Obama administration than under any other administration, ever. The fact that Obama is willing to spend less time on Israel tells me personally that he trusts Israel to be able to stand more on it's own. I personally think that we Jews should be taking this as a compliment. Not to mention that fact that US aircraft carriers are in the area, should any stupidity happen on the part of Iran or Syria, for instance.

Next front: China.

China, with 1.4 billion, is without a doubt the force to reckon with in the future, and even now. China's GDP, depending on how you measure it, is either on par with or surpasses ours. No, wonder: their population is 4.5 times the size of ours. Only complete idiots would not be able to have their economy edge out ours with that kind of population advantage. If Obama is freed up to spend more time and energy on reigning in China, that is actually, when we are honest with ourselves, a neo-con policy. And maybe not such a bad one.

Most people don't know, but the word "China" itself means "Kingdom in the middle". The chinese have always had a very snobby few of themselves in the world, and maybe for good reason: every time China has been invaded and occupied, the occupiers themselves eventually became, well, Chinese. China has shown no territorial ambitions worth noting. Their view has been "why go to them, they come to us and then they become us". In the 1400s, the Chinese, who created the first navy, with ships far surpassing the ships of Europeans, literally mothballed it's fleet and stopped sailing for 400+ years for this very reason.

But today, China is polluting the world more than any other power, because it is currently building 40 mega-cities on the level of New York City, it is busy pirating all sorts of stuff, and it fields the largest army in the world.

It is only logical that a responsible President take more time and look to see what is going on in China. Which is exactly what President Obama is doing. I bet good money that, had Gov. Romney won the election 2012, his policy toward China would not be all that different.

I cannot fault Obama for any of these policies - many stem from having to pick the worst of all bad possible solutions. I especially cannot fault him for giving Iran a chance, for that alone keeps Saudi Arabia (hardly an ally, only on paper) and Iraq in check, keeps Syria caged up until it learns to be a Democracy, and it gives Israel breathing room. And notice that Turkey, which officially makes some loud noises about Israel, but is actually one of Israel's best trading partners and also a place where Israelis can go on vacation without fear for their safety, is not complaining about any of this.

Obama is in no way trying to realign the ME with Iran as a nuclear player. He is not going to let that happen. No American president is going to let that happen.

You asked for my two cents, I now started to give them. :)

[MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] - among others.
No offense but we all know the history. The question is whats the way forward? Syria is a client state of Iran and is still killing tens of thousands of people, if that's success in your mind well..What an i say to that. Iran is not required to dismantle it's nuke program. the sanctions were working but Obama all of the sudden decided to lift a lot of them. He's sees them as a stabilizing force in the region, Sunni man is partially right. Iran funds terrorist around the globe. they fund Hazballah ,Hamas, They are responsible for many of the explosives that are killing our troops right now in Afghanistan. They are developing long range missiles, they continue to work on their nuke program and they are run by muslim fundamentalist nutjobs..... Nukes in their hands:cuckoo:

“We can return again to 20 percent [uranium] enrichment in less than one day and we can convert the [nuclear] material again,” Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said on Iranian television earlier this month. We are still waiting for an Obama administration nuclear expert to credibly refute this claim.

Iran is able to return its nuclear material back to the 20 percent enrichment level in part because the Obama administration and its fellow P5+1 negotiators caved in to Iran’s demand that it be permitted to hold on to its 5 percent enriched stockpile. Iran was not required to either render its lower enriched uranium completely unusable or to ship it out of the country as Syria is doing with its chemical weapons material.

Now Obama has asked for more time to try and negotiate a final comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran. Give diplomacy a chance to succeed, he said, while warning Congress that he would veto any new sanctions bill that “threatens to derail” his diplomatic outreach to the Iranian regime, including presumably the bipartisan sanctions legislation under consideration in both chambers.

President Obama also set out to deceive the American people in trying to bolster his case for more time-wasting negotiations. He falsely claimed that diplomacy, backed by pressure, has “halted the progress of Iran’s nuclear program—and rolled parts of that program back—for the very first time in a decade.” The truth is that aside from the reversible conversion of its highly enriched uranium and a few other minor concessions, Iran is still able to plow full steam ahead with its nuclear arms program on multiple fronts.

Iran is not required to dismantle a single one of its more than 19,000 installed centrifuges. All it is required to do is to disconnect the centrifuge links (the tandem cascades) used to enable 20 percent enrichment. According to Olli Heinonen, former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran can re-connect the centrifuge links to enable resumption of 20 percent enrichment “in one day’s time.” Furthermore, he warned that Iran has the technical capability to put the requisite number of linked centrifuges into operation, after which “it would take about two, three weeks to have enough uranium hexafluoride high-enriched for one single weapon.”

If that were not bad enough, the interim agreement permits Iran to continue its research and development of even more technologically advanced centrifuges, which would be far faster than previous models.

The Iranian Threat & Obama?s Deception | FrontPage Magazine
Ok, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], I have been researching, and though I am far from done, lots of things to add. It's not gonna completely please Cons or Libs, but.... and btw, thanks for the personal invite to this thread.

We really fucked up in Persia in the 1950s. We propped up a King who was mostly hated by his own people. He was also a brutal King, hardly an icon of what we claim to stand for. But it was probably our best of all bad options. We were just 10 years past the most destructive war in our world's history, combatting the rise of Communism and our CIA was still pretty much in it's infancy. Persia (Iran) borders on the former Soviet Union. I bet that if the Dulles brothers could have peeked into a crystal ball, they would never have done some of the things they did. However, that mistake led to lots of things:

-the 1979 uprising, which occurred when former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, after unsuccessfully trying to get then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow the ailing King of Iran to be flown to the USA for heart treatment, succeeded on the 6th try. The King was flown in, a revolution happened in Iran and our people there were kept hostage for 444 days. This is all part of the historical record. It is also part of the historical record that the hostages were released BEFORE Reagan was inaugurated.

-In neighboring Afghanistan, the Reagan administration trained the Mujahadeen to fight against the Russkis. Those Mujahadeen would later become the core of El Quaida. I am quite sure that, like the Dulles brothers, had Reagan been able to gaze into a crystal ball and see where this was all going to lead, he would never had instructed that the Mujahadeen be trained by our CIA.

-In the Iraq-Iran war of 1988, which killed more than 1 million people, we armed BOTH sides. We made money off of BOTH sides. Bad, bad, bad...

There is ample reason for Iranians to dislike us, no matter how good our intentions are.

However, this in no way excuses the horrible anti-semitism that is at the core of Iranian politics, nor does it excuse the terrible Iranian laws that literally make the life of a Jew (there are ca 30,000 Jews living within Iran, without passports, they cannot get out) 1/17th the life of a non-jew in Iran.

-Iran wants to make the bomb. Of this, I have no doubt.

So far, so good.

So, what does Obama (D) do:

-more sanctions than any other president in history vis-a-vis Iran. Crippling sanctions. Obama has gone farther than Bush ever went. And that is historically provable. I can't fault him for that.

In Syria, a smaller ally to Iran, and one which borders Eretz Israel, the Obama policy was probably the best of all bad options once again, for indeed, among the rebels were some elements of El Quaida, and yet, on both the military and the PR front, Obama won. He we not supported the rebels, Assad would have massacred many more. I despise Assad and think he should be hung. The hatred that had been under the surface for years in Syria came boiling to the top after the so-called Arab-Spring began. It is much more intense than most US-Americans know, but I know two of the leaders of the Syrian rebellion - leaders who were in exile in Germany for about 13 years, personally. I translated a number of their documents, pleas for help at the UN, from German into English. The small bands or factions that have put themselves together is about the most unlikely group of people that you could imagine.

But the fact is that Syria is quiet right now, and therefore no help to Iran.

And the other fact is that Iran wants to negotiate. It cannot hurt. It can only help. And if it doesn't work, be can still clobber Iran, if needed. Had we taken the same position with Nixon in 1972 as some are taking with Obama now, then he may never have gone to China, and maybe we would have more than just confrontation right now. Most thought of China as the mortal enemy back then, just as most see Iran as a mortal enemy now. If Nixon could talk with Mao and the world did not fall apart, then Obama can talk with the upper ups in Iran and again, the world will not fall apart. And there is also no "Neville Chamberlain" comparison possible here. Iran is in no position to fight a conventional war that it can win.

Israel: more joint training missions between the USA and Eretz Yisrael under the Obama administration than under any other administration, ever. The fact that Obama is willing to spend less time on Israel tells me personally that he trusts Israel to be able to stand more on it's own. I personally think that we Jews should be taking this as a compliment. Not to mention that fact that US aircraft carriers are in the area, should any stupidity happen on the part of Iran or Syria, for instance.

Next front: China.

China, with 1.4 billion, is without a doubt the force to reckon with in the future, and even now. China's GDP, depending on how you measure it, is either on par with or surpasses ours. No, wonder: their population is 4.5 times the size of ours. Only complete idiots would not be able to have their economy edge out ours with that kind of population advantage. If Obama is freed up to spend more time and energy on reigning in China, that is actually, when we are honest with ourselves, a neo-con policy. And maybe not such a bad one.

Most people don't know, but the word "China" itself means "Kingdom in the middle". The chinese have always had a very snobby few of themselves in the world, and maybe for good reason: every time China has been invaded and occupied, the occupiers themselves eventually became, well, Chinese. China has shown no territorial ambitions worth noting. Their view has been "why go to them, they come to us and then they become us". In the 1400s, the Chinese, who created the first navy, with ships far surpassing the ships of Europeans, literally mothballed it's fleet and stopped sailing for 400+ years for this very reason.

But today, China is polluting the world more than any other power, because it is currently building 40 mega-cities on the level of New York City, it is busy pirating all sorts of stuff, and it fields the largest army in the world.

It is only logical that a responsible President take more time and look to see what is going on in China. Which is exactly what President Obama is doing. I bet good money that, had Gov. Romney won the election 2012, his policy toward China would not be all that different.

I cannot fault Obama for any of these policies - many stem from having to pick the worst of all bad possible solutions. I especially cannot fault him for giving Iran a chance, for that alone keeps Saudi Arabia (hardly an ally, only on paper) and Iraq in check, keeps Syria caged up until it learns to be a Democracy, and it gives Israel breathing room. And notice that Turkey, which officially makes some loud noises about Israel, but is actually one of Israel's best trading partners and also a place where Israelis can go on vacation without fear for their safety, is not complaining about any of this.

Obama is in no way trying to realign the ME with Iran as a nuclear player. He is not going to let that happen. No American president is going to let that happen.

You asked for my two cents, I now started to give them. :)

[MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] - among others.
No offense but we all know the history. The question is whats the way forward? Syria is a client state of Iran and is still killing tens of thousands of people, if that's success in your mind well..What an i say to that. Iran is not required to dismantle it's nuke program. the sanctions were working but Obama all of the sudden decided to lift a lot of them. He's sees them as a stabilizing force in the region, Sunni man is partially right. Iran funds terrorist around the globe. they fund Hazballah ,Hamas, They are responsible for many of the explosives that are killing our troops right now in Afghanistan. They are developing long range missiles, they continue to work on their nuke program and they are run by muslim fundamentalist nutjobs..... Nukes in their hands:cuckoo:

“We can return again to 20 percent [uranium] enrichment in less than one day and we can convert the [nuclear] material again,” Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said on Iranian television earlier this month. We are still waiting for an Obama administration nuclear expert to credibly refute this claim.

Iran is able to return its nuclear material back to the 20 percent enrichment level in part because the Obama administration and its fellow P5+1 negotiators caved in to Iran’s demand that it be permitted to hold on to its 5 percent enriched stockpile. Iran was not required to either render its lower enriched uranium completely unusable or to ship it out of the country as Syria is doing with its chemical weapons material.

Now Obama has asked for more time to try and negotiate a final comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran. Give diplomacy a chance to succeed, he said, while warning Congress that he would veto any new sanctions bill that “threatens to derail” his diplomatic outreach to the Iranian regime, including presumably the bipartisan sanctions legislation under consideration in both chambers.

President Obama also set out to deceive the American people in trying to bolster his case for more time-wasting negotiations. He falsely claimed that diplomacy, backed by pressure, has “halted the progress of Iran’s nuclear program—and rolled parts of that program back—for the very first time in a decade.” The truth is that aside from the reversible conversion of its highly enriched uranium and a few other minor concessions, Iran is still able to plow full steam ahead with its nuclear arms program on multiple fronts.

Iran is not required to dismantle a single one of its more than 19,000 installed centrifuges. All it is required to do is to disconnect the centrifuge links (the tandem cascades) used to enable 20 percent enrichment. According to Olli Heinonen, former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran can re-connect the centrifuge links to enable resumption of 20 percent enrichment “in one day’s time.” Furthermore, he warned that Iran has the technical capability to put the requisite number of linked centrifuges into operation, after which “it would take about two, three weeks to have enough uranium hexafluoride high-enriched for one single weapon.”

If that were not bad enough, the interim agreement permits Iran to continue its research and development of even more technologically advanced centrifuges, which would be far faster than previous models.

The Iranian Threat & Obama?s Deception | FrontPage Magazine

Syria was killing tens of thousands during the Bush years as well.
No, the sanctions are just as hard and in place as they were before.

And knowing the history indeed helps to see which path for the future is better.

Obama is not trying to be in league with Iran. Those are just RW wet-dreams. Obama is giving Iran a chance to give up it's program peacefully, without having to fire a single shot.

Once again, thanks for inviting me to the thread. Glad I could join in.
Isreal is in no way a rogue state. I doubt you will find many takers for your views here, but you are welcome to them.

Just ignore Sunni's comments regarding Israel (and anything else to be honest).

He is a well known anti - Semite who has no problem expressing his hatred for Jews and Holocaust denial. He does whatever he can to take the attention off what his Muslim brothers are doing in the Middle East , you know the ACTUAL rogue states, and blames Israel for things he has no proof of .
Typical hateful jihadi supporting Muslim :cool:
The U.S. would do much better if it aligned with Iran and ditch Israel as an ally.

Iran is an up and coming player in the Middle East.

Whereas, Israel's days are numbered and will someday cease to exist as a viable state. ... :cool:


Ok, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION], I have been researching, and though I am far from done, lots of things to add. It's not gonna completely please Cons or Libs, but.... and btw, thanks for the personal invite to this thread.

We really fucked up in Persia in the 1950s. We propped up a King who was mostly hated by his own people. He was also a brutal King, hardly an icon of what we claim to stand for. But it was probably our best of all bad options. We were just 10 years past the most destructive war in our world's history, combatting the rise of Communism and our CIA was still pretty much in it's infancy. Persia (Iran) borders on the former Soviet Union. I bet that if the Dulles brothers could have peeked into a crystal ball, they would never have done some of the things they did. However, that mistake led to lots of things:

-the 1979 uprising, which occurred when former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, after unsuccessfully trying to get then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow the ailing King of Iran to be flown to the USA for heart treatment, succeeded on the 6th try. The King was flown in, a revolution happened in Iran and our people there were kept hostage for 444 days. This is all part of the historical record. It is also part of the historical record that the hostages were released BEFORE Reagan was inaugurated.

-In neighboring Afghanistan, the Reagan administration trained the Mujahadeen to fight against the Russkis. Those Mujahadeen would later become the core of El Quaida. I am quite sure that, like the Dulles brothers, had Reagan been able to gaze into a crystal ball and see where this was all going to lead, he would never had instructed that the Mujahadeen be trained by our CIA.

-In the Iraq-Iran war of 1988, which killed more than 1 million people, we armed BOTH sides. We made money off of BOTH sides. Bad, bad, bad...

There is ample reason for Iranians to dislike us, no matter how good our intentions are.

However, this in no way excuses the horrible anti-semitism that is at the core of Iranian politics, nor does it excuse the terrible Iranian laws that literally make the life of a Jew (there are ca 30,000 Jews living within Iran, without passports, they cannot get out) 1/17th the life of a non-jew in Iran.

-Iran wants to make the bomb. Of this, I have no doubt.

So far, so good.

So, what does Obama (D) do:

-more sanctions than any other president in history vis-a-vis Iran. Crippling sanctions. Obama has gone farther than Bush ever went. And that is historically provable. I can't fault him for that.

In Syria, a smaller ally to Iran, and one which borders Eretz Israel, the Obama policy was probably the best of all bad options once again, for indeed, among the rebels were some elements of El Quaida, and yet, on both the military and the PR front, Obama won. He we not supported the rebels, Assad would have massacred many more. I despise Assad and think he should be hung. The hatred that had been under the surface for years in Syria came boiling to the top after the so-called Arab-Spring began. It is much more intense than most US-Americans know, but I know two of the leaders of the Syrian rebellion - leaders who were in exile in Germany for about 13 years, personally. I translated a number of their documents, pleas for help at the UN, from German into English. The small bands or factions that have put themselves together is about the most unlikely group of people that you could imagine.

But the fact is that Syria is quiet right now, and therefore no help to Iran.

And the other fact is that Iran wants to negotiate. It cannot hurt. It can only help. And if it doesn't work, be can still clobber Iran, if needed. Had we taken the same position with Nixon in 1972 as some are taking with Obama now, then he may never have gone to China, and maybe we would have more than just confrontation right now. Most thought of China as the mortal enemy back then, just as most see Iran as a mortal enemy now. If Nixon could talk with Mao and the world did not fall apart, then Obama can talk with the upper ups in Iran and again, the world will not fall apart. And there is also no "Neville Chamberlain" comparison possible here. Iran is in no position to fight a conventional war that it can win.

Israel: more joint training missions between the USA and Eretz Yisrael under the Obama administration than under any other administration, ever. The fact that Obama is willing to spend less time on Israel tells me personally that he trusts Israel to be able to stand more on it's own. I personally think that we Jews should be taking this as a compliment. Not to mention that fact that US aircraft carriers are in the area, should any stupidity happen on the part of Iran or Syria, for instance.

Next front: China.

China, with 1.4 billion, is without a doubt the force to reckon with in the future, and even now. China's GDP, depending on how you measure it, is either on par with or surpasses ours. No, wonder: their population is 4.5 times the size of ours. Only complete idiots would not be able to have their economy edge out ours with that kind of population advantage. If Obama is freed up to spend more time and energy on reigning in China, that is actually, when we are honest with ourselves, a neo-con policy. And maybe not such a bad one.

Most people don't know, but the word "China" itself means "Kingdom in the middle". The chinese have always had a very snobby few of themselves in the world, and maybe for good reason: every time China has been invaded and occupied, the occupiers themselves eventually became, well, Chinese. China has shown no territorial ambitions worth noting. Their view has been "why go to them, they come to us and then they become us". In the 1400s, the Chinese, who created the first navy, with ships far surpassing the ships of Europeans, literally mothballed it's fleet and stopped sailing for 400+ years for this very reason.

But today, China is polluting the world more than any other power, because it is currently building 40 mega-cities on the level of New York City, it is busy pirating all sorts of stuff, and it fields the largest army in the world.

It is only logical that a responsible President take more time and look to see what is going on in China. Which is exactly what President Obama is doing. I bet good money that, had Gov. Romney won the election 2012, his policy toward China would not be all that different.

I cannot fault Obama for any of these policies - many stem from having to pick the worst of all bad possible solutions. I especially cannot fault him for giving Iran a chance, for that alone keeps Saudi Arabia (hardly an ally, only on paper) and Iraq in check, keeps Syria caged up until it learns to be a Democracy, and it gives Israel breathing room. And notice that Turkey, which officially makes some loud noises about Israel, but is actually one of Israel's best trading partners and also a place where Israelis can go on vacation without fear for their safety, is not complaining about any of this.

Obama is in no way trying to realign the ME with Iran as a nuclear player. He is not going to let that happen. No American president is going to let that happen.

You asked for my two cents, I now started to give them. :)

[MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] [MENTION=29697]freedombecki[/MENTION] - among others.
No offense but we all know the history. The question is whats the way forward? Syria is a client state of Iran and is still killing tens of thousands of people, if that's success in your mind well..What an i say to that. Iran is not required to dismantle it's nuke program. the sanctions were working but Obama all of the sudden decided to lift a lot of them. He's sees them as a stabilizing force in the region, Sunni man is partially right. Iran funds terrorist around the globe. they fund Hazballah ,Hamas, They are responsible for many of the explosives that are killing our troops right now in Afghanistan. They are developing long range missiles, they continue to work on their nuke program and they are run by muslim fundamentalist nutjobs..... Nukes in their hands:cuckoo:

“We can return again to 20 percent [uranium] enrichment in less than one day and we can convert the [nuclear] material again,” Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said on Iranian television earlier this month. We are still waiting for an Obama administration nuclear expert to credibly refute this claim.

Iran is able to return its nuclear material back to the 20 percent enrichment level in part because the Obama administration and its fellow P5+1 negotiators caved in to Iran’s demand that it be permitted to hold on to its 5 percent enriched stockpile. Iran was not required to either render its lower enriched uranium completely unusable or to ship it out of the country as Syria is doing with its chemical weapons material.

Now Obama has asked for more time to try and negotiate a final comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran. Give diplomacy a chance to succeed, he said, while warning Congress that he would veto any new sanctions bill that “threatens to derail” his diplomatic outreach to the Iranian regime, including presumably the bipartisan sanctions legislation under consideration in both chambers.

President Obama also set out to deceive the American people in trying to bolster his case for more time-wasting negotiations. He falsely claimed that diplomacy, backed by pressure, has “halted the progress of Iran’s nuclear program—and rolled parts of that program back—for the very first time in a decade.” The truth is that aside from the reversible conversion of its highly enriched uranium and a few other minor concessions, Iran is still able to plow full steam ahead with its nuclear arms program on multiple fronts.

Iran is not required to dismantle a single one of its more than 19,000 installed centrifuges. All it is required to do is to disconnect the centrifuge links (the tandem cascades) used to enable 20 percent enrichment. According to Olli Heinonen, former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran can re-connect the centrifuge links to enable resumption of 20 percent enrichment “in one day’s time.” Furthermore, he warned that Iran has the technical capability to put the requisite number of linked centrifuges into operation, after which “it would take about two, three weeks to have enough uranium hexafluoride high-enriched for one single weapon.”

If that were not bad enough, the interim agreement permits Iran to continue its research and development of even more technologically advanced centrifuges, which would be far faster than previous models.

The Iranian Threat & Obama?s Deception | FrontPage Magazine

Syria was killing tens of thousands during the Bush years as well.
No, the sanctions are just as hard and in place as they were before.

And knowing the history indeed helps to see which path for the future is better.

Obama is not trying to be in league with Iran. Those are just RW wet-dreams. Obama is giving Iran a chance to give up it's program peacefully, without having to fire a single shot.

Once again, thanks for inviting me to the thread. Glad I could join in.

:eusa_hand:Ummm,, that would actually be the last thing we "right wingers" would want. it's actually liberals who play the "be nice maybe they'll change crap"
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The U.S. would do much better if it aligned with Iran and ditch Israel as an ally.

Iran is an up and coming player in the Middle East.

Whereas, Israel's days are numbered and will someday cease to exist as a viable state. ... :cool:

Under the terms of the UN charter it cant cease to exist, and if the ragheads try they will have 6 nuclear armed nations breathing down their necks. In reality iran is a failing country that will go down faster than a date pie after sundown during Ramadan. At the moment the M.E is reliant on its oil reserves but these are dwindling fast, and the Israelis are working on fuels that don't rely on fossilised hydrocarbons. We already have fully synthetic lubricants to replace those made from crude oil, so the use of M.E oil is fast declining and they are a one trick pony so have no other viable industries.

Well said Phoenall. There is no country with a brighter future then Israel, and the natural gas reserves are a huge part of that.
One day, the Arab Muslim states of the ME will have little oil left and will start doing business with Israel :cool:
Just ignore Sunni's comments regarding Israel (and anything else to be honest).

He is a well known anti - Semite who has no problem expressing his hatred for Jews and Holocaust denial.
Incorrect Toastman.

I don't hate jews.

I'm only opposed to zionism and those who support Israel.

And yes, I do have a problem with the "official" holocaust story.

But that doesn't make me anti-semitic. ... :cool:
No offense but we all know the history. The question is whats the way forward? Syria is a client state of Iran and is still killing tens of thousands of people, if that's success in your mind well..What an i say to that. Iran is not required to dismantle it's nuke program. the sanctions were working but Obama all of the sudden decided to lift a lot of them. He's sees them as a stabilizing force in the region, Sunni man is partially right. Iran funds terrorist around the globe. they fund Hazballah ,Hamas, They are responsible for many of the explosives that are killing our troops right now in Afghanistan. They are developing long range missiles, they continue to work on their nuke program and they are run by muslim fundamentalist nutjobs..... Nukes in their hands:cuckoo:

The Iranian Threat & Obama?s Deception | FrontPage Magazine

Syria was killing tens of thousands during the Bush years as well.
No, the sanctions are just as hard and in place as they were before.

And knowing the history indeed helps to see which path for the future is better.

Obama is not trying to be in league with Iran. Those are just RW wet-dreams. Obama is giving Iran a chance to give up it's program peacefully, without having to fire a single shot.

Once again, thanks for inviting me to the thread. Glad I could join in.

:eusa_hand:Ummm,, that would actually be the last thing we "right wingers" would want. it's actually liberals who play the "be nice maybe they'll change crap"

Ummmm, no, that would also not be right. But I respect your right to think it.

Right in front of you is a leftie Jew who disproves that very point.

I call it a RW wet dream because Righties always refer to this scenario, not lefties. And that scenario is not going to happen, either.
Just ignore Sunni's comments regarding Israel (and anything else to be honest).

He is a well known anti - Semite who has no problem expressing his hatred for Jews and Holocaust denial.
Incorrect Toastman.

I don't hate jews.

I'm only opposed to zionism and those who support Israel.

And yes, I do have a problem with the "official" holocaust story.

But that doesn't make me anti-semitic. ... :cool:

Yes you do as your hatred for Zionism is hatred of the Jews. Like all muslims you equate Zionism as some bloodthirsty sect of evil killers out to destroy the muslims. Yet the truth is that under Zionism the muslims are thriving and increasing in numbers.

I also question the official holocaust story, but save it for the right time and place. You use it as a weapon against Israel and all Jews making it RACIAL DISCRIMINATION and ANTI SEMITISM.
Should really help with their nuke program

U.S. Treasury confirms $550 millon transfer to Iran

The money is the first installment of $4.2 billion in blocked oil funds that were to be made available to Iran under the nuclear deal signed in November. Iran received limited sanctions relief in exchange for agreeing to curb its nuclear activities.

U.S. Treasury confirms $550 mln transfer to Iran | Reuters

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