Does this sound right to you?

Where were you since the US declared war on it's own citizens, evidently supporting the suppressors.
We've all been watching the Socialist Democrats war on its own citizens since they melted down after Hillary's loss, screamed at the sky, and began launching failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt. What Biden is doing is just a continuation of that war...
How is screaming to the sky a war?
Wow, your reading comprehension SUCKS. You must have the IQ of drug-using brain damaged Hunter Biden.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
you mean a few hundred anarchists who had no guns, no knives and at best, a 2 by 4 and a fire hydrant.
No fires set, no long term occupation.
Just a bunch of anarchists without a clue.

You know....not like the hundreds of people who lost their livelihoods this summer due to a bunch of anarchists

I know...I know.....BLM does it? Good. They deserve to be heard and the best way to do it is threaten the police...."fry them like bacon"
I know, I know, Antifa does it? A myth. They dont really exist.

I know, I know, Republican supporters do it....its an insurrection....its bad bad bad ....and it defines the entire republican party and the conservative ideology.

I get it.

You don't.
Where were you since the US declared war on it's own citizens, evidently supporting the suppressors.
We've all been watching the Socialist Democrats war on its own citizens since they melted down after Hillary's loss, screamed at the sky, and began launching failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt. What Biden is doing is just a continuation of that war...
How is screaming to the sky a war?
Wow, your reading comprehension SUCKS. You must have the IQ of drug-using brain damaged Hunter Biden.
He drives a cement truck....part time.

Cut him some slack.

Yes, I know who you are and you know who I am.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
you mean a few hundred anarchists who had no guns, no knives and at best, a 2 by 4 and a fire hydrant.
No fires set, no long term occupation.
Just a bunch of anarchists without a clue.

You know....not like the hundreds of people who lost their livelihoods this summer due to a bunch of anarchists

I know...I know.....BLM does it? Good. They deserve to be heard and the best way to do it is threaten the police...."fry them like bacon"
I know, I know, Antifa does it? A myth. They dont really exist.

I know, I know, Republican supporters do it....its an insurrection....its bad bad bad ....and it defines the entire republican party and the conservative ideology.

I get it.

You don't.
As I already said, White is a self-serving scumbag.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
That is what you trumpist do. If you got nothing to say, call them names. Pathetically laughable. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So you calling 74,000,000 people is not name calling!
How pathetically Liberal of you.
I laid out my case in full and you proved in return that you are a scumbag not worthy of serving any level of government or receiving a paycheck from them.
You're just like Biden and Pelosi and that's why you voted for Sleepy Joe.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
you mean a few hundred anarchists who had no guns, no knives and at best, a 2 by 4 and a fire hydrant.
No fires set, no long term occupation.
Just a bunch of anarchists without a clue.

You know....not like the hundreds of people who lost their livelihoods this summer due to a bunch of anarchists

I know...I know.....BLM does it? Good. They deserve to be heard and the best way to do it is threaten the police...."fry them like bacon"
I know, I know, Antifa does it? A myth. They dont really exist.

I know, I know, Republican supporters do it....its an insurrection....its bad bad bad ....and it defines the entire republican party and the conservative ideology.

I get it.

You don't.
You know, you know. You do not seem to know dick. Who spoke in support of BLM riots? Not me. Who spoke in support of Antifa riots? Not me.
Bringing those groups into the conversation is the same impotent false equivocation, no more accurate than the first time it was heard and just proves you do not get it or do not want to admit you get it. I will state it for you. What local officials put up with in their local communities will not be what we of the United States of America will put up with in your attacks on our government and the rule of law. You do not have to like it. We have just said NO, and you will just have to live with it.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
you mean a few hundred anarchists who had no guns, no knives and at best, a 2 by 4 and a fire hydrant.
No fires set, no long term occupation.
Just a bunch of anarchists without a clue.

You know....not like the hundreds of people who lost their livelihoods this summer due to a bunch of anarchists

I know...I know.....BLM does it? Good. They deserve to be heard and the best way to do it is threaten the police...."fry them like bacon"
I know, I know, Antifa does it? A myth. They dont really exist.

I know, I know, Republican supporters do it....its an insurrection....its bad bad bad ....and it defines the entire republican party and the conservative ideology.

I get it.

You don't.
You know, you know. You do not seem to know dick. Who spoke in support of BLM riots? Not me. Who spoke in support of Antifa riots? Not me.
Bringing those groups into the conversation is the same impotent false equivocation, no more accurate than the first time it was heard and just proves you do not get it or do not want to admit you get it. I will state it for you. What local officials put up with in their local communities will not be what we of the United States of America will put up with in your attacks on our government and the rule of law. You do not have to like it. We have just said NO, and you will just have to live with it.
Who spoke in support of BLM riots

You spoke in favor of Federal structures.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
That is what you trumpist do. If you got nothing to say, call them names. Pathetically laughable. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So you calling 74,000,000 people is not name calling!
How pathetically Liberal of you.
I laid out my case in full and you proved in return that you are a scumbag not worthy of serving any level of government or receiving a paycheck from them.
You're just like Biden and Pelosi and that's why you voted for Sleepy Joe.
I did not see 74,000,000 people attacking the capital. Is this another trumpist count? What I am, is on the correct side of history and the constitution and patriotic support of our country. Every day that the nation survives your impotent attacks must be an exquisite personal pathological torture to you that you will endure through the rest of your days. What a wretched life for you.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
you mean a few hundred anarchists who had no guns, no knives and at best, a 2 by 4 and a fire hydrant.
No fires set, no long term occupation.
Just a bunch of anarchists without a clue.

You know....not like the hundreds of people who lost their livelihoods this summer due to a bunch of anarchists

I know...I know.....BLM does it? Good. They deserve to be heard and the best way to do it is threaten the police...."fry them like bacon"
I know, I know, Antifa does it? A myth. They dont really exist.

I know, I know, Republican supporters do it....its an insurrection....its bad bad bad ....and it defines the entire republican party and the conservative ideology.

I get it.

You don't.
You know, you know. You do not seem to know dick. Who spoke in support of BLM riots? Not me. Who spoke in support of Antifa riots? Not me.
Bringing those groups into the conversation is the same impotent false equivocation, no more accurate than the first time it was heard and just proves you do not get it or do not want to admit you get it. I will state it for you. What local officials put up with in their local communities will not be what we of the United States of America will put up with in your attacks on our government and the rule of law. You do not have to like it. We have just said NO, and you will just have to live with it.
you missed my point.
I dont know if you spoke in favor of those riots or not. You say you didnt. I believe you.

So I do not define all left leaning individuals based on the actions of those groups. They are fringe anarchists who will never be satisfied.

Sadly, you seem to define all right leaning/conservatives based on the actions of one group.

That was my point.

You actually supported it at the same time telling me that" I dont know dick"....

I dont know Dick? WTF does that mean anyway?
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
That is what you trumpist do. If you got nothing to say, call them names. Pathetically laughable. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So you calling 74,000,000 people is not name calling!
How pathetically Liberal of you.
I laid out my case in full and you proved in return that you are a scumbag not worthy of serving any level of government or receiving a paycheck from them.
You're just like Biden and Pelosi and that's why you voted for Sleepy Joe.
I did not see 74,000,000 people attacking the capital. Is this another trumpist count? What I am, is on the correct side of history and the constitution and patriotic support of our country. Every day that the nation survives your impotent attacks must be an exquisite personal pathological torture to you that you will endure through the rest of your days. What a wretched life for you.
I guess the Liberals who rioted and murdered are Bideners!
The fact is that you live in a safe place void of slums and your monthly check is coming in.
You would fit in perfectly with Hitler's brigade that loved dogs and music and regarded people as insects to be stepped on.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
you mean a few hundred anarchists who had no guns, no knives and at best, a 2 by 4 and a fire hydrant.
No fires set, no long term occupation.
Just a bunch of anarchists without a clue.

You know....not like the hundreds of people who lost their livelihoods this summer due to a bunch of anarchists

I know...I know.....BLM does it? Good. They deserve to be heard and the best way to do it is threaten the police...."fry them like bacon"
I know, I know, Antifa does it? A myth. They dont really exist.

I know, I know, Republican supporters do it....its an insurrection....its bad bad bad ....and it defines the entire republican party and the conservative ideology.

I get it.

You don't.
You know, you know. You do not seem to know dick. Who spoke in support of BLM riots? Not me. Who spoke in support of Antifa riots? Not me.
Bringing those groups into the conversation is the same impotent false equivocation, no more accurate than the first time it was heard and just proves you do not get it or do not want to admit you get it. I will state it for you. What local officials put up with in their local communities will not be what we of the United States of America will put up with in your attacks on our government and the rule of law. You do not have to like it. We have just said NO, and you will just have to live with it.
you missed my point.
I dont know if you spoke in favor of those riots or not. You say you didnt. I believe you.

So I do not define all left leaning individuals based on the actions of those groups. They are fringe anarchists who will never be satisfied.

Sadly, you seem to define all right leaning/conservatives based on the actions of one group.

That was my point.

You actually supported it at the same time telling me that" I dont know dick"....

I dont know Dick? WTF does that mean anyway?
I well remember that exchange.
I bet White is being pressured by his significant other.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
That is what you trumpist do. If you got nothing to say, call them names. Pathetically laughable. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So you calling 74,000,000 people is not name calling!
How pathetically Liberal of you.
I laid out my case in full and you proved in return that you are a scumbag not worthy of serving any level of government or receiving a paycheck from them.
You're just like Biden and Pelosi and that's why you voted for Sleepy Joe.
I did not see 74,000,000 people attacking the capital. Is this another trumpist count? What I am, is on the correct side of history and the constitution and patriotic support of our country. Every day that the nation survives your impotent attacks must be an exquisite personal pathological torture to you that you will endure through the rest of your days. What a wretched life for you.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
That is what you trumpist do. If you got nothing to say, call them names. Pathetically laughable. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So you calling 74,000,000 people is not name calling!
How pathetically Liberal of you.
I laid out my case in full and you proved in return that you are a scumbag not worthy of serving any level of government or receiving a paycheck from them.
You're just like Biden and Pelosi and that's why you voted for Sleepy Joe.
I did not see 74,000,000 people attacking the capital. Is this another trumpist count? What I am, is on the correct side of history and the constitution and patriotic support of our country. Every day that the nation survives your impotent attacks must be an exquisite personal pathological torture to you that you will endure through the rest of your days. What a wretched life for you.
I read your post (above) twice.

I can only conclude that you are a very angry person with no tolerance for those that see things differently than you.

Im OK with that.

Are you?
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
Oh, they do not favor electing new officials in those few riot cities? Why? Can't rally blind support to fight a problem if you solve the problem? No fun in that, is there? Besides, it still will not destroy the United States Government you despise. You are just stuck in your own pathetic self imposed loop. Get professional help, before we read about you in the papers.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
Oh, they do not favor electing new officials in those few riot cities? Why? Can't rally blind support to fight a problem if you solve the problem? No fun in that, is there? Besides, it still will not destroy the United States Government you despise. You are just stuck in your own pathetic self imposed loop. Get professional help, before we read about you in the papers.
You are one angry person.

Get a grip guy. Get a grip. Bush's come Bushs go. Obamas come, Obamas go. Trumps come, Trumps go. Bidens come, Bidens go.

Clintons come....actually....I doubt she does anymore.

Although he probably still does.
Where were you since the US declared war on it's own citizens, evidently supporting the suppressors.
We've all been watching the Socialist Democrats war on its own citizens since they melted down after Hillary's loss, screamed at the sky, and began launching failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt. What Biden is doing is just a continuation of that war...
How is screaming to the sky a war?
Wow, your reading comprehension SUCKS. You must have the IQ of drug-using brain damaged Hunter Biden.
You wrote it I just ask..
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
Oh, they do not favor electing new officials in those few riot cities? Why? Can't rally blind support to fight a problem if you solve the problem? No fun in that, is there? Besides, it still will not destroy the United States Government you despise. You are just stuck in your own pathetic self imposed loop. Get professional help, before we read about you in the papers.
If you actually watched the news and listened to what they tell reporters, you would full well know the rioters want to run the city and want zero input from their State government.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
Oh, they do not favor electing new officials in those few riot cities? Why? Can't rally blind support to fight a problem if you solve the problem? No fun in that, is there? Besides, it still will not destroy the United States Government you despise. You are just stuck in your own pathetic self imposed loop. Get professional help, before we read about you in the papers.
If you actually watched the news and listened to what they tell reporters, you would full well know the rioters want to run the city and want zero input from their State government.
The anarchist do at least.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
Oh, they do not favor electing new officials in those few riot cities? Why? Can't rally blind support to fight a problem if you solve the problem? No fun in that, is there? Besides, it still will not destroy the United States Government you despise. You are just stuck in your own pathetic self imposed loop. Get professional help, before we read about you in the papers.
If you actually watched the news and listened to what they tell reporters, you would full well know the rioters want to run the city and want zero input from their State government.
The anarchist do at least.
A rioter IS an anarchist.

An American Citizen who is a protestor is an American.

Based on your post, you seem to want to put a line between rioter and anarchist.

So where is that line? One who starts a fire is a rioter, but one who breaks a window is an anarchist?

Or is it one who loots a store is a rioter but one who throws frozen bottles at police an anarchist?

Exactly where is that line?

I know where the line is between a protestor and a rioter/anarchist.

Where is your line?
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
Poor deflection...You condone violence as long as it's not against a Federal building.
Of all the military in my community, at work, customer or people I work out with at the gym, anyone of them would lay your sorry ass on the floor if you made such a selfish statement in their presence.
You sicken me.
Oh, they do not favor electing new officials in those few riot cities? Why? Can't rally blind support to fight a problem if you solve the problem? No fun in that, is there? Besides, it still will not destroy the United States Government you despise. You are just stuck in your own pathetic self imposed loop. Get professional help, before we read about you in the papers.
If you actually watched the news and listened to what they tell reporters, you would full well know the rioters want to run the city and want zero input from their State government.
Personally think it high time (actually well beyond high time) those local mayors and state Governors just said NO. If necessary, they should follow the example by the government in Washington, DC. Think anymore subversives will attack the capital anytime soon? I don't.
I think you are correct about the intent and belief of the rioters in those cities. A governor here would have sent the guard already. Maybe that is why we do not have those protestors here. We do not wish to live that way.
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