Does this sound right to you?

We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just are way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
You're soooooo gullible lol

Ever stop to wonder why the security wasn't in place BEFORE the incident? The incident they were fully aware was a possibility. The event that gave them the excuse to do what they're doing now with more to come?
They allowed it. They wanted it. They needed it.
Now they can "crack down" with an iron fist and you will look the other way as more of your freedoms are stripped from you based on an event that was preventable.

Who is this "THEY" you're ranting about? That failed to put security in place BEFORE he commanded his cult to attack and murder Congressmen and Senators and the VP?

That's right...Your hero Cap'n Cheeto. He ordered the guard to stand down just before he ordered the assault.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
But democrats fear everything.

They fear being around other people, they fear breathing the air, they even fear the carbon dioxide they breath out.

Anxiety disorder of some kind.
They are mentally ill.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
It's your fault.
No, it's commie scum libs fault. Idiot.
Nope. It's your fault.
Like usual, you being a scum lib are wrong. Your fault.
How many liberals have been arrested in the seditious conspiracy to attack the Capitol building?
Does this sound right to you? We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between. What other nations on earth act like this?

I take umbrage with your calling Biden a man, but other than that, I'm sure it sounds just right to the Democrats. They are one step away from ruling America like a third world petty dictatorship that China can be proud of.

We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

Third world shitholes.

His inauguration was right out of Zimbabwe.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
People who want to give money and jobs to people due to their color and not according to their skills are traitors.
You use the USC to cheat and steal in a legal manner.
I actually hope someone burns your house(s) to the ground because you're such a pompous ass; you need to feel the anguish of those city dwellers that you don't give a shit about because what happens to them doesn't affect you.
Whining about people getting jobs and working? You whine if those working people do not work. You are a whiner, as trumpists often are.
You were in favor of the orange POS packing the Supreme Court, even to the point of approving denial of a hearing for 11 months just because the one that recommended was from outside your Klan of the once conservative usurpers of the constitution. Why? Just because they would not aide and abet the overthrow of a free election? No constitutional rule for you? No recognition of the courts including the Supreme Court? No recognizing legislative control and rule inside the individual states? How did you move from the conservative republican party to being an Anti-American right wing fascist, favoring mob rule until your overthrow of legitimate government can affected?
Now you propose arson by your brethren against me and my wife. Luckily it is a stand your ground state, here and I have no compunctions against shooting your rabid dogs. It won't be necessary, but I will save your post for friends at DHS if there is a failed attempt. Pretty sure you will not show up, but being a trumpist, you might find some impressionable fools to do what you only dream about to get your way.
Those city dwellers should start recall of their local officials, favoring urban renewal, block by block by abandoning portion of their city as an uncontested offering of appeasement. I do not live there. I suspect you do not live there, but are just a bleeding heart snowflake. You should move there. Maybe you could make a difference. But, no. If you thought you could make a difference or actually even cared, you would not be impotently whining on the internet, trolling the United States and those that support it. You would go there and invest yourself in the effort, but no. Whine and wail little guy.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
At least they did not favor overthrowing free elections, negating the action of the individual states in our representative government, denying the action and judgement of 60 something different courts, including the Supreme Court. They did not favor using the Active Military to take control so they could have their man in power. This ain't Myanmar, traitor.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Wrong. The traitors are commie Constitution hating libs, like you.
I have never met such a self-serving ex-military person in my life.
White is a scumbag.
That is what you trumpist do. If you got nothing to say, call them names. Pathetically laughable. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Yes, it is telling when the convict frame of mind denies any rational evaluation from people doing a job.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just our way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
What a weak ad hominem.
Think as weak as you like. Now we know American traitors are among us. We know they are trumpist, people that do not care for the constitution, they are primarily republican, they are false patriots of the radical right committed to trump. They are being tracked down, arrested and will be dealt with, and we are on guard. Sounds fine to me.
Whatever you say......comrade. US KGB.
I am sure you ought to know comrade.
Unlike you I am not on the side of Big tech and others banning opposing views. I favor a two party system, you a one party system.
You favor overthrow of the government to get your way. You can forget it or face jail or worse.
Troll on genius.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between. What other nations on earth act like this?

I pointed it out, Barry entered office and immediately began doing whatever he wanted to do. It was not until after their loss in 2016 that the Democrats shed all desire to hide who they really are and openly engaged in sedition, conspiracy, and treason. Was there any question that as soon as they took control they would by-pass Congress and ignore the will of the people to ram their socialist ideology and policies into law through the dementia-suffering Socialist Left's CCP puppet's edicts?!
Where were you since the US declared war on it's own citizens, evidently supporting the suppressors.
We've all been watching the Socialist Democrats war on its own citizens since they melted down after Hillary's loss, screamed at the sky, and began launching failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt. What Biden is doing is just a continuation of that war...
Where were you since the US declared war on it's own citizens, evidently supporting the suppressors.
We've all been watching the Socialist Democrats war on its own citizens since they melted down after Hillary's loss, screamed at the sky, and began launching failed coup attempt after failed coup attempt. What Biden is doing is just a continuation of that war...
How is screaming to the sky a war? You make statements that are not fact just opinions, why? It only weakens your argument.

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