Does this sound right to you?

Do all of that and your social credit score should top off nicely
That insanity should terrify EVERYONE.

Thanks China

I mean . . . how else can any American older than perhaps thirty describe what their eyes are showing them? Elected politicians at every level have issued authoritarian pandemic restrictions. The CDC is threatening criminal penalties for not double masking. Thousands of armed troops with crew served weapons surround our Capitol. Not-President Biden is ruling by decree. I suppose we should be thankful we still have freedom of movement and the ability to shop in real stores and afford gasoline. How long all of that will last is anyone's guess.
Do you need a companion comfort pet?
Year long riots in Portland and Seattle and Chicago with NOT one national Guardsman called up. One incident on the 6th of January and 20000 National Guards man are deployed to Washington DC with 7000 left there until March or April with absolutely no reason to be there. Ya democrats have an agenda and it has nothing to do with what happened on the 6th.
Year long riots in Portland and Seattle and Chicago with NOT one national Guardsman called up. One incident on the 6th of January and 20000 National Guards man are deployed to Washington DC with 7000 left there until March or April with absolutely no reason to be there. Ya democrats have an agenda and it has nothing to do with what happened on the 6th.
Even when the insurrectionist stayed inside the velvet ropes

We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

What other nations have a major political party sending a mob to stop their Congress?
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

What other nations have a major political party sending a mob to stop their Congress?
Provide evidence that the republican party or Trump had anything to do with the attack.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?
And you have no idea why it is such?
The fact that the left fear the people is telling.
Just are way of saying no to lawless republican assholes taking over the government by force.
You're soooooo gullible lol

Ever stop to wonder why the security wasn't in place BEFORE the incident? The incident they were fully aware was a possibility. The event that gave them the excuse to do what they're doing now with more to come?
They allowed it. They wanted it. They needed it.
Now they can "crack down" with an iron fist and you will look the other way as more of your freedoms are stripped from you based on an event that was preventable.
Well it was trumps Washington and Trump authorizing or not authorizing National Guard. I guess he did want it that way. Thanks.
Do all of that and your social credit score should top off nicely
That insanity should terrify EVERYONE.

Thanks China
China made Trump dick suckers kill a cop and try to take over the Capitol?
Provide actual evidence that Trump had anything to with the attack and then provide evidence that the Republican party had anything to do with the attack.

OK let’s do that

Trump refused to admit he lost even though he lost by a wide margin
He created a myth that the election was stolen from him and fed it to his gullible minions
He summoned his TRUMPmob to Washington
Once there, he fed them with more lies and sent them to the Capitol
Trump targeted Democrats and his own Vice President
Once the riot started, Trump sat back and watched for hours doing nothing
When he finally spoke, he called those who beat over 100 policemen and killed an officer “special” and told them he loves them
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

What other nations have a major political party sending a mob to stop their Congress?
so now protesters are mobs and a good portion of those were ANTIFA disguised as Trump supporters. No matter that was almost 2 weeks ago yet the walls and the troops are still there! I believe your Chairman Biden and Pelosi are very paranoid. Makes you wonder why if he truly got 80 million votes
I see not one of you can provide a single piece of evidence that Trump or the Republican party had anything to do with the attack.g
So you have no evidence. He told the crowd to PEACEFULLY protest and to go and peacefully protest at the capitol. Further the attack started 20 minutes Before Trump was finished talking to his supposed mob.
We are being ruled over by the decrees (EO's) of one man who resides in a capital surrounded by fences and walls with armed military in between.

What other nations on earth act like this?

You are trying to wipe out all of last month's events. Let me refresh your memory. On Jan. 6, the Capitol sustained a terrorist assault while Congress was in session carrying out a Constitutionally mandated duty, proceedings were brought to a halt, and the safety of members of Congress and the Vice President was threatened. Your contention that we should not defend ourselves against further acts of terrorism is absurd.

trump surrounded the White House with fences, etc., and called out the 82nd Airborne when no act of terrorism had occurred.

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