Does Trump have any chance now?

Trump NEVER had a chance to begin with. The policies he supports are opposed by about 90% of the GOP, including people on this board that are rusjing to defend him.
He is a blithering self important jackass and the sooner he leaves the stage the better.
Rabbi, you are in the minority!
Trump supports:
Higher taxes
Higher min wage
Gun control
Crony capitalism/corporate bailouts
Abortion on demand
Gay marriage.

Tell me which of those you are behind.
As usual, you're wrong:

Donald Trump on the Issues
Says the moron who contradicts herself 100% of the time........I forgot you couldn't read....go watch cartoons....that's about your forte. Are you Stephanie's clone?

Obviously I'm someone you are obsessed with if you follow me 100% of the time. Who's the moron now?

Follow you? You're're the one that busted into this it looks like you're still the moron.

Put a fork through your big red nose because you are done.

Go away.....I don't like playing with morons, much. Your humor is exasperating, and you're just wasting bandwidth.

Stay down, clown.

I have a classical song for you from Tom Jones called LILAH. It goes like this. My my my oh Lilah why why why oh Lilah I can see that you are worthless for me. Forgive me oh me my Lilah just go out thru that wall. Why why why of Lilah.
Repeat it 2x.
Trump is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it :p

1. The GOPs are working so hard to gain Hispanic votes. That's gone.
2. He insulted women. He is gone.
3. He insulted veterans held captive. He is gone.
4. There are millions of adult birth right citizens (not just hispanic) working and living here in U.S. That's gone.
5. There are millions of these birth right citizens relatives. That's gone.
Please Trampon keep your non sense non electable policies coming.
In waiting his policy how to bring the job back to US.
Look everyone, now boss is relying on the defense of Brande Roderick, the person to whom Trump made his remark, [/b] even though boss earlier disagreed with her defense. [/b]

Cute how boss talks out of both sides of his mouth. :thup:

I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said. You're the one who tried to claim he meant something sexual in context and you thought that was meant to be humorous. I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Great, here we go again. Either quote me saying it was a sexual reference or once again expose yourself as the liar you have proven yourself to be.......

Oh, and yes you are now relying on Brande ' defense which you earlier denied. Her defense was that Trump meant it to be funny. You said Trump did not say that to be funny.

From how many more sides of your mouth can you speak?

I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not... he said it to point out how pathetic she looked as a leader to be grovelling. Of course, you LIKE leaders who grovel and beg... so you don't get that. I understand.... You prefer a grovelling beggar as your leader... No problem!
Now everyone gets to see you lie again. No skin off my back; only yours.

You absolutely did deny Trump's intent being humorous...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
There is something seriously wrong with you; you're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First you said it wasn't meant to be a joke...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

Then you you don't know if he meant it to be funny or not...

"I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not..." - boss

... when I point out how you're changing your position, you deny the ambivalence above.


See what happens when you talk out of both sides of your mouth? You end up contradicting yourself.
People have been doing that for decades, where have you been?

Yes, and you've probably called those people every name in the book. It's because you are a hypocrite. You don't have any problem with women posing nude in Playboy until you can exploit that to insinuate someone doesn't know what "degrading and inappropriate" means. Then, suddenly, you're Pat Frikkin Robertson.
Trump is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it :p

1. The GOPs are working so hard to gain Hispanic votes. That's gone.
2. He insulted women. He is gone.
3. He insulted veterans held captive. He is gone.
4. There are millions of adult birth right citizens (not just hispanic) working and living here in U.S. That's gone.
5. There are millions of these birth right citizens relatives. That's gone.
Please Trampon keep your non sense non electable policies coming.
In waiting his policy how to bring the job back to US.

Except... He continues to be the GOP front-runner by a comfortable margin.

................Uh oh! :ack-1:
Trump is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it :p

1. The GOPs are working so hard to gain Hispanic votes. That's gone.
2. He insulted women. He is gone.
3. He insulted veterans held captive. He is gone.
4. There are millions of adult birth right citizens (not just hispanic) working and living here in U.S. That's gone.
5. There are millions of these birth right citizens relatives. That's gone.
Please Trampon keep your non sense non electable policies coming.
In waiting his policy how to bring the job back to US.
Have you been reading the polls? Wake up!
So if you don't think his comment was inappropriate or degrading to women, why is this whole conversation happening? Why are we talking about this? Why did Megyn Kelly use it as an 'example' of his temperament and attitude toward women?

His comments are inappropriate and degrading to women. His comments are those that come out of men's mouth that have no respect for women. No man, who respects women would ever make a public statement about woman being a fat pigs, dogs, and slobs....only a very crass and arrogant person would ever make such a comment publicly. His comment about Megan having blood coming out of wherever, is your typical male chauvinistic comment from men that have low self-esteem and try to put women down to make themselves feel better and claim women act radically during their period.

Certainly not Presidential material, but here we have so many of you defending such a person. Speaks volumes.

Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate. Neither did the audience or anyone who has watched the clip and understood the context as well as the concept of the show.

No man, who respects women would ever make a public statement about woman being a fat pigs, dogs, and slobs...

Which is EXACTLY why Fox News and Megyn Kelly presented the words in a question without any context or explanation. This is exactly what they meant to imply. The fact is, these comments were made about a woman who is a fat pig by any objective analysis.... after she viciously attacked him, mocked his appearance, attacked his family and children and has never apologized for her remarks. Someone, by the way, who has made her career out of insulting others, being crass and arrogant as well as calling women and others much worse names. You-- her core audience-- think she is FUNNY.

He did not ever mention anyone's "menstrual cycle" or any body part other than her eyes with the "blood" comment. YOU tried to infer that he meant something else... which seems to be a trend these days... suddenly, people always mean what liberals proclaim them to mean and no one can challenge your opinion. It's like the deal with symbolism... flags mean what liberals say they mean... no one can have a different opinion.
You really are deranged. Trump didn't limit Kelly's bleeding body parts to her eyes ... he also included, "wherever." Now while "wherever" means wherever, it most certainly was used in a vague manner and left open to interpretation. And when something is left open to interpretation, people will interpret it at their own discretion. Who the fuck are you to tell others how to interpret a word Trump intentionally left open to interpretation? :cuckoo:
Last edited:
Trump is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it :p

1. The GOPs are working so hard to gain Hispanic votes. That's gone.
2. He insulted women. He is gone.
3. He insulted veterans held captive. He is gone.
4. There are millions of adult birth right citizens (not just hispanic) working and living here in U.S. That's gone.
5. There are millions of these birth right citizens relatives. That's gone.
Please Trampon keep your non sense non electable policies coming.
In waiting his policy how to bring the job back to US.

Except... He continues to be the GOP front-runner by a comfortable margin.

................Uh oh! :ack-1:
So? He also loses to Hillary in by a comfortable margin.
I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said. You're the one who tried to claim he meant something sexual in context and you thought that was meant to be humorous. I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Great, here we go again. Either quote me saying it was a sexual reference or once again expose yourself as the liar you have proven yourself to be.......

Oh, and yes you are now relying on Brande ' defense which you earlier denied. Her defense was that Trump meant it to be funny. You said Trump did not say that to be funny.

From how many more sides of your mouth can you speak?

I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not... he said it to point out how pathetic she looked as a leader to be grovelling. Of course, you LIKE leaders who grovel and beg... so you don't get that. I understand.... You prefer a grovelling beggar as your leader... No problem!
Now everyone gets to see you lie again. No skin off my back; only yours.

You absolutely did deny Trump's intent being humorous...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
There is something seriously wrong with you; you're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First you said it wasn't meant to be a joke...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

Then you you don't know if he meant it to be funny or not...

"I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not..." - boss

... when I point out how you're changing your position, you deny the ambivalence above.


See what happens when you talk out of both sides of your mouth? You end up contradicting yourself.

This is what can happen when you continue to jump around changing context of words and actual words themselves, closing your mind to what anyone else says... even about their own words... insisting that you somehow have the capacity to know (like God) what is in every person's heart.

I've not actually "changed" anything. I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.

You obviously thought that there couldn't be any other way the comment could be taken because you challenged me to explain how else it could be taken. But you deny that you ever said that... You DID say, several times, you thought it was intended to be funny... I asked but you never answered:
1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Do you want to keep dodging my questions?
People have been doing that for decades, where have you been?

Yes, and you've probably called those people every name in the book. It's because you are a hypocrite. You don't have any problem with women posing nude in Playboy until you can exploit that to insinuate someone doesn't know what "degrading and inappropriate" means. Then, suddenly, you're Pat Frikkin Robertson.
Is Hefner running for president?
Great, here we go again. Either quote me saying it was a sexual reference or once again expose yourself as the liar you have proven yourself to be.......

Oh, and yes you are now relying on Brande ' defense which you earlier denied. Her defense was that Trump meant it to be funny. You said Trump did not say that to be funny.

From how many more sides of your mouth can you speak?

I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not... he said it to point out how pathetic she looked as a leader to be grovelling. Of course, you LIKE leaders who grovel and beg... so you don't get that. I understand.... You prefer a grovelling beggar as your leader... No problem!
Now everyone gets to see you lie again. No skin off my back; only yours.

You absolutely did deny Trump's intent being humorous...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
There is something seriously wrong with you; you're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First you said it wasn't meant to be a joke...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

Then you you don't know if he meant it to be funny or not...

"I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not..." - boss

... when I point out how you're changing your position, you deny the ambivalence above.


See what happens when you talk out of both sides of your mouth? You end up contradicting yourself.

This is what can happen when you continue to jump around changing context of words and actual words themselves, closing your mind to what anyone else says... even about their own words... insisting that you somehow have the capacity to know (like God) what is in every person's heart.

I've not actually "changed" anything. I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.

You obviously thought that there couldn't be any other way the comment could be taken because you challenged me to explain how else it could be taken. But you deny that you ever said that... You DID say, several times, you thought it was intended to be funny... I asked but you never answered:
1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Do you want to keep dodging my questions?
You're fucking deranged.

I quoted you changing your position. And I've linked them too.

They're your words. You typed them. First you said it wasn't meant to be funny .... then you admitted you don't know if it was meant to be funny. Then you said again it wasn't meant to be funny. How many sides does your mouth have?
People have been doing that for decades, where have you been?

Yes, and you've probably called those people every name in the book. It's because you are a hypocrite. You don't have any problem with women posing nude in Playboy until you can exploit that to insinuate someone doesn't know what "degrading and inappropriate" means. Then, suddenly, you're Pat Frikkin Robertson.
Caught lying again so, as usual, you attack me by imagining my behavior which you know absolutely nothing about.

Notice the privileges you have granted yourself and no one else. You can speak for Drumpf, and his audience, you read minds and know all activities of people you never met and know nothing about, you can make any inference about anything and anyone but no one else is allowed to infer the obvious about anything. Those are your rules and everybody must obey them in any debate with you.
Can you do anything without a stacked deck?
I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.
There it is again, you and only you can infer meaning and intent and your inference and your inference only is final.
People have been doing that for decades, where have you been?

Yes, and you've probably called those people every name in the book. It's because you are a hypocrite. You don't have any problem with women posing nude in Playboy until you can exploit that to insinuate someone doesn't know what "degrading and inappropriate" means. Then, suddenly, you're Pat Frikkin Robertson.
Is Hefner running for president?

No, and neither is the Playboy model you insinuated was a bad judge of "inappropriate and degrading" on account of her posing nude for them.
I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not... he said it to point out how pathetic she looked as a leader to be grovelling. Of course, you LIKE leaders who grovel and beg... so you don't get that. I understand.... You prefer a grovelling beggar as your leader... No problem!
Now everyone gets to see you lie again. No skin off my back; only yours.

You absolutely did deny Trump's intent being humorous...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
There is something seriously wrong with you; you're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First you said it wasn't meant to be a joke...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

Then you you don't know if he meant it to be funny or not...

"I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not..." - boss

... when I point out how you're changing your position, you deny the ambivalence above.


See what happens when you talk out of both sides of your mouth? You end up contradicting yourself.

This is what can happen when you continue to jump around changing context of words and actual words themselves, closing your mind to what anyone else says... even about their own words... insisting that you somehow have the capacity to know (like God) what is in every person's heart.

I've not actually "changed" anything. I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.

You obviously thought that there couldn't be any other way the comment could be taken because you challenged me to explain how else it could be taken. But you deny that you ever said that... You DID say, several times, you thought it was intended to be funny... I asked but you never answered:
1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Do you want to keep dodging my questions?
You're fucking deranged.

I quoted you changing your position. And I've linked them too.

They're your words. You typed them. First you said it wasn't meant to be funny .... then you admitted you don't know if it was meant to be funny. Then you said again it wasn't meant to be funny. How many sides does your mouth have?

So... that's a "YES" on the question of whether you want to keep dodging my questions?

1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Why won't Faun answer?
I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.
There it is again, you and only you can infer meaning and intent and your inference and your inference only is final.

Yep, you've got it Eddy! I am smarter (and better looking) than you. This gives me carte blanche to tell your mentally-handicapped ass what normal people mean when they say things. Obama winning the presidency doesn't give you the authority to go around deciding people mean what your retarded brain thinks they mean and proclaiming that as fact or construing and constructing quotes all on your own.

Now... go eat your jello cup and get ready for finger painting... try not to get the paint confused with your poo again please.
People have been doing that for decades, where have you been?

Yes, and you've probably called those people every name in the book. It's because you are a hypocrite. You don't have any problem with women posing nude in Playboy until you can exploit that to insinuate someone doesn't know what "degrading and inappropriate" means. Then, suddenly, you're Pat Frikkin Robertson.
Is Hefner running for president?

No, and neither is the Playboy model you insinuated was a bad judge of "inappropriate and degrading" on account of her posing nude for them.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo: I said no such thing.
Now everyone gets to see you lie again. No skin off my back; only yours.

You absolutely did deny Trump's intent being humorous...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
There is something seriously wrong with you; you're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

First you said it wasn't meant to be a joke...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

Then you you don't know if he meant it to be funny or not...

"I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not..." - boss

... when I point out how you're changing your position, you deny the ambivalence above.


See what happens when you talk out of both sides of your mouth? You end up contradicting yourself.

This is what can happen when you continue to jump around changing context of words and actual words themselves, closing your mind to what anyone else says... even about their own words... insisting that you somehow have the capacity to know (like God) what is in every person's heart.

I've not actually "changed" anything. I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.

You obviously thought that there couldn't be any other way the comment could be taken because you challenged me to explain how else it could be taken. But you deny that you ever said that... You DID say, several times, you thought it was intended to be funny... I asked but you never answered:
1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Do you want to keep dodging my questions?
You're fucking deranged.

I quoted you changing your position. And I've linked them too.

They're your words. You typed them. First you said it wasn't meant to be funny .... then you admitted you don't know if it was meant to be funny. Then you said again it wasn't meant to be funny. How many sides does your mouth have?

So... that's a "YES" on the question of whether you want to keep dodging my questions?

1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Why won't Faun answer?
Because it's more revealing watching you lie about what I say. Need I remind you, you falsely claimed I said he meant it to be derogatory? Now you admit I said no such thing.

You lied. Plain and simple.
I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.
There it is again, you and only you can infer meaning and intent and your inference and your inference only is final.

Yep, you've got it Eddy! I am smarter (and better looking) than you. This gives me carte blanche to tell your mentally-handicapped ass what normal people mean when they say things. Obama winning the presidency doesn't give you the authority to go around deciding people mean what your retarded brain thinks they mean and proclaiming that as fact or construing and constructing quotes all on your own.

Now... go eat your jello cup and get ready for finger painting... try not to get the paint confused with your poo again please.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

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