Does Trump have any chance now?

So? He also loses to Hillary in by a comfortable margin.

Yeah.... You'd think pinheads like you would be busy outdoors shooting off fireworks and crap. If you even bothered to come here on a political forum to talk to us righties it would be to tell us how great Trump is and how we should all keep supporting him... but that's not what we're seeing.

Strange behavior.
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Because it's more revealing watching you lie about what I say. Need I remind you, you falsely claimed I said he meant it to be derogatory? Now you admit I said no such thing.

You lied. Plain and simple.

Yes, you not answering my questions is VERY revealing... I agree.
So? He also loses to Hillary in by a comfortable margin.

Yeah.... You'd think pinheads like you would be busy outdoors shooting of fireworks and crap. If you even bothered to come here on a political forum to talk to us righties it would be to tell us how great Trump is and how we should all keep supporting him... but that's not what we're seeing.

Strange behavior.
Whom have I told not to vote for Trump?
Because it's more revealing watching you lie about what I say. Need I remind you, you falsely claimed I said he meant it to be derogatory? Now you admit I said no such thing.

You lied. Plain and simple.

Yes, you not answering my questions is VERY revealing... I agree.
Meanwhile, you falsely claimed that I did. I challenged you to quote me or you reveal to the forum that you lied.

I note .... you couldn't quote me. :mm:
1.)What does he mean by this, in your opinion?
2.) What part of this is intended to be "funny" to you?

Why won't Faun answer?
Trump NEVER had a chance to begin with. The policies he supports are opposed by about 90% of the GOP, including people on this board that are rusjing to defend him.
He is a blithering self important jackass and the sooner he leaves the stage the better.
Rabbi, you are in the minority!
Trump supports:
Higher taxes
Higher min wage
Gun control
Crony capitalism/corporate bailouts
Abortion on demand
Gay marriage.

Tell me which of those you are behind.
As usual, you're wrong:

Donald Trump on the Issues

Trump NEVER had a chance to begin with. The policies he supports are opposed by about 90% of the GOP, including people on this board that are rusjing to defend him.
He is a blithering self important jackass and the sooner he leaves the stage the better.
Rabbi, you are in the minority!
Trump supports:
Higher taxes
Higher min wage
Gun control
Crony capitalism/corporate bailouts
Abortion on demand
Gay marriage.

Tell me which of those you are behind.
As usual, you're wrong:

Donald Trump on the Issues
Like a good Democrat the Donald has "evolved."
So? He also loses to Hillary in by a comfortable margin.

Yeah.... You'd think pinheads like you would be busy outdoors shooting off fireworks and crap. If you even bothered to come here on a political forum to talk to us righties it would be to tell us how great Trump is and how we should all keep supporting him... but that's not what we're seeing.

Strange behavior.
Whom have I told not to vote for Trump?

Well you don't get to tell anyone anything... but you are really trying hard to derail the Trump campaign. Doing everything you can to discourage Republicans from supporting him. It just seems odd from a political strategy standpoint... are you on OUR side? You WANT us to beat the Democrat in 2016? Or... are you selflessly setting party aside for the good of the country... to do the noble thing and take a stand against Trump now, even though it would be best for your party if he were the nominee? ....yeah, I don't think anyone is going to buy that one either bud.
Meanwhile, you falsely claimed that I did. I challenged you to quote me or you reveal to the forum that you lied.

Tanslation: Wahhh, Wahhhhhh, Wahhhhhhhh... Boss you was mean 2 me.. hurt my feewins.. toada lie on me! sniffle-sniffle-sob...

Honestly, if I have made a mistake and attributed a quote from Eddy to you... it's because you two are engaged in the same argument with me, taking the same relative positions... you've even got the same cum stains on your chins. So, no offense, but it's really easy to get both of you mixed up.
Trump is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it :p

1. The GOPs are working so hard to gain Hispanic votes. That's gone.
2. He insulted women. He is gone.
3. He insulted veterans held captive. He is gone.
4. There are millions of adult birth right citizens (not just hispanic) working and living here in U.S. That's gone.
5. There are millions of these birth right citizens relatives. That's gone.
Please Trampon keep your non sense non electable policies coming.
In waiting his policy how to bring the job back to US.
He's got 32% of the vote out of 17 candidates, he's not gone.
Trump's standing in the polls is not predictive.

Oh really? Fuck... I thought polls meant everything? Every point you try to make, you run to some damn poll that shows support for your baloney. When Clinton was beating Trump by 30 pts., you all were proudly parading those numbers around as you chortled and snickered about Trump being the "perfect candidate" for Hillary. Suddenly... polls aren't predictive?
So? He also loses to Hillary in by a comfortable margin.

Yeah.... You'd think pinheads like you would be busy outdoors shooting off fireworks and crap. If you even bothered to come here on a political forum to talk to us righties it would be to tell us how great Trump is and how we should all keep supporting him... but that's not what we're seeing.

Strange behavior.
Whom have I told not to vote for Trump?

Well you don't get to tell anyone anything... but you are really trying hard to derail the Trump campaign. Doing everything you can to discourage Republicans from supporting him. It just seems odd from a political strategy standpoint... are you on OUR side? You WANT us to beat the Democrat in 2016? Or... are you selflessly setting party aside for the good of the country... to do the noble thing and take a stand against Trump now, even though it would be best for your party if he were the nominee? ....yeah, I don't think anyone is going to buy that one either bud.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

The only shot I've taken at Trump was his insult at the service of an American war hero.
Meanwhile, you falsely claimed that I did. I challenged you to quote me or you reveal to the forum that you lied.

Tanslation: Wahhh, Wahhhhhh, Wahhhhhhhh... Boss you was mean 2 me.. hurt my feewins.. toada lie on me! sniffle-sniffle-sob...

Honestly, if I have made a mistake and attributed a quote from Eddy to you... it's because you two are engaged in the same argument with me, taking the same relative positions... you've even got the same cum stains on your chins. So, no offense, but it's really easy to get both of you mixed up.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

You lying doesn't hurt my feelings, it exposes how the truth is not on your side.

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