Does Trump have any chance now?

You're a bully, and there is only one way to surprise a bully.

Awww, sorry you feel so intimidated.....maybe you should go read a dictionary....or're still not making any sense.

That's because you are dumb.

Says the moron who contradicts herself 100% of the time........I forgot you couldn't read....go watch cartoons....that's about your forte. Are you Stephanie's clone?

Obviously I'm someone you are obsessed with if you follow me 100% of the time. Who's the moron now?

Follow you? You're're the one that busted into this it looks like you're still the moron.

Put a fork through your big red nose because you are done.
Awww, sorry you feel so intimidated.....maybe you should go read a dictionary....or're still not making any sense.

That's because you are dumb.

Says the moron who contradicts herself 100% of the time........I forgot you couldn't read....go watch cartoons....that's about your forte. Are you Stephanie's clone?

Obviously I'm someone you are obsessed with if you follow me 100% of the time. Who's the moron now?

Follow you? You're're the one that busted into this it looks like you're still the moron.

Put a fork through your big red nose because you are done.

Go away.....I don't like playing with morons, much. Your humor is exasperating, and you're just wasting bandwidth.
That's because you are dumb.

Says the moron who contradicts herself 100% of the time........I forgot you couldn't read....go watch cartoons....that's about your forte. Are you Stephanie's clone?

Obviously I'm someone you are obsessed with if you follow me 100% of the time. Who's the moron now?

Follow you? You're're the one that busted into this it looks like you're still the moron.

Put a fork through your big red nose because you are done.

Go away.....I don't like playing with morons, much. Your humor is exasperating, and you're just wasting bandwidth.

Stay down, clown.
Trump is gonna win and there is nothing you can do about it :p

I do hope he wins.....the Republican nomination, that is.

The Republican establishment foresees a defeat of Barry Goldwater proportions in the unlikely event Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination. As Trump’s lead in the polls grows, so too does their panic. Yet, for moderate Republicans, a Trump nomination is not something to be feared but welcomed. It is only after a landslide loss by Trump that the GOP can win the White House again.

Trump’s nomination would give what’s left of the sane wing of the GOP a chance to reassert control in the wake of his inevitable defeat, because it would prove beyond doubt that the existing conservative coalition cannot win the presidency.

The Moderate Republican s Case for Trump - POLITICO Magazine
I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

But you think you do, right?

"I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant." - Boss

I'm tellin' ya, folks -- you can't make this shit up. Rightwingnuts really are as crazy as they seem. :thup:

You asked me what I thought.... I am responding directly to you asking me what I thought he meant. I never asked you for your opinion. All you've done this entire thread, just like every thread you or your Insane Clown Morons participate in, is lie your ass off, try to manipulate the words of others and act like a total dick.
Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers? Do you not realize how far out in left field you've gotten with this? The man did not fucking say what you want to keep claiming he said. He just flat did not say it. Didn't imply it or infer it... other than, in your sick little head. The person he said it to, didn't take it offensively, said it wasn't meant rudely or offensively and that Trump had always respected her.
Look everyone, now boss is relying on the defense of Brande Roderick, the person to whom Trump made his remark, [/b] even though boss earlier disagreed with her defense. [/b]

Cute how boss talks out of both sides of his mouth. :thup:

I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said. You're the one who tried to claim he meant something sexual in context and you thought that was meant to be humorous. I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Great, here we go again. Either quote me saying it was a sexual reference or once again expose yourself as the liar you have proven yourself to be.......

Oh, and yes you are now relying on Brande ' defense which you earlier denied. Her defense was that Trump meant it to be funny. You said Trump did not say that to be funny.

From how many more sides of your mouth can you speak?

I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not... he said it to point out how pathetic she looked as a leader to be grovelling. Of course, you LIKE leaders who grovel and beg... so you don't get that. I understand.... You prefer a grovelling beggar as your leader... No problem!
Now everyone gets to see you lie again. No skin off my back; only yours.

You absolutely did deny Trump's intent being humorous...

"He didn't mean it to be funny..." - Boss

No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
No the person lying if you aren't is Drumpf! Right in the debate he said it was meant as a joke.

"What I say is fun, it’s kidding, we have a good time."
- Drumpf Truck
So if you don't think his comment was inappropriate or degrading to women, why is this whole conversation happening? Why are we talking about this? Why did Megyn Kelly use it as an 'example' of his temperament and attitude toward women?

His comments are inappropriate and degrading to women. His comments are those that come out of men's mouth that have no respect for women. No man, who respects women would ever make a public statement about woman being a fat pigs, dogs, and slobs....only a very crass and arrogant person would ever make such a comment publicly. His comment about Megan having blood coming out of wherever, is your typical male chauvinistic comment from men that have low self-esteem and try to put women down to make themselves feel better and claim women act radically during their period.

Certainly not Presidential material, but here we have so many of you defending such a person. Speaks volumes.

Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate. Neither did the audience or anyone who has watched the clip and understood the context as well as the concept of the show.

No man, who respects women would ever make a public statement about woman being a fat pigs, dogs, and slobs...

Which is EXACTLY why Fox News and Megyn Kelly presented the words in a question without any context or explanation. This is exactly what they meant to imply. The fact is, these comments were made about a woman who is a fat pig by any objective analysis.... after she viciously attacked him, mocked his appearance, attacked his family and children and has never apologized for her remarks. Someone, by the way, who has made her career out of insulting others, being crass and arrogant as well as calling women and others much worse names. You-- her core audience-- think she is FUNNY.

He did not ever mention anyone's "menstrual cycle" or any body part other than her eyes with the "blood" comment. YOU tried to infer that he meant something else... which seems to be a trend these days... suddenly, people always mean what liberals proclaim them to mean and no one can challenge your opinion. It's like the deal with symbolism... flags mean what liberals say they mean... no one can have a different opinion.
No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
No the person lying if you aren't is Drumpf! Right in the debate he said it was meant as a joke.

"What I say is fun, it’s kidding, we have a good time."
- Drumpf Truck

Yes... since I am not a closed-minded moron like you, I read that comment as a general statement and not a specific response to any particular comment. Of course, in general, he is stating the truth. And even in specific application to the "on your knees" comment, it is certainly more "fun/kidding/good time" than telling her she was a total loser with no leadership skill, which was the point he intended to make. I don't consider his comment "funny" at all, it seems to be a tactful way to criticize her for being weak and pathetic.
No, I said it wasn't meant to be funny and I didn't find it funny. So the person who is LYING is you, as you've done the entire thread, as you do in every thread.
No the person lying if you aren't is Drumpf! Right in the debate he said it was meant as a joke.

"What I say is fun, it’s kidding, we have a good time."
- Drumpf Truck

Yes... since I am not a closed-minded moron like you, I read that comment as a general statement and not a specific response to any particular comment. Of course, in general, he is stating the truth. And even in specific application to the "on your knees" comment, it is certainly more "fun/kidding/good time" than telling her she was a total loser with no leadership skill, which was the point he intended to make. I don't consider his comment "funny" at all, it seems to be a tactful way to criticize her for being weak and pathetic.
Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate.
She also does not find posing naked for money degrading or inappropriate.

I don't know anything about that. I haven't been in on the closed group meetings where some pinhead obviously dug up this information to use in battle. Oh hey... talking point for today guys, if they try and claim she didn't find Trump's comment inappropriate, hit them back with THIS!
Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate.
She also does not find posing naked for money degrading or inappropriate.

I don't know anything about that. I haven't been in on the closed group meetings where some pinhead obviously dug up this information to use in battle. Oh hey... talking point for today guys, if they try and claim she didn't find Trump's comment inappropriate, hit them back with THIS!
Hey dumb ass, it is well known that she was a Playboy model, that was her "celebrity" in Celebrity Apprentice!

The typical Right-wing, "If I'm ignorant of something it never existed." :asshole:
Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate.
She also does not find posing naked for money degrading or inappropriate.

I don't know anything about that. I haven't been in on the closed group meetings where some pinhead obviously dug up this information to use in battle. Oh hey... talking point for today guys, if they try and claim she didn't find Trump's comment inappropriate, hit them back with THIS!
Hey dumb ass, it is well known that she was a Playboy model, that was her "celebrity" in Celebrity Apprentice!

The typical Right-wing, "If I'm ignorant of something it never existed." :asshole:

So why aren't you protesting Playboy be banned as sexually degrading and offensive to women?
Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate.
She also does not find posing naked for money degrading or inappropriate.

I don't know anything about that. I haven't been in on the closed group meetings where some pinhead obviously dug up this information to use in battle. Oh hey... talking point for today guys, if they try and claim she didn't find Trump's comment inappropriate, hit them back with THIS!
Hey dumb ass, it is well known that she was a Playboy model, that was her "celebrity" in Celebrity Apprentice!

The typical Right-wing, "If I'm ignorant of something it never existed." :asshole:

So why aren't you protesting Playboy be banned as sexually degrading and offensive to women?
People have been doing that for decades, where have you been?
Getting back to the topic at hand...I'd say for the first time, Trump has a chance of winning. Look at who we are always talking about...Trump (good to great) and Clinton (bad to worse). None of the other GOP candidates are getting press and Trump has come up with something every day to get the press's attention! And the FBI is coming up with things daily on Clinton, too.

He just might pull this off!
I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

But you think you do, right?

"I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant." - Boss

I'm tellin' ya, folks -- you can't make this shit up. Rightwingnuts really are as crazy as they seem. :thup:

You asked me what I thought.... I am responding directly to you asking me what I thought he meant. I never asked you for your opinion. All you've done this entire thread, just like every thread you or your Insane Clown Morons participate in, is lie your ass off, try to manipulate the words of others and act like a total dick.
WTF is wrong with you? In response to you telling another they're entitled to their opinion but can't decide for everyone what others mean, I posted an example of you doing just that. :cuckoo:

Now you whine at me for highlighting your hypocrisy. Sounds like you're on the rag.
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