Does Trump have any chance now?

First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

No, I was the one who pointed out what he said and how it was meant... YOUR crowd was trying to claim he meant something degrading or sexual. Except for Faun... he thinks he was saying something funny because women on their knees like they are about to give a blow job is funny and not derogatory toward women... at least that was how he seemed to explain it.

He was misquoted on the Mexico comment. Misconstrued on the McCain comment. BUT... all three comments have ultimately resulted in rising poll numbers for Mr. Trump and a lot of befuddled liberal and establishment goobs. ...Like YOU!
And what you actually said is highlighted in red above, so it appears You are misquoting YOURSELF!
But continue to lie in the face of the truth, it is what we have come to expect of you.
Thank you.

And you are milking that misquoting lie just a bit too much., Every time Drumpf is caught lying the Right whines he is being misquoted when he is being quoted exactly and in context.

Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees!

Dogs slobs and fat pigs A potted history of all the times Donald Trump offended women - Americas - World - The Independent

My internet's too slow so I can't embed the video. However second video down shows that he clearly did say "Must be a pretty picture you dropping to your knees" to some woman on the program.

The newspaper article reports many other things he said, if you want to take the time.....
But if Drumpf meant it in that context he would not have chuckled.

Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers? Do you not realize how far out in left field you've gotten with this? The man did not fucking say what you want to keep claiming he said. He just flat did not say it. Didn't imply it or infer it... other than, in your sick little head. The person he said it to, didn't take it offensively, said it wasn't meant rudely or offensively and that Trump had always respected her.
Misquoted on the Mexico comment? Er... no he wasn't. Also he wasn't misconstrued on the McCain comment, he made the comment and he has to stand by it. The worrying thing is that he can't seem to say what he wants to sau.

Well, YES, asshole... HE WAS! That's why it all blew up in your stupid little face.
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

No, I was the one who pointed out what he said and how it was meant... YOUR crowd was trying to claim he meant something degrading or sexual. Except for Faun... he thinks he was saying something funny because women on their knees like they are about to give a blow job is funny and not derogatory toward women... at least that was how he seemed to explain it.

He was misquoted on the Mexico comment. Misconstrued on the McCain comment. BUT... all three comments have ultimately resulted in rising poll numbers for Mr. Trump and a lot of befuddled liberal and establishment goobs. ...Like YOU!
And what you actually said is highlighted in red above, so it appears You are misquoting YOURSELF!
But continue to lie in the face of the truth, it is what we have come to expect of you.
Thank you.

And you are milking that misquoting lie just a bit too much., Every time Drumpf is caught lying the Right whines he is being misquoted when he is being quoted exactly and in context.

Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees!

Dogs slobs and fat pigs A potted history of all the times Donald Trump offended women - Americas - World - The Independent

My internet's too slow so I can't embed the video. However second video down shows that he clearly did say "Must be a pretty picture you dropping to your knees" to some woman on the program.

The newspaper article reports many other things he said, if you want to take the time.....

Did Trump say, "it looks good to see a woman on her knees?"
Because that is what I am responding to, which Eddy claims he said. Of course, now we discover that he "said" this by virtue of a chuckle.... according to Eddy.

I am well aware of his actual quote. "Must've been a pretty picture" is being taken wildly out of context. He was being sarcastic. His intent was to make a point to her about how weak and pathetic she looked. I guess he could have said: "Dropping to your knees is weak and pathetic and you look like a total loser when you do that!" But to me, that sounds a bit more harsh.
Did Trump say, "it looks good to see a woman on her knees?"
Because that is what I am responding to, which Eddy claims he said. Of course, now we discover that he "said" this by virtue of a chuckle.... according to Eddy.

I am well aware of his actual quote. "Must've been a pretty picture" is being taken wildly out of context. He was being sarcastic. His intent was to make a point to her about how weak and pathetic she looked. I guess he could have said: "Dropping to your knees is weak and pathetic and you look like a total loser when you do that!" But to me, that sounds a bit more harsh.
And there you are making an inference that you condemn in everyone else!! You are taking Drumpf wildly out of context!!!
Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers?
And I never said anything that used the words "it looks good" Those are YOUR words that you INFER are what I mean, you pompous HYPOCRITE!!!
Did Trump say, "it looks good to see a woman on her knees?"
Because that is what I am responding to, which Eddy claims he said. Of course, now we discover that he "said" this by virtue of a chuckle.... according to Eddy.

I am well aware of his actual quote. "Must've been a pretty picture" is being taken wildly out of context. He was being sarcastic. His intent was to make a point to her about how weak and pathetic she looked. I guess he could have said: "Dropping to your knees is weak and pathetic and you look like a total loser when you do that!" But to me, that sounds a bit more harsh.
And there you are making an inference that you condemn in everyone else!! You are taking Drumpf wildly out of context!!!
Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers?

No, I am not misquoting the man, trying to claim he said something he didn't say-- I am explaining to your stupid ass what he meant. It's how he meant it, how she took it, how the audience took it... only YOU have drawn some perverted inference, and it's apparently based on a chuckle... which apparently alters the actual words of a quotation now.
Did Trump say, "it looks good to see a woman on her knees?"
Because that is what I am responding to, which Eddy claims he said. Of course, now we discover that he "said" this by virtue of a chuckle.... according to Eddy.

I am well aware of his actual quote. "Must've been a pretty picture" is being taken wildly out of context. He was being sarcastic. His intent was to make a point to her about how weak and pathetic she looked. I guess he could have said: "Dropping to your knees is weak and pathetic and you look like a total loser when you do that!" But to me, that sounds a bit more harsh.
And there you are making an inference that you condemn in everyone else!! You are taking Drumpf wildly out of context!!!
Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers?

No, I am not misquoting the man, trying to claim he said something he didn't say-- I am explaining to your stupid ass what he meant. It's how he meant it, how she took it, how the audience took it... only YOU have drawn some perverted inference, and it's apparently based on a chuckle... which apparently alters the actual words of a quotation now.
Yes you are, it is YOU changing his words to give them the meaning you wanted him to say. And only you are pompous enough to speak for the whole audience as well as Drumpf.
Did Trump say, "it looks good to see a woman on her knees?"
Because that is what I am responding to, which Eddy claims he said. Of course, now we discover that he "said" this by virtue of a chuckle.... according to Eddy.

I am well aware of his actual quote. "Must've been a pretty picture" is being taken wildly out of context. He was being sarcastic. His intent was to make a point to her about how weak and pathetic she looked. I guess he could have said: "Dropping to your knees is weak and pathetic and you look like a total loser when you do that!" But to me, that sounds a bit more harsh.
And there you are making an inference that you condemn in everyone else!! You are taking Drumpf wildly out of context!!!
Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers?

No, I am not misquoting the man, trying to claim he said something he didn't say-- I am explaining to your stupid ass what he meant. It's how he meant it, how she took it, how the audience took it... only YOU have drawn some perverted inference, and it's apparently based on a chuckle... which apparently alters the actual words of a quotation now.
Yes you are, it is YOU changing his words to give them the meaning you wanted him to say. And only you are pompous enough to speak for the whole audience as well as Drumpf.

No, that's what YOU'RE doing. I've consistently quoted the man correctly and in context. YOU have misquoted him and taken him out of context. You've tried to maintain that he chuckled, therefore, implied something he did not say. But chuckles don't change words or their intent.

No one died and made you the king of context. You don't get to decide what someone meant for the rest of the world. You can decide he meant that to YOU.. that's your business. Again--- This whole episode demonstrates why it's insane to give you people ANY authority or power. Just the least little bit, and suddenly you are telling us what we think and how we must interpret things... and there can be no disagreement with you. You are INSANE!
But if Drumpf meant it in that context he would not have chuckled.

Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers? Do you not realize how far out in left field you've gotten with this? The man did not fucking say what you want to keep claiming he said. He just flat did not say it. Didn't imply it or infer it... other than, in your sick little head. The person he said it to, didn't take it offensively, said it wasn't meant rudely or offensively and that Trump had always respected her.
Look everyone, now boss is relying on the defense of Brande Roderick, the person to whom Trump made his remark, [/b] even though boss earlier disagreed with her defense. [/b]

Cute how boss talks out of both sides of his mouth. :thup:
Trump made some of us realize just how blah those other candidates are. Maybe every campaign needs a court jester.
But if Drumpf meant it in that context he would not have chuckled.

Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers? Do you not realize how far out in left field you've gotten with this? The man did not fucking say what you want to keep claiming he said. He just flat did not say it. Didn't imply it or infer it... other than, in your sick little head. The person he said it to, didn't take it offensively, said it wasn't meant rudely or offensively and that Trump had always respected her.
Look everyone, now boss is relying on the defense of Brande Roderick, the person to whom Trump made his remark, [/b] even though boss earlier disagreed with her defense. [/b]

Cute how boss talks out of both sides of his mouth. :thup:

I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said. You're the one who tried to claim he meant something sexual in context and you thought that was meant to be humorous. I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Did Trump say, "it looks good to see a woman on her knees?"
Because that is what I am responding to, which Eddy claims he said. Of course, now we discover that he "said" this by virtue of a chuckle.... according to Eddy.

I am well aware of his actual quote. "Must've been a pretty picture" is being taken wildly out of context. He was being sarcastic. His intent was to make a point to her about how weak and pathetic she looked. I guess he could have said: "Dropping to your knees is weak and pathetic and you look like a total loser when you do that!" But to me, that sounds a bit more harsh.
And there you are making an inference that you condemn in everyone else!! You are taking Drumpf wildly out of context!!!
Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers?

No, I am not misquoting the man, trying to claim he said something he didn't say-- I am explaining to your stupid ass what he meant. It's how he meant it, how she took it, how the audience took it... only YOU have drawn some perverted inference, and it's apparently based on a chuckle... which apparently alters the actual words of a quotation now.
Yes you are, it is YOU changing his words to give them the meaning you wanted him to say. And only you are pompous enough to speak for the whole audience as well as Drumpf.

No, that's what YOU'RE doing. I've consistently quoted the man correctly and in context. YOU have misquoted him and taken him out of context. You've tried to maintain that he chuckled, therefore, implied something he did not say. But chuckles don't change words or their intent.

No one died and made you the king of context. You don't get to decide what someone meant for the rest of the world. You can decide he meant that to YOU.. that's your business. Again--- This whole episode demonstrates why it's insane to give you people ANY authority or power. Just the least little bit, and suddenly you are telling us what we think and how we must interpret things... and there can be no disagreement with you. You are INSANE!
That's right, only you can change words and intent, just as you have anointed yourself and yourself only to speak for the whole audience as well as Drumpf!
I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said.
Except you habitually changed the words I quoted claiming I used YOUR words when I quoted Drumpf exactly.
But keep proving what a lying POS you are.
Thank you.
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.

Why do you support a man for president that needs to learn how to shut his mouth? Can you imagine how many leaders of other countries he will piss off shooting from the hip like he does? We will most certainly get nuked before a single year passes in a Trump administration.
But if Drumpf meant it in that context he would not have chuckled.

Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers? Do you not realize how far out in left field you've gotten with this? The man did not fucking say what you want to keep claiming he said. He just flat did not say it. Didn't imply it or infer it... other than, in your sick little head. The person he said it to, didn't take it offensively, said it wasn't meant rudely or offensively and that Trump had always respected her.
Look everyone, now boss is relying on the defense of Brande Roderick, the person to whom Trump made his remark, [/b] even though boss earlier disagreed with her defense. [/b]

Cute how boss talks out of both sides of his mouth. :thup:

I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said. You're the one who tried to claim he meant something sexual in context and you thought that was meant to be humorous. I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Great, here we go again. Either quote me saying it was a sexual reference or once again expose yourself as the liar you have proven yourself to be.......

Oh, and yes you are now relying on Brande ' defense which you earlier denied. Her defense was that Trump meant it to be funny. You said Trump did not say that to be funny.

From how many more sides of your mouth can you speak?
Except you habitually changed the words I quoted claiming I used YOUR words when I quoted Drumpf exactly.

No you did not... go back and read the posts. You tried to claim he "meant" something when he SAID something else. Then you tried to make an argument for why he "meant" something and that failed as well.
But if Drumpf meant it in that context he would not have chuckled.

Huh? So now... Direct quotes include your opinion of what a chuckle infers? Do you not realize how far out in left field you've gotten with this? The man did not fucking say what you want to keep claiming he said. He just flat did not say it. Didn't imply it or infer it... other than, in your sick little head. The person he said it to, didn't take it offensively, said it wasn't meant rudely or offensively and that Trump had always respected her.
Look everyone, now boss is relying on the defense of Brande Roderick, the person to whom Trump made his remark, [/b] even though boss earlier disagreed with her defense. [/b]

Cute how boss talks out of both sides of his mouth. :thup:

I've not relied on anything other than the fact that he didn't say what Eddy claimed he said. You're the one who tried to claim he meant something sexual in context and you thought that was meant to be humorous. I'll tell you like I told Tweedle-dumb... YOU don't get to decide for everyone, what people mean. You can have YOUR opinion... doesn't mean anyone else has to agree.
Great, here we go again. Either quote me saying it was a sexual reference or once again expose yourself as the liar you have proven yourself to be.......

Oh, and yes you are now relying on Brande ' defense which you earlier denied. Her defense was that Trump meant it to be funny. You said Trump did not say that to be funny.

From how many more sides of your mouth can you speak?

I said I didn't know if he said it to be funny or not... he said it to point out how pathetic she looked as a leader to be grovelling. Of course, you LIKE leaders who grovel and beg... so you don't get that. I understand.... You prefer a grovelling beggar as your leader... No problem!

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