Does Trump have any chance now?

"Does Trump have any chance now?"

He never had a 'chance' before.

Donald Trump is all about entertainment.

If you watched the earlier debate you would have heard Carly Fiorina call Trump out for getting phone calls from Bill Clinton, when he entered this race. So just what is Trump really doing? Is he working for Bill Clinton to get Hillary elected? That's something you supporters should consider.

He was accused many times of manipulating the stock market with big buys and sells back in the 90's. He plays on both sides of the isle, (when it's convenient for him)--he admitted to buying off politicians on both sides of the isle for favors--and some of you still support him. He's a loser--and he cannot win. He won't come within 200 miles of the White House.

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Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

Eddy Boy, I am going to always argue with someone being grossly misquoted. Stuff that up your ass if you don't like it... I don't really give a shit.

Trump said "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." It was not a sexual reference or in a sexual context of any kind. You are INFERRING that again, like you have become accustomed of doing with Trump's comments. And every single time I catch you doing this, I am going to point it out.... Understand?
Oh? And what do you think Trump meant by that comment?

I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant.

That it was pathetic and weak of her to beg for something instead of earning it. His show is about leadership, problem solving, working with others as a team. His focus throughout the show is to emphasis failures and point out mistakes the contestants are making along the way. And, to do so in an entertaining manner which the audience will appreciate. He's been extremely successful at that.

The entire comment was taken completely out of context and literally perverted to mean something else. It FAILED... it will continue to FAIL!
Nah, you just prove again how quickly you're willing to drop to your knees for Trump. And I mean that in the sense that your claim is pathetic.

Trump said, "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees." There is absolutely zero connection between "pretty" and "pathetic." Nor is there anything funny about his comment had he meant "pathetic."

There is absolutely zero connection between "pretty" and "pathetic."

Yes there is, in CONTEXT, it is called sarcasm.

He didn't mean it to be funny... he meant to make her question her judgment and character. You asked me what he meant and I told you what he meant, now you want to shrug that off and insist you know better... but the polls don't support you. He continues to maintain a comfortable lead for the GOP nomination in spite of ALL his comments. You smearing and jeering only makes his numbers go higher and it's puzzling the hell out of you idiots... you can't understand why the magic isn't working on Trump.

I can't decide which I love the most.... watching liberal pinheads explode or the GOP establishment implode!
You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

Did you not see Piers Morgan laugh in response?

Did you not see Trump smirk at Piers in response?

Did you not hear Brande say she believes Trump was just trying to be funny?

Of course he was trying to be funny. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you? You're reading this one completely wrong. Get up off your knees. Trump doesn't appreciate it and he's questioning your character.
You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

I disagree; and in America, people are entitled to have different opinions. Your opinion of what he meant is not engraved in stone as fact immortal. You don't get to decide for all of America what he meant. I know that winning a couple of elections for Obama has you giddy with power but get off your trip... you don't control any damn thing anymore.

For the record, you can't even get straight what I am saying about what Trump meant! This makes the second time I've had to correct your errors... I didn't say he was questioning her judgement or character... where did you get that from? Oh yeah... because you're a fucking drooling moron who can't read coherently. So what do you think gives you the unmitigated nerve to tell me what someone else meant?
You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

I disagree; and in America, people are entitled to have different opinions. Your opinion of what he meant is not engraved in stone as fact immortal. You don't get to decide for all of America what he meant. I know that winning a couple of elections for Obama has you giddy with power but get off your trip... you don't control any damn thing anymore.

For the record, you can't even get straight what I am saying about what Trump meant! This makes the second time I've had to correct your errors... I didn't say he was questioning her judgement or character... where did you get that from? Oh yeah... because you're a fucking drooling moron who can't read coherently. So what do you think gives you the unmitigated nerve to tell me what someone else meant?
You're a fucking idiot.

Piers Morgan laughing at his comment is not my opinion.

Donald Trump smirking over his own comment is not my opinion.

The target of his comment saying his comment was meant to be funny is not my opinion.
"Does Trump have any chance now?"

He never had a 'chance' before.

Donald Trump is all about entertainment.

If you watched the earlier debate you would have heard Carly Fiorina call Trump out for getting phone calls from Bill Clinton, when he entered this race. So just what is Trump really doing? Is he working for Bill Clinton to get Hillary elected? That's something you supporters should consider.

He was accused many times of manipulating the stock market with big buys and sells back in the 90's. He plays on both sides of the isle, (when it's convenient for him)--he admitted to buying off politicians on both sides of the isle for favors--and some of you still support him. He's a loser--and he cannot win. He won't come within 200 miles of the White House.

Let me repeat what others are saying.
He doesn't have a chance before. And he doesn't have a chance now.
BUT you are right... it's entertaining. What is shocking is people believed in him without any substance of what he is saying.
Now, I think Trump is a very smart man. He isn't going to waste his money running a 3rd party campaign if he can't win.

Trump is also a very vindictive person. I think if he doesn't win the nomination (because he thinks that he's the absolute bestest) he most certainly will run as 3rd Party just to teach the GOP a lesson.
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.

...and yet remarkably he still leads all GOP candidates by a good margin. The Washington Establishment GOP keep ringing that bell and proclaiming him 'deceased' as a candidate... but the fact that the majority of Americans / Conservatives STILL prefer him to their sorry arses whould be telling them something...and worrying them. :)
I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant. you claim to know exactly what Trump's comments mean? Not even Trump knows what his comments mean most of the time.

The only thing I see here is another GOP extreme Teabag being dazzled by bling and glittery.
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You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

I disagree; and in America, people are entitled to have different opinions. Your opinion of what he meant is not engraved in stone as fact immortal. You don't get to decide for all of America what he meant. I know that winning a couple of elections for Obama has you giddy with power but get off your trip... you don't control any damn thing anymore.

For the record, you can't even get straight what I am saying about what Trump meant! This makes the second time I've had to correct your errors... I didn't say he was questioning her judgement or character... where did you get that from? Oh yeah... because you're a fucking drooling moron who can't read coherently. So what do you think gives you the unmitigated nerve to tell me what someone else meant?
You're a fucking idiot.

Piers Morgan laughing at his comment is not my opinion.

Donald Trump smirking over his own comment is not my opinion.

The target of his comment saying his comment was meant to be funny is not my opinion.

Oh, so when Piers Morgan laughs it means something was meant to be funny and everyone must universally agree with that opinion because Piers laughed? Maybe Trump smirked at Piers because Piers didn't get that he wasn't making a crude nasty joke, like it's obvious most pinheads think he was? And the girl who "dropped to her knees" telling you that "he is trying to be funny" and that she never took offense or thought he meant anything inappropriate by it... THAT's who you're offering up as evidence? Furthermore, the fact that something may or may not be humorous has not a damn thing in the world to do with making a point. Humans have been making very serious and profound statements with humor forever.

So it IS your opinion... which you are fully entitled to... but the fucking entire world doesn't have to agree with your interpretation or your opinion.... and guess what? Most of the time, they don't... because you and Piers are idiots. Maybe Trump smirked because he thought... "What a moron?" Kinda why I am smirking at YOU right now... MORON!
Let me repeat what others are saying.
He doesn't have a chance before. And he doesn't have a chance now.
BUT you are right... it's entertaining. What is shocking is people believed in him without any substance of what he is saying.

And just like I told the other MORON... YOU don't get to decide for the rest of us! Those who support Trump aren't going to stop supporting him because your stupid little ass is screaming "he has no chance! he has no chance!"

I understand he terrifies the hell out of you... he should-- He's Hillary's worst nightmare! But you need to know this.... As long as Trump leads the rest of the GOP field, comments like "he doesn't have a chance" make you sound vulnerable and afraid. You're not changing anyone's opinion, you're simply confirming to everyone that you fear Donald Trump winning. I get that... definitely worth fearing!
You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

I disagree; and in America, people are entitled to have different opinions. Your opinion of what he meant is not engraved in stone as fact immortal. You don't get to decide for all of America what he meant. I know that winning a couple of elections for Obama has you giddy with power but get off your trip... you don't control any damn thing anymore.

For the record, you can't even get straight what I am saying about what Trump meant! This makes the second time I've had to correct your errors... I didn't say he was questioning her judgement or character... where did you get that from? Oh yeah... because you're a fucking drooling moron who can't read coherently. So what do you think gives you the unmitigated nerve to tell me what someone else meant?
You're a fucking idiot.

Piers Morgan laughing at his comment is not my opinion.

Donald Trump smirking over his own comment is not my opinion.

The target of his comment saying his comment was meant to be funny is not my opinion.

Oh, so when Piers Morgan laughs it means something was meant to be funny and everyone must universally agree with that opinion because Piers laughed? Maybe Trump smirked at Piers because Piers didn't get that he wasn't making a crude nasty joke, like it's obvious most pinheads think he was? And the girl who "dropped to her knees" telling you that "he is trying to be funny" and that she never took offense or thought he meant anything inappropriate by it... THAT's who you're offering up as evidence? Furthermore, the fact that something may or may not be humorous has not a damn thing in the world to do with making a point. Humans have been making very serious and profound statements with humor forever.

So it IS your opinion... which you are fully entitled to... but the fucking entire world doesn't have to agree with your interpretation or your opinion.... and guess what? Most of the time, they don't... because you and Piers are idiots. Maybe Trump smirked because he thought... "What a moron?" Kinda why I am smirking at YOU right now... MORON!
Yes, people typically laugh when they find something funny. Clearly, Piers found his comment funny. Clearly, Trump found his own comment funny. And Brande outright said his comment was meant to be funny.

His remark was no doubt meant to be funny, even if forum imbeciles like you can't let go of your delusions.
I think that Trump went way too far with his sexist comments. Really, what is he thinking about? I support Donald Trump wholeheartedly but he needs to shut his mouth for a while. Everyone is against him now: democrats, GOP, minorities, women. He won't get enough votes to become the president. Though it seems like he doesn't even want to win. Maybe he thinks that his campaign is just another TV show.

...and yet remarkably he still leads all GOP candidates by a good margin. The Washington Establishment GOP keep ringing that bell and proclaiming him 'deceased' as a candidate... but the fact that the majority of Americans / Conservatives STILL prefer him to their sorry arses whould be telling them something...and worrying them. :)

I think it is worrying them....but not for the reasons you think. They're worried because if he doesn't win, he'll run 3rd Party.....and if Trump running as a Republican candidate doesn't lose them the election, Trump running 3rd party most certainly will.
You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

I disagree; and in America, people are entitled to have different opinions. Your opinion of what he meant is not engraved in stone as fact immortal. You don't get to decide for all of America what he meant. I know that winning a couple of elections for Obama has you giddy with power but get off your trip... you don't control any damn thing anymore.

For the record, you can't even get straight what I am saying about what Trump meant! This makes the second time I've had to correct your errors... I didn't say he was questioning her judgement or character... where did you get that from? Oh yeah... because you're a fucking drooling moron who can't read coherently. So what do you think gives you the unmitigated nerve to tell me what someone else meant?
You're a fucking idiot.

Piers Morgan laughing at his comment is not my opinion.

Donald Trump smirking over his own comment is not my opinion.

The target of his comment saying his comment was meant to be funny is not my opinion.

Oh, so when Piers Morgan laughs it means something was meant to be funny and everyone must universally agree with that opinion because Piers laughed? Maybe Trump smirked at Piers because Piers didn't get that he wasn't making a crude nasty joke, like it's obvious most pinheads think he was? And the girl who "dropped to her knees" telling you that "he is trying to be funny" and that she never took offense or thought he meant anything inappropriate by it... THAT's who you're offering up as evidence? Furthermore, the fact that something may or may not be humorous has not a damn thing in the world to do with making a point. Humans have been making very serious and profound statements with humor forever.

So it IS your opinion... which you are fully entitled to... but the fucking entire world doesn't have to agree with your interpretation or your opinion.... and guess what? Most of the time, they don't... because you and Piers are idiots. Maybe Trump smirked because he thought... "What a moron?" Kinda why I am smirking at YOU right now... MORON!
Yes, people typically laugh when they find something funny. Clearly, Piers found his comment funny. Clearly, Trump found his own comment funny. And Brande outright said his comment was meant to be funny.

His remark was no doubt meant to be funny, even if forum imbeciles like you can't let go of your delusions.

Well "funny" is a long way from "sexually offensive" or "degrading to women" unless you have a really sick and twisted sense of humor. Isn't it?
You're completely demented. Of course he meant it to be funny and not to question her judgment or character.

I disagree; and in America, people are entitled to have different opinions. Your opinion of what he meant is not engraved in stone as fact immortal. You don't get to decide for all of America what he meant. I know that winning a couple of elections for Obama has you giddy with power but get off your trip... you don't control any damn thing anymore.

For the record, you can't even get straight what I am saying about what Trump meant! This makes the second time I've had to correct your errors... I didn't say he was questioning her judgement or character... where did you get that from? Oh yeah... because you're a fucking drooling moron who can't read coherently. So what do you think gives you the unmitigated nerve to tell me what someone else meant?
You're a fucking idiot.

Piers Morgan laughing at his comment is not my opinion.

Donald Trump smirking over his own comment is not my opinion.

The target of his comment saying his comment was meant to be funny is not my opinion.

Oh, so when Piers Morgan laughs it means something was meant to be funny and everyone must universally agree with that opinion because Piers laughed? Maybe Trump smirked at Piers because Piers didn't get that he wasn't making a crude nasty joke, like it's obvious most pinheads think he was? And the girl who "dropped to her knees" telling you that "he is trying to be funny" and that she never took offense or thought he meant anything inappropriate by it... THAT's who you're offering up as evidence? Furthermore, the fact that something may or may not be humorous has not a damn thing in the world to do with making a point. Humans have been making very serious and profound statements with humor forever.

So it IS your opinion... which you are fully entitled to... but the fucking entire world doesn't have to agree with your interpretation or your opinion.... and guess what? Most of the time, they don't... because you and Piers are idiots. Maybe Trump smirked because he thought... "What a moron?" Kinda why I am smirking at YOU right now... MORON!
Yes, people typically laugh when they find something funny. Clearly, Piers found his comment funny. Clearly, Trump found his own comment funny. And Brande outright said his comment was meant to be funny.

His remark was no doubt meant to be funny, even if forum imbeciles like you can't let go of your delusions.

Well "funny" is a long way from "sexually offensive" or "degrading to women" unless you have a really sick and twisted sense of humor. Isn't it?
Of course it is.
Of course it is.

Thanks for confirming you have a sick and twisted sense of humor.
No, thank you for being completely brain-dead.

My brain is fine... it is capable of understanding that people can be "funny" but also make a serious point at the same time. It's also capable of understanding what constitutes "sexually offensive" and "degrading to women" is not something most would consider 'funny' in the least... unless they were sick and depraved individuals.

So... Trump was being "funny" or Trump was "teaching a lesson" ...but he wasn't being sexually offensive or degrading to women. THAT has been established.
Of course it is.

Thanks for confirming you have a sick and twisted sense of humor.
No, thank you for being completely brain-dead.

My brain is fine... it is capable of understanding that people can be "funny" but also make a serious point at the same time. It's also capable of understanding what constitutes "sexually offensive" and "degrading to women" is not something most would consider 'funny' in the least... unless they were sick and depraved individuals.

So... Trump was being "funny" or Trump was "teaching a lesson" ...but he wasn't being sexually offensive or degrading to women. THAT has been established.
No, your brain is clearly not fine. Your brain is a conservative brain. A normal brain would know I never accused Trump of making a degrading remark. Your brain is too damaged to comprehend that.

Brande Roderick, the target of Trump's remark, thought it was meant to be funny, not derogatory. And who would know better than her?
No, your brain is clearly not fine. Your brain is a conservative brain. A normal brain would know I never accused Trump of making a degrading remark. Your brain is too damaged to comprehend that.

Brande Roderick, the target of Trump's remark, thought it was meant to be funny, not derogatory. And who would know better than her?

So if you don't think his comment was inappropriate or degrading to women, why is this whole conversation happening? Why are we talking about this? Why did Megyn Kelly use it as an 'example' of his temperament and attitude toward women?

All due respect to you and Brande... and Peirs ...and even Trump... I didn't think the line was all that "funny" ...whether intended or not. That's just me. I did, however, think it was a comment intended to make her question her integrity a little bit and think about how it looked on her as a leader and professional. Leaders don't drop to their knees and beg... they take initiative and lead. So you didn't get that... it flew right over your empty little fruit-loop head... I'm not surprised.

And so NOW you're explaining that it WAS funny... NOT derogatory... but just a few posts back, you couldn't conceive of how it could have been interpreted any other way than her on her knees to give him a blow job or be submissive. That was what you said you believed he meant... it's obviously what Megyn Kelly thought as well... but you now claim it was funny and not derogatory.... have I got this right?

So to you... it's funny and not derogatory for a man to suggest it's a pretty picture for her to get on her knees like she is going to perform oral sex on him or to submit to him.... that's funny to you?

Thanks for playing... you're done now.
No, your brain is clearly not fine. Your brain is a conservative brain. A normal brain would know I never accused Trump of making a degrading remark. Your brain is too damaged to comprehend that.

Brande Roderick, the target of Trump's remark, thought it was meant to be funny, not derogatory. And who would know better than her?

So if you don't think his comment was inappropriate or degrading to women, why is this whole conversation happening? Why are we talking about this? Why did Megyn Kelly use it as an 'example' of his temperament and attitude toward women?

All due respect to you and Brande... and Peirs ...and even Trump... I didn't think the line was all that "funny" ...whether intended or not. That's just me. I did, however, think it was a comment intended to make her question her integrity a little bit and think about how it looked on her as a leader and professional. Leaders don't drop to their knees and beg... they take initiative and lead. So you didn't get that... it flew right over your empty little fruit-loop head... I'm not surprised.

And so NOW you're explaining that it WAS funny... NOT derogatory... but just a few posts back, you couldn't conceive of how it could have been interpreted any other way than her on her knees to give him a blow job or be submissive. That was what you said you believed he meant... it's obviously what Megyn Kelly thought as well... but you now claim it was funny and not derogatory.... have I got this right?

So to you... it's funny and not derogatory for a man to suggest it's a pretty picture for her to get on her knees like she is going to perform oral sex on him or to submit to him.... that's funny to you?

Thanks for playing... you're done now.
No, you flaming moron -- not just "NOW" ... always. I never said anything other than it was meant to be funny. And why are we having this conversation? Because I asked you what you thought he meant by it and you're too stupid to figure it out; even with help.

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