Does Trump have any chance now?

I don't have a problem with the "knees" comment as shown in this Video. In order to be offended, the person offended has to have his/her own mind in the gutter given the situation.
Let me get this right, Trump is not presidential because of an innuendo about a woman on her knees (which she brought up in the context of begging), but Bill Clinton actually had a woman on her knees in the Oval Office.
But Drumpf Truck did not make his knees comment in the context of begging!!!
You may be right, but it puts your mind just as much in the gutter as his if you are. What his said on this occasion is tame compared to what has become acceptable during the 8 PM hour of prime time television.

So you have no problem with the fact that trump has women on their knees begging him for a job?

You don't see what's wrong with that picture?

No one should have to be on their knees begging some spoiled brat rich person for a job.

Just because someone needs a job doesn't mean that a spoiled brat rich person can have the right to get their sick jollies by watching a woman get on her knees and beg him for a job.

To me it just shows how little self respect, respect for human beings and respect he has for women. In fact it shows zero respect. It shows contempt and trump's sick need to have power over people and abuse that power for his sick entertainment and ego boost.

Anyone who approves of such behavior from trump is no better than trump.

A woman getting on her knees for a job is sad. Let me see that video where A WOMAN IS ON HER KNEES BEGGING TRUMP FOR A JOB. hInt: There isn't one.

I guess you didn't watch the video posted in this thread that has the contestants and trump talking about it. That's where he made his snide remark about how good it looked to see a woman on her knees.

The person who actually did get on her knees and beg trump for the job was the blonde on the far right. She said she did it and I have no reason to not believe her. The other two contestants said she did it and trump said she did it.

If you have a problem with the truth you need to look at yourself. It's never wise to close your eyes just because you don't like what you see.
I guess you didn't watch the video posted in this thread that has the contestants and trump talking about it. That's where he made his snide remark about how good it looked to see a woman on her knees.

The person who actually did get on her knees and beg trump for the job was the blonde on the far right. She said she did it and I have no reason to not believe her. The other two contestants said she did it and trump said she did it.

If you have a problem with the truth you need to look at yourself. It's never wise to close your eyes just because you don't like what you see.

First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees. He was shaming her for appearing weak to her team captain. He told Trump "she dropped to her knees begging for the task" and Trump made his off-cuff comment. The woman in question has been asked about this incident and didn't take it offensively, didn't recall the actual comment until she watched the clip, and said Trump has always treated her respectfully.

Second of all... if someone posted a clip from Celebrity Apprentice without express written permission from Donald Trump, you've violated US copyright laws and Trump can sue you. Guess it's good sometimes to be a welfare-mooching loser, eh?
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

Eddy Boy, I am going to always argue with someone being grossly misquoted. Stuff that up your ass if you don't like it... I don't really give a shit.

Trump said "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." It was not a sexual reference or in a sexual context of any kind. You are INFERRING that again, like you have become accustomed of doing with Trump's comments. And every single time I catch you doing this, I am going to point it out.... Understand?

I don't have a problem with the "knees" comment as shown in this Video. In order to be offended, the person offended has to have his/her own mind in the gutter given the situation.

Let me get this right, Trump is not presidential because of an innuendo about a woman on her knees (which she brought up in the context of begging), but Bill Clinton actually had a woman on her knees in the Oval Office.

But Drumpf Truck did not make his knees comment in the context of begging!!!

You may be right, but it puts your mind just as much in the gutter as his if you are. What his said on this occasion is tame compared to what has become acceptable during the 8 PM hour of prime time television.

So you have no problem with the fact that trump has women on their knees begging him for a job?

You don't see what's wrong with that picture?

No one should have to be on their knees begging some spoiled brat rich person for a job.

Just because someone needs a job doesn't mean that a spoiled brat rich person can have the right to get their sick jollies by watching a woman get on her knees and beg him for a job.

To me it just shows how little self respect, respect for human beings and respect he has for women. In fact it shows zero respect. It shows contempt and trump's sick need to have power over people and abuse that power for his sick entertainment and ego boost.

Anyone who approves of such behavior from trump is no better than trump.

Taking things kind of literal aren't you?
Drumpf Truck...

Is there anyone else besides you who thinks this is clever?

Is a "dump truck" some kind of new derogatory term? :dunno:

In any event... you are using twice as many keystrokes to type "Trump." So you obviously think such an investment is worth the payoff... but really, it just makes you look kind of simple and not creative. Not to mention how it denotes right off the bat that you're a partisan political hack... so we can pretty much dismiss anything you have to say from there.

Keep it up!
"Does Trump have any chance now?"

Yep, if this poll is accurate:

New Poll Shakes Up GOP Race Below Trump Chris Weigant

"But I saved the scariest part (for the Republican Party) for last. Due to Trump's refusal to commit to not running as a third-party candidate, the NBC poll asked a very direct question. This question was only asked to people who said they were going to vote for Trump, to try and gauge what his own supporters thought of an independent Trump run. The exact wording of the question:

"If Donald Trump does not win the Republican nomination for president and runs as an independent candidate, for whom would you vote?"

"Only 19 percent of Trump's supporters answered "the Republican candidate." Zero percent of Trump's supporters answered "the Democratic candidate" (no surprise there, really). A significant number of Trump supporters -- 21 percent -- answered with some flavor of "it would depend." But a whopping 54 percent of Trump voters would stick with him and vote for him as an independent candidate. This means that the Republican Party would win back one-fifth of Trump's voters if he went independent, and perhaps convince another one-fifth to come back to the party for the general election. But over half of those who now support Trump would stick with him and leave the Republican nominee in the lurch."

New Poll Shakes Up GOP Race Below Trump Chris Weigant

According to the polls, he is still out in front comfortably. Yes he does have a chance. SO does Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Buh bye walker. Fiorina did a nice job as well.

So you think that people that are polling for Perry, Fiorina, Santorum, Jindal, Graham, Gilmore and Pataki are all going to go on Trump's side when they give up? You are delusional.
this does not make sense. Did you mean to say "polling?"

People that are being polled and are choosing Perry (and the others).....when they are gone, they won't be able to choose them, do you think they will then choose Trump?
According to the polls, he is still out in front comfortably. Yes he does have a chance. SO does Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Buh bye walker. Fiorina did a nice job as well.

So you think that people that are polling for Perry, Fiorina, Santorum, Jindal, Graham, Gilmore and Pataki are all going to go on Trump's side when they give up? You are delusional.
this does not make sense. Did you mean to say "polling?"

People that are being polled and are choosing Perry (and the others).....when they are gone, they won't be able to choose them, do you think they will then choose Trump?

I haven't a clue.
According to the polls, he is still out in front comfortably. Yes he does have a chance. SO does Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Buh bye walker. Fiorina did a nice job as well.

So you think that people that are polling for Perry, Fiorina, Santorum, Jindal, Graham, Gilmore and Pataki are all going to go on Trump's side when they give up? You are delusional.
this does not make sense. Did you mean to say "polling?"

People that are being polled and are choosing Perry (and the others).....when they are gone, they won't be able to choose them, do you think they will then choose Trump?

I haven't a clue.

Well, I was asking Initforme.....who is relying on Trump's current polling numbers, I think they will change with time.
No . Next question

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"Does Trump have any chance now?"

Yep, if this poll is accurate:

New Poll Shakes Up GOP Race Below Trump Chris Weigant

"But I saved the scariest part (for the Republican Party) for last. Due to Trump's refusal to commit to not running as a third-party candidate, the NBC poll asked a very direct question. This question was only asked to people who said they were going to vote for Trump, to try and gauge what his own supporters thought of an independent Trump run. The exact wording of the question:

"If Donald Trump does not win the Republican nomination for president and runs as an independent candidate, for whom would you vote?"

"Only 19 percent of Trump's supporters answered "the Republican candidate." Zero percent of Trump's supporters answered "the Democratic candidate" (no surprise there, really). A significant number of Trump supporters -- 21 percent -- answered with some flavor of "it would depend." But a whopping 54 percent of Trump voters would stick with him and vote for him as an independent candidate. This means that the Republican Party would win back one-fifth of Trump's voters if he went independent, and perhaps convince another one-fifth to come back to the party for the general election. But over half of those who now support Trump would stick with him and leave the Republican nominee in the lurch."

New Poll Shakes Up GOP Race Below Trump Chris Weigant

This is a very dangerous position of the RNC. They have an outlier who is popular with the people and could split the party or without their control, win the nomination. A broken convention could also result. What to do?

I actually think the RNC is powerless but the candidates are not. Whichever candidate is closest to Trump on the issues had better let it be known. Vocalize any negotiating skills that they may have because that is one of Trump's strengths.

The winner of the Republican Debate is going to be one that is ANTI PC, is against blanket amnesty, will promise to build that wall on the southern border and make Mexico pay for all or part of it by using their aid money. Go after Obama for strengthening ISIS, a poorly written treaty with Iran and to heal the division positive moves to curb on it in the country. If anyone is going to loot,destroy or shoot innocents, they will prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That's part of what needs to be done.
According to the polls, he is still out in front comfortably. Yes he does have a chance. SO does Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Buh bye walker. Fiorina did a nice job as well.

So you think that people that are polling for Perry, Fiorina, Santorum, Jindal, Graham, Gilmore and Pataki are all going to go on Trump's side when they give up? You are delusional.
this does not make sense. Did you mean to say "polling?"

People that are being polled and are choosing Perry (and the others).....when they are gone, they won't be able to choose them, do you think they will then choose Trump?

I haven't a clue.

Well, I was asking Initforme.....who is relying on Trump's current polling numbers, I think they will change with time.
Trumps numbers will decline if he keeps up with these unpresidential remarks.
According to the polls, he is still out in front comfortably. Yes he does have a chance. SO does Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Buh bye walker. Fiorina did a nice job as well.

So you think that people that are polling for Perry, Fiorina, Santorum, Jindal, Graham, Gilmore and Pataki are all going to go on Trump's side when they give up? You are delusional.
this does not make sense. Did you mean to say "polling?"

People that are being polled and are choosing Perry (and the others).....when they are gone, they won't be able to choose them, do you think they will then choose Trump?

I haven't a clue.

Well, I was asking Initforme.....who is relying on Trump's current polling numbers, I think they will change with time.
A broken convention could also result. What to do?

I think you mean a "brokered" convention. This is where it is unclear as to which candidate has the most delegates and no one can win the nomination outright on the first ballot. In these cases, the 'movers and shakers' get together and work their deals and the party settles on one candidate... in that scenario, if Trump is edged out (likely) he may run as 3rd party just to prove a point.

Now, I think Trump is a very smart man. He isn't going to waste his money running a 3rd party campaign if he can't win. But I think he would have a better than average shot at winning as a 3rd party candidate. He wouldn't need a majority of the vote and there is no runoff. So it could come down to Trump 36% Hillary 35% GOP 28%... Trump wins the popular vote. The Electoral College is where things would get tricky for Trump. You need 270 votes, a majority, to win the presidency. Obviously, the above scenario wouldn't get him there and the 'contingency method' would come into play... hasn't been used in over a century... The House selects one of the three in electoral votes and that is the president, while the Senate selects one of the top two VP candidates.

Now, the mostly Republican house isn't going to select Hillary as president. And with the wide difference in the popular vote of the scenario presented, they would have a hard time selecting the GOP candidate... they COULD... but how would that look? Would they do that? We don't know... no one does.
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

Eddy Boy, I am going to always argue with someone being grossly misquoted. Stuff that up your ass if you don't like it... I don't really give a shit.

Trump said "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." It was not a sexual reference or in a sexual context of any kind. You are INFERRING that again, like you have become accustomed of doing with Trump's comments. And every single time I catch you doing this, I am going to point it out.... Understand?
Oh? And what do you think Trump meant by that comment?
"Does Trump have any chance now?"

Yep, if this poll is accurate:

New Poll Shakes Up GOP Race Below Trump Chris Weigant

"But I saved the scariest part (for the Republican Party) for last. Due to Trump's refusal to commit to not running as a third-party candidate, the NBC poll asked a very direct question. This question was only asked to people who said they were going to vote for Trump, to try and gauge what his own supporters thought of an independent Trump run. The exact wording of the question:

"If Donald Trump does not win the Republican nomination for president and runs as an independent candidate, for whom would you vote?"

"Only 19 percent of Trump's supporters answered "the Republican candidate." Zero percent of Trump's supporters answered "the Democratic candidate" (no surprise there, really). A significant number of Trump supporters -- 21 percent -- answered with some flavor of "it would depend." But a whopping 54 percent of Trump voters would stick with him and vote for him as an independent candidate. This means that the Republican Party would win back one-fifth of Trump's voters if he went independent, and perhaps convince another one-fifth to come back to the party for the general election. But over half of those who now support Trump would stick with him and leave the Republican nominee in the lurch."

New Poll Shakes Up GOP Race Below Trump Chris Weigant
Which pretty much guarantees a Hillary presidency.
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

Eddy Boy, I am going to always argue with someone being grossly misquoted. Stuff that up your ass if you don't like it... I don't really give a shit.

Trump said "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." It was not a sexual reference or in a sexual context of any kind. You are INFERRING that again, like you have become accustomed of doing with Trump's comments. And every single time I catch you doing this, I am going to point it out.... Understand?
Oh? And what do you think Trump meant by that comment?

I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant.

That it was pathetic and weak of her to beg for something instead of earning it. His show is about leadership, problem solving, working with others as a team. His focus throughout the show is to emphasis failures and point out mistakes the contestants are making along the way. And, to do so in an entertaining manner which the audience will appreciate. He's been extremely successful at that.

The entire comment was taken completely out of context and literally perverted to mean something else. It FAILED... it will continue to FAIL!
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

Eddy Boy, I am going to always argue with someone being grossly misquoted. Stuff that up your ass if you don't like it... I don't really give a shit.

Trump said "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." It was not a sexual reference or in a sexual context of any kind. You are INFERRING that again, like you have become accustomed of doing with Trump's comments. And every single time I catch you doing this, I am going to point it out.... Understand?
Oh? And what do you think Trump meant by that comment?

I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant.

That it was pathetic and weak of her to beg for something instead of earning it. His show is about leadership, problem solving, working with others as a team. His focus throughout the show is to emphasis failures and point out mistakes the contestants are making along the way. And, to do so in an entertaining manner which the audience will appreciate. He's been extremely successful at that.

The entire comment was taken completely out of context and literally perverted to mean something else. It FAILED... it will continue to FAIL!
Nah, you just prove again how quickly you're willing to drop to your knees for Trump. And I mean that in the sense that your claim is pathetic.

Trump said, "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees." There is absolutely zero connection between "pretty" and "pathetic." Nor is there anything funny about his comment had he meant "pathetic."
First of all, Trump didn't say it looked good to see a woman on her knees.
Drumpf Truck said "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees."
Only you would argue that a pretty picture doesn't look good! :cuckoo:

Eddy Boy, I am going to always argue with someone being grossly misquoted. Stuff that up your ass if you don't like it... I don't really give a shit.

Trump said "that must've been a pretty picture, you on your knees." It was not a sexual reference or in a sexual context of any kind. You are INFERRING that again, like you have become accustomed of doing with Trump's comments. And every single time I catch you doing this, I am going to point it out.... Understand?
Oh? And what do you think Trump meant by that comment?

I am going to tell you what he MEANT by the comment, not what I think he meant.

That it was pathetic and weak of her to beg for something instead of earning it. His show is about leadership, problem solving, working with others as a team. His focus throughout the show is to emphasis failures and point out mistakes the contestants are making along the way. And, to do so in an entertaining manner which the audience will appreciate. He's been extremely successful at that.

The entire comment was taken completely out of context and literally perverted to mean something else. It FAILED... it will continue to FAIL!
Nah, you just prove again how quickly you're willing to drop to your knees for Trump. And I mean that in the sense that your claim is pathetic.

Trump said, "it must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees." There is absolutely zero connection between "pretty" and "pathetic." Nor is there anything funny about his comment had he meant "pathetic."

There is absolutely zero connection between "pretty" and "pathetic."

Yes there is, in CONTEXT, it is called sarcasm.

He didn't mean it to be funny... he meant to make her question her judgment and character. You asked me what he meant and I told you what he meant, now you want to shrug that off and insist you know better... but the polls don't support you. He continues to maintain a comfortable lead for the GOP nomination in spite of ALL his comments. You smearing and jeering only makes his numbers go higher and it's puzzling the hell out of you idiots... you can't understand why the magic isn't working on Trump.

I can't decide which I love the most.... watching liberal pinheads explode or the GOP establishment implode!

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