Does Trump have any chance now?

I've consistently said the meaning and intent of his comment was to get her to think about how what she did was not a leadership quality but the pathetic behavior of a loser. I think he did this tactfully and respectfully and there was never any "sexual" or "submissive" intent in the comment.
There it is again, you and only you can infer meaning and intent and your inference and your inference only is final.

Yep, you've got it Eddy! I am smarter (and better looking) than you. This gives me carte blanche to tell your mentally-handicapped ass what normal people mean when they say things. Obama winning the presidency doesn't give you the authority to go around deciding people mean what your retarded brain thinks they mean and proclaiming that as fact or construing and constructing quotes all on your own.

Now... go eat your jello cup and get ready for finger painting... try not to get the paint confused with your poo again please.
But Obama winning the presidency DOES give YOU the authority to go around deciding people mean what your retarded brain thinks they mean and proclaiming that as fact or construing and constructing quotes all on your own, HYPOCRITE! :asshole:
But Obama winning the presidency DOES give YOU the authority to go around deciding people mean what your retarded brain thinks they mean and proclaiming that as fact or construing and constructing quotes all on your own, HYPOCRITE!

No, I was telling mentally-challenged people what things meant long before Obama. My first "real" job was writing behavior modification programs for the severely and profoundly retarded. So I have a lot of experience dealing with people like you.

Mimicking is typical behavior for the mentally-challenged. When you've abandoned any point of an argument to begin mimicking and accusing me of what I accused you of verbatim, that's a sure sign of mental retardation. Have you been tested? Just curious.
The only shot I've taken at Trump was his insult at the service of an American war hero.

Oh yes... I know... Because you are SUCH a big fan of John McCain and American veterans.

Unfortunately, this story is now over a month old and out of the news cycle... results: didn't hurt Trump's numbers, he actually got a bump after the stink was raised. So why don't you write to Hilary and tell her that she needs to pound Trump on his abhorrent treatment of vets! I'm sure they will understand the petty indifference toward McCain's 'war hero' status is far more important than calling in support for Marines under attack in Benghazi and leaving them to die.
Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate. Neither did the audience or anyone who has watched the clip and understood the context as well as the concept of the show.

Just because one woman is so desperate for attention or completely devoid of moral principles that she doesn't find such a comment directed at her degrading or inappropriate doesn't mean that it isn't. And the audience are all the same lap dogs that are drooling at his every yes, I can understand why they might have thought it was okay, but it doesn't mean it is right or that the majority of people in the United States would want that type of person leading the country.
The only shot I've taken at Trump was his insult at the service of an American war hero.

Oh yes... I know... Because you are SUCH a big fan of John McCain and American veterans.

Unfortunately, this story is now over a month old and out of the news cycle... results: didn't hurt Trump's numbers, he actually got a bump after the stink was raised. So why don't you write to Hilary and tell her that she needs to pound Trump on his abhorrent treatment of vets! I'm sure they will understand the petty indifference toward McCain's 'war hero' status is far more important than calling in support for Marines under attack in Benghazi and leaving them to die.
I almost voted for McCain. I was leaning towards him until he picked his wackadoo running mate. And of course I have respect for veterans. I have even appreciated the service of rightwingers here who have served, despite our differences politically.

As usual, you post nonsense because, as states ... you are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
Sorry, but the woman he made the "on your knees" comment to didn't find it degrading or inappropriate. Neither did the audience or anyone who has watched the clip and understood the context as well as the concept of the show.

Just because one woman is so desperate for attention or completely devoid of moral principles that she doesn't find such a comment directed at her degrading or inappropriate doesn't mean that it isn't. And the audience are all the same lap dogs that are drooling at his every yes, I can understand why they might have thought it was okay, but it doesn't mean it is right or that the majority of people in the United States would want that type of person leading the country.

So you've actively spoken out against Playboy and other men's magazines who exploit and objectify women? That's a Big Issue for you, is it? When was the trial of this young woman where it was determined her moral principles were indecent and she should be forever punished and ostracized for her poor immoral choice to reveal her body? Were the ACLU asleep that day?

And what "type of person" do you mean here? The type of person who can find an off-the-cuff, tongue-in-cheek way to tell a playboy model why a particular act she did is not indicative of "leadership material" in the business world? Because, that's what happened in reality.
The only shot I've taken at Trump was his insult at the service of an American war hero.

Oh yes... I know... Because you are SUCH a big fan of John McCain and American veterans.

Unfortunately, this story is now over a month old and out of the news cycle... results: didn't hurt Trump's numbers, he actually got a bump after the stink was raised. So why don't you write to Hilary and tell her that she needs to pound Trump on his abhorrent treatment of vets! I'm sure they will understand the petty indifference toward McCain's 'war hero' status is far more important than calling in support for Marines under attack in Benghazi and leaving them to die.
I almost voted for McCain. I was leaning towards him until he picked his wackadoo running mate. And of course I have respect for veterans. I have even appreciated the service of rightwingers here who have served, despite our differences politically.

As usual, you post nonsense because, as states ... you are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Yes, I know you love the vets and John McCain. And you'll vote for Hillary who left Marines to die in Benghazi while she blamed it on a video. THEN... destroyed her emails to cover up the paper trail which exposed the conspiracy to blame it on a video instead of taking responsibility. THAT is the bitch you want to elect as president.
But Obama winning the presidency DOES give YOU the authority to go around deciding people mean what your retarded brain thinks they mean and proclaiming that as fact or construing and constructing quotes all on your own, HYPOCRITE!

No, I was telling mentally-challenged people what things meant long before Obama. My first "real" job was writing behavior modification programs for the severely and profoundly retarded. So I have a lot of experience dealing with people like you.

Mimicking is typical behavior for the mentally-challenged. When you've abandoned any point of an argument to begin mimicking and accusing me of what I accused you of verbatim, that's a sure sign of mental retardation. Have you been tested? Just curious.
That's pretty funny since you have been mimicking me in this thread and others in the past.

I'm not mimicking you, I'm making you eat your own words.

We're dealing here with the potential loss of meaning when others get to say what other people meant. This is a dangerous direction that we're headed in."
- Rush Limbaugh 10/4/2007
The only shot I've taken at Trump was his insult at the service of an American war hero.

Oh yes... I know... Because you are SUCH a big fan of John McCain and American veterans.

Unfortunately, this story is now over a month old and out of the news cycle... results: didn't hurt Trump's numbers, he actually got a bump after the stink was raised. So why don't you write to Hilary and tell her that she needs to pound Trump on his abhorrent treatment of vets! I'm sure they will understand the petty indifference toward McCain's 'war hero' status is far more important than calling in support for Marines under attack in Benghazi and leaving them to die.
I almost voted for McCain. I was leaning towards him until he picked his wackadoo running mate. And of course I have respect for veterans. I have even appreciated the service of rightwingers here who have served, despite our differences politically.

As usual, you post nonsense because, as states ... you are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Yes, I know you love the vets and John McCain. And you'll vote for Hillary who left Marines to die in Benghazi while she blamed it on a video. THEN... destroyed her emails to cover up the paper trail which exposed the conspiracy to blame it on a video instead of taking responsibility. THAT is the bitch you want to elect as president.

With no access to the emails you know what's on them. :cuckoo:
The only shot I've taken at Trump was his insult at the service of an American war hero.

Oh yes... I know... Because you are SUCH a big fan of John McCain and American veterans.

Unfortunately, this story is now over a month old and out of the news cycle... results: didn't hurt Trump's numbers, he actually got a bump after the stink was raised. So why don't you write to Hilary and tell her that she needs to pound Trump on his abhorrent treatment of vets! I'm sure they will understand the petty indifference toward McCain's 'war hero' status is far more important than calling in support for Marines under attack in Benghazi and leaving them to die.
I almost voted for McCain. I was leaning towards him until he picked his wackadoo running mate. And of course I have respect for veterans. I have even appreciated the service of rightwingers here who have served, despite our differences politically.

As usual, you post nonsense because, as states ... you are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Yes, I know you love the vets and John McCain. And you'll vote for Hillary who left Marines to die in Benghazi while she blamed it on a video. THEN... destroyed her emails to cover up the paper trail which exposed the conspiracy to blame it on a video instead of taking responsibility. THAT is the bitch you want to elect as president.
You're fucking deranged.

Hillary did not leave any Marines to die.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Hillary did not leave any Marines to die.

Well... YES, she did.

....Then she covered it up with a concocted story about a video. Then she destroyed emails linking her to the conspiracy to blame a video. Then she perjured herself before Congress and is now obstructing an investigation. This is why she is dropping in the polls. They are trying desperately to find someone to fall on the sword but everyone close to this is saying it's going to be hard for her to escape implication.

You'd think her husband would have advised her to not cover it up... but oh well.
Hillary did not leave any Marines to die.

Well... YES, she did.

....Then she covered it up with a concocted story about a video. Then she destroyed emails linking her to the conspiracy to blame a video. Then she perjured herself before Congress and is now obstructing an investigation. This is why she is dropping in the polls. They are trying desperately to find someone to fall on the sword but everyone close to this is saying it's going to be hard for her to escape implication.

You'd think her husband would have advised her to not cover it up... but oh well.
G'head, dumbfuck ... name the Marine(s) who died in the Benghazi attack.....
Hillary did not leave any Marines to die.

Well... YES, she did.

....Then she covered it up with a concocted story about a video. Then she destroyed emails linking her to the conspiracy to blame a video. Then she perjured herself before Congress and is now obstructing an investigation. This is why she is dropping in the polls. They are trying desperately to find someone to fall on the sword but everyone close to this is saying it's going to be hard for her to escape implication.

You'd think her husband would have advised her to not cover it up... but oh well.
G'head, dumbfuck ... name the Marine(s) who died in the Benghazi attack.....
Does Trump have a chance now? I think he has a BIG chance!
Nope... He did not have chance before sure doesn't have a chance now.
Especially after he announced his policy dealing with illegals. Only stupid ignorant idiot people believe that. Be realistic. Get real.
We are a country with LAWS. When border runners come over without papers. they have committed a crime. Then they stay and take jobs away from Americans and stifle the wages of lower paid workers. Many ( a large percentage) Americans are saying "Finally!! Someone is addressing our problems!" He bolted from the group right after his first announcement of his immigration policy. He's on top now and will likely stay there.

Should we have immigration? Sure..the legal way. Get rid of the criminals (anyone who ran over the border) and then we will receive the new immigrants with open arms.

Our new policy should mirror Mexico's. I'll post it in a minute.
At a time when the Supreme Court and many politicians seek to bring American law in line with foreign legal norms, it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the U.S. look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve
our illegal immigration problem. Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

  • in the country legally;
  • have the means to sustain themselves economically;
  • not destined to be burdens on society;
  • of economic and social benefit to society;
  • of good character and have no criminal records; and
  • contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
The law also ensures that:

  • immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
  • foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
  • foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
  • foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
  • foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
  • those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
Who could disagree with such a law? It makes perfect sense. The Mexican constitution strictly defines the rights of citizens — and the denial of many fundamental rights to non-citizens, illegal and illegal. Under the constitution, the Ley General de Población, or
General Law on Population, spells out specifically the country’s immigration policy.
Mexico s Immigration Law Let s Try It Here at Home Human Events

Now, doesn't that make sense? We need that policy here.
Does Trump have a chance now? I think he has a BIG chance!
Nope... He did not have chance before sure doesn't have a chance now.
Especially after he announced his policy dealing with illegals. Only stupid ignorant idiot people believe that. Be realistic. Get real.

Hmm... At least one pinhead is actually calling them "illegals" now... that's progress!

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