Does veterans support for the GOP prove how good the GOP is at lying and misleading?



Senate GOP blocks veterans jobs bill

GOP Cut Funds For Veterans And Mental Health And Now We Have A Veteran Suicide Epidemic | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Here's how Many Veterans Will be hurt by Republican Food Stamp Cuts

Veterans, lawmakers decry proposed cuts to GI Bill

Veterans support Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton by 19 points. Only one point less than their support for Romney over Obama.

Even with Trump's history:

Caught fibbing, Trump scrambles to address veterans controversy

Trump rails against scrutiny over delayed donations to veterans groups

We know if the press hadn't looked into it, Trump never would have given the money he promised. Why?

Trump's Wealth Built on Stiffing Scores of Contractors, Businesses and Employees for Years, Report Finds

Hundreds Claim Donald Trump Doesn't Pay His Bills in Full

Trump is actually keeping up the work of the GOP. Remember, the GOP controls both houses. Every bill in either house only comes to the floor by the will of the GOP.

So how does the GOP do it? A five minutes search on the Internet and you can see Republicans screwing over the veterans again and again. And who do Democrats fight when they try to get veterans a pay raise or a jobs bill passed? Republicans. Of course.

So how did they do it? How do they get away with hurting the veterans and still getting veteran support?
Many veterans have been conditioned to follow their leaders without question into the jaws of Hell, even when they're being led from behind.

Way behind.
Trump is proposing to borrow massive amounts of money for a massive increase in defense spending.
But not to help veterans.
Stranger still, without a draft, where would all these new Troops come from?
Trump is proposing to borrow massive amounts of money for a massive increase in defense spending.
But not to help veterans.
Stranger still, without a draft, where would all these new Troops come from?
Where they've always come from - the Deep South. One thing the military can't get enough of is ignorant young men who are inclined to follow anyone perceived to be an alpha male, particularly if it means they get to have guns.

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