Does your God have limitations?

anyhoo...omnipotence paradox is interesting if any honest folks care to research the topic

ding doesnt understand done w.him
"that isnt logically possible" = a limitation

No. It is a descriptor, one I made to distinguish between the two choices that are outcomes of your logical fallacy. Then I go on to explain that in your illogical universe that you live in he would still be able to do it because he has infinite power in lifting and creating rocks. So every possible outcome is covered in an infinite distribution.

You didn't even pick the right path to argue about.
anyhoo...omnipotence paradox is interesting if any honest folks care to research the topic

ding doesnt understand done w.him
There is no paradox. Only a logical fallacy.

An all powerful being would be all powerful in all things.
All powerful in creating rocks.
All powerful in lifting rocks.
He can create rocks of infinite mass.
He can lift rocks of infinite mass.

Is there any rock he can't create? No.

Is there any rock he can't lift? No.

Can he create a rock he can't lift? That isn't logically possible because he is unlimited in what he can lift and he is unlimited in what he can create. But since he can create a rock of infinite mass the illogical answer would be, yes. Infinity encompasses everything.

Does the logical answer of no he cannot create a rock he cannot lift, mean he isn't all powerful? No. His ability to do all things is unlimited. His ability to create is infinite and his ability to lift is infinite.
Drum roll......After 18 pages, does Ding win by getting the Last Word? He always tries.
Drum roll......After 18 pages, does Ding win by getting the Last Word? He always tries.

he doesnt think the omnipotence paradox is a thing despite hundreds of years of philosophy behind it.

its ego-maniac syndrome, he has

impervious to reasoning
Drum roll......After 18 pages, does Ding win by getting the Last Word? He always tries.
Apparently, he doesn't realize that getting the last word does not equate to victory. It most likely means that people are simply tired of replying to his BS.
Drum roll......After 18 pages, does Ding win by getting the Last Word? He always tries.

he doesnt think the omnipotence paradox is a thing despite hundreds of years of philosophy behind it.

its ego-maniac syndrome, he has

impervious to reasoning
No. I think it is illogical in and of itself because inherent in the question that since God can't oppose himself that must mean he is not all powerful.
I must be doing something right if I have united the fundamentalist, the humanist and the militant atheist.
The omnipotence paradox is a paradox because, by definition, it is unresolvable in logical terms.

The only way to get around its premises, is to either redefine omnipotence and place logical limits on it ~ or, to invoke the "humans cannot understand" explanation.

This paradox in and of itself isnt dismantled by an ego maniac on the internet ~ its the ego maniac's misapprehension of the terms and as a result, the boasting, rah rah I won something ego trip which follows.

I always regret bothering to engage the illogical troll, cuz hes just a prissy little troll...but its a flaw Im taking a look at.

Ignore feature is my best bet.
The omnipotence paradox is a paradox because, by definition, it is unresolvable in logical terms.

The only way to get around its premises, is to either redefine omnipotence and place logical limits on it ~ or, to invoke the "humans cannot understand" explanation.

This paradox in and of itself isnt dismantled by an ego maniac on the internet ~ its the ego maniac's misapprehension of the terms and as a result, the boasting, rah rah I won something ego trip which follows.

I always regret bothering to engage the illogical troll, cuz hes just a prissy little troll...but its a flaw Im taking a look at.

Ignore feature is my best bet.
Only because it creates a false choice as a means of determining omnipotence.
The omnipotence paradox is a paradox because, by definition, it is unresolvable in logical terms.

The only way to get around its premises, is to either redefine omnipotence and place logical limits on it ~ or, to invoke the "humans cannot understand" explanation.

This paradox in and of itself isnt dismantled by an ego maniac on the internet ~ its the ego maniac's misapprehension of the terms and as a result, the boasting, rah rah I won something ego trip which follows.

I always regret bothering to engage the illogical troll, cuz hes just a prissy little troll...but its a flaw Im taking a look at.

Ignore feature is my best bet.
I think maybe omnipotence is to logic as zero is to math. Infinity is a bitch.

omn. paradox.
Then it shouldn't be too hard to tell me what you disagree with here, right?

Or are you incapable of doing so?

An all powerful being would be all powerful in all things.
All powerful in creating rocks.
All powerful in lifting rocks.
He can create rocks of infinite mass.
He can lift rocks of infinite mass.

Is there any rock he can't create? No.

Is there any rock he can't lift? No.

Can he create a rock he can't lift? That isn't logically possible because he is unlimited in what he can lift and he is unlimited in what he can create. But since he can create a rock of infinite mass the illogical answer would be, yes. Infinity encompasses everything.

Does the logical answer of no he cannot create a rock he cannot lift, mean he isn't all powerful? No. His ability to do all things is unlimited. His ability to create is infinite and his ability to lift is infinite.
Ding, you can't argue with a textbook. Or a philosophy professor. Believe me, I've tried. They are always coming up with some tricky stumper so no matter what you say, you're wrong.
That's just how it is. G.T. has his clever little yuck yuck philosophy joke about the omnipotent paradox. Just laugh and enjoy it, cuz you will never win.
I already have won.
What makes you say that?

The omnipotence paradox is a paradox because, by definition, it is unresolvable in logical terms.

The only way to get around its premises, is to either redefine omnipotence and place logical limits on it ~ or, to invoke the "humans cannot understand" explanation.

This paradox in and of itself isnt dismantled by an ego maniac on the internet ~ its the ego maniac's misapprehension of the terms and as a result, the boasting, rah rah I won something ego trip which follows.

I always regret bothering to engage the illogical troll, cuz hes just a prissy little troll...but its a flaw Im taking a look at.

Ignore feature is my best bet.
I think maybe omnipotence is to logic as zero is to math. Infinity is a bitch.
Perhaps this will help.


[om-nip-uh-tuh nt]
See more synonyms on
almighty or infinite in power, as God.
having very great or unlimited authority or power.
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