Doesn't Nikki Haley see what the liberals are doing to de-rail Trump-Doesn't she CARE?

This video is probably mostly about undecided voters, but in the first part, it shows Haley going on and on about how Trump's campaign is interrupted by his court cases, so I guess he can't lead America because of that

So far, I don't see any accusations thrown on the real culprits here, the liberals trying to gain power in DC

but I will continue to watch :rolleyes:

I like the way that guy talks about accountability for $$ being sent to Ukraine, and how Ingraham makes the point that Trump asked for a (measly) 6 billion for the Wall, and was denied that amount, but we have given (if I recall this correctly) 160 billion to Ukraine for THEIR damn border
Why can't you (and others) understand? It is NOT the job of the U.S. military to guard American borders.
Read my 2nd paragraph. Actually address it. Then, we can talk. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, you don't have any pesky 'evidence' that Brandon did fuck all corruption-wise and pretty much :dunno: everybody else outside your CULT' knows it. You're stalling because you know your stupid conspiracy theory sucks out loud. :rolleyes:

Magaturds are doing their best to Make Trump Irrelevant Again (#MTIA). Sweet.
What ever you are smoking is hurting your brain.
There are close to 12 million more illegals here since Biden took over. That is not a talking point. It is a nation destroying fact.
That is bullshit.

There are only 12-13 million here total

But if that bothers you write your Congressman and get the Senate bill passed
That is bullshit.

There are only 12-13 million here total

But if that bothers you write your Congressman and get the Senate bill passed
You can come out of the house now. There is more than double that many here. Putz.

This video is probably mostly about undecided voters, but in the first part, it shows Haley going on and on about how Trump's campaign is interrupted by his court cases, so I guess he can't lead America because of that

So far, I don't see any accusations thrown on the real culprits here, the liberals trying to gain power in DC

but I will continue to watch :rolleyes:

I like the way that guy talks about accountability for $$ being sent to Ukraine, and how Ingraham makes the point that Trump asked for a (measly) 6 billion for the Wall, and was denied that amount, but we have given (if I recall this correctly) 160 billion to Ukraine for THEIR damn border

More than once I have described myself as a slightly right of center Moderate. I voted for Bush, twice. I voted for Obama, once. I voted for Trump in 2016, and sat out 2020 because I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way superior to the other.

I’ve voted for Democrats and Republicans in down ticket races as well. I voted in the last election. I voted for Kemp, the Republican for Governor, and Warnock, the Democrat, for Senator. Herschel Walker would not make a good Senator IMO.

There is literally no way I would ever vote for Trump again. It doesn’t matter who the Democrats put up, and doesn’t matter what claims are made.

I don’t like Biden. I think he and Trump are too old. But if you give me a choice between Awful Biden and much, much, worse Trump. I have to pull the lever for Biden.

Haley I could vote for. But you idiots from the extreme Right are fools. You idiots don’t understand compromise. If you get 80% of what you want you consider that a defeat.

In 2020 you saw what you got with your all or nothing nonsense.
Did you run to your Google machine & plunk down $399 to buy a pair of clown shoes from subhuman Trump, sucker?
Well dummy... I missed that tennis shoe buy... he sold out... but I will buy a pair when they go back on sale because they will be worth 10 times as much in ten years....
Apparently, not many on the Left show that kind of character by refusing to stand with the make-believe POTUS. Doesn't it bother you that Biden is being used as a rubber stamp by a shadowy group in DC? Or do you actually believe that Tater is calling the shots?

Sure thing, Q.
So the crime does not matter to you? Biden did his for not a year, but for many years.
Biden cooperated and returned them, while Trump did not return them when asked, did not return them when subpoenaed, and Trump all out, obstructed justice....

Why are you refusing to see the difference? why do you think these differences should not matter to law enforcement and prosecutors when they decide on whether to charge or not?

they always HAVE mattered.
Biden cooperated and returned them, while Trump did not return them when asked, did not return them when subpoenaed, and Trump all out, obstructed justice....

Why are you refusing to see the difference? why do you think these differences should not matter to law enforcement and prosecutors when they decide on whether to charge or not?

they always HAVE mattered.
This dialogue is spilled by the Democrats own MSM. They have managed since FDR to take control of the MSM, the Teachers, the Unions and the Schools for the most part. They own the megaphone. Biden did not do this until he got caught. Biden had classified documents far longer than did Trump. Both men understand classified. And in the Case of Biden, with his garage door open, it would take a fool not to understand the exposure an open door affords to those who want classifined documents. Biden had an open door policy. Trumps building is massive. And with his Secret Service detail, it is difficult to go to where Trump had his materials. If you blame Trump, you must blame Biden as well.
Biden cooperated and returned them, while Trump did not return them when asked, did not return them when subpoenaed, and Trump all out, obstructed justice....

Why are you refusing to see the difference? why do you think these differences should not matter to law enforcement and prosecutors when they decide on whether to charge or not?

they always HAVE mattered.
Biden had no choice. His storage places were hit by the Feds. Sure he did not stop them. But he had them in his possession for as long as when Obama was president. Did you see his Garage? Is that where VPS should store classified materials? Nuclear secrets? If you expect Trump to pay a price, surely the fair thing is for Biden to also pay a price.

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